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Igarashi Daiji

From TV-Nihon


Portrayed by: Hyuga Wataru

Kamen Rider Evil


Suit actor: Nakata Yuji

Bat Genome


File:Bat Vistamp.png

First appearance: Ep 05

Height 207.0cm Weight 106.8kg
Punch power 15.8t Kick power 37.5t
Jump power 45.1m 100m Dash 3.1s

Based on a bat.
Bat Genome is accessed by inserting the Bat Vistamp into the Two Sidriver.
Evil is equipped with the Evilblade as his default weapon.
Has an untamed, violent, attack style.

TV Asahi site

Jackal Genome


File:Jackal Vistamp.png

First appearance: Ep 08

Height 197.6cm Weight 108.4kg
Punch power 18.2t Kick power 39.2t
Jump power 49.7m 100m Dash 2.7s

Based on a jackal and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid. Also resembles Kamen Rider Genm.
Jackal Genome is accessed by inserting the Jackal Vistamp into the Two Sidriver.
Performs attacks while maneuvering at high speeds.

TV Asahi site

Kamen Rider Live


Bat Genome


File:Bat Vistamp.png

First appearance: Ep 10

Height 195.7cm Weight 110.2kg
Punch power 20.5t Kick power 48.6t
Jump power 42.8m 100m Dash 3.3s

Based on a Honduran white bat.
Bat Genome is accessed by inserting the Bat Vistamp into the Two Sidriver with the driver's lever flipped upwards.
Live is equipped with the Livegun as his default weapon.

TV Asahi site

Jackal Genome


File:Jackal Vistamp.png

First appearance: Ep 16

Height 196.1cm Weight 110.9kg
Punch power 22.9t Kick power 50.3t
Jump power 47.4m 100m Dash 2.9s

Based on a jackal and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid.
Jackal Genome is accessed by inserting the Jackal Vistamp into the Two Sidriver with the driver's lever flipped upwards.
Performs attacks while maneuvering at high speeds.

TV Asahi site
