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From TV-Nihon

Portrayed by: Sunagawa Syuya

Horobi is the leader of MetsubouJinrai.net and one of the main antagonists in Kamen Rider Zero-One.
He uses the MetsubouJinrai Forceriser to transform into Kamen Rider Horobi.

Kamen Rider Horobi


Suit actor: Takaiwa Seiji

Horobi uses the MetsubouJinrai Forceriser to transform into Kamen Rider Horobi.

Sting Scorpion


File:Key sting scorpion.png

Break down.
First appearance: Ep 8

Height 188.9cm Weight 98.8kg
Punch power 13.5t Kick power 32.7t
Jump power 15.5m 100m Dash 3.5s

Kamen Rider Ark Zero


File:Item ark driver-zero basic.png

All zero.
First appearance: Ep 36

Height 196.0cm Weight 122.4kg
Punch power 47.6t Kick power 96.3t
Jump power 73.1m 100m Dash 0.8s

Kamen Rider Horobi Ark Scorpion

仮面ライダー滅 アークスコーピオン

File:Key ark scorpion.png

The conclusion after evil climbs the top of the highest mountain of rock.
First appearance: Ep 44

Height 191.8cm Weight 105.8kg
Punch power 58.7t Kick power 109.7t
Jump power 101.3m 100m Dash 0.5s
