Category:Kamen Rider Geats Riders
Kamen Riders
Desire Driver Users
Listed below are Kamen Riders who are (or were) entrants in the Desire Grand Prix or any other DesiGra tournaments. They transform using the Desire Driver.
Setting Raise Buckles into the Desire Driver allows Riders in this category to change forms and access a variety of weapons.
Kamen Rider Geats
(仮面ライダーギーツ) -
Kamen Rider Tycoon
(仮面ライダータイクーン) -
Kamen Rider Nago
(仮面ライダーナーゴ) -
Kamen Rider Buffa
(仮面ライダーバッファ) -
Kamen Rider Shirowe
(仮面ライダーシロー) -
Kamen Rider Ginpen
(仮面ライダーギンペン) -
Kamen Rider Mary
(仮面ライダーメリー) -
Kamen Rider DaPaan
(仮面ライダーダパーン) -
Kamen Rider Punk Jack
(仮面ライダーパンクジャッ) -
Kamen Rider Keiro
(仮面ライダーケイロウ) -
Kamen Rider Letter
(仮面ライダーレター) -
Kamen Rider Nadge-Sparrow
(仮面ライダーナッジスパロウ) -
Kamen Rider Lopo
(仮面ライダーロポ) -
Kamen Rider Hakubi
(仮面ライダーハクビ) -
Kamen Rider Turbon
(仮面ライダーターボン) -
Kamen Rider Brali
(仮面ライダーブラーリ) -
Kamen Rider Gyago
DGP Management
Listed below are Kamen Riders who supervise the Desire Grand Prix. They transform using the Vision Driver.
As authorities of the DGP, these Riders are formidable in combat.
Kamen Rider Glare
(仮面ライダーグレア) -
Kamen Rider Gazer
(仮面ライダーゲイザー) -
Kamen Rider Glare2
(仮面ライダーグレア2) -
Kamen Rider Gazer (Sueru)
(仮面ライダーゲイザー (スエル)) -
Kamen Rider Regard
(仮面ライダーリガド) -
Kamen Rider Regard Omega
Supporting Riders
Listed below are Kamen Riders who are mysterious audience members that watch the Desire Grand Prix. They transform using the Laser Rise Riser.
Although these Riders are neither participants nor admins of the DGP, they assist Riders in battle whom they are personal fans of, but only for a limited time.
Jamato Rider
As the Desire Grand Prix progresses, a Pawn Jamato can acquire a Desire Driver with a Jamato Buckle to transform into a Jamato Rider.
Jamato Riders are far tougher to deal with, compared to Pawn Jamato. They can appear in any number and autonomously use Raise Buckles to change forms.
Jamato Rider
Rider Belt
Magnum Shooter 40X
- Tactical Blast (タクティカルブラスト) - Fires a blast that destroys multiple targets.
Zombie Breaker
- Tactical Break (タクティカルブレイク) - Rider Slash.
Ninja Dueler
- Tactical Finish - Shoots projections of the Ninja Dueler at the target.
- Tactical Slash - Deals immense damage to giant-sized Jamato.
Beat Axe
Special attacks:
- Tactical Blizzard - Freezes targets in solid ice after slashing them.
- Tactical Fire - Slashes targets with a hot, fiery slash.
- Tactical Thunder - Strikes lightning at multiple targets.
Raising Sword
- Tactical Raising - Charges at the target with incredible speed.
External Links
Pages in category "Kamen Rider Geats Riders"
The following 20 pages are in this category, out of 20 total.
Media in category "Kamen Rider Geats Riders"
The following 148 files are in this category, out of 148 total.
Berobastand.png 220 × 248; 65 KB
Boostjyamato formstand.png 220 × 400; 73 KB
Boostriker Geats Mode.png 400 × 392; 100 KB
Boostriker.png 400 × 392; 99 KB
Braliarmed hammerstand.png 220 × 400; 78 KB
Bralientry formstand.png 220 × 400; 63 KB
Buffaarmed drill zombiestand.png 220 × 400; 101 KB
Buffaarmed propeller zombiestand.png 220 × 400; 101 KB
Buffaarmed waterstand.png 220 × 400; 81 KB
Buffabeatzombie formstand.png 220 × 400; 95 KB
Buffaboostzombie formstand.png 220 × 400; 90 KB
Buffacommand form jetmodestand.png 220 × 400; 100 KB
Buffafever zombie form jyamashinstand.png 220 × 400; 135 KB
Buffafever zombie formstand.png 220 × 400; 118 KB
Buffajyamato formstand.png 220 × 400; 90 KB
Buffajyamatozombie formstand.png 220 × 400; 96 KB
Buffamagnum formstand.png 220 × 400; 103 KB
Buffamonsterzombie form jyamashinstand.png 220 × 400; 115 KB
Buffaninja formstand.png 220 × 400; 93 KB
Buffaraising formstand.png 220 × 400; 71 KB
Buffazombie armed drillstand.png 220 × 400; 96 KB
Buffazombieboost formstand.png 220 × 400; 108 KB
Buffazombiejyamato formstand.png 220 × 400; 101 KB
Bujin swordstand.png 220 × 400; 97 KB
Da-paanbeatmagnum formstand.png 220 × 400; 92 KB
Da-paanmagnumbeat formstand.png 220 × 400; 97 KB
Dapaanentry formstand.png 220 × 400; 65 KB
Dapaanmagnum formstand.png 220 × 400; 83 KB
Desire Driver.png 400 × 392; 79 KB
Gazer suelstand.png 220 × 400; 96 KB
Gazerstand.png 220 × 400; 100 KB
Geatsarmed drillmagnumstand.png 220 × 400; 91 KB
Geatsarmed hammer magnumstand.png 220 × 400; 93 KB
Geatsarmed shieldstand.png 220 × 400; 71 KB
Geatsarmed water booststand.png 220 × 400; 82 KB
Geatsarmed waterstand.png 220 × 400; 74 KB
Geatsbeatboost formstand.png 220 × 400; 92 KB
Geatsboost armed waterstand.png 220 × 400; 82 KB
Geatsboost form mark2stand b.png 220 × 400; 57 KB
Geatsboost form mark2stand.png 220 × 400; 91 KB
Geatsboost form mark3stand.png 220 × 400; 71 KB
Geatscommand form cannonmodestand.png 220 × 400; 102 KB
Geatscommand form jetmodestand.png 220 × 400; 99 KB
Geatsfever boost formstand.png 220 × 400; 88 KB
Geatsfever magnum formstand.png 220 × 400; 98 KB
GeatsGeats9stand.png 220 × 400; 115 KB
Geatsmagnumninja formstand.png 220 × 400; 99 KB
Geatsmonster formstand.png 220 × 400; 84 KB
Geatsninja formstand.png 220 × 400; 83 KB
Geatsninjamagnum formstand.png 220 × 400; 77 KB
Geatspowered builder formstand.png 220 × 400; 82 KB
Geatspowered builderboost formstand.png 220 × 400; 91 KB
Geatsraising formstand.png 220 × 400; 69 KB
Geatszombie formstand.png 220 × 400; 95 KB
Geatszombieboost formstand.png 220 × 400; 94 KB
Ginpenarmed arrowstand.png 220 × 400; 85 KB
Ginpenentry formstand.png 220 × 400; 64 KB
Glare2 berobastand.png 220 × 400; 87 KB
Glare2stand.png 220 × 400; 94 KB
Glarestand.png 220 × 400; 87 KB
Gya-gofantasy formstand.png 220 × 400; 86 KB
Habukiarmed clawstand.png 220 × 400; 102 KB
Habukientry formstand.png 220 × 400; 102 KB
Item beataxe basic.png 400 × 392; 45 KB
Item ninjadueler basic.png 400 × 392; 57 KB
Item raisingsword basic.png 400 × 392; 40 KB
Item visiondriver basic.png 400 × 392; 90 KB
Jyamatostand.png 220 × 400; 80 KB
Keiroarmed propellerstand.png 220 × 400; 80 KB
Keiroentry formstand.png 220 × 400; 76 KB
Keironinja formstand.png 220 × 400; 88 KB
Kekerastand.png 220 × 248; 40 KB
KR Buffa Entry Form basic.png 400 × 392; 160 KB
KR Buffa Entry Form stand.png 220 × 470; 91 KB
KR Buffa Zombie Form basic.png 400 × 392; 189 KB
KR Buffa Zombie Form stand.png 220 × 470; 155 KB
KR Geats Boost Form basic.png 400 × 392; 135 KB
KR Geats Boost Form stand.png 220 × 470; 93 KB
KR Geats Entry Form basic.png 400 × 392; 120 KB
KR Geats Entry Form stand.png 220 × 470; 83 KB
KR Geats Magnum Form basic.png 400 × 392; 148 KB
KR Geats Magnum Form stand.png 220 × 470; 94 KB
KR Geats MagnumBoost Form basic.png 400 × 392; 138 KB
KR Geats MagnumBoost Form stand.png 220 × 470; 116 KB
KR Glare stand (female).png 333 × 813; 301 KB
KR Shirowe Armed Arrow basic.png 400 × 392; 146 KB
KR Shirowe Armed Arrow stand.png 220 × 470; 99 KB
KR Shirowe Entry Form basic.png 400 × 392; 125 KB
KR Shirowe Entry Form stand.png 220 × 470; 89 KB
Kyuunstand.png 220 × 248; 45 KB
Laserboost formstand.png 220 × 400; 94 KB
Letterarmed propellerstand.png 220 × 400; 72 KB
Letterentry formstand.png 220 × 400; 55 KB
Lopoboost formstand.png 220 × 400; 72 KB
Lopoentry formstand.png 220 × 400; 64 KB
Loponinja formstand.png 220 × 400; 82 KB
Lopozombie formstand.png 220 × 400; 100 KB
Magnum Shooter 40X.png 400 × 392; 81 KB
Magnumjyamato form glare2stand.png 220 × 400; 90 KB
Maryarmed chainarraystand.png 220 × 400; 95 KB
Maryarmed shieldstand.png 220 × 400; 76 KB
Maryentry formstand.png 220 × 400; 70 KB
Monsterjyamato form glare2stand.png 220 × 400; 74 KB
Monsterjyamato formstand.png 220 × 400; 82 KB
Na-gofantasy formstand.png 220 × 400; 79 KB
Nadgesparrowentry formstand.png 220 × 400; 73 KB
Nadgesparrowmonster formstand.png 220 × 400; 84 KB
Nagoarmed claw hammerstand.png 220 × 400; 93 KB
Nagoarmed clawstand.png 220 × 400; 78 KB
Nagoarmed hammer booststand.png 220 × 400; 87 KB
Nagoarmed hammerstand.png 220 × 400; 77 KB
Nagoarmed propeller beatstand.png 220 × 400; 91 KB
Nagoarmed propellerstand.png 220 × 400; 71 KB
Nagobeat formstand.png 220 × 400; 90 KB
Nagobeatboost formstand.png 220 × 400; 99 KB
Nagoboost armed hammerstand.png 220 × 400; 77 KB
Nagofever beat formstand.png 220 × 400; 118 KB
Nagonentry formstand.png 220 × 400; 66 KB
Nagozombiebeat formstand.png 220 × 400; 106 KB
Premium berobastand.png 220 × 400; 91 KB
Premium kekerastand.png 220 × 400; 83 KB
Punkjackarmed shieldstand.png 220 × 400; 67 KB
Punkjackentry formstand.png 220 × 400; 58 KB
PunkJackfever monster formstand.png 220 × 400; 127 KB
PunkJackmonster formstand.png 220 × 400; 101 KB
PunkJackninjamonster formstand.png 220 × 400; 113 KB
Regad omegastand.png 220 × 400; 103 KB
Regadstand.png 220 × 400; 111 KB
Spider Phone.png 400 × 392; 86 KB
Turbonarmed chainarraystand.png 220 × 400; 82 KB
Turbonentry formstand.png 220 × 400; 83 KB
Tycoonarmed arrow booststand.png 220 × 400; 100 KB
Tycoonarmed arrowstand.png 220 × 400; 93 KB
Tycoonarmed water ninjastand.png 220 × 400; 94 KB
Tycoonboost formstand.png 220 × 400; 79 KB
Tycoonboostninja formstand.png 220 × 400; 88 KB
Tycoonbujin booststand.png 220 × 400; 94 KB
Tycoonbujin monsterstand.png 220 × 400; 93 KB
Tycooncommand form cannonmodestand.png 220 × 400; 114 KB
Tycooncommand form jetmodestand.png 220 × 400; 114 KB
Tycoonentry formstand.png 220 × 400; 72 KB
Tycoonfever ninja formstand.png 220 × 400; 103 KB
Tycoonninja boost formstand.png 220 × 400; 105 KB
Tycoonninja formstand.png 220 × 400; 90 KB
Tycoonraising formstand.png 220 × 400; 75 KB
Tycoonzombie formstand.png 220 × 400; 101 KB
Ziinstand.png 220 × 400; 81 KB
Zombie Breaker.png 400 × 392; 77 KB