Released on January 2018 as a bonus for "Episode of Stinger: Uchuu Sentai KyuuRanger High School Wars" DVD.
KyuuTama List
01 Shishi (Leo)
02 Sasori (Scorpius)
03 Ookami (Lupus)
04 Tenbin (Libra)
05 Oushi (Taurus)
06 Hebitsukai (Ophiuchus)
07 Chamaeleon
08 Washi (Aquila)
09 Kajiki (Dorado)
10 Ryuu (Draco)
11 Koguma (Ursa Minor)
12 Houou (Phoenix)
13 Orion
14 Tokei (Horologium)
15 Ushikai (Boötes)
16 Hebi (Serpent)
17 Pump (Antlia)
18 Heracles (Hercules)
19 Rashinban (Pyxis)
20 Bouenkyou (Telescopium)
21 Kani (Cancer)
22 Ooguma (Ursa Major)
23 Uo (Pisces)
24 Tate (Scutum)
25 Futago (Gemini)
26 Ohitsuji (Aries)
27 Ikkakujuu (Monoceros)
28 Mizugami (Aquarius)
29 Yagi (Capricorn)
30 Kanmuri (Corona Borealis)
31 Centaurus
32 Kujaku (Pavo)
33 Pegasus
34 Kaminoke (Coma Berenices)
35 Ite (Sagittarius)
36 Perseus
37 Kujira (Cetus)
38 Cassiopeia
39 Tokage (Lacerta)
40 Andromeda
41 Kenbikyou (Microscopium)
42 Ryouken (Canes Venatici)
43 Kirin (Camelopardalis)
44 Tobiuo (Volans)
45 Karasu (Corvus)
46 Jougi (Norma)
47 Choukokuhitsu (Sculptor)
48 Iruka (Delphinus)
49 Compass (Circinus)
50 Saidan (Ara)
51 Otome (Virgo)
52 Ooinu (Canis Major)
53 Sankaku (Triangulum)
54 Cepheus
55 Koto (Lyra)
56 Hakuchou (Cygnus)
57 Hae (Musca)
58 Hato (Columba)
59 Gaka (Pictor)
60 Eridanus
61 Kyoshichou (Tucana)
62 Gyosha (Auriga)
63 Kouma (Equuleus)
64 Cup (Crater)
65 Mizuhebi (Hydrus)
66 Koinu (Canis Minor)
67 Umihebi (Hydra)
68 Usagi (Lepus)
69 Choukoku (Caelum)
70 Indian (Indus)
71 Table-san (Mensa)
72 Fuuchou (Apus)
73 Minami Juuji (Crux)
74 Minami no Uo (Piscis Austrine)
75 Minami no Sankaku (Triangulum Australe)
76 Minami no Kanmuri (Corona Australis)
77 Kojishi (Leo Minor)
78 Reticle (Reticulum)
79 Rokubungi (Sextans)
80 Hachibungi (Octans)
81 Tsuru (Grus)
82 Kogitsune (Vulpecula)
83 Ro (Fornax)
84 Ya (Sagitta)
85 Yamaneko (Lynx)
86 Ho (Vela)
87 Ryuukotsu (Carina)
88 Tomo (Puppis)
89 Argo
111 Kerberos (Cerberus) KyuuTama
315 Saikou (Supreme) KyuuTama
Space Shogunate Jark Matter Dark KyuuTama
Space Shogunate Jark Matter Black Hole KyuuTama
SP KyuuRanger KyuuTama
KR Ex-Aid KyuuTama
Xmas Christmas KyuuTama
SP All Voyager KyuuTama
SUN/MOON Hikari (Light) KyuuTama
- The instructors are suit actors.
- Instructor Takada (Takada Masashi) was KyouryuuBlue's suit actor. He also plays ShishiRed on KyuuRanger.
- Shimozono Ayumi plays ChamaeleonGreen. Later, Hame mentions wanting Shimozono to teach her a new technique too.
- Gomi Ryoko plays WashiPink and her technique is from when she played JyuohShark.
- Kusano Shinsuke plays KajikiYellow and is eating in his scene. Afterward, Spada shouts in encouragement.
- Kamio Naoko plays Koguma SkyBlue.
- Fukuzawa Hirofumi was GokaiRed, hence the Gokaiger finisher.
- Kotarou performs a Gokaiger finisher. There's even the sound effect "Final Wave" that plays when he performs it.
Sentai References
- Chairman Indabee does the transformation poses of Hurricaneger, Gouraiger and Shurikenger after getting caught by the KyuuRangers.
- Chairman Indabee does the "A-sanjou~!" rollcall pose from Hurricaneger during his introduction.
- Instructor Takada does the KyouryuuBlue rollcall pose.
- Instructor Shimozono does the KyouryuuViolet rollcall pose.
- Instructor Gomi does the JyuohShark rollcall pose.
- Instructor Kamio does the MegaPink rollcall pose.
- Instructor Fukuzawa does the ShinkenRed and GokaiRed rollcall poses.
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