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Kamen Rider Gaim 24

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Episode 24
The New Powerful Enemies, the Overlords
Kamen Rider Gaim episode
Writer Urobuchi Gen
Director Ishida Hidenori
Original air date April 6, 2014 (2014-04-06)
Viewership 4.4%
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Kamen Rider Gaim
< Ep 23 The New Powerful Enemies, the Overlords
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Aired with Toqger 07
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Important things that happened




Overlord Inves Redue


Voiced by Tsuda Kenjiro

The green Overlord. His design is very Chinese-looking and he appears to wield a halberd.

He has a rudimentary understanding of Japanese.


New Armored Riders

Kamen Rider Gaim Jimber Peach Arms

E.L.S.-03 Peach Energy Lock Seed (ピーチ)
Owner - Gaim Lock Seed
Belt - Sengoku Driver w/ Genesis Core Attachment
Arms - Mix! Orange Arms!
Followup sound - In the Spotlight On Stage! Jimber Peach! Ha Ha.
Weapon - Sonic Arrow (ソニックアロー) - Bow
First belt use - Kamen Rider Gaim 24

Guest Stars


Songs Used


  • The second Overlord's existence is revealed as Kaito and Youko leave the forest.
    • Later on, the second Overlord is reading the dictionary that the first one tore up a couple weeks ago.
  • Jimber Peach's ability appears to be enhanced senses, similar to Kuuga's Pegasus form.
  • Kouta reveals that he heard about the Overlord from DJ Sagara to Mitsuzane.
  • In the last episode's preview, we saw a flesh appearance of DJ Sagara, but in this episode, he was appeared in holographic version.

Overlord Conversation

From: http://forums.henshinjustice.com/showpost.php?p=1715258&postcount=24

Looks like someone on the chinese forum managed to crack the Overlord language, it's actually some corruptions of japanese with vowels swapped or something...anyway based on the translated speeches:

Click to expand

The meaning of Overlords name:
Overlord(红)=デェムシュ=しんく=真红 (Crimson)
Overlord(绿)=レデュエ=ひすい=翡翠 (Jade)

The Overlords call human ルーム (Room?)

The conversation between Overlords and DJ

真红「ダムフォ ミャファフェ シェガウメ オブリョファショ?」
(そんな ものに きょうみ あるーのか?)
Crimson: You're interested in these people?

翡翠「ジョエジュジュ デェファシェン。 アイツラノ コトバ オモシロイ…」
(たいくつ しのぎ。 あいつらの ことばおもしろい…)
Jade: Just to destroy my boredom. Their language are interesting.

真红「シュファンボリャム フェン!」
(くだらーん で!)
Crimson: This is stupid!

DJ「ミョジョ レミョカ ミャジオミョデェジブリョ? 相変わらずだな お前らも」
(また ひまを もてあましてるー? 相変わらずだな お前らも)
还有精神空闲著呢? 还是老样子
DJ: I see that you are wasting your time as usual. (注釈:字幕では「ミュジョ」となっていたが、実际の発音では「ミョジョ」)

真红「シェデョミョショ リグレンミ、」
(きさまか へっびめ、)
Crimson: It's you, stupid snake!

翡翠「エミョロ オエジュボリャファ デュションジョフェ?」
(いまは あいつらの すがたに?)
Jade: I see that you are taking their forms?

DJ「シャジャグロンカ レジャジュ アデェイジ ゴバリャウ、 油断大敌って言ってな」
(ことっばを ひとつ おしえて やろーう、 油断大敌って言ってな)
DJ: A word of advice, don't underestimate them



Kamen Rider Gaim 24 Transcript


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