Important things that happened
Song Used
- GranBlue karaoke
- Shadowverse mind reading
- Mobius Final Fantasy collaboration with Hoshi no Dragon Quest
- Kingsglaive Final Fantasy IV trailer
- Jyuoh live show round 4
- Ultra Heroes Expo
- Tusk's left handedness is prominent in this episode, since both the actor and the Tusk Jyuman write left-handed.
- When answering the question about Yabiker, the real Sela wears the helmet and scarf that she did in that episode. It even plays the horn noise when the camera passes over Sela, since Pararira is the Japanese onomatopoeia for that trumpet sound.
- Gomi Ryouko and Nakata Yuuji's credits stand out extra prominently this week, since they play the part of Jyuman Tusk and Sela. They are Tusk and Sela's suit actors respectively.
- Meta humor - Bang Rey gives Sela and Tusk 30 minutes to solve their problem, since the TV show is 30 minutes long, it has to be resolved in that time anyway.
Out of Episode Trivia
- Color of the week: Green
- The ending includes video of fans doing the Jyuoh Dance
- The last guest dancers are the Gokaigers.
Actor Trivia
External Links
Jyuohger Episode 27 Transcript