After successfully defeating GouJyu Gokai-Ou, an excited Waruzu Giru triumphantly returns to the Gigant Horse while leaving Barizorg and the Goumins to hunt down the remaining Gokaigers.
On Earth, after finding Doc, Luka, and Ahim, Gai admits that he feels Captain Marvelous's sacrifice to save them is not right. The three admit they too feel betrayed by their captain's action and intend to give him a piece of their minds.
As the rest of the Gokaigers evade the Goumin while making their way to the GokaiGalleon, Joe's own dash to the ship is halted by Barizorg who more engages him in a duel. Though outmatched, Joe manages to effectively kill the cyborg. Soon after, Sid Bamick's spirit appears before Joe and tells him to rejoin his shipmates to continue reaching for their dreams together.
After news of Barizorg's death reaches him, a furious Waruzu Giru sorties out in the Great Waruzu to vengefully obliterate the Gokaigers who survived, despite Damarasu's pleas. As this all occurs, after having a dream of AkaRed reminding him what it means to be a pirate, Captain Marvelous wakes up and finds Navi at his side. After taking Navi's advice to fight the Zangyack to consideration, Captain Marvelous uses the GokaiGalleon to blast his reunited crew's pursuers.
When they reunite, he apologizes for his earlier action before they all transform into the Gokaigers to take on the Zangyack forces. After defeating the Dogoumin, the Gokaigers form Gokai-Ou and GouJyuJin when the Great Waruzu returns to Earth. Though they overpowered in every way, with Machalcon being their last Grand Power left to fight with, the Gokaigers' intent to see their dream through causes the Gokaiger Ranger Keys to glow.
Realizing that they have found their own Grand Power, the Gokaigers have Gokai-Ou and GouJyuJin create the Kanzen Soul and combine with Machalcon to form Kanzen Gokai-Ou. With their new power, the Gokaigers have Kanzen Gokai-Ou destroy the Great Waruzu, with Waruzu Giru caught in the resulting explosion.
Later, as the Gokaigers accept their official declaration as the thirty-fifth Super Sentai, a mournful Damarasu recovers Waruzu Giru's body from the Great Waruzu wreckage as he watches the GokaiGalleon sail off into the night with utter hatred towards it and its crew, vowing revenge.
After the defeat of Waruzu Giru and its war machine, Great Waruzu, the Gokaigers are reading the Super Sentai Big Encyclopedia as Gai mentioned in Gokaiger Episode 22. This means the Gokaigers were declared as the 35th Super Sentai.