Important things that happened
TV Asahi site
Toei site
- Flame Style
- Water Style
- Beast
Phantom Weretiger
Fantomu Wataiga ファントムワータイガー
- Human form: Igawa (井川)
- Played by: Koto Kingorou
- Height: 241cm
- Weight: 170kg
- Characteristics/Powers: 優れた身体能力
- When he transforms into Weretiger from human form, he thrusts forward and opens his mouth.
- In the credits Igawa is just credited as "The muscular man".
TV Asahi site
Nitou Toshie (仁藤敏江)
- Played by: Yamaguchi Karin
- Underworld: N/A
Phantom Gremlin
Fantomu Guremurin ファントムグレムリン
- Human form: Sora (ソラ)
- Played by: Maeyama Takahisa
- Height: 232cm
- Weight: 160kg
- Characteristics/Powers: 「ラプチャー」と呼ばれる刀を操る、俊敏な身のこなし
- Another commander Phantom like Phoenix and Medusa.
- Over the past episodes, his human form was credited as young man.
TV Asahi site
- Doughnut Shop Owner - KABA.chan → 「はんぐり~」店長 - KABA.ちゃん
- Doughnut Shop Employee - Tayano Ryo → ドーナツ屋店員 - 田谷野亮
- Opening now has the All Dragon form.
- Haruto says "maji" a lot in this episode. Yeah, yeah, we get it sounds like "magic".
- The actor who plays Weretiger has tiger as the first kanji of his family name. Plus his nickname is Torakin, tora being tiger, of course.
- When Gremlin meets Weretiger, he suggests that they might have met before but under a different form.
Kamen Rider Wizard 24 Transcript
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