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Zoids Genesis Zoids List

From TV-Nihon

Below is a list of Zoids that appeared in the Zoids Genesis anime series. Zoids are mechanical lifeforms that can only be piloted by compatible humans. Some humans may be compatible with many Zoids while others may not be compatible with any.

Planet Zi Zoids

All the Zoids are buried underground or sank into the sea due to the apocalyptic event several thousands years ago. The current civilization discover the Zoids and excavate them. Zoids can only be activated and piloted by compatible humans. In other words, the Zoids choose their own pilots. Some smaller Zoids (such as Baratz) are easier to find compatible pilots than others.

Planet Zi Zoids use an animal motif.

Zoids Type First Appearance Description
BamboLian Panda-type Episode 09 The BamboLian is a large-scale Zoid, and is one of the few Zoids equipped with Leeo weapons. While most Zoids equipped with Leeo weapons focus on close-range combat, BamboLian is a long-range attack Zoid. It has multiple missile launchers on its back that can fire different types of projectiles, including Leeo bullets and smoke grenades. It is also equipped with two small blades on both legs for close-range combat.
Baratz (Connectes) Centipede-type Episode 01 These are small-scale, centipede looking Zoids that are often used for cargo transportation. They can carry multiple cargo containers on their backs.
Baratz (Feelesword) LongicornBeetle-type Episode 16 These are small-scale, longicorn beetle insect type Zoids. They have a cannon on the left side of their heads. They can communicate with each other through vibrating their antennae.
Baratz (Girafsworder) StagBeetle-type Episode 06 These are small-scale, stag beetle insect type Zoids.
Baratz (Gunbeetle) Beetle-type Episode 32 These are small-scale, beetle insect type Zoids.
Baratz (Guysting) Scorpion-type Episode 04 These are small-scale, scorpion insect type Zoids. It has dual cannons on its tail
BeamTortoise Tortoise-type Episode 01 The BeamTortoise has a large beam cannon on its back. Due to its slow speed, it's often used as stationary weapon platforms alongside defensive fortifications
BrastleTiger Tiger-type Episode 23 The BrastleTiger is a large-scale Zoid. Its Sonic Burst can turn large ground areas into molten lava, destroying a large number of Zoids in the process. However, due to the large amount of power needed, the Zoid will be disabled for a period of time after the blast. It also has triple cannons under its belly as secondary weapons.
CommandWolf Wolf-type Episode 24 The Command Wolf is a fast and agile Zoid. It has a sniper rifle mounted on its back that can rotate to either sides. It is also equipped with two guns at the rear to deal with enemies from behind.
DeadlyKong Kong-type Episode 05 The Deadly Kong is a large-scale gorilla-like Zoid, and is one of the few Zoids equipped with Leeo weapons. Though slower in speed, it is very maneuverable and powerful in that it can punch a BioRaptor can send it flying across the room. Its backpack contains a pair of Leeo claws. It also has a machine gun under its right palm.
Decalto Dragon Dragon-type Episode 37 The Decalto Dragon is a large-scale Zoid. It is one of the few Zoids capable of flying in the series. It is armed with two powerful laser cannons on its side that can destroy multiple BioZoids in one hit.
DoubleSworder StagBeetle-type Episode 04 The DoubleSworder has dual cannons mounted on its tail
Elephander Elephant-type Episode 02 The Elephander is a large, heavily armoured Zoid. It can step on and crush a BioZoid by simply using its size and weight. It's armed with dual nose cannons, dual cannons on its back and another gun on its belly.
Gild Dragon Dragon-type Episode 43 The Gild Dragon is one of the few Zoids capable of flying in the series. It is as large as a mountain and can hold multiple Zoids in its hanger.
Gustav Insect-type Episode 15 The Gustav is a small-scale Zoid. It looks like a snail and is mainly used as a tractor unit. Trailers attached behind them can hold Zoids, personnel, weapons or cargo containers. Digald's Gustav trailers also contain a mobile command center.
Koenig Wolf II Wolf-type Episode 30 The Koenig Wolf is equipped with dual sniper rifle on its back and missile pods on both sides of the Zoid. It is also equipped with a headgear that improves marksmanship. The gear also provides heat vision and night vision camera for different situations.
LanceStag Moose-type Episode 01 The LanceStag is a large-scale Zoid, and is one of the few Zoids equipped with Leeo weapons. The Zoid looks like a knight, with a large Leeo lance on its right side and a rolling spiked shield on its left. The lance can also be used to use its lance to pole-vault over high walls. The large antlers on its head can be used to crush enemies caught in its grasp. The LanceStag is fast and mobile Zoid.
Molga Caterpillar-type Episode 12 The Molga is a small-scale Zoid. It is armed with a small machine guns on either side of its head and a large canon on its backs. When in danger, it can ditch the large cannon and quickly retreat underground. Molgas often seen incorporated into defensive fortifications.
MurasameLiger Liger-type Episode 01 The MurasameLiger is a large-scale lion Zoid, and is one of the few Zoids equipped with Leeo weapons. The Zoid is fast and agile, capable of running in high speed and making sudden quick turns. The large katana on its back is made of Leeo and can be swinged to both sides or even under the Zoid, enable the pilot to deal with enemies from all directions. It has triple cannons under its belly as secondary weapons.
RainbowJerk Peafowl-type Episode 04 The RainbowJerk is a large-scale Zoid, and is one of the few Zoids capable of flying in the series. It is also one of the few Zoids equipped with Leeo weapons. It is useful for scouting and transporting Zoids over difficult terrains. The Zoid is able to cut a BioZoid in half using its wings since the feathers are made of Leeo. Flying uses up more Reggel, therefore RainbowJerk runs out of fuel much faster than other ground-based Zoids.
SaberTiger Tiger-type Episode 23 The SaberTiger is a high-speed, large-scale Zoid. The dual cannons mounted on its back can rotate 360 degrees horizontally to deal with enemies on the sides. It also has triple small cannons equipped under its belly as seconday weapons.
ShadowFox Fox-type Episode 04 The ShadowFox is fast and agile and have a gatling gun mounted on its backs.
SoulTiger Tiger-type Episode 09 The SoulTiger is a large-scale Zoid, and is one of the few Zoids equipped with Leeo weapons. Sacrificed power for speed, the SoulTiger is extremely fast. Its claws and teeth are made of Leeo.
StealthViper Snake-type Episode 04 The StealthViper can move underground to strike at unsuspecting enemies. It wraps itself around its target to crush it. The StealthViper resemble a Cobra.
SwordWolf Wolf-type Episode 01 The SwordWolf is a large-scale Zoid, and is one of the few Zoids equipped with Leeo weapons. It is fast and agile, able to outmaneuver most Zoids when pilot correctly. It holds a large vertical and horizontal blade on its back, both are made of Leeo. It also has two cannons mounted on each side of its front legs.
Zabat Bat-type Episode 46 Zabat is one of the few Zoids capable of flying in the series. It is armed with two laser guns on its wings that can shoot through BioZoid's armor.These are unmanned Zoids that do not need a pilot.


BioZoids are silver colored Zoids unique to the Digald Bukoku. These Zoids cannot be damaged by any weapons other than weapons made from a special Leeo metal (Metal Zi). They are also vulnerable to extremely high temperature. A few BioZoids piloted by higher-ranking officers may be special equipped so they can block Metal Zi weapons.

BioZoids use a dinosaur motif.

Zoids Type First Appearance Description
Bio Kentro Kentrosaurus Episode 24 The BioKentro, though slower in speed, is a powerful BioZoid. It is equipped with two very long and large blades on its forelegs. These blades are resistance to Metal Zi weapons, and are able to block simultaneous attacks from two large scale Zoids. The blades are also very useful in offensive. The bony spikes on its back can be launched as homing missiles. It is a commander unit piloted by Souta. It is in green silvery color.
Bio MegaRaptor Utahraptor Episode 02 The MegaRaptor is larger, faster, and more agile than a BioRaptor. It is equipped with large claws on both hands and feet, a flame cannon inside the jaws, and a booster in the back that greatly increase its running speed and jumping heights. The front claw is special equipped to block Metal Zi weapons. It is a commander unit that can only be piloted by Zairin. The MegaRaptor is silver colored with red stripes.
Bio MegaRaptor
(Mass Production Unit)
Utahraptor Episode 27 The mass production MegaRaptor is silver colored with purple stripes. It is designed based on the data collected from Zairin's MegaRaptor. The mass production version can be piloted by the rest of the Digald army.
Bio Ptera Pteranodon Episode 20 The BioPtera is the first flying BioZoid developed by Digald. It is fast, agile and maneuverable, making it very deadly against both air and ground targets. The BioZoid is armed with a flame cannon inside its beak. It is a commander unit piloted by Feleme. Its armor silver and dark blue in color.
Bio Raptor Velociraptor Episode 01 The BioRaptor is the primary infantry and the most common unit deployed by Digald. It is equipped with large claws on both hands and feet, and a flame cannon inside the jaws. The BioRaptor can be taken down with conventional weapons by aiming and destroying the flame cannon in its jaws. To accomplish, it requires skillful marksmanship, or having several Zoids gang up on one BioRaptor, pin it to the ground, and destroy the flame cannon at close range, though it is not a viable tactic in the heat of battle. The BioRaptor is silver colored with red stripes. The unit is mostly seen piloted by Digald's machines soldiers.
Bio Raptor
(Platoon Leader Unit)
Velociraptor Episode 01 The platoon leader unit is basically the same as a BioRaptor, except that it is black with red stripes.
Bio Raptor Gui Microraptor Episode 35 The BioRaptor Gui design is based on the BioPtera and BioRaptor. The unit acts as the Digald's air force. Each Gui is equipped with 2 rockets under its wings that can be fired off as missiles or dropped as bombs. It is silver and dark blue in color. The unit is mostly seen piloted by Digald's machines soldiers.
Bio Tricera Triceratop Episode 12 The BioTricera, though slower in speed, is an extremely powerful BioZoid. It can send a large scale Zoid flying through the air easily. Its two large horns can extend into a long whip to tangle up or pierce through enemy Zoids. The flame cannon inside its jaws can light up a large amount of area. It is a commander unit piloted by Georg. Its armor is silver and dark red in color.
Bio Tyranno Tyrannosaurus Episode 32 The BioTyranno is the most powerful BioZoid ever created. It is armed with large claws and teeth that can crush enemy Zoids, and it has a pair of claw-blades that extend from its ribcage. Rather than a flame cannon, a Bio Particle Cannon is armed inside its jaws. BioTyranno's armor is extremely tough, that is can even withstand the resulting explosion from the energy of two Bio Particle Cannons. On top of that, the whole body armor is resistance to Metal Zi and immune to all weapons. It is a emperor unit piloted by Jiin. It is in dark silver color with purple stripes.
Bio Volcano Utahraptor Episode 27 The Volcano is a formidable BioZoid. It is fast and agile. It is armed with large claws on both its hands and legs, and a large blade at the tip of its tail. The flame cannon in its jaws is more destructive than the standard BioZoid flame cannon. The Bio Particle Cannon on its chest is powerful enough to level a mountain. Its whole body is covered in large spikes, and the whole body armor is resistance to Metal Zi weapons. It is a commander unit piloted by Zairin. It is in red silvery color.