Important things that happened
- 086, 025, 031 are all listed as having died due to fire-related incidents.
- 008 is the man who mentions not being in Japan for a while.
- 006 is the one with the two Roidmude lackeys, 036 and 062.
Cook Roidmude
- Number: 090
- Base type: Cobra
- Voiced by
Spider-type Roidmude
- Number 036
- Roidmude 006's assistant.
Cobra-type Roidmude
- Number 062
- Roidmude 006's assistant.
Cobra-type Roidmude (Reaper)
- Number 041
Bat-type Roidmude
- Number 068
- Mio (little girl)
- Mio's mother
- Chef Okumura Matsutarou - Yoshioka Sonrei → 奥村松太郎 - 吉岡そんれい
- Assistant Chef Masukawa Miho - Ayukawa Momoka → 増川美穂 - 鮎川桃果
- Itagaki Yuu - Nagashima Shugo → 板垣祐 - 永嶋柊吾
- Roidmude 036 human form - Kanzaki Hajime → ロイミュード006の部下(スパイダー型ロイミュード036の人間態) - 神前元
- Roidmude 062 human form - Nawata Yuuya → ロイミュード006の部下(コブラ型ロイミュード062の人間態) - 縄田雄哉
- Salaryman/Roidmude 068 human form - Uchikawa Jirou → サラリーマン風の男(バット型ロイミュード068の人間態) - 内川仁朗
Songs Used
- According to Rinna, there are 45 Roidmude left at the time of their announcement.
Actor Trivia
- Nagashima Shugo (Itagaki Yuu) also played Eguchi Norio on Fourze and Matsumiya Yoshihisa on Shinkenger.
- Kanzaki Hajime (Roidmude 036) has done stunt work and appeared in various shows like W, Fourze, etc.
- Nawata Yuuya ( Roidmude 062) has played various other kaijin in Sentai and Kamen Rider. He also did stunts as TOQ 6.
- Uchikawa Jirou (Roidmude 068) has played various kaijin in Sentai and Kamen Rider.
Kamen Rider Drive 37 Transcript
External Links