Lyric Scan
An insert song of Kamen Rider W. Return to the discography page.
Sung by: Florida Keys
Lyrics: Fujibayashi Shoko, 鬼音鼓
Composer: Igarashi “IGAO” Junichi
Arranger: Igarashi “IGAO” Junichi
- Breeze!!
- Moe-agaru Heats on
- Soul ga machi ni afureru Hero
- Samugareta yo no naka wa Freeze
- Atsui Heart musubareta 2Peaces
- Arata na kaze tsukamu Generation
- Kuchi-hateru mae ni umareta Nation
- Kuri-dasu Attack Tasai na Color
- Azayaka ni subete damarasu kara!
- Yami ga zoushoku suru kono machi de
- Tsuki yo GOURUDO ni kagayake
- Move it down your finger
- Finger on the Trigger
- Wagamama wo toki-hanatte
- (Wind is Blowing! With your Feeling!)
- Tsune ni hataraku jiseishin wo damarase
- Shoot'em up
- (The Bullet is Running!)
- Move it down your finger
- Finger on the Trigger
- Aru ga mama furu-mau dake
- (Wind is Blowing! What's you Seeking?)
- Sono hikigane wo hikeru no wa
- Sou jibun shikai nai daro?
- Freak!!
- Nari hibiku juusei Bang!!
- Tsume-komi hanatsu 2 Same
- Kizamu kodou sawagi-dasu Trouble
- Yusaburu Mode uchi-nuke "W"!!
- Tsunagi tomeru saikyou no Join
- Arashi fuki areru saidai no Point
- Jojo ni kuzure-ochite iku Stormy
- Hitotsu ni kasanaru The Story!!
- Nani ga attatte kono saki ni
- Ki ni shinai you ni kagayake
- Move it down your finger
- Finger on the Trigger
- Sono KOKORO sarake-dashite
- (Get the Memory! Fight the Scary!)
- Tama ni koukai shite mo ii shi
- Tsuki yoru ni Shoot'em up
- (The Bullet is Running!)
- Move it down your finger
- Finger on the Trigger
- GIRIGIRI no toko tanoshime
- (Be a Family! Don't miss your Funny!)
- Sono hikigane wo hiku toki wa
- Sou Ima shika arienai
- Shinayaka na kansei yawaraka na Body
- Hengen jizai ni kirameku Party
- Agaru Volume Kanaderu Mission
- Nerai sadamete shitomeru One Shot!!
- Move it down your finger
- Finger on the Trigger
- Wagamama wo tokihanatte
- (The Wind is Blowing! With your Feeling!)
- Tsune ni hataraku jiseishin wo damarase
- Shoot'em up
- (The Bullet is Running!)
- Move it down your finger
- Finger on the Trigger
- Aru ga mama furu-mau dake
- (The Wind is Blowing! What's you Seeking?)
- Sono hikigane wo hikeru no wa
- Sou Jibun shika inai daro?
- Yeah... Masa ni on the trigger
- Destroy with Dark of Enemy
- Nazo fukumaru Mystery
- Destiny tomo ni meguri-au Keywords
- Yes... Change the World
- Tamashi kome sakebe Everybody say wah!
- Tatakaeba Dangerous Hour
- Do it on Heat of Power!!!
- Breeze!!
- Burn up! Heats on!
- The soul of the city is in this hero
- In the cold night... Freeze!
- ...we're connected by our fiery hearts. Two peaces
- This generation grasps for a new wind
- This nation born before it all wastes away
- Keep attacking with a variety of colors
- Shut everyone up with those brightness!
- The darkness is spreading in this city
- so please shine gold, moon
- Move it down your finger
- Finger on the Trigger
- Unleash your ego
- (Wind is Blowing! With your Feeling!)
- Silent your voice of reason and
- Shoot'em up
- (The Bullet is Running!)
- Move it down your finger
- Finger on the Trigger
- Keep spinning
- (Wind is Blowing! What's you Seeking?)
- The only one who can pull that trigger is...
- That's right! me, right?
- Freak!!
- A shot rings out! Bang!!
- Unleash all the stuff packed up! 2 Same
- That roaring beat is trouble
- Shaking mode! Pass through "W"!!
- Connected by the strongest joint
- This is the roughest point in the storm
- Things are decaying! Stormy!
- Everything is an overlapped the Story!!
- No matter what happens in the future
- Shine on like it doesn't bother you
- Move it down your finger
- Finger on the Trigger
- Expose that soul
- (Get the Memory! Fight the Scary!)
- It's only to regret some things
- On this moonlit night shoot'em up
- (The Bullet is Running!)
- Move it down your finger
- Finger on the Trigger
- Enjoy it till the very end
- (Be a Family! Don't miss your Funny!)
- The time to pull the trigger...
- That's right! ...has to be now!
- Feeling limber, a flexible body
- A free-changing shining party
- Raise the volume, play the mission
- Aim, and bring them down in One Shot!!
- Move it down your finger
- Finger on the Trigger
- Unleash your ego
- (The Wind is Blowing! With your Feeling!)
- Silent your voice of reason and
- Shoot'em up
- (The Bullet is Running!)
- Move it down your finger
- Finger on the Trigger
- Keep spinning
- (The Wind is Blowing! What's you Seeking?)
- The only one who can pull that trigger is...
- That's right! me, right?
- Yeah... It's really on the trigger
- Destroy with Dark of Enemy
- That puzzling mystery
- It's destiny to encounter these Keywords
- Yes... Change the World
- Put your soul in and scream, Everybody say wah!
- Fighting at a Dangerous Hour
- Do it on Heat of Power!!!
- Breeze!!
- 燃え上がる Heats on
- Soulが町にあふれる Hero
- 塞がれた世の中は Freeze
- 熱いHeart 結ばれた 2Peaces
- 新たな風掴む Generation
- 朽ち果てる前に生まれた Nation
- 繰り出すAttack 多彩なColor
- 鮮やかに全て照らすから!
- 闇が 増殖する この街で
- 月よ ゴールドに輝け
- Move it down your finger
- Finger on the Trigger
- わがままを解き放って
- (Wind is Browning! With your Feeling!)
- 常にはたらく 自制心を
- 黙らせ Shoot'em up
- (The Bullet is Running!)
- Move it down your finger
- Finger on the Trigger
- あるがまま振る舞うだけ
- (Wind is Browning! What's you Seeking?)
- その引き金を 引けるのは
- そう 自分しかいないだろ?
- Freak!!
- 鳴り響く銃声 Bang!!
- 詰め込み放つ 2 Same
- 刻む鼓動 騒ぎだす Trouble
- 揺さぶる Mode 打ち抜け“W ”!!
- つなぎ止める最強のJoin
- 嵐吹き荒れる最大のPoint
- 徐々に崩れ落ちていくStormy
- 一つに重なる The Story!!
- 何があったって この先に
- 気にしないように輝け
- Move it down your finger
- Finger on the Trigger
- そのココロさらけ出して
- (Get the Memory! Fight the Scary!)
- たまに後悔してもいいし
- 月夜に Shoot'em up
- (The Bullet is Running!)
- Move it down your finger
- Finger on the Trigger
- ギリギリのとこ楽しめ
- (Be a Family! Don't miss your Funny!)
- その引き金を 引く時は
- そう 今しかあり得ない
- しなやかな感性 柔らかなBody
- 変幻自在にきらめくParty
- 上がるVolume 奏でるMission
- 狙い定めてしとめるOne Shot!!
- Move it down your finger
- Finger on the Trigger
- わがままを解き放って
- (The Wind is Browning! With your Feeling!)
- 常にはたらく 自制心を
- 黙らせShoot'em up
- (The Bullet is Running!)
- Move it down your finger
- Finger on the Trigger
- あるがまま振る舞うだけ
- (The Wind is Browning! What's you Seeking?)
- その引き金を 引けるのは
- そう 自分しかいないだろ?
- Yeah… まさに on the trigger
- Destroy with Dark of Enemy
- 謎深まるMystery
- Destiny ともに巡り会うKeywords
- Yes… Change the World
- 魂込め叫べ Everybody say wah!
- 戦えば Dangerous Hour
- Do it on Heat of Power!!!
External Links
Lyrics JP
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| Battle Songs | |
| Insert Songs | |
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