Air date: January 6, 2002 (2002-01-06)
Important things that happened
TV Asahi site
Toei site
- El of Wind (風のエル)
- Voiced by: Kujira (くじら)
- Element Lord of the Wind.
- Mizuhara Risa - Mizuki Mina → 水原リサ - 水稀未那
- Okamura Kana - Moriwaki Eriko → 岡村可奈 - 森脇英理子
- Kuramoto - Kamon Ryo → 倉 本 - 加門 良
- Woman who dies by going through the wall - 大沢 桂 → 壁に突進死した少女、またはその現し身 - 大沢 桂
- Man killed by the El of Wind - 大野勝人 → 風のエルに殺された男性(車タイヤのパンク)? - 大野勝人
Voice Actress
- El of Wind - Kujira → 風のエル - くじら
List of Guests in Agito
- We learn that Risa is also known as Scorpion from Omuro. Famous among the police as an out-of-control biker.
- Ryou calls Risa a kid, but in reality, Tomoi is a year younger than Risa's actress.
- We learn that Kana's father was also a chef and that he had passed. Speculation: It's possible that he was one of the Unknown's victims given what we find out about Kana later.
- The talk about dreams is similar to Takumi, Mari, and Keitarou's discussion of dreams in 555.
Kamen Rider Agito 48 Transcript
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