Yui is haunted by the forewarning of her disappearance on her upcoming birthday.
Toujou incinerates all of Kagawa's research notes on Mirror World, saying he lost his way to become a hero.
Kanzaki Shirou confirms to Shinji that the Mirror Monsters and the Rider Battle are connected to Yui.
Toujou pours gasoline all over his car with the intention of killing the other Riders from outside the Mirror World.
After sustaining a severe injury to his right eye from Venosnaker's acid, Asakura is caught in an explosion upon starting the car.
Despite rotting in flames, Asakura tries to grab Gorou, but Kitaoka manages to pull Gorou away from him.
Shinji is forced to make a decision of whether he wants to stop the Rider Battle or save Yui from disappearing. He eventually decides he will fight in the Rider Battle for Yui's sake.
Toujou sees a father and son as they cross the street, reminding him of Kagawa and his son. He saves them from getting hit by a truck, but Toujou dies later and he is labeled as a hero.