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Category:Mashin Sentai Kiramager Jodunheim

From TV-Nihon
44th Super Sentai series
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< Kishiryuu Sentai Ryusoulger Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger >





Appearance: Ep 01
Voiced by: Takato Yasuhiro
Height: 160cm
Weight: 208kg (Currently only 4/5 so 166kg)
Evil Mask: Jamen → Various evil masks based on Earth culture as a motif (邪面→地球文明をモチーフにした様々な邪悪な仮面)

TV Asahi site



Appearance: Ep 01
Voiced by: Nakamura Yuuichi
Height: 195cm
Weight: 253kg
Evil Mask: Moon → To show loyalty to the Yodom Army, his Jamen portrays a dark night (月→ヨドン軍への忠誠を示した闇夜を象徴する邪面)

TV Asahi site



Appearance: Ep 22
Voiced by: Kouda Naoko
Height: 174cm
Weight: 75kg

TV Asahi site



Appearance: Ep 25
Played by: Momotsuki Nashiko
Height: 165cm
Weight: 52kg

TV Asahi site



Appearance: Ep 39
Voiced by: Kuroda Takaya
Height: 193cm
Weight: 251kg

TV Asahi site

Lord Garuza


Appearance: Ep 42
Voiced by: Nakamura Yuuichi
Height: 200cm (Giant size: 53.0m)
Weight: 260kg (Giant size: 689.0t)

TV Asahi site

Emperor Yodom


Appearance: Ep 45
Voiced by: Yamaji Kazuhiro
Height: 55.7m~210cm
Weight: 723.4t~273kg
Evil Mask: Contamination → Carrying Jamental with him, he has the hardest Jamen in the universe (汚染→ジャメンタルを帯び、宇宙最強の硬度を持つ邪面)

TV Asahi site



Rugby Jamen


Appearance: Ep 02
Voiced by: Tanaka Miou
Height: 183cm
Weight: 165kg
Evil Mask: Rugby → Teams of 15 clash against each other, a sport where you take an oval ball to the goal (ラグビー→1チーム15人でぶつかりあって、長球ボールをゴールさせる荒々しい地球のスポーツ競技)

TV Asahi site

Manriki Jamen


Appearance: Ep 03
Voiced by: Iguchi Yuuichi
Height: 184cm
Weight: 167kg
Evil Mask: Vise → Sturdy earth tool for holding items in place, tightens with the handle turn (万力→材料を挟み、ハンドルで締めて固定する地球の工具)

TV Asahi site

Neanderthalian Jamen

File:Neanderthalian Jamen.jpg

Appearance: Ep 04
Height: 181cm
Weight: 161kg
Evil Mask: Neanderthalian → The first human fossils found in Neandertal Valley (ネアンデルタール人→ネアンデル峡谷で初めて発見された地球の化石人類)

TV Asahi site

Joystick Jamen


Appearance: Ep 05
Voiced by: Yamamoto Kanehira
Height: 186cm
Weight: 166kg
Evil Mask: Joystick → An Earth tool used to move characters in various directions in games (ジョイスティック→スティックを前後左右に動かしてゲームのキャラを操作する地球の玩具)

TV Asahi site

Digital Camera Jamen


Appearance: Ep 06
Voiced by: Horie Shun
Height: 183cm
Weight: 168kg
Evil Mask: Digital Camera → Earth device used to capture pictures of video footage (デジタルカメラ→写真を撮影し、画像データに変換して記録する地球の撮影機器)

TV Asahi site

Freezer Jamen


Appearance: Ep 07
Voiced by: Saiga Mitsuki
Height: 185cm
Weight: 166kg
Evil Mask: Freezer → And Earth device used to keep things cold (フリーザー(冷蔵庫)→食品などを冷蔵・冷凍保存することのできる地球の家電製品)

TV Asahi site

Oven Jamen


Appearance: Ep 08
Voiced by: Ueda Yuuji
Height: 184cm
Weight: 170kg
Evil Mask: Oven → An Earth appliance that makes food hot (オーブン→食品を上下左右から焼いて加熱する地球の調理器具)

TV Asahi site

Hyakunin Isshu Jamen


Appearance: Ep 09
Voiced by: Ueda Yoji
Height: 186cm
Weight: 163kg
Evil Mask: Hyakunin Isshu → An Earth poetry collection from 100 poets (百人一首→歌人百人の和歌を一首ずつ撰んで作られた地球の歌集)

TV Asahi site

Music Jamenshi


Appearance: Ep 10
Voiced by: Matsuda Kenichirou
Height: 191cm
Weight: 169kg
Evil Mask: Music → An Earth art form using voice or instruments to create sounds (ミュージック(音楽)→声や楽器などで奏でられた音から生まれる、地球の芸術のこと)

TV Asahi site

Reset Button Jamen


Appearance: Ep 11
Voiced by: Hamazoe Shinya
Height: 182cm
Weight: 164kg
Evil Mask: Reset Button → An unbeatable cheat button that resets everything with a simple press (リセットボタン→たったひと押しで全てをやり直すことができる無敵のチートボタン)

TV Asahi site

Inseki Jamen


Appearance: Ep 12
Voiced by: Amada Masuo
Height: 184cm
Weight: 163kg
Evil Mask: Meteorite → A rock that falls to Earth from space (隕石→宇宙から地球へ落下してきた石)

TV Asahi site

SL Jamen


Appearance: Ep 14
Voiced by: Tanaka Kan
Height: 188cm
Weight: 172kg
Evil Mask: SL (Steam Locomotive) → An Earth train that runs on steam energy (SL(エスエル)→蒸気のエネルギーを利用して線路を走る地球の機関車のこと)

TV Asahi site

Marshmallow Jamen


Appearance: Ep 16
Voiced by: Onosaka Masaya
Height: 185cm
Weight: 174kg
Evil Mask: Marshmallow → An Earth confection that's fluffy and bouncy (マシュマロ→ふわふわで弾力のある地球の甘いお菓子)

TV Asahi site

Whac-A-Mole Jamen


Appearance: Ep 17
Voiced by: Muraoka Hiroyuki
Height: 187cm
Weight: 173kg
Evil Mask: Whac-A-Mole → An Earth game where you hit moles that come out of the hole (もぐらたたき→穴から顔を出すモグラを叩く地球のゲーム)

TV Asahi site

Relocating Jamen


Appearance: Ep 19
Voiced by: Shimowada Hiroki
Height: 184cm
Weight: 165kg
Evil Mask: Relocating → An Earth notion of changing where you live (住み替え→住居の変更を表す地球の概念)

TV Asahi site

Secchakuzai Jamen


Appearance: Ep 20
Voiced by: Hayama Shota
Height: 187cm
Weight: 167kg
Evil Mask: Glue → An Earth bonding agent that makes things stick to each other (接着剤→物と物をくっつける地球の合成商品)

TV Asahi site

Tsurizao Jamen


Appearance: Ep 21
Voiced by: Sasa Kenta
Height: 189cm
Weight: 164kg
Evil Mask: Fishing Pole (Tsurizao) → An Earth tool used to hook fish (釣竿→針で魚を釣るための地球の道具)

TV Asahi site

Safe Jamen


Appearance: Ep 23
Voiced by: Uchida Naoya
Height: 185cm
Weight: 179kg
Evil Mask: Safe → An Earth container for safely keeping money (金庫→財産を安全に保管するための頑丈な地球の箱)

TV Asahi site

Speaker Jamen


Appearance: Ep 24
Voiced by: Kakihara Tetsuya
Height: 188cm
Weight: 167kg
Evil Mask: Speaker → An Earth audio device that converts electric signals into sounds (スピーカー→電気信号を音に変換して拡声する地球のオーディオ装置)

TV Asahi site

Bomb Jamen


Appearance: Ep 25
Voiced by: Kimura Subaru
Height: 184cm
Weight: 168kg
Evil Mask: Bomb → An Earth explosive device where gunpowder is placed in an orb (爆弾→火薬を球体に詰めた地球の爆発物)

TV Asahi site

Super Glue Jamen


Appearance: Ep 27
Voiced by: Yano Masaaki
Height: 187cm
Weight: 170kg
Evil Mask: Super Glue → An Earth adhesive that strongly binds objects (強力接着剤→物と物を強力にくっつける地球の合成商品)

TV Asahi site

Mannequin Jamen


Appearance: Ep 30
Voiced by: Toriumi Kohsuke
Height: 190cm
Weight: 168kg
Evil Mask: Mannequin → An Earth figure for displaying clothes (マネキン→洋服を着せてディスプレイする地球の等身大人形)

TV Asahi site

Riddler Jamen

Nazokake Jamen (ナゾカケ邪面)

Appearance: Ep 32
Voiced by: Nezucchi
Height: 186cm
Weight: 168kg
Evil Mask: Riddles → An Earth wordplay where a question is asked and a clever answer is expected (なぞかけ→お題に対してうまい答えで返す地球の言葉遊び)

TV Asahi site

Golf Jamen


Appearance: Ep 35
Voiced by: Ichijo Kazuya
Height: 187cm
Weight: 165kg
Evil Mask: Golf → An Earth sport where you try to get a ball in a hole in the least number of strokes (ゴルフ→ボールを打ってホール(穴)に入れるまでの回数を競う地球のスポーツ)

TV Asahi site

Cavity Jamen


Appearance: Ep 38
Voiced by: Yanagihara Tetsuya
Height: 186cm
Weight: 171kg
Evil Mask: Cavity → An Earth sickness where your teeth are rotted (虫歯→細菌によって歯の組織が破壊される、とっても痛い地球の疾患)

TV Asahi site

Wire Jamen


Appearance: Ep 40
Voiced by: Ohtani Shuichiro
Height: 188cm
Weight: 164kg
Evil Mask: Wire → An Earth metal wire (針金→線状に細長く伸ばされた地球の金属)

TV Asahi site

Maneki-Neko Jamen


Appearance: Ep 41
Voiced by: Kusunoki Taiten
Height: 186cm
Weight: 169kg
Evil Mask: Maneki-Neko → An Earth cat item that beckons good luck (招き猫→様々な幸運を招くといわれる地球の猫の置物)

TV Asahi site



Jamenju Faucet Hildon


Appearance: Ep 01
Height: 46.5m
Weight: 1477.3t
Dark Beast: Hildon (ヒルドン)
Evil Mask: Faucet → When you turn the handle, water flows (蛇口→ハンドルを回すと水道の水が出てくる地球の器具)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Rugger Rigani


Appearance: Ep 02
Height: 43.7m
Length: 51.3m
Weight: 1995.2t
Dark Beast: Rigani (リガニー)
Evil Mask: Rugger → A rugger is someone who plays rugby (ラガー→地球のスポーツ競技「ラグビー」をおこなう鍛え抜かれた選手のこと)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Manriki Shellga


Appearance: Ep 03
Height: 48.8m
Weight: 2590.0t
Dark Beast: Shellga (シェルガ)
Evil Mask: Vise → Sturdy earth tool for holding giant items in place, tightens with the giant handle turn (万力→巨大な材料を挟み、巨大なハンドルで締めて固定する地球の巨大な工具)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Kyuusekki Basura


Appearance: Ep 04
Height: 46.3m
Weight: 1623.2t
Dark Beast: Basura (バスラ)
Evil Mask: Stone Tools → Stone tools for smashing from Earth's Stone Age (旧石器→地球の旧石器時代に使われた打製の石器)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Catcher Rigani


Appearance: Ep 05
Height: 48.0m
Weight: 1982.0t
Dark Beast: Rigani (リガニー)
Evil Mask: Game Catcher → On Earth, claw on arms that grabs prizes in crane games (ゲームキャッチャー→地球のクレーンゲームでプライズをつかむためのツメの付いたアーム)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Cloud Hildon


Appearance: Ep 06
Height: 44.5m
Weight: 1469.3t
Dark Beast: Hildon (ヒルドン)
Evil Mask: Cloud → On Earth, a computer thing that stores lot of data on a network or server (クラウド→大量のデータをネットワーク上のサーバーで管理する、地球のコンピューター利用形態のこと)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Reinetsu Dagames


Appearance: Ep 08
Height: 66.0m
Weight: 1636.6t
Dark Beast: Dagames (ダガメス)
Evil Mask: Reinetsu → An Earth concept where cold (rei) and heat (netsu) are applied simultaneously (冷熱→冷たいことと熱いことを同時に現す地球の概念)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Heian-Kyo Basura


Appearance: Ep 09
Height: 50.3m
Weight: 1639.2t
Dark Beast: Basura (バスラ)
Evil Mask: Heian-Kyo → A Go board arranged like an ancient Earth capital (平安京→碁盤の目のように雅に区画された、かつての地球の都)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Stage Shellga


Appearance: Ep 10
Height: 48.3m
Weight: 2588.0t
Dark Beast: Shellga (シェルガ)
Evil Mask: Stage → An Earth stage used for shows (ステージ→エンターテイメントショーを行うための地球の舞台)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Launch Button Rigani


Appearance: Ep 11
Height: 50.8m
Weight: 1993.2t
Dark Beast: Rigani (リガニー)
Evil Mask: Launch Button → Button that launches projectiles (発射ボタン→弾丸の発射を決定する地球のボタン装置)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Venus Flytrap Shellga


Appearance: Ep 13
Height: 55.8m
Weight: 2618.0t
Dark Beast: Shellga (シェルガ)
Evil Mask: Venus Flytrap → An Earth carnivorous plant that closes two leaves to trap flies (ハエジゴク→葉を二つ折りにして獲物を捕らえる地球の食虫植物)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Diesel Basura


Appearance: Ep 14
Height: 53.2m
Weight: 1650.8t
Dark Beast: Basura (バスラ)
Evil Mask: Diesel → An Earth train that runs on diesel oil to run (ディーゼル→軽油を燃料にして線路を走る地球の機関車のこと)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Wanage Hildon


Appearance: Ep 15
Height: 57.8m
Weight: 1522.5t
Dark Beast: Hildon (ヒルドン)
Evil Mask: Ring Toss (Wanage) → An Earth game where you toss a ring on a stick (輪投げ→棒に輪を投げ入れる地球の遊び)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Launch Rigani


Appearance: Ep 16
Height: 50.8m
Weight: 1993.0t
Dark Beast: Rigani (リガニー)
Evil Mask: Launch → An Earth concept that fires things like missiles or bullets (発射→弾丸やミサイルの撃ち出しを表す地球の概念)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Hammer Basura


Appearance: Ep 17
Height: 53.7m
Weight: 1652.8t
Dark Beast: Basura (バスラ)
Evil Mask: Hammer → An Earth tool used for hitting objects (ハンマー→物を叩く用途に使用する地球の工具)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Mortgage Dagames


Appearance: Ep 19
Height: 67.5m
Weight: 1648.6t
Dark Beast: Dagames (ダガメス)
Evil Mask: Mortgage → An Earth credit system where you pay money for living somewhere (住宅ローン→住宅を購入するために使う地球の金融システム)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Secchakuzai Shellga


Appearance: Ep 20
Height: 47.5m
Weight: 2584.8t
Dark Beast: Shellga (シェルガ)
Evil Mask: Glue → A giant Earth bonding agent that makes giant things stick to each other (接着剤→巨大な物と巨大な物をくっつける地球の巨大な合成商品)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Motorboat Basura


Appearance: Ep 21
Height: 54.2m
Weight: 1654.8t
Dark Beast: Basura (バスラ)
Evil Mask: Motor Boat → An Earth boat that is propelled quickly forward using a motor (モーターボート→モーターを推進力とする快速の地球の舟艇)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Motorboat Basura


Appearance: Ep 22
Height: 54.2m
Weight: 1654.8t
Dark Beast: Basura (バスラ)
Evil Mask: Motor Boat → An Earth boat that is propelled quickly forward using a motor (モーターボート→モーターを推進力とする快速の地球の舟艇)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Gold Buillion Rigani


Appearance: Ep 23
Height: 51.5m
Weight: 1996.0t
Dark Beast: Rigani (リガニー)
Evil Mask: Gold Bullion → A measurement of gold (金塊→一定の形に固めた地球の金のかたまり)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Jukebox Hildon


Appearance: Ep 24
Height: 46.0m
Weight: 1475.3t
Dark Beast: Hildon (ヒルドン)
Evil Mask: Jukebox → An Earth audio device that plays music (ジュークボックス→内蔵した音楽を自動演奏する地球のオーディオ装置)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Super Glue Shellga


Appearance: Ep 27
Height: 47.5m
Weight: 2597.7t
Dark Beast: Shellga (シェルガ)
Evil Mask: Super Glue → An Earth adhesive that strongly binds giant objects (強力接着剤→巨大な物と巨大な物を強力にくっつける地球の巨大な合成商品)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Projector Gomoryuu


Appearance: Ep 29
Height: 47.0m
Length: 46.5m
Width: 70.5m
Weight: 3184.0t
Dark Beast: Gomoryuu (ゴモリュウ)
Evil Mask: Projector → An Earth device that projects images on a screen (プロジェクター→写真や映像をスクリーンに投影する地球の映写機器)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Torso Hildron


Appearance: Ep 30
Height: 47.3m
Weight: 1480.5t
Dark Beast: Hildron (ヒルドン)
Evil Mask: Torso → An Earth large chest portion for displaying clothes (トルソー→洋服を着せてディスプレイする地球の胴体のみの等身大人形)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Pinch In-Out Dagames


Appearance: Ep 31
Height: 68.3m
Weight: 1655.0t
Dark Beast: Dagames (ダガメス)
Evil Mask: Pinch In and Out → An Earth user interface where you use your fingers to magnify or shrink a screen (ピンチイン・アウト→指で広げたりつまんだりして画面表示を拡大縮小する地球の操作方法)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Shield Shellga


Appearance: Ep 33
Height: 50.8m
Weight: 2598.0t
Dark Beast: Shellga (シェルガ)
Evil Mask: Shield → An Earth tool used to prevent attacks (シールド(盾)→攻撃から身を守るための地球の防具)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Sengoku Basura


Appearance: Ep 33
Height: 54.5m
Weight: 1656.0t
Dark Beast: Basura (バスラ)
Evil Mask: Sengoku Era → An Earth historical period where warriors fought with swords from morning to night (戦国時代→刀を持った武将が戦いに明け暮れていた地球歴史の時代のこと)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Tank Rigani


Appearance: Ep 33
Height: 61.2m
Weight: 2034.8t
Dark Beast: Rigani (リガニー)
Evil Mask: Tank → An Earth armored vehicle that can fire a cannon (タンク(戦車)→火砲が搭載された無限軌道で走る地球の装甲車)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Cart Hildon


Appearance: Ep 35
Height: 45.5m
Weight: 1473.3t
Dark Beast: Hildon (ヒルドン)
Evil Mask: Cart → An Earth vehicle for getting around the large golf area (カート→広いゴルフ場を移動する時に使用する地球の乗り物)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Turntable Gomoryuu


Appearance: Ep 36
Height: 47.5m
Weight: 3188.0t
Dark Beast: Gomoryuu (ゴモリュウ)
Evil Mask: Turntable → An Earth audio device that makes sounds by scratching a record (ターンテーブル→レコードをスクラッチして再生する地球のオーディオ機器)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Fang Basura


Appearance: Ep 39
Height: 51.0m
Weight: 1642.0t
Dark Beast: Basura (バスラ)
Evil Mask: Fang → Earth sharp teeth used to protect oneself (牙→身を守るために鋭く発達した地球の動物の歯)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Self-Conscious Shellga


Appearance: Ep 40
Height: 49.3m
Weight: 2592.0t
Dark Beast: Shellga (シェルガ)
Evil Mask: Self-Consciosu → An Earth notion representing what's in one's heart (自意識→自分の心のはたらきを表す地球の概念)

TV Asahi site

Jamenju Canned Cat Food Rigani


Appearance: Ep 41
Height: 50.2m
Weight: 1990.8t
Dark Beast: Rigani (リガニー)
Evil Mask: Canned Cat Food → Earth can used to contain wet cat food (猫缶→猫用のウェットフードが詰められた地球の缶詰)

TV Asahi site



Evil Monstone


Appearance: Ep 18
Height: 47.2m
Weight: 897.5t

TV Asahi site

Giant Monstone


Appearance: Ep 25
Height: 47.0m
Weight: 940.0t

TV Asahi site


  • Hildon might be based on leeches (hiru).
  • Rigani might come from the Japanese word "zarigani" which means "crayfish".
  • Basura might be based on a black bass.
  • Reinetsu is actually two words. Rei/cold and netsu/heat.
  • Dagames might be based on the giant water bug which is "tagame" in Japanese.

External Links

TV Asahi site

Media in category "Mashin Sentai Kiramager Jodunheim"

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