Portrayed by: Kiyama Yukiaki and Inukai Atsuhiro .
Kamen Ri der Build
Stunt actor:
Uses the Build Driver with Full Bottles to transform.
Build's name is derived from the word build , meaning "to construct", "create", or "put together".
Best Match
When 2 Full Bottles (1 organic, 1 inanimate) compatible with each other are set into the Build Driver, they create a Best Match (ベストマッチ).
Rabbit Tank Form
Rabbit and Tank Bottles are set into the Build Driver to transform.
Build's default form. Best Match using Rabbit and Tank Bottles.
Jumps high and leaps fast with the Quick Lash Leg on his left ankle.
Tank Roller Shoes solidify and boost his running speed and kicking power.
Voltec Finish - Jumps high and slides downward, akin to a curve on a graph, before landing a Rider Kick on the enemy.
TV Asahi site Kamen Rider Official site
Gorilla Mond Form
Gorilla and Diamond Bottles are set into the Build Driver to transform.
Best Match using Gorilla and Diamond Bottles.
Punches with the BLD Muscle Glove on his right hand, exerting great force each time he throws a punch.
Materializes diamonds out of air, solids, or plasmas like fire.
Voltec Finish - Traps enemies with a storm of diamonds before striking them with a strong punch. Separates Smash from its host.
TV Asahi site Kamen Rider Official site
Finisher(s) via Build Driver:
Voltech Finish (ボルテックフィニッシュ) is the finisher for Best Matches.
Rabbit Rabbit Form
First appearance: Ep 37
Height 197.5cm
Weight 106.2kg
Punch power 39.9t
Kick power 47.8t
Jump power 88.0m
100m Dash 1.2s
TV Asahi site
Kamen Rider Official site
Rabbit Full Bottle (ラビットフルボトル)
Tank Full Bottle (タンクフルボトル)
Full Full Rabbit Tank Bottle (フルフルラビットタンクボトル)
Main Characters Kamen Riders Semi-regular Characters
Showa Riders Heisei One Offs Heisei Heisei (Post-Decade) Reiwa Net Series