Kamen Rider Decade 16
Episode 16 Warning: Kabuto is Out of Control 警告:カブト暴走中 | |||
Kamen Rider Decade episode | |||
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Writer | Konuta Kenji | ||
Director | Tamura Naoki | ||
Action Director | Miyazaki Takeshi | ||
Original air date | May 10, 2009 | ||
Viewership | 8.8% | ||
Forum Thread | Thread | ||
Episode chronology | |||
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Episode List |
Kamen Rider Decade | ||
< Ep 15 | Warning: Kabuto is Out of Control 警告:カブト暴走中 |
Ep 17 > |
Aired with Shinkenger Act 13 |
Important things that happened
Setting: Kabuto's World
- Kabuto is wanted by the public for his mysterious activities through using Clock Up.
- Mayu hates Kabuto for killing her brother.
- ZECT is in the process of developing a system to capture Kabuto.
TV Asahi site
Toei site
Kamen Rider Official site
Kamen Riders
- Decade
- Kamen Ride: Decade
- Kamen Ride: Kuuga
- Form Ride: Kuuga Pegasus
- Kamen Ride: Den-O
- Attack Ride: Ore Sanjou!
- Attack Ride: Kotae Wa Kiitenai
- Kamen Ride: Faiz
- Form Ride: Faiz Accel
- DiEnd
- Kamen Ride: DiEnd
- Kamen Ride: Riotroopers
- Attack Ride: Invisible
- "In the world, there are two things that you must not readily swallow. What is said on TV and New Year's omochi."
- 世の中には、あわてて飲み込んではいけないものが二つある。テレビの言う事と、お正月のお餅だ。
- "Don't ask pointless things. Food is the most delicious the moment it comes out."
- 食べ物は出てきた瞬間が。一番美味しいんだ!
- Grandmother said this... "True talent is rare. But a person who recognizes that is even more rare."
- おばあちゃんは言っていた。真の才能は少ない。その事に気づくのはもっと少ない。
Coleoptera Worm Argentum (コレオプテラワーム・アージェンタム)
- A scarab type Worm.
- This Worm molts to fight the ZECTroopers, TheBee, and Gatack.
Geophilid Worms (ジオフィリドワーム)
- A centipede type Worm.
- This Worm molts to target Mayu.
TV Asahi site when inside the attached TV Asahi link, please click the カブトの世界 button for further information.
- Sou / Kamen Rider TheBee - Kawaoka Daijirou → 弟切ソウ / 仮面ライダーザビー - 川岡大次郎
- Arata / Kamen Rider Gatack - Makita Tetsuya → アラタ / 仮面ライダーガタック - 牧田哲也
- Mayu - Kanno Rio → マユ - 菅野莉央
- Grandmother - Sasaki Sumie → おばあちゃん - 佐々木すみ江
- Announcer - Maeda Yuki (TV Asahi) → アナウンサー - 前田有紀 (TV Asahi)
Voice Actors
- Faiz Accel Watch - Kano Takehiko → ファイズアクセル腕時計 - 假野剛彦
- Zecters - Surage Gajria → ゼクター - スラージ・ガジリア
Songs Used

- Unlike the Kabuto series, the White ZECTroopers are regular soldiers instead of trainees.
- A short footage of Warship of Onigashima movie is broadcasted on the TV when Tsukasa and Natsumi visit Mayu's oden shop for the first time.
- While photographing Mayu in the Chinese outfit, Yuusuke says "Nihao". Nihao means "Hello" in Chinese.
- Goof: During the battle against the Kabuto Riders, Decade inserts the AttackRide: Ore Sanjou! card into his DecadeDriver. The Driver's visual effect mistakenly writes as Masked Rider DiEnd instead of Den-O. Same mistake happens again later on as Decade uses the AttackRide: Kotae Wa Kiitenai card which the DecadeDriver effect writes as Decade instead of Den-O.
- Part of the final battle of the episode filmed at Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge Channel.
Actor Trivia
- When she was younger, Kanno Rio played the recurring young girl at the end of GoGo Sentai Boukenger.
- Sasaki Sumie who plays Grandmother was on episode 17 of Keitai Sousakan.
Staff | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Kamen Rider Decade 16 Transcript