Kamen Rider Den-O Merchandise
A list of Kamen Rider Den-O Merchandise.
Blu-ray & DVD
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- Release dates
- Vol.1: August 3, 2007
- Vol.2: September 21, 2007
- Vol.3: October 21, 2007
- Vol.4: November 21, 2007
- Vol.5: December 7, 2007
- Vol.6: January 21, 2008
- Ore, Tanjou!: January 21, 2008
- Vol.7: February 21, 2008
- Vol.8: March 21, 2008
- Vol.9: April 21, 2008
- Vol.10: May 21, 2008
- Ore, Tanjou! Final Cut: May 21, 2008
- Vol.11: June 21, 2008
- Vol.12: July 21, 2008
- Vol.12 Special Version: July 21, 2008
- Climax Deka: July 21, 2008
- Saraba Den-O: April 21, 2009
- Saraba Den-O Director's Cut: September 21, 2009
- Warship of Onigashima: October 21, 2009
- Warship of Onigashima Director's Cut: February 21, 2010
- EP RED: October 21, 2010
- EP BLUE: October 21, 2010
- EP YELLOW: October 21, 2010
- Let's Go Kamen Riders: October 21, 2011
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- Release dates
- Saraba Den-O: April 21, 2009
- Ore, Tanjou!: April 21, 2009
- Climax Deka: April 21, 2009
- Warship of Onigashima: October 21, 2009
- EP RED: October 21, 2010
- EP BLUE: October 21, 2010
- EP YELLOW: October 21, 2010
- Let's Go Kamen Riders: October 21, 2011
- Box 1: May 10, 2017
- Box 2: July 12, 2017
- Box 3: September 13, 2017
- The Movie Complete: December 6, 2017
- The DVD Vol.12 Special Version has two discs. Disc 1 contains the regular version of Ep 45 up to Ep 49. Disc 2 contains the director's cut version of Ep 47 up to Ep 49.
- The Saraba Den-O Movie was released on both Blu-ray and DVD together. This eventually lead to all the previous Heisei Rider movies getting a Blu-ray release on 2009.
Manga and Books
- Release dates
- Full Collection Part 1: July 17, 2007
- Full Collection Part 2: December 22, 2007
- Den-O Perspective: January 18, 2008
- Detail of Heroes Chapter 1: January 19, 2008
- Climax Deka Full Collection: April 22, 2008
- Full Collection Part 3: March 22, 2009
- Detail of Heroes Chapter 2: May 30, 2009
- Novel: July 26, 2013 written by Shirakura Shinichiro.
- MOOK Book: November 8, 2014
- Release dates
- Super Heroes 1: February 6, 2009
- Super Heroes 2: February 6, 2009
- Super Heroes 3: October 16, 2009
Role Play Toys