Avatarou Sentai DonBrothers VS Avatarou Sentai Donburis
Airing on TTFC November 5, 2023
- Momoi Tarou / Don Momotarou - Higuchi Kouhei → 桃井タロウ /鉄火丼レッド/ ドンモモタロウ - 樋口幸平
- Saruhara Shinichi / Saru Brother - Beppu Yuuki → 猿原真一 /天丼ブルー/ サルブラザー - 別府由来
- Kitou Haruka / Oni Sister - Shida Kohaku → 鬼頭はるか/かつ丼イエロー / オニシスター - 志田こはく
- Inuzuka Tsubasa / Inu Brother - Totaro → 犬塚翼 /海鮮丼ブラック/ イヌブラザー - 柊太朗
- Kijino Tsuyoshi / Kiji Brother - Suzuki Hirofumi → 雉野つよし /牛丼ピンク/ キジブラザー - 鈴木浩文
- Momotani Jirou / Don Dragoku - Ishikawa Raizou → 桃谷ジロウ / ドンドラゴクウ/ - 石川雷蔵
- Sonoi/Mr. A La Cart - Tominaga Yuya → ソノイ/Mr.アラカルト - 富永勇也
- Sononi - Miyazaki Amisa → ソノニ - 宮崎あみさ
- Sonoza - Takahashi Shinnosuke → ソノザ - タカハシシンノスケ
- Goshikida Kaito - Komagine Kiita → 五色田介人 - 駒木根葵汰
- Stacy - Sekoguchi Ryo → ステイシー - 世古口凌
- Keisuke - Asai Kosuke → けいすけ - 浅井宏輔
- Ayumi - Shimozono Ayumi → あゆみ - 下園愛弓
- 'Pervert who falls out of the tree - Takeuchi Yasuhiro → ' - 竹内康博
- The official spelling from the poster spells it Avataro Sentai Donburies with an e.
- When Jirou powers up, his name is Gol-Don Dragoku, with don being the kanji from donburi.
- During the Donburi Don tasting scene, the people who appear on the side are suit actors. Ayumi and Keisuke are Shimozono Ayumi and Asai Kosuke who play Oni Sister and Don Momotarou. The man who falls out of the tree is Takeuchi Yasuhiro who plays Saru Brother. There are also two other couples who are probably also suit actors.
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