Shou Lonpou
Voice: Kamiya Hiroshi
Known as the Ryuu Commander (リュウコマンダー)
Catchphrase "Walking the path of the dragon. Pursuing the dragon's path!"
RyuuViolet / RyuuCommander
リュウバイオレット / リュウコマンダー
Nickname: Dragon Master
Constellation: Draco (Ryuuza 竜座)
Before transforming he shouts Dragon Ascent (ガリョウテンセイ).
As RyuuViolet, he wears an experimental version of the KyuuRanger's suits and has a time limit on how long he can transform. At this point, the Ryuu KyuuTama is just an Attack KyuuTama. When he works with the KyuuRangers, their power infuses in him and his Ryuu KyuuTama evolves into a Change KyuuTama. This allows him to become RyuuCommander and summon Ryuu Voyager.
Ryuu Voyager
When in RyuuTeioh he shouts It's like a dragon gets wings.
- Named after Xiaolongbao.