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Net Movie Kamen Rider W FOREVER: 26 Explosive Laughs from A to Z

From TV-Nihon
Net Movie: Kamen Rider W Forever: 26 Explosive Laughs from A to Z
ネット版 仮面ライダーW FOREVER AtoZで爆笑26連発

Director Yamaguchi Kyohei
Writer Sanjou Riku
Banba Yoko
Kihara Daisuke
Yamabe Koichi
Studio Toei
Distributor Toei Tokusatsu BB
TV Asahi
Toei Video (Retail)
Release date(s) July 16, 2010 (2010-07-16) - August 20, 2010 (2010-08-20)
December 3, 2010 (2010-12-03) (Retail)
Running time 71 minutes
Net Movie
< Decade Movie 26 Explosive Laughs from A to Z
Let's Go Kamen Rider >
Kamen Rider W FOREVER: A to Z / The GaiaMemories of Fate >>

The Net Movies that were streamed in preparation for the summer film, Kamen Rider W FOREVER: A to Z / The GaiaMemories of Fate.


  • Shroud's "If I Opened a Kamen Rider Academy" ...with student, Akiko
Shroud and Akiko examine where Kamen Rider designs. Plus, a surprise quiz was given.
  • Professor Jinno and Assistant Makura's GaiaMemory Research Lab
Jinno and Makura examine and test different Gaia Memories, including ones that were never fully shown in the TV series.
  • Kirihiko's Room: The Talk Revenge
    霧彦の部屋 THE トークリベンジ
Sudou Kirihiko talks to the guests (other antagonists of the series) in spite of his demise.
  • Artistic Battle in the Narumi Detective Agency
    絵心バトル IN 鳴海探偵事務所
Featuring Shoutarou, Phillip, Akiko, and Terui in drawing-based trivia contests. Hosted by Watcherman.
The all winners will be given a prize except for the 4th place.
  • Dopant Doctor: Isaka Shinkurou
Isaka Shinkurou examines Dopant designs.


Letter / Word Subtitle Corner Memory Date of Delievery
A / Accel Chief A / The Suddenly Stopped Timer
所長A / パパッと止めるタイマー
Kamen Rider Academy Accel July 16, 2010 (2010-07-16)
B / Bean The B that Pleases the Professor / Currently, Chewing
博士がよろこぶB / 今、モグモグの中で
GaiaMemory Research Lab Bird
C / Clay Doll The Little Sister is C / Mystery Clay Doll
Cな妹 / ミステリー・クレイドール
Kirihiko's Room Cyclone
D / Dummy D is Here / Transforming Magical Body
Dが来ていた / 変幻マジカルボディ
Dopant Doctor Dummy August 13, 2010 (2010-08-13)
E / Eternal The Danger of E / The Man Who Stole Eternity
Eが呼ぶ危機 / 永遠を盗んだ男
Kamen Rider Academy Eternal July 30, 2010 (2010-07-30)
F / Fuuto The Barbarity of F / What a Strong Wind!
Fの蛮行 / 強風なんだ!
Kirihiko's Room Fang August 20, 2010 (2010-08-20)
G / Gene G is Impossible / Bad Picture Paradise
Gは不可能 / バッドピクチャーパラダイス
Artistic Battle Gene July 23, 2010 (2010-07-23)
H / Hopper The Nightmare of H / Who is the Prince of Paintings?
悪夢なのH / 絵心王子は誰だ?
Artistic Battle Heat August 13, 2010 (2010-08-13)
I / Ice Age Can't Get Enough of I / The Eccentric Doctor's Style
Iがたまらない / 奇人ドクターの流儀
Dopant Doctor Ice Age July 23, 2010 (2010-07-23)
J / Joker Investigation into J / The Other Trump Card
Jの追求 / もう1つの切り札
Kamen Rider Academy Joker
K / Kabuki K is Half-Asleep / It's Just an Experiment
Kが寝ぼけたもの / あくまでも実験
GaiaMemory Research Lab Key
L / Liar Removing the Bad Taste of L / You are the Freak
口直しにLを / 変わり種はおまえだ
Dopant Doctor Luna August 13, 2010 (2010-08-13)
M / Money Takes a hand at M / A Drawing Match
Mに手を出すわ / お絵描きで勝負
Artistic Battle Metal
N / Number Cry Out N! / The Misfortunes with Kazu
さけべNよ! / 災難は加頭と共に
Kirihiko's Room Nazca August 13, 2010 (2010-08-13)
O / OOO O Appears / That Guy's Name is OOO
現われたO / ヤツの名はオーズ
Kamen Rider Academy Ocean
P / Pet P's Prank / Mikku is Caught Red Handed
Pの悪戯 / ミックは手くせが悪い
Kirihiko's Room Puppeteer August 6, 2010 (2010-08-06)
Q / Queen Lovestruck of Q / Queen is the Target
デレデレでQ / 狙われたクイーン
GaiaMemory Research Lab Queen July 30, 2010 (2010-07-30)
R / Revolgarry To the End of R / Draw Up Everything
Rの方へ / 全てを描き切れ
Artistic Battle Rocket
S / Skull S's Choice / What the Famous Detective Recommends
Sの選択 / 名探偵のオススメ
Kamen Rider Academy Skull August 6, 2010 (2010-08-06)
T / Tuba The T Won't Come Back / The Man Who Can't Die Enough
帰ってこないT / 死に切れない男
Kirihiko's Room Trigger July 23, 2010 (2010-07-23)
U / UFO Mystery of U! / Circle Dance
Uのは謎! / 輪舞
GaiaMemory Research Lab Unicorn August 13, 2010 (2010-08-13)
V / Violence Ball of Muscle V / Muscular Beast
肉球のV / 筋肉獣
Dopant Doctor Violence July 30, 2010 (2010-07-30)
W / Weather W's Diversion / There's Only Room For One Son-In-Law
Wの牽制 / 婿の座はひとつ
Kirihiko's Room Weather
X / Xtreme Master Painter X / Under Museum's Painting
画伯X / ミュージアムの絵の下に
Artistic Battle Xtreme August 6, 2010 (2010-08-06)
Y / Yoga The Comedy of Y / The Man Searching For Curry
Yの喜劇 / カレーを探す男
GaiaMemory Research Lab Yesterday
Z / Zone Z is heeereee! / Isaka's Big Laugh
Zがきたゼーーッ! / 井坂、大いに笑う
Dopant Doctor Zone


Original Creator: Ishinomori Shoutarou (石ノ森章太郎)
Setting: Motoi Kengo (本井健吾) (Artistic Battle)
Director: Yamaguchi Kyohei (山口恭平)


Net Movie Kamen Rider W FOREVER: 26 Explosive Laughs from A to Z Transcript

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