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Category:Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Mecha

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< Ressha Sentai Toqger Doubutsu Sentai Jyuohger >

A list of Shuriken Sentai Ninninger mecha, forms, and weapons.



Ninja Ichibantou
First appearance:
Gamagama Gun
First appearance:
Karakuri Henge
First appearance:
First appearance:
Ninja StarBurger
First appearance:
Transcendental Shoubu Changer
First appearance:
Ninja Fierce Fiery Blade
First appearance:

Nin Shuriken


Akaninger Shuriken
First appearance:
Aoninger Shuriken
First appearance:
Kininger Shuriken
First appearance:
Shironinger Shuriken
First appearance:
Momoninger Shuriken
First appearance:
StarNinger Shuriken
First appearance:


Akaninger Chouzetsu
First appearance:
Super Starninger
First appearance:


Shuriken Ninpou

シュリケン忍法 Shuriken Ninja Art

  • Kaen no Jutsu (Flame Technique 火炎の術)
    • Dai Kaen no Jutsu (Big Flame Technique 大火炎の術)
  • Mizu no Jutsu (Water Technique 水の術)
    • Kyouka Suigetsu (Water Flower Moon Mirror 鏡花水月) - Aoninger adapts the Mizu no Jutsu to create a mirror out of water.
  • Tsuchi no Jutsu (Earth Technique 土の術)
    • Dorodoro no Jutsu (Muddle Technique ドロドロの術)
  • Ki no Jutsu (Wood Technique 木の術)
    • Tsurutsuru Shita no Jutsu (Slippery Vine Technique ツルツルツタの術)
  • Kin no Jutsu (Metal Technique 金の術)
  • Kaze no Jutsu (Wind Technique 風の術)
  • Kaminari no Jutsu (Thunder Technique 雷の術)
  • Enen Chouda no Jutsu (Stretching Technique 蜿蜿長蛇の術) - Uses to extend his/her arm and flatten the Youkai.
  • Tenchi Gyakuten no Jutsu (Upside Down Technique 天地逆転の術) - Uses to control the gravity of any person, enemy or an object.
  • Bunshin no Jutsu (Cloning Technique 分身の術) - Uses to create the clones of his/herself.
  • Soragake no Jutsu (Sky Dash Technique 空駆けの術) - Uses to run in the air.
  • Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Replacement Technique 変わり身の術)
  • Migawari no Jutsu (Substitution Technique 身替わりの術)
  • Yagura Nin Senpuu (Nin Platform Whirlwind やぐら忍旋風)
  • Kagenui no Jutsu (Shadow Pin Technique 影縫いの術) - Used in Shinobi no 06 and 12
  • Surfer Catch no Jutsu (Surfer Catch Technique サーファーキャッチの術)
  • Kiemi no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique 消え身の術)
  • Otoshiana no Jutsu (Pitfall Trap Technique 落とし穴の術)
  • Yagura Nin Senpuu (Nin Platform Whirlwind やぐら忍旋風)
  • Shukushaku Shukushou no Jutsu (Mini Mini Technique 縮尺縮小の術) - Used in Toqger VS Kyouryuuger against Kurainer.
  • Ishou Isshin no Jutsu (Clothes Change Technique 衣装一新の術)

Joukyuu Shuriken Ninpou

上級シュリケン忍法 Advanced Shuriken Ninja Art

  • Hiehie Cooler no Jutsu (Chilling Cooler Technique 冷え冷えクーラーの術) - Mix with Mizu no Jutsu and Kin no Jutsu
  • Tokai Sabaku no Jutsu (Desert City Technique 都会砂漠の術) - Mix with Kaen no Jutsu and Tsuchi no Jutsu
  • Atsuatsu Barbecue no Jutsu (Hot Barbecue Technique 熱々バーベキューの術) - Mix with Kaen no Jutsu, Kin no Jutsu and Ki no Jutsu

Shuriken Ninpou Ougi

  • Nin Retsu Zan (Violent Ninja Slash 忍烈斬) - Akaninger powers up, slashes the enemy multiple times, then jumps up for the Ninja Issen finisher.
    • Issei Nin Retsu Zan (Simultaneous Nin Violent Slash 一斉・忍烈斬) - All five Ninningers attack at once.
    • Chou Nin Retsu Zan (Super Nin Violent Slash 超・忍烈斬)
    • Kyoudai Nin Retsu Zan (Siblings Nin Violent Slash 兄弟・忍烈斬) - Akaninger and Shironinger slash the enemy at once.
    • Magical Nin Retsu Zan (Magical Nin Violent Slash マジカル・忍烈斬) - Akaninger powers up, slashes the enemy with Aoninger's spells.
  • Shuriken Zan (Throwing Star Slash 手裏剣斬) - Akaninger forms a big shuriken and slash through the enemy.
  • Ninja Issen (Ninja Flash 忍者一閃) - A Ninninger jumps up, then drops down quickly and slashes.
  • Dai Appare Ninja Retsu Zan (Big Splendid Ninja Violent Slash 大アッパレニンジャ烈斬)
  • Dynamic Western Rockstar (ダイナミックウエスタンロックスター)

New Item

Karakuri Nin Antenna (Clockwork Ninja Antenna カラクリ忍アンテナ)

A device created by Kasumi to interfere with the Youkai's transmission.

Otomo Nin

オトモ忍 (Companion Nin)

  • The Ninninger's mecha. Unlike previous series, the motif of the different component mecha vary quite a bit.
  • Their names end in -maru, which is a common naming convention for weapons and vehicles. For example, the Shinkenger's sword was called "Shinkenmaru".



First appearance:
Height: 21.6m
Width: 9.7m
Length: 8.1m
Weight: 200t
Speed: 500km/h
Power: 300 horse power
  • Akaninger's main mecha. As the name implies, it's a red ninja.

TV Asahi site



First appearance:
Height: 23.7m
Width: 26.8m (Width of wings)
Length: 37.3m
Weight: 300t
Speed: 600km/h
Power: 450 horse power
  • Aoninger's dragon mecha.

TV Asahi site



First appearance:
Height: 16.7m
Width: 18.3m
Length: 22.6m
Weight: 400t
Speed: 300km/h
Power: 600 horse power
  • Kininger's dump truck.

TV Asahi site



First appearance:
Height: 12.4m
Width: 3.6m
Length: 18.6m
Weight: 100t
Speed: 400km/h
Power: 150 horse power
  • Shironinger's dog mecha. Wan means "dog/puppy" in Japanese (It's literally the Japanese sound for a dog barking.)

TV Asahi site



First appearance:
Height: 8.8m
Width: 7.8m
Length: 76.0m
Weight: 500t
Speed: 700km/h
Power: 750 horse power
  • Momoninger's train mecha. Byun is the Japanese onomatopoeia for "going fast". Possibly a reference to the GoRanger's mecha, which were named similarly (like VariVroom or VariDriin).

TV Asahi site



First appearance:
Height: 20.2m
Width: 15.7m
Length: 23.0m
Weight: 400t
Speed: 330km/h
Power: 600 horse power
(Humanoid form)
Height: 23.3m
Width: 15.7m
Length: 8.2m
Weight: 300t
Speed: 350km/h
Power: 450 horse power

TV Asahi site



First appearance:
Height: 13.4m
Width: 18.8m
Length: 19.3m
Weight: 400t
Speed: Mach 1
Power: 600 horse power
(Humanoid form)
Height: 22.3m
Width: 13.8m
Length: 7.6m
Weight: 300t
Speed: 600km/h
Power: 450 horse power

TV Asahi site



First appearance:
Height: 21.2m
Width: 9.0m
Length: 4.5m
Weight: 200t
Speed: 500km/h
Power: 300 horse power
  • Starninger's mecha.

TV Asahi site

Bison Buggy


First appearance:
Height: 23.3m
Width: 39.7m
Length: 48.3m
Weight: 1400t
Speed: 550km/h
Power: 2100 horse power
  • Starninger's vehicle that Rodeomaru rides.

TV Asahi site



First appearance:
Height: 17.4m
Width: 14.9m
Length: 38.1m
Weight: 550t
Speed: 200 knots
Power: 800 horse power
(Humanoid form)
Height: 21.2m
Width: 9.8m
Chest depth: 6.3m
Weight: 200t
Speed: 480 knots
Power: 300 horse power

TV Asahi site

Celestial Otomo Nin Lion Ha-Oh Castle

天空のオトモ忍 ライオンハオージョウ

First appearance:
Height: 48.4m
Width: 64.9m
Length: 76.8m
Weight: 8800t
Speed: 800km/h
Power: 12200 horse power
  • A Celestial Otomo Nin.
  • Finisher: Lion Chouzetsu Giri (Lion Transcendental Slash ライオン超絶斬り)

TV Asahi site



First appearance:
Height: 8.2m
Width: 36.4m
Length: 21.6m
Weight: 150t
Speed: Mach 1.2
Power: 200 horse power

TV Asahi site



First appearance:
Height: 10.3m
Width: 7.7m
Length: 30.6m
Weight: 200t
Speed: 600km/h
Power: 300 horse power

TV Asahi site



First appearance:
Height: 16.8m
Width: 20.4m
Length: 26.6m
Weight: 500t
Speed: 400km/h
Power: 750 horse power

TV Asahi site



First appearance:
Height: 8.6m
Width: 10.5m
Length: 25.6m
Weight: 200t
Speed: 450km/h
Power: 300 horse power

TV Asahi site



First appearance:
Height: 8.8m
Width: 11.1m
Length: 24.9m
Weight: 200t
Speed: 500km/h
Power: 300 horse power

TV Asahi site



First appearance:
Height: 10.3m
Width: 7.6m
Length: 24.0m
Weight: 150t
Speed: 220km/h
Power: 200 horse power

TV Asahi site





First appearance:
Height: 48.0m
Width: 30.5m
Chest depth: 12.0m
Weight: 1600t
Speed: 550km/h
Power: 2400 horse power
  • The Ninninger's first gattai robo. Combined with Shinobimaru, Dragomaru, Dumpmaru, Wanmaru, Byunmaru.
  • Its finisher is Appare Giri (Splendid Slash アッパレ斬り). The word Appare is an alternate pronunciation of Takaharu's name.
  • ShurikenJin's name probably means "Shuriken God".

TV Asahi site

ShurikenJin Drago


First appearance:
Height: 41.0m
Width: 35.7m (Width of wings)
Chest depth: 12.6m
Length: 56.0m (From nose to tail)
Weight: 1600t
Speed: 650km/h
Power: 2400 horse power
  • The second form of the Ninninger's main robo. Combined using Dragomaru as the main piece instead of Shinobimaru. When in this form, Aoninger sits in the portable shrine instead of Akaninger.
  • Its finisher is ShurikenJin Drago Burst (シュリケンジンドラゴ ドラゴバースト)

TV Asahi site

ShurikenJin Paoon


First appearance:
Height: 48.0m
Width: 30.0m
Chest depth: 25.0m
Weight: 1900t
Speed: 450km/h
Power: 2850 horse power
  • Finisher: Paoon Boomerang (パオーンブーメラン)

TV Asahi site

ShurikenJin UFO


First appearance:
Height: 48.0m
Width: 30.0m
Chest depth: 22.4m
Weight: 1900t
Speed: 700km/h
Power: 2850 horse power
  • With UFOmaru in the center, ShurikenJin UFO can fly even in space.
  • Finisher: UFO Big Bang (UFOビッグバン)

TV Asahi site

Bison King


First appearance:
Height: 47.3m
Width: 39.7m
Chest depth: 41.0m
Weight: 1600t
Speed: 5500km/h
Power: 2400 horse power
  • Finisher: Arakure Buster (Wild Buster 荒くれバスター)

TV Asahi site

King ShurikenJin


First appearance:
Height: 73.5m
Width: 36.5m
Chest depth: 31.5m
Weight: 3200t
Speed: 700km/h
Power: 4800 horse power
  • Finisher: King Hatenkou Giri (Unprecedented King Slash キング破天荒斬り)

TV Asahi site

ShurikenJin Surfer


First appearance:
Height: 51.6m
Width: 30.0m
Chest depth: 23.1m
Weight: 2050t
Speed: 300 knots
Power: 3050 horse power
  • Finisher: Surfer Naminori Giri (Surfer Slash)

TV Asahi site

ShurikenJin Lion Ha-Oh


First appearance:
Height: 66.3m
Width: 62.0m
Chest depth: 32.3m
Weight: 8800t
Speed: 750km/h
Power: 12200 horse power
  • Finisher: Ha-Oh Appare Buster (Ha-Oh Splendid Buster ハオーアッパレバスター)

TV Asahi site

Ha-Oh ShurikenJin


First appearance:
Height: 72.5m
Width: 62.0m
Chest depth: 31.4m
Weight: 12000t
Speed: 850km/h
Power: 17000 horse power

TV Asahi site

GekiAtsu Dai-Oh


First appearance:
Height: 56.0m
Width: 27.8m
Chest depth: 19.3m
Weight: 1500t
Speed: 600km/h
Power: 2200 horse power

TV Asahi site

Ha-Oh GekiAtsu Dai-Oh


First appearance:
Height: 80.5m
Width: 62.0m
Chest depth: 39.1m
Weight: 11900t
Speed: 880km/h
Power: 16800 horse power

TV Asahi site

External Link

TV Asahi site

Media in category "Shuriken Sentai Ninninger Mecha"

The following 72 files are in this category, out of 72 total.