Category:Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Hashiriyan
A list of Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Hashiriyan.
Waruid Spindo
- Appearance:
- Voiced by: Yusa Koji
- Stunt Actor: Seike Riichi
- Height: 196cm
- Weight: 216kg
- Engine: Screams in the galaxy (宇宙中の悲鳴)
- Speed: Fastest invader (侵略最速)
- Custom parts: Shyshy Sarucar, Megamax stick (シャイシャイ・サルカー、メガマックスティック)
- License Number: N/A
Three Seaters
- Appearance: Bakuage 01
- Voiced by: Suwabe Junichi
- Stunt Actor: Ogura Toshihiro
- Height: 188cm
- Weight: 226kg
- Engine: Rampaging Spirit (暴走魂)
- Speed: Fastest to get worked up (たたき上げ最速)
- Custom parts: Huge Scream Mic (ゼッキョー大マイク)
- License Number: N/A
- Appearance: Bakuage 01
- Voiced by: Mizuki Nana
- Stunt Actress: Miyazawa Yuki
- Height: 184cm
- Weight: 147kg
- Engine: Rampaging Spirit (暴走魂)
- Speed: Fastest pickpocket (スリ最速)
- Custom parts: Sara and Lavina (セーラとラビニア)
- License Number: N/A
Yaiyai Yalcar
- Appearance: Bakuage 01
- Voiced by: Moroboshi Sumire
- Height: 18cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 9.3m)
- Width: 15cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 7.7m)
- Length: 35cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 18.0m)
- Weight: 5kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 81.0t)
- Engine: Rampaging Spirit (暴走魂)
- Speed: Fastest brain washer (洗脳最速)
- Custom parts: Highway Beam (ハイウェイ光線)
- License Number: N/A
Mad Rex
- Appearance: Bakuage 06-09
- Voiced by: Kamiya Hiroshi
- Stunt Actor: Seike Riichi
- Height: 193cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 45.7m)
- Weight: 232kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 550.3t)
- Engine: A noisy head (騒音ヘッド)
- Speed: Fastest in a one-on-one duel (一騎討ち最速)
- Custom parts: Furious Death Rod (怒りのデスロッド)、Hashiriken the dog (ハシリ犬)
- License Number: 1979, 1981, 1985
Mad Rex Fury
- Appearance: Bakuage 33
- Voiced by: Kamiya Hiroshi
- Stunt Actor: Seike Riichi
- Height: 193cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 45.7m)
- Weight: 232kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 550.3t)
- Engine: Roaring head (騒音ヘッド)
- Speed: Fastest blitzer (斬り込み最速)
- Custom parts: The furious death road, Rampage dog, Number displate (怒りのデスロッド、ハシリ犬(ケン)、ナンバーディスプレート)
- License Number: 1979, 1981, 1985
- Appearance: Bakuage 25
- Voiced by: Kujira
- Stunt Actor: Hachisuka Yuichi
- Height: 195cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 46.2m)
- Weight: 234kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 555.0t)
- Engine: Needham Brain (ニーダムブレーン)
- Speed: Fastest to customize (魔改造最速)
- Custom parts: Dream Guitar, Surprise Pick (ドリームギター、ビックリピック)
- License Number: 8261
- Appearance: Bakuage 26-35
- Voiced by: Morikubo Showtaro
- Stunt Actor: Muraoka Hiroyuki
- Height: 194cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 46.0m)
- Weight: 233kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 552.6t)
- Engine: Produce Cobra (プロデュースコブラ)
- Speed: Fastest douser (ダウジング最速)
- Custom parts: Frank, Ouija Board, Psychic Guard (フランク、ウィジャボード、サイキックガード)
- License Number: N/A
DisRace 2000
- Appearance: Bakuage 45
- Voiced by: Morikubo Showtaro
- Stunt Actor: Imai Yasuhiko
- Height: 194cm
- Weight: 234kg
- Engine: Produce Cobra (プロデュースコブラ)
- Speed: Fastest brain washer (洗脳最速)
- Custom parts: Frank, DisMask2000 (フランク、ディスマスク2000)
- License Number: N/A
Grantu Risk
- Appearance:
- Voiced by: Isobe Tsutomu
- Stunt Actor: Saitou Kenya
- Height: 198cm
- Weight: 238kg
- Engine: Royalty Suit (ロイヤリティスーツ)
- Speed: Fastest to hedge risks (リスクヘッジ最速)
- Custom parts: Rambo, Guardiumbrella (ランボー、ガーディアンブレラ)
- License Number: N/A
Wedding Dress Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 01
- Voiced by: Sato Masaharu
- Stunt Actor: Obayashi Masaru
- Height: 188cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 44.5m)
- Weight: 250kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 539.0t)
- Engine: Shifuto Mira's Wedding Dress (志布戸未来のウエディングドレス)
- Speed: Fastest color change (お色直し最速)
- Custom: Cake knife, Baking Buster (ケーキ入刀、ベイキングバスター)
- License Number: 1003
Vacuum Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 02
- Voiced by: Kanuka Mitsuaki
- Stunt Actor: Ono Yukimasa
- Height: 191cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 45.3m)
- Weight: 254kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 602.4t)
- Engine: Stick Vacuum (スティック型掃除機)
- Speediest: Fastest dust collection (集塵最速)
- Custom parts: Biting Cleaner, Dust Kiran Brush (カミツクリーナー、ダストキランブラシ)
- License Number: 3196
Clock Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 03
- Voiced by: Fujinuma Kento
- Stunt Actor: Muraoka Hiroyuki
- Height: 187cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 44.3m)
- Weight: 249kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 590.6t)
- Engine: A stopped grandfather clock (今はもう動かない古時計)
- Speed: Being behind on the time (時刻周回遅れ)
- Custom parts: Big Hand Saber, Little Hand Blade (長針セイバー、短針ブレード)
- License Number: 1010
Sauna Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 04
- Voiced by: Tsuchiya Toshihide
- Stunt Actor: Ono Yukimasa
- Height: 189cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 44.8m)
- Weight: 251kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 595.3t)
- Engine: Public sauna (銭湯のサウナ)
- Speed: Fastest sweater (発汗最速)
- Custom parts: Ladle Crasher (ヒシャクラッシャー), Aufguss Towel (アウフグースタオル)
- License Number: 0307
Darts Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 05
- Voiced by: Yamaguchi Noboru
- Stunt Actor: Imai Yasuhiko
- Height: 195cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 46.2m)
- Weight: 259kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 614.3t)
- Engine: Fancy Dart Board (お洒落なダーツ盤)
- Speed: Quick Judge (判定最速)
- Custom parts: Darts Hat (ダーツハット), Darts Bomber (ダーツボンバー), Infinite Darts (無限ダーツ)
- License Number: 1440
Toilet Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 06
- Voiced by: Kimishima Tetsu
- Stunt Actor: Tsutamune Masato
- Height: 190cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 45.0m)
- Weight: 247kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 585.8t)
- Engine: Western Toilet (洋式のトイレ)
- Speed: Fastest Flusher (洗浄最速)
- Custom parts: Flusher (水洗ジャー), Violent Plunger (シュラバラバー)、Technique Paper (奥の手ペーパー)
- License Number: 9090
BlockBei Gurumaa
Block Wall Gurumaa (ブロックベイグルマー)
- Appearance: Bakuage 07
- Voiced by: Teramoto Shogo
- Stunt Actor: Teramoto Shogo
- Height: 188cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 44.5m)
- Weight: 263kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 623.8t)
- Engine: A hard block wall (硬いブロック塀)
- Speed: Fastest Confiner (足止め最速)
- Custom parts: Block Wall (ブロックウォール)、Block Attack (ブロックアタック)、Giant Blocks (巨大ブロック)
- License Number: 2629
Koinobori Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 10
- Voiced by: Muraoka Hiroyuki
- Stunt Actor: Muraoka Hiroyuki
- Height: 196cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 46.4m)
- Weight: 260kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 616.7t)
- Engine: A small koinobori (小さな鯉のぼり)
- Speed: Fastest at being behind in stealing the case (ケース強奪周回遅れ)
- Custom parts: Koinoborod (コイノボロッド)、Streamer Shot (ノボリダマ)、Koi Dance (コイダンス)、Koi Bombs (コイ爆弾)
- License Number: 0505
Antenna Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 11
- Voiced by: Echigoya Kosuke
- Stunt Actor: Seike Riichi
- Height: 194cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 45.1m)
- Weight: 258kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 612.0t)
- Engine: Parabolic antenna (パラボラアンテナ)
- Speed: Fastest transmission (電波通信最速)
- Custom parts: Rev rev antenna (バリバリアンテナ)、Poisonous Waves (毒々電波)、Shock Wave (感電波)、Secret Move Parabola Reversal (秘技パラボラ返し)
- License Number: 1048
Geta Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 12
- Voiced by: Nomura Kenji
- Stunt Actor: Imai Yasuhiko
- Height: 187cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 44.3m)
- Weight: 261kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 619.0t)
- Engine: Worn Geta (古びたゲタ)
- Speed: Slowest fashion sense (ファッションセンス周回遅れ)
- Custom parts: Dainashi Naider (ダイナシナイダー)、100t Geta (100tゲタ)、Drone Geta (ドローンゲタ)、Virtual Geta Beam (ヴァーチャルゲタビーム)
- License Number: 2008
Refrigerator Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 14
- Voiced by: Takato Yasuhiro
- Stunt Actor: Muraoka Hiroyuki
- Height: 190cm
- Weight: 265kg
- Engine: Fridge mid-move (引越中の冷蔵庫)
- Speed: Fastest Freezer (氷結最速)
- Custom parts: Freezer Blizzard (フリーザーブリザード)
- License Number: 2310
Fossil Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 15
- Voiced by: Asari Ryota
- Stunt Actor: Muraoka Hiroyuki
- Height: 186cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 44.1m)
- Weight: 241kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 571.6t)
- Engine: Simiasaurus Fossil (シーミアサウルスの化石)
- Speed: Fastest runner (逃げ足最速)
- Custom parts: The nickname Kitarou (キー太郎)
- License Number: 1049
Sword Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 16
- Voiced by: Sakai Keikou
- Stunt Actor: Imai Yasuhiko, Kitamura Kai
- Height: 195cm
- Weight: 272kg
- Engine: Legendary Sword of Planet Reflector (惑星リフレクターの伝説の剣)
- Speed: Fastest Swordplay (剣さばき最速)
- Custom parts: Sharpening Sword, Sword Techniques Drift Reversal, Big Sword Finisher, Spin Turn (トギスマソード、秘剣・車殺法(ドリフト返し、大秘剣・スピンターンなど)
- License Number: 4010
Gym Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 17
- Voiced by: Karino Sho
- Stunt Actor: Seike Riichi
- Height: 189cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 44.8m)
- Weight: 264kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 626.2t)
- Engine: Gym treadmill (ジムのランニングマシン)
- Speed: Fastest to pick up a dumbbell (ダンベル上げ最速)
- Custom parts: Strong Hammer, Power Dumbbell, Infinite treadmill (ストロングハンマー、パワーダンベル、無限ランニングマシン)
- License Number: 6969
Sword Gurumaa Revenge
- Appearance: Bakuage 18
- Voiced by: Sakai Keikou
- Stunt Actor: Imai Yasuhiko, Kitamura Kai
- Height: 195cm
- Weight: 272kg
- Engine: Planet Reflector's Legendary Sword (惑星リフレクターの伝説の剣)
- Speed: Fastest revenge (リベンジ最速)
- Custom parts: Sharp Sword, Sword Technique: Spin Turn, Hairpin Curve (トギスマソード、秘剣・車殺法(大秘剣・スピンターンなど)
- License Number: 4010
ATM Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 19
- Voiced by: Miyata Kouki
- Stunt Actor: Sakai Kazuma
- Height: 187cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 44.3m)
- Weight: 269kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 638.0t)
- Engine: ATM machine (街のATM)
- Speed: Fastest withdrawer (現金引き出し最速)
- Custom parts: Gurumoney, Gurumoney Coin Bombs (グルマネー札、グルマネーコイン爆弾)
- License Number: 5243
Owan Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 20
- Voiced by: Tsuruoka Satoshi
- Stunt Actor: Sakai Kazuma
- Height: 193cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 45.7m)
- Weight: 257kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 609.6t)
- Engine: Set bowl meal (定食屋のお椀)
- Speed: Fastest glad to do something (はいよろこんで最速)
- Custom parts: Owan Shoulders, Chopstick Antennas (オワンショルダー、ハシアンテナ)
- License Number: 0101
Extinguisher Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 21
- Voiced by: Torashima Takaaki
- Stunt Actor: Kitamura Kai
- Height: 196cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 46.4m)
- Weight: 268kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 635.6t)
- Engine: Bright red extinguisher (真っ赤な消火器)
- Speed: Fastest fire judge (カジ判定最速)
- Custom parts: Fake Fire Extinguishers, Fire Burn (インチキ消火器、カジバーン)
- License Number: 2401
Tent Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 22
- Voiced by: Ito Satoru
- Stunt Actor: Mikami Masashi (JAE)
- Height: 194cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 45.1m)
- Weight: 253kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 600.1t)
- Engine: Solo tent for camping (キャンプ用のソロテント)
- Speed: Fastest tent pitcher (テント設営最速)
- Custom parts: Excitong, Solo Camp Beam, Moth Attack (エキサイトング、ソロキャン波(パ)、夏の虫アタック)
- License Number: 1009
Glove Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 23
- Voiced by: Uchida Shuichi
- Stunt Actor: Muraoka Hiroyuki
- Height: 189cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 44.8m)
- Weight: 246kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 583.5t)
- Engine: Baseball Glove (野球のグローブ)
- Speed: Fastest pitcher (ピッチング最速)
- Custom parts: Player number 1, Pro Baptism Beam, Killer Hashiri Ball (背番号1、プロの洗礼ビーム、必殺・ハシリ球)
- License Number: 9602
Acoustic Guitar Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 24
- Voiced by: Hayashi Yuu
- Stunt Actor: Takeuchi Yasuhiro
- Height: 91cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 45.3m)
- Weight: 249kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 590.6t)
- Engine: Acoustic Guitar (アコースティックギター)
- Speed: Fastest to sing along with himself (弾き語り最速)
- Custom parts: Dream Guitar, Surprise Pick (ドリームギター、ビックリピック)
- License Number: 8251
- Appearance: Bakuage 25
- Voiced by: Kujira
- Stunt Actor: Hachisuka Yuichi
- Height: 195cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 46.2m)
- Weight: 234kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 555.0t)
- Engine: Needham Brain (ニーダムブレーン)
- Speed: Fastest to customize (魔改造最速)
- Custom parts: Dream Guitar, Surprise Pick (ドリームギター、ビックリピック)
- License Number: 8261
Toilet Gurumaa Limited
- Appearance: Bakuage 26
- Voiced by: Tezuka Hiromichi
- Stunt Actor: Kanno Sho
- Height: 190cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 45.0m)
- Weight: 250kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 585.8t)
- Engine: Western Toilet (洋式のトイレ)
- Speed: Fastest plunger (引き抜き最速)
- Custom parts: Unplugging function, Normal water (スッポン機能、普通の水)
- License Number: 3232
Carpet Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 27
- Voiced by: Ogino Seiro
- Stunt Actor: Takeuchi Yasuhiro
- Height: 188cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 44.5m)
- Weight: 255kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 604.8t)
- Engine: Hashiriyan Express Secret Carpet (ハシリヤン通販の秘密の絨毯)
- Speed: Fastest roller (ぐるぐる巻き最速)
- Custom parts: Wrappy Wraplance, Red Carpet (マキマキランス、レッドカーペット)
- License Number: 0181
Neon Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 28
- Voiced by: Miyake Kenta
- Stunt Actor: Ono Yukimasa
- Height: 194cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 45.1m)
- Weight: 266kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 630.9t)
- Engine: Neon Sign (ネオン看板)
- Speed: Fastest surprise (サプライズ最速)
- Custom parts: Crab Kanipincers, Neon Tube, Neon Attack (クラブ・カニバサミ、ネオンチューブ、ネオンアタック)
- License Number: 4153
Gong Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 29
- Voiced by: Suzuki Chihiro
- Stunt Actor: Kanno Sho
- Height: 189cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 44.8m)
- Weight: 256kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 607.2t)
- Engine: Boxing Gong (ボクシングゴング)
- Speed: Fastest Punch (パンチ最速)
- Custom parts: Gong Gong Glove, Gong Gong Hammer, Gong Drop Kick (ゴンゴングローブ、ゴンゴンハンマー、ゴングドロップキック)
- License Number: 5910
Clock Gurumaa Seconds
Tokei Gurumaa Seconds (トケイグルマー・セカンズ)
- Appearance: Bakuage 31
- Voiced by: Yanagihara Tetsuya
- Stunt Actor: Sakae Danki
- Height: 187cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 44.3m)
- Weight: 249kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 590.6t)
- Engine: A nostalgic grandfather clock (懐かしい古時計)
- Speed: Fastest Cook (クッキング最速)
- Custom parts: Big Hand Second, Little Hand Blade, Speed Up Taipa (100x, 500x, 1000x), Slow Taipa 1/10,000, 9:15 Slash (長針セイバー、短針ブレード、早送りタイパ(100倍速、500倍速、1000倍速)、スロータイパ一万分の一倍速、9時15分斬り)
- License Number: 0915
Senro Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 32
- Voiced by: Sakaguchi Daisuke
- Stunt Actor: Kajiyama Syoutaro
- Height: 191cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 45.3m)
- Weight: 264kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 621.4t)
- Engine: Switchyard rails (操車場の線路)
- Speed: Loop Line Speed (環状線一定速度)
- Custom parts: Link-up Flash, Chugga Chugga Punch (整列乗車フラッシュ、ガタゴトパンチ)
- License Number: 2014
Stone Roasted Sweet Potato Gurumaa
Ishiyaki Imoki Gurumaa (イシヤキイモキグルマー)
- Appearance: Bakuage 33
- Voiced by: Ono Yukimasa
- Stunt Actor: Ono Yukimasa
- Height: 189cm
- Weight: 261kg
- Engine: Stone Roasted sweet potato device (石焼き芋機)
- Speed: Fastest roaster (焼き上がり最速)
- Custom parts: Stone roasted sweet potato bombs, Excitong (イシヤキイモ爆弾、エキサイトング)
- License Number: 1489
Brick Blockwall Gurumaa
Renga Block Bei Gurumaa (レンガブロックベイグルマー)
- Appearance: Bakuage 33
- Voiced by: Susumago Shinnosuke
- Stunt Actor: Susumago Shinnosuke
- Height: 188cm
- Weight: 274kg
- Engine: Brick Block Wall (レンガのブロック塀)
- Speed: Fastest guard (ガード最速)
- Custom parts: Brick Block Wall (レンガブロックウォール)
- License Number: 5252
Elec Guitar Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 34
- Voiced by: Nozuyama Yukihiro
- Stunt Actor: Sakae Danki
- Height: 195cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 46.2m)
- Weight: 267kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 633.3t)
- Engine: Punk electric guitar (パンクなエレキギター)
- Speed: Fastest guitar picker (ギターピッキング最速)
- Custom parts: MAX Fire (MAXファイヤー)
- License Number: 8969
Refrigerator Gurumaa 2
- Appearance: Bakuage 36
- Voiced by: Takato Yasuhiro
- Stunt Actor: Kanno Sho
- Height: 190cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 45.1m)
- Weight: 265kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 628.5t)
- Engine: Oversized garbage refigerator (粗大ごみの冷蔵庫)
- Speed: Fastest hot wind (熱風最速)
- Custom parts: Oversized garbage sticker, Super Hashiriyan Big Dimensional Shoot, Double Chop, Big Spin Twister (粗大ごみ処理券、超ハシリヤン大次元シュート、ダブルチョップ、大回転ツイスター)
- License Number: 5353
Vacuum Gurumaa 2
- Appearance: Bakuage 36
- Voiced by: Kanuka Mitsuaki
- Stunt Actor: Susumago Shinnosuke
- Height: 191cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 45.3m)
- Weight: 254kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 602.4t)
- Engine: Oversized garbage vacuum (粗大ごみの掃除機)
- Speed: Fastest freezing wind (冷風最速)
- Custom parts: Oversized garbage sticker, Snapping Cleaner, Super Hashiriyan Big Dimensional Shoot, Double Chop, Big Spin Twister (粗大ごみ処理券、カミツクリーナー、超ハシリヤン大次元シュート、ダブルチョップ、大回転ツイスター)
- License Number: 5353
Refrigerator Gurumaa 2
- Appearance: Bakuage 36
- Voiced by: Takato Yasuhiro
- Stunt Actor: Kanno Sho
- Height: 190cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 45.1m)
- Weight: 265kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 628.5t)
- Engine: Oversized garbage refigerator (粗大ごみの冷蔵庫)
- Speed: Fastest hot wind (熱風最速)
- Custom parts: Oversized garbage sticker, Super Hashiriyan Big Dimensional Shoot, Double Chop, Big Spin Twister (粗大ごみ処理券、超ハシリヤン大次元シュート、ダブルチョップ、大回転ツイスター)
- License Number: 5353
Vacuum Gurumaa 2
- Appearance: Bakuage 36
- Voiced by: Kanuka Mitsuaki
- Stunt Actor: Susumago Shinnosuke
- Height: 191cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 45.3m)
- Weight: 254kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 602.4t)
- Engine: Oversized garbage vacuum (粗大ごみの掃除機)
- Speed: Fastest freezing wind (冷風最速)
- Custom parts: Oversized garbage sticker, Snapping Cleaner, Super Hashiriyan Big Dimensional Shoot, Double Chop, Big Spin Twister (粗大ごみ処理券、カミツクリーナー、超ハシリヤン大次元シュート、ダブルチョップ、大回転ツイスター)
- License Number: 5353
Camera Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 37
- Voiced by: Hosokawa Akihiro
- Stunt Actor: Hosokawa Akihiro
- Height: 188cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 44.5m)
- Weight: 258kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 611.9t)
- Engine: Single lens reflex camera (一眼レフカメラ)
- Speed: Shutter speed (シャッター最速)
- Custom parts: Fake reprints, Focus Flash (焼き増しフェイク、フォーカスフラッシュ)
- License Number: 2010
Bro's Acoustic Guitar Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 38
- Voiced by: Hayashi Yuu
- Stunt Actor: Kajiyama Syoutaro
- Height: 191cm
- Weight: 249kg
- Engine: Bro's Acoustic Guitar (アニキのアコースティックギター)
- Speed: Quickest to give a solo performance (ウェイウェイビューイング、V8サウンド)
- Custom parts: Wayway Viewing, V8 Sound (ウェイウェイビューイング、V8サウンド)
- License Number: 5310
Cuz's Electric Guitar Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 38
- Voiced by: Nozuyama Yukihiro
- Stunt Actor: Sakae Danki
- Height: 195cm
- Weight: 297kg
- Engine: Cuz's Electric Guitar (イトコのエレキギター)
- Speed: Quickest to give a solo performance (ウェイウェイビューイング、V8サウンド)
- Custom parts: Wayway Viewing, V8 Sound (ウェイウェイビューイング、V8サウンド)
- License Number: 5310
Sponge Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 39
- Voiced by: Abe Atsushi
- Stunt Actor: Kawashima Shotaro, Sakae Danki
- Height: 93cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 45.7m)
- Weight: 249kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 590.6t)
- Engine: Hard type sponge (ハードタイプのスポンジ)
- Speed: Fastest suds (泡立ち最速)
- Custom parts: Double Scrub (ダブルスクラブ)
- License Number: 5454
Scale Gurumaa
Taijuukei Gurumaa (タイジュウケイグルマー)
- Appearance: Bakuage 40
- Voiced by: Teramoto Shogo
- Stunt Actor: Teramoto Shogo, Tezuka Rikuto
- Height: 187cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 44.3m)
- Weight: 256kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 607.2t)
- Engine: Easy-to-read scale (見やすい体重計)
- Speed: Fastest measurer (測定最速)
- Custom parts: Hakaruler, 2000t limit (ハカルーラー、重量制限2000t)
- License Number: 7144
Soccer Ball Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 41
- Voiced by: Imaruoka Atsushi
- Stunt Actor: Kajiyama Syoutaro
- Height: 190cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 45.7m)
- Weight: 235kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 600.1t)
- Engine: Black and white soccer ball (黒と白のサッカーボール)
- Speed: Fastest dribbler (ドリブル最速)
- Custom parts: Armageddon Shoot, Field Change (アルマゲドンシュート、フィールドチェンジ)
- License Number: 2103
Super Great Gym Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 41
- Voiced by: Uncredited
- Stunt Actor: Uncredited
- Height: 189cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 44.8m)
- Weight: 264kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 626.2t)
- Engine: Super Great Training Gym (スーパーグレートなトレーニングジム)
- Speed: Fastest to miss a save (セーブ周回遅れ)
- Custom parts: Super Great Cap, Super Great Glove (スーパーグレートキャップ、スーパーグレートグローブ)
- License Number: 3820
Trashcan Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 42
- Voiced by: Yamashita Taiki
- Stunt Actor: Kajiyama Syoutaro
- Height: 188cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 44.5m)
- Weight: 260kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 616.7t)
- Engine: Trashcan for bottles and cans (ビンとカンのゴミ箱)
- Speed: Fastest Santa Claus finder (サンタクロース探し最速)
- Custom parts: Interlace tongs, Trashmissile, Crow Kaachan (インタレストング、ゴミサイル、カラスのカーちゃん)
- License Number: 1225
Treasure Chest Gurumaa
Takarabako Gurumaa (タカラバコグルマー)
- Appearance: Bakuage 43
- Voiced by: Nojima Hirofumi
- Stunt Actor: Takeuchi Yasuhiro
- Height: 191cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 45.3m)
- Weight: 262kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 621.4t)
- Engine: Space Treasure Chest (宇宙の宝箱)
- Speed: Fastest Treasure Locker (お宝ロック最速)
- Custom parts: Destructive Caliber, Indestructible Treasure Shield, Chest Guard (撃滅のカリバー、不滅の宝盾(ほうたて)、箱入りガード)
- License Number: 2011
Kurumajyu Gurumaa
- Appearance: Bakuage 46
- Voiced by: Moroboshi Sumire
- Stunt Actor: Sakanashi Yume
- Height: 186cm (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 44.1m)
- Weight: 252kg (Runaway Gyahsoline Form: 597.7t)
- Engine: Yaiyai Yalcar (ヤイヤイ・ヤルカー)
- Speed: Fastest Tail to Nose (テール・トゥ・ノーズ最速)
- Custom parts: Kurumajyu Emblems, Gyahstomize (苦魔獣エンブレム、ギャースタマイズ)
- License Number: 9010
BoonBoom Killer Robo / BoonBoom Danger
- First appearance: Bakuage 13
- Stunt Actor: Ito Shigeki
- Height: 46.0m
- Width: 21.8m
- Chest depth: 23.0m
- Weight: 3500t (Without the Tune Up: 2500t)
- Speed: 400km/h
- Power: 2100 horse power (Without the Tune Up: 1500 horse power)
- Equipment: Killer Missiles, Killer Drill, Killer Hand (キラーミサイル、キラードリル、キラーハンド)
External Links
Media in category "Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger Hashiriyan"
The following 57 files are in this category, out of 57 total.
AkogiGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 496 KB
AnikiNoAcousticGuitarGurumaaJon.jpg 650 × 1,000; 258 KB
AntennaGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 386 KB
ATMGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 300 KB
BlockBeiGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 287 KB
Boonboomger Hashiriyan logo.png 480 × 480; 26 KB
CameraGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 359 KB
Cannonborg.jpg 650 × 1,000; 269 KB
CarpetGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 174 KB
Chart m enemy 00.png 300 × 204; 63 KB
Chart m enemy 05.png 300 × 204; 62 KB
DartsGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 325 KB
Decotorade.jpg 650 × 1,000; 315 KB
DisRace.jpg 650 × 1,000; 253 KB
DisRace2000.jpg 650 × 1,000; 293 KB
ElecGuitarGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 195 KB
GetaGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 369 KB
GloveGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 300 KB
GomibakoGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 282 KB
GongGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 473 KB
GrantuRisk.jpg 650 × 1,000; 245 KB
GymGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 296 KB
IshiyakiImokiGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 316 KB
Itaasha.jpg 650 × 1,000; 253 KB
ItokoNoElectricGuitarGurumaaBovi.jpg 650 × 1,000; 268 KB
KasekiGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 277 KB
KoinoboriGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 918 KB
KurumajyuGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 344 KB
MadRex.jpg 650 × 1,000; 282 KB
MadRexFury.jpg 650 × 1,000; 304 KB
Nejiretta.png 480 × 480; 195 KB
NeonGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 375 KB
OwanGurumaa.jpg 1,000 × 1,539; 294 KB
ReizokuGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 331 KB
ReizokuGurumaa2.jpg 650 × 1,000; 259 KB
RengaBlockbeiGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 350 KB
SaunaGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 325 KB
SenroGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 414 KB
ShoukakiGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 334 KB
SoccerBallGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 332 KB
SoujikiGurumaa2.jpg 650 × 1,000; 257 KB
SpongeGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 459 KB
SuperGreatGymGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 372 KB
SwordGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 306 KB
SwordGurumaaRevenge.jpg 650 × 1,000; 754 KB
TaijuukeiGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 267 KB
TakarabakoGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 281 KB
TentGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 279 KB
ToiletGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 256 KB
ToiletGurumaaLimited.jpg 650 × 1,000; 328 KB
TokeiGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 202 KB
TokeiGurumaaSeconds.jpg 650 × 1,000; 255 KB
VacuumGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 211 KB
WaruidSpindo.jpg 650 × 1,000; 259 KB
WeddingDressGurumaa.jpg 650 × 1,000; 501 KB
YaiyaiYalcar.png 650 × 650; 513 KB
Yalcar.png 480 × 480; 222 KB