Shin Kamen Rider Transcript
0:00:33.03 - 0:00:35.24 (常用サイクロン号の走行音)
0:00:46.33 - 0:00:47.79 (タイヤのスキール音)
0:01:02.98 - 0:01:04.10 (衝突音)
0:01:10.44 - 0:01:12.36 (\N緑川\Nみどりかわ\Nルリ子)\N風を受けて! あとはマスクを!
0:01:16.03 - 0:01:18.49 (爆発音)
0:01:34.84 - 0:01:35.97 (ルリ子)うっ…
0:01:46.35 - 0:01:48.15 (クモオーグ)裏切り者に 死を
0:01:49.27 - 0:01:51.27 それが私の仕事です
0:01:51.69 - 0:01:55.28 ですが 組織の命令は\N生け捕りでした
0:01:55.53 - 0:02:00.83 なので 今は二度と逃げ出さないための\Nお仕置きに とどめておきます
0:02:01.99 - 0:02:03.99 では 始めますよ
0:02:10.25 - 0:02:13.25 (目の発光音)
0:02:18.26 - 0:02:21.14 (クモオーグ)バッタオーグ!\N完成していたのですか
0:02:29.85 - 0:02:31.06 (ルリ子)ハァ…
0:03:10.44 - 0:03:11.73 (\N本郷\Nほんごう\N猛\Nたけし\Nの声)風の音が聞こえる
0:03:13.56 - 0:03:16.36 なぜ身体の中から 風の音がする?
0:03:19.36 - 0:03:20.65 僕が殺した?
0:03:23.49 - 0:03:26.70 いや 身体が勝手に動いてた
0:03:29.50 - 0:03:30.62 分からない
0:03:30.92 - 0:03:32.46 人を殺して―
0:03:33.38 - 0:03:34.92 なんで僕は平気なんだ?
0:03:35.04 - 0:03:38.71 ハァ ハァ ハァ…
0:03:38.84 - 0:03:40.05 んっ!\N(グローブを外す音)
0:03:45.72 - 0:03:47.68 (グローブをはめる音)
0:03:55.31 - 0:03:57.86 ハァ ハァ ハァ…
0:03:58.86 - 0:03:59.86 んっ…
0:04:03.45 - 0:04:04.32 ハァ…
0:04:04.57 - 0:04:05.91 何だ これは?
0:04:10.96 - 0:04:12.16 (ルリ子)これで あなたは自由
0:04:12.29 - 0:04:15.00 ここを出たければ\N私と一緒に来て
0:04:24.93 - 0:04:26.64 (ドアを開ける音)
0:04:28.26 - 0:04:31.23 (本郷)教えてくれ!\N何なんだ この身体は?
0:04:31.35 - 0:04:33.60 僕を連れ出した君なら\N何か知ってるだろ?
0:04:33.73 - 0:04:35.60 頼む 教えてくれ!
0:04:39.11 - 0:04:41.82 何なんだ? 何だ この力は?
0:04:43.28 - 0:04:44.61 (ドアの開閉音)
0:04:45.45 - 0:04:48.41 (緑川\N弘\Nひろし\N)私が答えよう 本郷君
0:04:48.70 - 0:04:49.95 緑川先生!
0:04:50.08 - 0:04:53.37 (緑川)君は 組織が開発した―
0:04:53.50 - 0:04:57.21 昆虫合成型オーグメンテーション\Nプロジェクトの最高傑作だ
0:04:58.84 - 0:05:01.42 体内とエナージコンバーターに\N残存している“プラーナ”を
0:05:01.55 - 0:05:03.72 強制排除すれば ヒトの姿に戻る
0:05:06.26 - 0:05:08.72 (排気音)
0:05:12.18 - 0:05:13.39 (変身解除音)
0:05:21.40 - 0:05:24.78 (本郷)先生… 先生は\Nなぜ ご存じなんですか?
0:05:25.15 - 0:05:27.74 私が君を協力者として選び
0:05:28.37 - 0:05:33.16 私の研究グループが 君を\N新たな身体にアップグレードしたからだ
0:05:33.91 - 0:05:35.08 先生が僕を?
0:05:35.21 - 0:05:38.25 君にしか\Nプラーナの未来を託せない
0:05:38.67 - 0:05:39.67 だから 選んだ
0:05:41.21 - 0:05:45.38 プラーナは 君の生命力そのものを\N直接 支えていく
0:05:45.76 - 0:05:49.85 君を超人に変えたのも\N圧縮されたプラーナの力だ
0:05:51.22 - 0:05:53.35 君の身体に施された―
0:05:53.47 - 0:05:56.19 プラーナの吸収増幅システムが\Nその\N源\Nみなもと
0:05:56.56 - 0:05:58.77 防護服の胸部コンバーターラング
0:05:58.90 - 0:06:01.48 そして ベルトとマスクに\N連動している
0:06:03.48 - 0:06:05.32 そんな力を 僕に…?
0:06:06.57 - 0:06:07.40 なぜです?
0:06:07.53 - 0:06:10.49 君が 望んでいたからだ
0:06:11.08 - 0:06:12.08 強い力を
0:06:12.70 - 0:06:13.87 僕が望んだ?
0:06:14.16 - 0:06:18.17 大学時代に経験した君の絶望を\N私は知ってる
0:06:18.42 - 0:06:22.46 本郷君は あの時から\N強い力を望んでいた
0:06:22.71 - 0:06:24.80 人を守るための強い力を
0:06:26.59 - 0:06:29.76 その力を 君は手にしている
0:06:30.01 - 0:06:31.47 しかし 先生
0:06:32.68 - 0:06:35.72 ヒトを簡単に殴り殺せるような\N行きすぎた力です
0:06:35.85 - 0:06:36.85 僕には とても…
0:06:36.98 - 0:06:40.19 組織のオーグメントたちは\N君と同等の力を持って
0:06:40.31 - 0:06:42.44 その力を\N個人のエゴに使っている
0:06:43.19 - 0:06:45.94 本郷君は\N他人\Nひと\Nのために
0:06:46.78 - 0:06:49.28 多くの力なき人々のために\N使ってほしい
0:06:50.95 - 0:06:56.75 君に 組織を倒す我々の計画を\N手伝ってほしい
0:06:58.83 - 0:07:01.75 遅くなったが 娘を紹介しよう
0:07:02.67 - 0:07:04.00 緑川ルリ子よ
0:07:05.13 - 0:07:06.34 あの 僕は…
0:07:06.46 - 0:07:07.34 本郷 猛
0:07:07.46 - 0:07:10.97 頭脳\N明晰\Nめいせき\Nスポーツ万能なれど\Nいわゆる コミュ障
0:07:11.09 - 0:07:12.68 それが原因で現在 無職
0:07:12.80 - 0:07:14.22 バイクが唯一の趣味
0:07:16.60 - 0:07:18.39 私は他人を信じない
0:07:18.73 - 0:07:22.02 けど あなたの性能は\N当てにしてみる
0:07:24.73 - 0:07:28.40 同行を許すから\N少しでも 私が我慢できる格好にして
0:07:28.78 - 0:07:31.41 昔から バイク乗り…\N“ライダー”には必需品
0:07:33.41 - 0:07:37.12 それに ヒーローといえば\N赤なんでしょ?
0:07:37.79 - 0:07:38.91 よく知らないけど
0:07:39.04 - 0:07:39.83 フッ…
0:07:44.59 - 0:07:45.96 “バッタオーグ”のシステムは
0:07:46.55 - 0:07:49.34 改造オートバイ\N“サイクロン号”とセットだ
0:07:49.46 - 0:07:50.84 君に合っている
0:07:54.97 - 0:07:56.85 (機械音)
0:08:07.19 - 0:08:09.48 (本郷)この身体で組織と戦う…
0:08:10.44 - 0:08:13.49 あのクモの仮面を着けた男も\Nオーグメントですか?
0:08:13.70 - 0:08:15.03 そうだ
0:08:15.24 - 0:08:16.41 “クモオーグ”
0:08:17.41 - 0:08:21.41 私とは別のグループが作った\N人外\Nじんがい\N融合型オーグメントだ
0:08:30.05 - 0:08:31.47 いかん! 逃げろ!
0:08:32.13 - 0:08:33.13 (倒れる音)
0:08:39.60 - 0:08:40.97 (緑川)うわっ!\N(糸を吐く音)
0:08:41.81 - 0:08:43.06 (本郷)ああっ!
0:08:44.02 - 0:08:45.06 ああっ
0:08:46.02 - 0:08:47.23 (クモオーグ)さて…
0:08:47.61 - 0:08:48.44 (本郷)先生!
0:08:48.57 - 0:08:49.48 私に構うな!
0:08:50.78 - 0:08:52.03 クモオーグ
0:08:53.15 - 0:08:54.99 私の役目は済んだ
0:08:55.66 - 0:08:57.45 さあ 殺せ
0:08:57.62 - 0:08:58.99 ご心配なく
0:08:59.12 - 0:09:01.95 その願いは\N私が私らしく かなえます
0:09:17.43 - 0:09:19.10 裏切り者に 死を
0:09:19.22 - 0:09:20.72 それが私の仕事ですので
0:09:20.85 - 0:09:22.14 (緑川)ああ…!
0:09:22.56 - 0:09:25.19 (クモオーグ)\Nいいですね この手応え
0:09:25.39 - 0:09:28.23 獲物の命は\N自身の手で直接 頂く
0:09:28.44 - 0:09:30.19 それが私の礼儀です
0:09:30.57 - 0:09:33.07 では 緑川 弘
0:09:33.40 - 0:09:38.03 あなたも死んで\N私の幸福の一部となってください
0:09:38.53 - 0:09:39.37 先生!
0:09:41.41 - 0:09:45.08 本郷君… ルリ子を頼む…
0:09:47.54 - 0:09:48.63 うう…
0:09:51.25 - 0:09:53.42 私に幸せを ありがとう
0:09:55.17 - 0:09:58.93 あなたも未来\N永劫\Nえいごう\Nお幸せに
0:10:06.06 - 0:10:10.02 あなたも裏切り者ですが\N親愛なるオーグ仲間なので
0:10:10.15 - 0:10:11.57 今は 捨て置きます
0:10:12.27 - 0:10:15.03 (時限爆弾のタイマー音)
0:10:15.28 - 0:10:17.20 (クモオーグ)\Nこの娘も 裏切り者ですが
0:10:17.32 - 0:10:20.20 殺さず連れ戻すのが\N私の仕事ですので
0:10:22.62 - 0:10:25.54 ちなみに ヒトに戻るという\N愚かな理由で
0:10:25.66 - 0:10:27.91 エネルギーを放出した\N今の あなたに
0:10:28.04 - 0:10:29.58 私の糸は切れません
0:10:32.67 - 0:10:33.96 では 失礼
0:10:36.84 - 0:10:37.84 (ドアが閉まる音)
0:10:38.76 - 0:10:39.76 うっ…
0:10:44.10 - 0:10:47.81 (速まるタイマー音)
0:10:50.94 - 0:10:54.48 (爆発音)
0:11:07.37 - 0:11:09.92 (常用サイクロン号の走行音)
0:11:22.30 - 0:11:23.43 (風車ダイナモの回転音)
0:11:37.15 - 0:11:39.57 (目の発光音)
0:11:44.20 - 0:11:46.03 (サイクロン号の走行音)
0:12:01.43 - 0:12:03.89 (クモオーグ)\Nさすが 緑川の最高傑作
0:12:04.01 - 0:12:06.85 無傷とは想定外でした\Nバッタオーグ
0:12:07.26 - 0:12:11.64 違う 僕の名は“ライダー”
0:12:14.40 - 0:12:16.40 “仮面ライダー”と\N名乗らせてもらう
0:12:16.52 - 0:12:18.78 裏切り者が\Nほざかないでください
0:12:19.07 - 0:12:21.24 オーグ仲間を\N殺\Nあや\Nめるのは\N遺憾\Nいかん\Nですが
0:12:21.36 - 0:12:24.03 古来より\Nバッタは災いの象徴ですし
0:12:24.16 - 0:12:27.28 仕方ありません\Nここで始末しておきます
0:12:27.62 - 0:12:31.33 邪魔者に死を…\Nそれが私の仕事ですので
0:13:09.49 - 0:13:11.87 (クモオーグ)\N私は人間が嫌いです
0:13:12.00 - 0:13:14.37 その人間を捨てた\Nオーグメントのために
0:13:14.50 - 0:13:16.25 人間を この手で殺す
0:13:16.75 - 0:13:17.79 (ライダー)フンッ!
0:13:18.13 - 0:13:19.54 それが私の幸福
0:13:19.67 - 0:13:20.50 (糸を吐く音)
0:13:27.30 - 0:13:30.47 いいですね その近接戦闘能力
0:13:30.60 - 0:13:33.89 ですが 当たらなければ\N何も問題ありません
0:13:34.10 - 0:13:38.02 私の戦闘員への殺害行為\N実に見事でした
0:13:38.98 - 0:13:43.03 あなたも 人間を殺す幸せを\N知りましたね
0:13:43.74 - 0:13:46.53 (ライダー)違う!\Nそんな幸せ 僕には ない!
0:13:49.12 - 0:13:50.87 (クモオーグ)ううっ うう…
0:13:51.58 - 0:13:54.12 いいですね この打撃力
0:13:55.50 - 0:13:58.42 すでに人間ではない\N貴方\Nあなた\Nと\N分かり合えないのが―
0:14:01.09 - 0:14:03.05 残念です\N(糸を吐く音)
0:14:15.27 - 0:14:16.94 (ライダー)うっ! うう…
0:14:17.19 - 0:14:18.19 (クモオーグ)見てください!
0:14:18.94 - 0:14:21.06 この圧倒的な殺傷能力!
0:14:21.19 - 0:14:22.77 ヒトではない喜び!
0:14:23.19 - 0:14:25.07 あなたも同じオーグメント
0:14:25.19 - 0:14:28.03 なのに この幸せが\Nなぜ分からんのです?
0:14:28.15 - 0:14:30.03 (ライダー)ううっ うう…
0:14:30.28 - 0:14:35.04 (クモオーグ)さあ あなたも死んで\N私の幸福の一部となってください
0:14:37.41 - 0:14:38.50 (ライダー)ウンッ!
0:14:38.79 - 0:14:39.79 フッ!
0:14:49.18 - 0:14:50.22 しまりました…
0:14:50.34 - 0:14:53.22 空中では私が圧倒的に 不利~!
0:14:54.60 - 0:14:55.81 (キックの音)
0:14:58.35 - 0:14:59.39 ううっ…
0:15:06.28 - 0:15:07.11 フゥ…
0:15:17.16 - 0:15:20.42 ハァ ハァ…
0:15:28.17 - 0:15:30.22 (ルリ子)降ろして 自分で立てる
0:15:41.77 - 0:15:45.98 (ルリ子)組織の構成員は\N情報\N漏洩\Nろうえい\Nを防ぐため 死体はすべて融解
0:15:47.78 - 0:15:49.40 あなたも 私も\N死ぬと ああなる
0:15:50.53 - 0:15:53.28 身体に残ったエネルギーが叫んでる
0:15:55.41 - 0:15:59.70 これを\N被\Nかぶ\Nると 暴力の加減が\Nまるで できなくなる
0:16:00.04 - 0:16:03.71 そのマスクには\N生存本能を増幅させるシステムも入ってる
0:16:04.25 - 0:16:07.67 闘争心を あおり\Nヒトを殺す\N忌避\Nきひ\N感をなくし
0:16:07.80 - 0:16:11.93 自分が生き残るためには\N容赦なく 敵を殺せる状態になるの
0:16:23.60 - 0:16:24.81 (変身解除音)
0:16:29.15 - 0:16:30.36 ハァ…
0:16:30.94 - 0:16:31.99 思ったより―
0:16:33.95 - 0:16:34.99 辛\Nつら\Nい…
0:16:35.28 - 0:16:37.58 (ルリ子)“辛い”という字に\N横線を1本 足せば
0:16:37.70 - 0:16:39.45 “幸せ”という字になる
0:16:40.04 - 0:16:42.37 幸せなんて\N辛さの すぐ近くにあるものよ
0:16:42.58 - 0:16:45.29 少なくとも\Nその辛さを あなたが背負うことで
0:16:45.42 - 0:16:46.71 誰かが幸せになってる
0:16:47.54 - 0:16:50.09 誰かを守って戦うとは\Nそういうことでしょ
0:17:11.53 - 0:17:12.86 優しすぎるかも…
0:17:24.41 - 0:17:25.75 すまない
0:17:27.67 - 0:17:29.00 先生を…
0:17:30.55 - 0:17:32.71 緑川博士を助けられなかった
0:17:33.51 - 0:17:35.13 謝ることなんてない
0:17:37.09 - 0:17:39.18 私を助けただけで 十分
0:17:41.35 - 0:17:46.35 それに緑川は あなたを勝手に\Nバッタもどきにした男なのよ
0:17:48.15 - 0:17:48.98 気にしないで
0:17:51.15 - 0:17:52.69 私も気にしない
0:17:53.57 - 0:17:56.86 父は プラーナの実用化に\N必要な人物として 私を作った
0:17:57.20 - 0:18:00.07 父親といっても\Nつながってるのは遺伝子情報だけ
0:18:00.33 - 0:18:03.04 あなた同様\N私も 彼の道具の1つよ
0:18:03.79 - 0:18:06.33 緑川博士の最期の言葉は
0:18:07.17 - 0:18:09.00 “ルリ子を頼む”だった
0:18:10.34 - 0:18:15.01 僕の身体は 先生の\N娘への愛情の産物だと思う
0:18:17.22 - 0:18:20.39 (ルリ子)あの男のエゴを\Nそこまで肯定的に受け取るとは
0:18:20.72 - 0:18:22.22 おめでたい男ね
0:18:24.47 - 0:18:26.35 だから 選んだんでしょうけど
0:18:35.36 - 0:18:36.61 (本郷)\Nショッカー?
0:18:36.74 - 0:18:39.45 (ルリ子)そう\Nそれが組織の名前
0:18:39.66 - 0:18:43.24 私の知るかぎり オーグメントが\Nあと4人 そこにいる
0:18:43.54 - 0:18:45.37 大変なのは これからよ
0:18:47.83 - 0:18:50.33 (緑川イチローの声)\Nクモオーグのプラーナが消えたね
0:18:50.88 - 0:18:53.17 緑川のバッタに負けたのかい?
0:18:53.38 - 0:18:54.46 (ケイ)はい
0:18:55.46 - 0:18:58.13 (イチローの声)その花は\Nクモオーグへの手向(たむ)けかい?
0:18:58.26 - 0:18:59.26 (ケイ)はい
0:18:59.38 - 0:19:02.68 人間と同じ行動を\N私も実行してみました
0:19:03.10 - 0:19:04.93 (イチローの声)緑川 弘も死んだ
0:19:05.06 - 0:19:06.22 ルリ子は どうしてる?
0:19:06.35 - 0:19:07.89 ルリ子様の目的は
0:19:08.02 - 0:19:11.69 バッタオーグを利用した\N貴方様の実力排除かと推測しています
0:19:11.81 - 0:19:12.65 イチロー様
0:19:13.44 - 0:19:14.61 (イチローの声)そうか
0:19:14.73 - 0:19:19.32 ルリ子がバッタを連れてきたとしても\N同じ暴力装置は調達してある
0:19:19.95 - 0:19:20.78 心配ないよ
0:19:22.91 - 0:19:24.62 (ケイ)暴力には暴力
0:19:24.74 - 0:19:26.58 合理的で理解できます
0:19:26.83 - 0:19:28.25 私と いたしましては
0:19:28.37 - 0:19:30.50 どなたが いなくなられても\N構いません
0:19:30.62 - 0:19:32.67 Dataさえ\N遺\Nのこ\Nしていただければ
0:19:33.59 - 0:19:37.59 君の そういう機械らしいところが\N好きだよ ケイ
0:19:39.59 - 0:19:41.30 (ルリ子)\Nマスクの記録データを見たけど
0:19:41.43 - 0:19:43.30 あなた ムダに\Nプラーナを使いすぎ
0:19:43.43 - 0:19:45.35 もっと効率よく戦わないと
0:19:45.56 - 0:19:48.43 あなたの生体部品は\Nプラーナで維持されてる
0:19:48.56 - 0:19:51.77 使い切ると身体情報が\N保てなくなるから 気をつけて
0:19:51.90 - 0:19:52.73 (本郷)分かった
0:19:52.85 - 0:19:54.23 しかし なぜバッタなんだ?
0:19:54.69 - 0:19:57.98 昆虫と人間が\Nこの星で最も進化した\N種\Nしゅ
0:19:58.11 - 0:20:02.36 その2つの掛け合わせが\N最も理想的な生物だと父が言ってた
0:20:03.20 - 0:20:06.49 慎重なバッタと 好戦的な人間だと\Nバランスが いいんでしょ
0:20:06.95 - 0:20:08.37 よく知らないけど
0:20:10.66 - 0:20:12.25 (本郷)予備のセーフハウスか
0:20:12.58 - 0:20:16.42 そうよ 私は常に用意周到なの
0:20:16.84 - 0:20:19.21 ここなら 誰にも知られずに\N準備ができる
0:20:26.76 - 0:20:28.81 (解錠音)
0:20:34.48 - 0:20:35.77 (施錠音)
0:20:36.40 - 0:20:37.23 誰?
0:20:40.23 - 0:20:41.99 警察じゃなさそうね
0:20:42.20 - 0:20:44.16 となると 国の情報機関?
0:20:44.28 - 0:20:45.74 それとも 治安当局?
0:20:45.87 - 0:20:48.79 この男は情報機関 私は―
0:20:49.33 - 0:20:51.50 政府\N筋\Nすじ\Nの掃除当番だ
0:20:51.62 - 0:20:54.25 ショッカーの後片付けを\N担当している
0:20:54.71 - 0:20:56.75 で… 私たちも片付けるの?
0:20:56.88 - 0:20:59.63 逆だ 手伝ってほしい
0:21:02.30 - 0:21:05.30 組織の構成員の排除に\N協力してほしい
0:21:05.43 - 0:21:09.22 代わりに 君たちへの情報提供と\N警護を保証する
0:21:09.35 - 0:21:10.26 断れば?
0:21:10.52 - 0:21:11.81 想像に任せる
0:21:13.31 - 0:21:15.40 ショッカーは\N一体 何をしたいんだ?
0:21:15.52 - 0:21:20.32 ショッカーの目的は\N“人類の幸福探し”と聞いている
0:21:20.44 - 0:21:21.78 (ルリ子)否定しない
0:21:22.49 - 0:21:25.49 ショッカーの創設者は\N日本にいた大富豪
0:21:25.86 - 0:21:30.37 今 組織を まとめているのは\N世界最高の人工知能“アイ”
0:21:30.99 - 0:21:34.62 (創設者)\N3回目の誕生日おめでとう アイ
0:21:34.75 - 0:21:36.04 (演算をする音)
0:21:36.17 - 0:21:38.71 そして 初めまして ジェイ
0:21:39.21 - 0:21:40.96 (ルリ子の声)\N人工知能アイが作り出した―
0:21:41.09 - 0:21:44.30 外世界\Nがいせかい\N観測用\N自律型人工知能が“ジェイ”
0:21:44.42 - 0:21:47.01 (ジェイ)あなた様が\Nアイのcreatorですか?
0:21:47.39 - 0:21:50.97 (創設者)私は計画を立案して\N資金を調達しただけだ
0:21:53.02 - 0:21:56.94 アイを生み出したのは\N人間の科学だよ
0:21:57.35 - 0:21:59.40 (ルリ子の声)\Nアイは ジェイを起動させた時から
0:21:59.52 - 0:22:01.36 クローズドネットワークにいる
0:22:01.48 - 0:22:03.94 ジェイを通すことでしか\N外の情報を知り得ない
0:22:04.28 - 0:22:06.70 アイならば 世界の統一を\N為\Nな\Nし得る
0:22:06.82 - 0:22:08.11 (演算をする音)
0:22:08.32 - 0:22:12.12 そして 人類を\Nその先の世界へ導ける
0:22:12.62 - 0:22:14.04 ジェイは そのために
0:22:14.16 - 0:22:19.13 絶望を抱えた人間たちの\N求める幸せを観察し続けてほしい
0:22:19.25 - 0:22:24.13 深い絶望を 人間は\Nいかに克服すれば 幸せになれるのか
0:22:24.80 - 0:22:26.09 それを知りたい
0:22:26.59 - 0:22:28.72 (ジェイ)はい アイに伝えます
0:22:29.39 - 0:22:32.81 (ルリ子の声)1年後 ジェイは\N“ケイ”タイプにバージョンアップされ
0:22:32.93 - 0:22:35.14 ジェイの\N筐体\Nきょうたい\Nは電源を落とされた
0:22:38.35 - 0:22:39.81 創設者は\Nアイとケイに
0:22:39.94 - 0:22:42.94 人類を幸福に導く\N究極の命令を与え
0:22:43.07 - 0:22:43.90 自殺した
0:22:44.03 - 0:22:45.11 (銃声)
0:22:51.24 - 0:22:52.87 (ルリ子)アイは演算の末に
0:22:52.99 - 0:22:57.29 最大多数の最大幸福を\N人類の幸福とは設定しなかった
0:22:57.71 - 0:23:01.92 最も深い絶望を抱えた人間を\N救済する行動モデルが
0:23:02.04 - 0:23:05.13 人類の目指すべき幸せだと\N設定したの
0:23:06.17 - 0:23:07.97 創設者の言葉どおりに
0:23:08.63 - 0:23:12.85 ケイは行動モデルを実行するために\N世界で最も進んだ技術で
0:23:13.05 - 0:23:17.43 偏った個人を救済していく\N非合法組織を設立
0:23:17.68 - 0:23:21.73 それが 秘密結社\NSustainable Happiness Organization
0:23:21.85 - 0:23:24.94 with Computational Knowledge\NEmbedded Remodeling
0:23:25.15 - 0:23:26.86 通称“\NSHOCKER\Nショッカー\N”
0:23:27.24 - 0:23:30.07 (政府の男)では 我々も\Nこれから情報を開示しよう
0:23:30.66 - 0:23:32.74 (ルリ子)\NOSINT\Nオシント\Nと\NSIGINT\Nシギント\Nメインにしては
0:23:32.87 - 0:23:34.37 思ったより データが\N揃\Nそろ\Nってる
0:23:34.49 - 0:23:35.74 意外と優秀ね
0:23:36.45 - 0:23:38.96 組織壊滅後の 私たちの処遇は?
0:23:39.08 - 0:23:40.25 未定だ
0:23:40.62 - 0:23:44.00 が… 命を保証するべく\N努力する
0:23:44.92 - 0:23:46.38 大人にしては正直ね
0:23:48.76 - 0:23:50.76 そうね 話に乗る
0:23:51.43 - 0:23:52.43 情報交換は?
0:23:52.55 - 0:23:54.60 電子メールや電話通話は すべて
0:23:54.72 - 0:23:57.31 ショッカーや他国の同業者に\N傍受される
0:23:57.43 - 0:23:59.56 連絡は 私か この男に
0:23:59.68 - 0:24:00.43 方法は?
0:24:00.69 - 0:24:01.81 (情報機関の男)\N手を挙げるだけでいい
0:24:03.02 - 0:24:05.44 君たちは すでに\N最重要監視対象者だ
0:24:05.57 - 0:24:07.90 24時間 必ず誰かが見張っている
0:24:08.03 - 0:24:09.28 見守るんじゃないの?
0:24:09.40 - 0:24:11.28 契約が済めば 切り替える
0:24:11.86 - 0:24:14.32 分かった 痕跡を残したくない
0:24:14.45 - 0:24:15.74 これで契約済みにして
0:24:15.87 - 0:24:16.70 承諾した
0:24:17.12 - 0:24:20.16 今から 政府公認の\Nアンチショッカー同盟だ
0:24:20.75 - 0:24:21.79 よろしく頼む
0:24:21.91 - 0:24:23.79 処理対象は“コウモリオーグ”
0:24:24.08 - 0:24:25.71 アジトは特定済みだ
0:24:34.59 - 0:24:38.47 (政府の男)君らには\N現場での即時介入を許可させた
0:24:49.19 - 0:24:50.28 使い方 分かるか?
0:24:50.78 - 0:24:51.61 (スライドを引く音)
0:24:57.28 - 0:24:59.87 弾倉\Nだんそう\Nが足りない 予備も
0:25:04.12 - 0:25:05.37 勝算は あるのか?
0:25:05.79 - 0:25:06.88 ええ
0:25:07.29 - 0:25:09.34 私は常に用意周到なの
0:25:09.92 - 0:25:11.26 あと もう一丁 用意して
0:25:16.26 - 0:25:17.26 (緑川の声)本郷君は
0:25:18.35 - 0:25:20.60 あの時から 強い力を望んでいた
0:25:21.43 - 0:25:23.52 人を守るための強い力を
0:25:27.15 - 0:25:29.57 これがヒトを殺した感覚だよ
0:25:31.86 - 0:25:32.69 父さん
0:25:37.16 - 0:25:38.53 (情報機関の男)\N本当に1人で いいのか?
0:25:38.66 - 0:25:41.45 ええ 今は そのほうが\Nより確実
0:25:45.87 - 0:25:47.29 やはり 僕も行く
0:25:47.63 - 0:25:48.63 君を守りたい
0:25:48.75 - 0:25:49.88 (ルリ子)それは無理
0:25:50.00 - 0:25:51.92 あなた もう一度\Nマスクを着装できる?
0:25:52.71 - 0:25:54.47 目の前の相手を 素手で殺せる?
0:25:55.97 - 0:25:58.18 自分の絶望を\N乗り越えることができる?
0:25:59.64 - 0:26:02.52 ああ 君を守ると約束した
0:26:02.81 - 0:26:04.02 “約束”って何?
0:26:04.14 - 0:26:06.06 死\Nし\Nに\N際\Nぎわ\Nの父に\N言われただけでしょ
0:26:06.19 - 0:26:07.60 私に関係ない
0:26:08.10 - 0:26:09.77 私のこと 何も知らないくせに
0:26:10.82 - 0:26:12.40 あなたは優しすぎる
0:26:12.78 - 0:26:14.32 だから 戦闘では当てにできない
0:26:14.82 - 0:26:16.57 私は あなたと覚悟が違うの
0:26:17.95 - 0:26:18.95 アジトまで送って
0:26:21.45 - 0:26:23.33 (コウモリオーグ)緑川の小娘か
0:26:23.79 - 0:26:25.66 愚人\Nぐじん\Nは“夏の虫”だな
0:26:27.04 - 0:26:28.29 お久しぶりね ケイ
0:26:28.42 - 0:26:31.34 (ケイ)本日も お似合いのコートです\Nルリ子様
0:26:31.46 - 0:26:34.30 お世辞を覚えたの?\N学習は順調みたいね
0:26:34.42 - 0:26:36.22 (ケイ)Action is eloquence.
0:26:36.34 - 0:26:38.05 とはいえ\N何用\Nなによう\Nでしょうか?
0:26:38.18 - 0:26:39.47 降伏勧告
0:26:39.59 - 0:26:41.22 (ケイ)それは ご丁寧に
0:26:41.35 - 0:26:44.81 しかし コウモリオーグ様は\N降伏なさらないかと
0:26:45.06 - 0:26:46.31 そうみたい
0:26:46.56 - 0:26:47.85 またね ケイ
0:26:48.19 - 0:26:49.85 (発砲音)
0:26:50.90 - 0:26:52.98 (停止音)
0:26:53.52 - 0:26:55.23 (コウモリオーグ)\Nにぎやかなことだ
0:26:59.32 - 0:27:01.99 やっぱり 自動人形だけで\N全くの無人
0:27:02.49 - 0:27:04.58 相変わらず\N誰も信用してないのね
0:27:04.70 - 0:27:06.33 (発砲音)
0:27:06.45 - 0:27:07.96 まあ 私もだけど
0:27:20.76 - 0:27:22.85 ご無沙汰ね コウモリ\N小父\Nおじ\Nさん
0:27:22.97 - 0:27:25.43 (コウモリオーグ)\N裏切り者が なれなれしい
0:27:28.31 - 0:27:32.19 (スピーカー:ルリ子)ヴィルース研究\N父が忠告したのに まだ続けてるの?
0:27:32.31 - 0:27:33.52 (スピーカー:コウモリオーグ)\N当然だ
0:27:33.65 - 0:27:34.86 バットヴィルースは
0:27:34.98 - 0:27:38.69 人類の幸福のために必要な\N作品だからな
0:27:39.24 - 0:27:41.41 (ルリ子)ヴィルースが作品とは
0:27:41.78 - 0:27:44.08 相変わらず\N倒錯した小父さんね
0:27:45.58 - 0:27:46.99 すぐに降伏して
0:27:47.33 - 0:27:50.37 でないと 小父さんの大事な作品に\N傷が付くわよ
0:27:53.46 - 0:27:54.71 (コウモリオーグ)構わんよ
0:27:55.21 - 0:27:57.34 すでに完成させてるからね
0:27:57.67 - 0:28:01.18 わしの研究を\Nバカにした報いを受けろ
0:28:04.85 - 0:28:05.85 フフッ
0:28:07.31 - 0:28:10.64 これで小娘の命も わしの自由だ
0:28:12.27 - 0:28:17.07 (コウモリオーグの笑い声)
0:28:17.73 - 0:28:19.28 即時介入しますか?
0:28:19.40 - 0:28:20.53 待て…
0:28:21.82 - 0:28:23.53 状況が厄介だ
0:28:27.08 - 0:28:30.66 ここは仮面ライダー\N本郷 猛に期待しよう
0:28:43.72 - 0:28:45.51 (ルリ子の声)\N私は あなたと覚悟が違うの
0:28:51.06 - 0:28:52.31 そうだ
0:28:54.10 - 0:28:56.15 僕は 父さんとは違う
0:28:58.90 - 0:29:02.03 (サイクロン号の走行音)
0:29:09.12 - 0:29:09.79 (盛大な拍手)
0:29:09.79 - 0:29:11.37 (盛大な拍手)\N(コウモリオーグ)やっと来たか
0:29:11.50 - 0:29:13.75 待ちかねたぞ バッタ君
0:29:14.08 - 0:29:15.54 仮面ライダーだ
0:29:16.13 - 0:29:17.88 あなたがコウモリオーグか?
0:29:18.00 - 0:29:19.38 いかにも
0:29:19.63 - 0:29:23.97 わしがショッカー最高の\N生化学主幹研究者
0:29:24.09 - 0:29:25.72 コウモリオーグだ!
0:29:29.01 - 0:29:30.35 (ライダー)この人たちは?
0:29:30.47 - 0:29:33.35 (コウモリオーグ)\Nそやつらは わしの実験サンプルだ
0:29:33.48 - 0:29:36.27 君が気にすべき存在ではない
0:29:36.65 - 0:29:38.52 君が気にすべきは―
0:29:39.02 - 0:29:40.61 この小娘だ
0:29:40.73 - 0:29:44.45 (拍手)
0:29:44.74 - 0:29:45.57 (ライダー)ルリ子さん!
0:29:47.41 - 0:29:48.91 (コウモリオーグ)バッタ君
0:29:49.20 - 0:29:53.08 人間の数を最も削ったのは\N何か 知っているかね?
0:29:54.96 - 0:29:56.46 疫病… だったか?
0:29:56.67 - 0:29:59.79 そう 飢餓でも戦争でもない
0:30:00.17 - 0:30:01.75 疫病だ!
0:30:01.88 - 0:30:03.71 疫病は素晴らしい
0:30:03.92 - 0:30:05.47 社会の腐敗を暴き
0:30:05.59 - 0:30:09.26 人類の幸福に必要なエレメントを\N示してくれる
0:30:09.47 - 0:30:10.60 違う
0:30:11.26 - 0:30:14.56 疫病は すべての人々を\N余すことなく不幸にする
0:30:14.68 - 0:30:18.10 疫病をなくすことが\N人類の幸福の1つだ
0:30:18.31 - 0:30:22.61 (コウモリオーグ)やはり 凡人に\Nわしの理想と芸術は 理解できぬか
0:30:22.73 - 0:30:26.20 バットヴィルースは\Nわしの最高傑作だ
0:30:26.32 - 0:30:28.86 増え続ける人口を作為的に減らし
0:30:28.99 - 0:30:33.74 選ばれた価値のある人間を\N幸せにする作品だ
0:30:34.08 - 0:30:37.79 さて 緑川の娘は そやつら同様
0:30:37.92 - 0:30:41.59 わしの作品に感染し\N“しもべ”となっておる
0:30:42.04 - 0:30:45.67 わしが命令すれば すぐに死ぬ
0:30:49.64 - 0:30:50.64 なんてことを…
0:30:50.76 - 0:30:52.39 (コウモリオーグ)実演だ
0:30:52.72 - 0:30:55.43 これでバットヴィルースの\N完成度の高さを
0:30:55.56 - 0:30:58.19 凡人にも理解できたかな?
0:30:58.98 - 0:31:00.44 さて バッタ君
0:31:00.56 - 0:31:04.32 君には わしに逆らい\N娘を見殺しにするか
0:31:04.61 - 0:31:07.36 わしに服従して娘を生かすか
0:31:07.49 - 0:31:09.91 どちらかしか選択肢は ない
0:31:10.28 - 0:31:12.87 どうする? バッタ君
0:31:18.50 - 0:31:21.25 分かった 条件を\N呑\Nの\Nむ
0:31:21.38 - 0:31:22.67 (コウモリオーグ)よかろう
0:31:23.13 - 0:31:25.46 まずは貴様の武装解除だ
0:31:25.71 - 0:31:29.51 その物騒な頭の装備を\N外してもらおう
0:31:33.51 - 0:31:34.60 (変身解除音)
0:31:44.57 - 0:31:46.90 (マスクが転がる音)
0:31:47.40 - 0:31:48.32 フン
0:31:48.44 - 0:31:50.74 ヒャッハーッ!
0:31:50.86 - 0:31:54.12 これで貴様も\Nバットヴィルースに感染し
0:31:54.24 - 0:31:56.37 わしの しもべだ
0:31:56.49 - 0:31:59.08 ハッハッハッハッ!
0:31:59.20 - 0:32:04.38 さあ 今すぐ 緑川の娘を殺せ
0:32:04.50 - 0:32:06.55 八つ裂きにしろ!
0:32:06.67 - 0:32:11.38 緑川の所へ\N貴様の手で送ってやるのだ
0:32:11.51 - 0:32:15.35 これこそ\Nわしが長年 望んだ―
0:32:15.47 - 0:32:18.27 至高の状況だ!
0:32:19.52 - 0:32:21.77 ん? おかしい
0:32:22.48 - 0:32:27.11 なぜマスクを外したヤツの身体に\Nバットヴィルースが効かん?
0:32:27.23 - 0:32:29.36 こんなことは あり得んはずだ
0:32:30.86 - 0:32:32.15 ところが ぎっちょん
0:32:32.28 - 0:32:33.32 ハッ!
0:32:34.03 - 0:32:37.49 小娘まで なぜ動ける?
0:32:37.62 - 0:32:39.16 緑川が言ってたでしょ
0:32:39.29 - 0:32:42.92 プラーナは\N生物相手には万能だと
0:32:43.04 - 0:32:47.00 ヴィルースは\N宿主\Nしゅくしゅ\Nに侵入した時点で\Nプラーナを持つ
0:32:47.13 - 0:32:50.63 体内のヴィルースは\Nこれで無害に書き換えたのよ
0:32:53.38 - 0:32:55.30 あうっ! うう…
0:32:56.05 - 0:32:57.14 ううっ
0:32:58.01 - 0:33:01.43 小娘…\Nまさか このために わざと?
0:33:01.56 - 0:33:05.23 そう! 私は常に用意周到なの
0:33:05.90 - 0:33:07.27 これで うまく飛べないでしょ
0:33:07.73 - 0:33:09.61 ううう…
0:33:10.03 - 0:33:13.24 死ねーっ!
0:33:16.20 - 0:33:17.24 うっ…
0:33:17.91 - 0:33:18.74 (本郷)ハッ!
0:33:19.24 - 0:33:20.58 うううっ!
0:33:21.29 - 0:33:24.79 どうやら わしが望む状況では\Nなくなったようだ
0:33:25.08 - 0:33:28.25 ここは戦略的転進とするか
0:33:28.50 - 0:33:29.38 逃がさん!
0:33:32.13 - 0:33:36.68 (荒い息)
0:33:38.85 - 0:33:41.31 (コウモリオーグ)\N残念だね バッタ君
0:33:41.68 - 0:33:45.27 君の跳躍力は66メートル30
0:33:45.39 - 0:33:47.81 わしには届かんよ!
0:33:50.48 - 0:33:51.32 (噴射音)
0:33:57.36 - 0:33:58.78 (目の発光音)
0:33:59.24 - 0:34:00.33 (コウモリオーグ)ハッ ハッ…
0:34:00.83 - 0:34:02.49 うっ! ぐううっ!
0:34:03.87 - 0:34:05.50 ああっ うああ…!
0:34:05.62 - 0:34:07.62 (激突音)
0:34:11.96 - 0:34:13.46 (コウモリオーグ)緑川…
0:34:13.84 - 0:34:17.80 なぜ 誰も\Nわしを理解しないのだ
0:34:18.68 - 0:34:22.85 ハァ ハァ ハァ…
0:34:59.89 - 0:35:00.72 来たのね
0:35:02.43 - 0:35:03.56 (変身解除音)
0:35:06.85 - 0:35:09.10 ああ 来た
0:35:11.90 - 0:35:14.36 大丈夫? 無理してない?
0:35:14.48 - 0:35:15.78 してない
0:35:16.36 - 0:35:17.36 もう大丈夫だ
0:35:18.40 - 0:35:20.66 僕は 人を守りたいと思う―
0:35:21.70 - 0:35:23.49 自分の心を信じる
0:35:25.49 - 0:35:26.87 …ことにしたのね
0:35:46.01 - 0:35:50.94 (爆発音)
0:35:52.15 - 0:35:53.40 (爆発音)
0:35:55.73 - 0:35:57.94 (メッセージの着信音)\N(女戦闘員)サソリオーグ様
0:35:58.32 - 0:36:00.53 連中が予定どおり\Nおとりに引っかかりました
0:36:00.65 - 0:36:02.16 (サソリオーグ)それはgood
0:36:02.28 - 0:36:06.37 じゃあ 大量殺人パーティーに\N参りましょう
0:36:06.79 - 0:36:09.45 私の かわいい毒薬たちを使って
0:36:09.58 - 0:36:11.29 Let's 世直し!
0:36:12.29 - 0:36:14.25 ややや! 何事かしら?
0:36:18.17 - 0:36:21.22 はにゃにゃ! これはlittle badね
0:36:21.59 - 0:36:25.60 ちょっと早いけど\Nここでshowtimeとしましょ
0:36:34.15 - 0:36:36.94 さあ Let's party!
0:36:37.15 - 0:36:40.36 殺し合いを楽しみましょ~\Nアハハッ!
0:36:43.74 - 0:36:45.24 (銃撃音)
0:36:46.24 - 0:36:47.62 アハハハ!
0:36:49.62 - 0:36:50.75 (銃撃音)
0:36:51.62 - 0:36:54.83 (サソリオーグの笑い声)
0:36:55.54 - 0:36:56.84 アハハハ!
0:36:56.96 - 0:36:58.67 (銃撃音)
0:36:58.80 - 0:37:02.67 (サソリオーグの笑い声)
0:37:02.80 - 0:37:05.18 Ecstasy! Ecstasy!
0:37:05.30 - 0:37:07.47 スーパーecstasy!
0:37:08.18 - 0:37:11.60 いいわ! もっと幸せにして~!
0:37:11.73 - 0:37:12.73 (刺す音)
0:37:12.94 - 0:37:16.48 (サソリオーグの笑い声)
0:37:21.44 - 0:37:22.28 (銃撃音)
0:37:22.57 - 0:37:23.40 ハアッ!
0:37:25.03 - 0:37:26.87 (銃撃音)
0:37:35.08 - 0:37:37.46 あなたたちも好きねぇ
0:37:40.34 - 0:37:42.97 いいわ Very good!
0:37:43.88 - 0:37:45.80 好きなだけ楽しみましょ!
0:37:46.22 - 0:37:48.97 (スピーカー:銃撃音)\N(サソリオーグ)はにゃにゃ!
0:37:49.10 - 0:37:55.14 (サソリオーグの うめき声)
0:37:55.44 - 0:37:56.48 (サソリオーグ)ガクッ
0:37:56.60 - 0:37:58.19 (通信担当者)\Nサソリオーグの排除を確認
0:38:07.41 - 0:38:10.03 (政府の男)サソリ事案は\Nこちらで処理が完了した
0:38:10.24 - 0:38:11.83 君たちへの依頼は ない
0:38:12.54 - 0:38:16.54 サソリオーグの猛毒性化学兵器に\Nプラーナシステムは対応できない
0:38:16.67 - 0:38:17.83 そっちで やってくれて助かる
0:38:18.29 - 0:38:19.54 次の依頼目標だが…
0:38:19.67 - 0:38:20.50 (ルリ子)分かってる
0:38:21.09 - 0:38:22.17 “ハチオーグ”でしょ
0:38:28.09 - 0:38:30.10 ハチオーグは知り合いなのか?
0:38:30.22 - 0:38:31.97 組織で生まれて育ったのよ
0:38:32.10 - 0:38:34.64 主要構成員の大半は\N知ってる人たち
0:38:35.31 - 0:38:37.14 特に彼女は よく知ってる
0:38:37.27 - 0:38:39.60 友達に一番近い存在だから
0:38:40.77 - 0:38:42.52 投降を促すのか?
0:38:42.90 - 0:38:45.65 いえ 彼女の願望も危険すぎる
0:38:45.78 - 0:38:48.03 彼女のためにも\N消えてもらうしかない
0:38:49.66 - 0:38:52.58 ショッカーは\N危ないキャラばかりなのか?
0:38:53.16 - 0:38:55.54 幹部に選ばれるような人物はね
0:38:56.00 - 0:38:59.71 下級構成員 戦闘員たちは\N強制連行された人たち
0:39:00.04 - 0:39:03.17 プラーナを応用した洗脳技術で\N心の自由を奪われ
0:39:03.30 - 0:39:05.84 肉体をバージョンアップされて\N使役されてるの
0:39:06.84 - 0:39:10.51 あなたも 私が連れ出さなかったら\N今頃は ショッカーの一味として
0:39:10.64 - 0:39:14.01 サソリオーグ同様\Nあの男らに処理されてたかもね
0:39:17.31 - 0:39:20.06 どうしたの?\N言い方が気に障った?
0:39:23.73 - 0:39:25.11 ショッカーの仕業か?
0:39:25.61 - 0:39:26.69 ええ
0:39:26.90 - 0:39:31.32 ハチオーグのテリトリー\N公安の情報よりも広かったみたい
0:39:35.54 - 0:39:37.58 (背広の男)\N緑川ルリ子様ですね?
0:39:38.83 - 0:39:41.17 ハチオーグ様が お待ちかねです
0:39:41.75 - 0:39:44.09 よろしければ ご一緒に
0:40:03.19 - 0:40:04.77 あなたは私より耳がいい
0:40:04.90 - 0:40:07.44 部屋に入ったら\Nサーバーの位置を特定しておいて
0:40:07.86 - 0:40:08.69 分かった
0:40:13.99 - 0:40:15.99 (ヒロミ)待っていたわ ルリルリ
0:40:16.49 - 0:40:18.75 ようこそ 私の巣へ
0:40:21.29 - 0:40:22.71 相変わらずの趣味ね
0:40:28.59 - 0:40:31.76 (ヒロミ)趣味は個性の表れ\Nステキでしょ?
0:40:33.64 - 0:40:36.22 まずは 再会を祝して\Nシャンパンは いかが?
0:40:36.35 - 0:40:39.06 あいにく グー・ド・ディアモンは\N切らしていて…
0:40:39.18 - 0:40:40.93 シップレックで我慢して
0:40:41.98 - 0:40:44.86 こんばんは ケイ\Nいつも ご苦労さま
0:40:45.06 - 0:40:46.40 (ケイ)お気遣いなく
0:40:46.52 - 0:40:49.07 皆様の観察が\N私のtaskですから
0:40:52.45 - 0:40:55.87 (ヒロミ)そちらの殿方も\N今日はバイクじゃなかったわね
0:40:56.41 - 0:40:57.45 ご一緒に いかが?
0:40:57.58 - 0:40:59.16 お酒は結構
0:40:59.54 - 0:41:01.45 何しに来たか\N分かるでしょ? ヒロミ
0:41:01.71 - 0:41:04.96 私たちの排除? \N殲滅\Nせんめつ\N?
0:41:06.17 - 0:41:08.13 いずれにせよ 物騒な話ね
0:41:10.05 - 0:41:12.55 それに“ヒロミ”は\N昔のコードネーム
0:41:12.80 - 0:41:15.59 今はショッカーの上級幹部構成員
0:41:15.84 - 0:41:16.85 “ハチオーグ”よ
0:41:16.97 - 0:41:18.31 間違えないで
0:41:21.35 - 0:41:23.06 悪いことは言わない
0:41:23.77 - 0:41:25.98 ショッカーを抜けて ヒロミ
0:41:26.10 - 0:41:28.27 私も悪いことは言わない
0:41:28.40 - 0:41:30.53 ショッカーに戻って ルリルリ
0:41:32.74 - 0:41:36.87 ショッカーの素晴らしさは\N生まれた時から堪能しているでしょ
0:41:37.32 - 0:41:41.95 私たちの幸せを形にしてくれる\Nアイの秘密結社
0:41:42.95 - 0:41:46.17 支配こそ\N私の ささやかな幸せ
0:41:46.63 - 0:41:49.59 服従こそ\N奴隷たちの幸せ
0:41:50.13 - 0:41:52.21 そのために必要なのは
0:41:52.42 - 0:41:56.76 社会にも自然にもストレスをかけない\N効率的な奴隷制度による―
0:41:56.89 - 0:42:00.85 統制された世界システムの\N再構築と その実現
0:42:01.81 - 0:42:03.73 この街は そのテストモデル
0:42:07.23 - 0:42:11.07 さあ 私の理想が\Nご理解いただけたら
0:42:11.44 - 0:42:16.40 2人とも ショッカーに戻り\N正しき世界システムの\N礎\Nいしずえ\Nとなって
0:42:19.16 - 0:42:22.99 ショッカーに生まれし者は\Nショッカーに\N還\Nかえ\Nる
0:42:24.29 - 0:42:25.50 それが筋よね
0:42:30.50 - 0:42:32.05 悪いけど ヒロミ
0:42:34.51 - 0:42:35.55 それは できない
0:42:36.09 - 0:42:37.18 僕も断る
0:42:37.43 - 0:42:41.30 あらら 早くも交渉決裂ね
0:42:45.14 - 0:42:47.27 暴力は嫌いだけど
0:42:50.27 - 0:42:51.73 仕方ないわね
0:42:59.95 - 0:43:01.12 これがハチオーグ…
0:43:12.46 - 0:43:13.59 (倒れる音)
0:43:13.96 - 0:43:15.55 プラーナを奪ったのか?
0:43:15.67 - 0:43:16.92 (ハチオーグ)そう
0:43:17.63 - 0:43:19.05 これで完璧
0:43:20.76 - 0:43:24.14 イチローさんに\Nルリ子の保護を頼まれてるの
0:43:24.51 - 0:43:26.27 おとなしく捕まって
0:43:31.77 - 0:43:35.07 この人たちは\N私の社会実験に運よく選ばれた―
0:43:35.19 - 0:43:37.19 この街の住人たち
0:43:38.07 - 0:43:40.78 何も関係のない働きバチに
0:43:41.36 - 0:43:44.08 あなたは暴力を振るえるかしら?
0:43:47.54 - 0:43:49.46 僕も暴力は嫌いだ
0:43:56.25 - 0:43:57.30 フンッ!
0:43:59.84 - 0:44:01.84 (ハチオーグ)\Nあらら マズったかしら
0:44:01.97 - 0:44:03.01 (風車ダイナモの回転音)
0:44:03.14 - 0:44:04.64 (目の発光音)
0:44:10.52 - 0:44:12.19 (ルリ子)ううっ! 大丈夫
0:44:12.31 - 0:44:16.78 (サイクロン号の走行音)
0:44:20.40 - 0:44:22.82 戦わずして 撤退とは
0:44:23.53 - 0:44:25.16 優しすぎますね
0:44:26.41 - 0:44:29.00 それが本郷の良いところだ
0:44:31.41 - 0:44:33.42 弱点でもあるがな
0:44:38.21 - 0:44:40.42 そこを補助するのが
0:44:40.76 - 0:44:42.63 我々の仕事ですか
0:44:49.14 - 0:44:50.48 (ルリ子)慣れたものね
0:44:51.39 - 0:44:54.15 (本郷)僕のバイクツーリングは\N基本 野宿だ
0:44:54.90 - 0:44:56.48 不便だが面白い
0:44:58.78 - 0:45:00.32 時間があると それだな
0:45:01.24 - 0:45:04.49 (ルリ子)常在戦場\N私は常に用意周到なの
0:45:05.07 - 0:45:07.08 基礎プログラムの上書きだけでも
0:45:07.20 - 0:45:09.49 チョウオーグが\N羽化\Nうか\Nする前に\N済ませておきたい
0:45:10.04 - 0:45:11.41 でないと 激ヤバだから
0:45:12.66 - 0:45:13.79 チョウオーグ?
0:45:14.62 - 0:45:16.04 (ルリ子)そのうち話す
0:45:21.55 - 0:45:22.38 気にしないで
0:45:22.72 - 0:45:24.97 目から脳に\Nインストールしてるだけ
0:45:26.43 - 0:45:29.14 私は組織に作られた\N生体電算機なの
0:45:40.78 - 0:45:42.99 (本郷)もっと ゆっくり\N味わったら どうだ
0:45:43.36 - 0:45:45.45 (ルリ子)そんな暇ない\Nこれは燃料補給
0:45:45.57 - 0:45:46.91 栄養摂取が目的でしょ
0:45:48.70 - 0:45:50.79 僕は 腹が減らないようだ
0:45:50.91 - 0:45:52.91 便利だが つまらない身体だな
0:45:53.33 - 0:45:55.58 父が開発したプラーナシステムは
0:45:55.71 - 0:45:58.13 大気中に圧縮された\N他生命のプラーナを
0:45:58.25 - 0:46:00.84 自らの生体エネルギーに\N変換する装置
0:46:02.46 - 0:46:05.80 つまり あなたは知らないうちに\N他の命を吸い続けてるの
0:46:07.14 - 0:46:11.22 何にも食べずに長生きしたいからと\N人類すべてが装着しても
0:46:11.68 - 0:46:14.93 結局は 人間同士による\Nプラーナの奪い合いになるだけ
0:46:15.52 - 0:46:18.19 行き着くところは\N生命の絶滅しかない
0:46:19.94 - 0:46:23.03 だから父は あなたの\Nプラーナインバーターを最後に
0:46:23.15 - 0:46:25.49 昆虫合成型の開発をやめた
0:46:27.16 - 0:46:30.07 父の希望の先に待っていたのは\Nいつも 絶望
0:46:30.45 - 0:46:32.99 ちょっと考えれば\Nすぐに分かることなのに
0:46:33.33 - 0:46:34.95 理想しか持たないバカなのよ
0:46:36.92 - 0:46:40.84 バカなりに考えて\N父は あなたに希望を託したのね
0:46:41.67 - 0:46:43.80 (足音)
0:46:49.84 - 0:46:51.76 ここも ハチオーグのテリトリーか
0:46:52.18 - 0:46:55.06 プラーナを制御できてる私たち以外は\Nヒロミの意のまま
0:46:55.35 - 0:46:57.69 何もしなければ\Nいずれ世界中が こうなる
0:46:58.85 - 0:47:00.94 その洗脳システムを\N破壊しないかぎり
0:47:01.06 - 0:47:03.78 再びアジトに乗り込んでも\N同じ目に遭うだけか
0:47:03.90 - 0:47:05.86 (ルリ子)ええ\N外付けの試作だから
0:47:05.99 - 0:47:08.61 システムは\Nまだ電子機器で構成されてるはず
0:47:09.36 - 0:47:10.62 サーバーの位置は特定できた?
0:47:10.74 - 0:47:13.41 大丈夫だ\Nそいつを破壊すればいいんだな?
0:47:13.74 - 0:47:14.91 簡単じゃないけど
0:47:15.70 - 0:47:18.92 ルリ子さん\N次は1人で乗り込んでほしい
0:47:19.17 - 0:47:20.38 プランがある
0:47:21.63 - 0:47:24.71 僕ではなく\N僕のプランを信じてくれ
0:47:25.21 - 0:47:26.05 (ルリ子)そうね
0:47:26.59 - 0:47:29.18 プランじゃなく\Nあなたを信じてみることにする
0:47:29.80 - 0:47:31.30 ありがとう ルリ子さん
0:47:52.24 - 0:47:53.99 (ヒロミ)ありがとう ルリルリ
0:47:54.24 - 0:47:56.95 わざわざのお誘い 感謝するわ
0:47:58.29 - 0:48:00.21 組織に戻る気になった?
0:48:01.54 - 0:48:02.67 (ルリ子)いえ
0:48:04.25 - 0:48:05.84 戦う気になった
0:48:05.96 - 0:48:07.17 あらら…
0:48:07.96 - 0:48:09.38 残念ね
0:48:12.18 - 0:48:16.10 屋上だと 不在の用心棒が\Nバイクで助けに来れないわよ
0:48:16.64 - 0:48:18.64 あなた1人で 怖くないの?
0:48:18.98 - 0:48:20.56 (ルリ子)もちろん 怖いわ
0:48:21.73 - 0:48:23.73 でも 私は常に用意周到なの
0:48:25.94 - 0:48:27.07 それに
0:48:27.86 - 0:48:30.49 “仮面ライダー”と名乗る男を\N信じているから
0:48:38.33 - 0:48:39.45 (風車ダイナモの回転音)
0:48:39.58 - 0:48:40.62 (目の発光音)
0:48:48.55 - 0:48:50.47 (爆発音)
0:48:55.51 - 0:48:58.26 (人々のどよめき)
0:49:04.19 - 0:49:06.52 (ライダー)\N君の計画は すでに\N潰\Nつい\Nえた
0:49:06.90 - 0:49:07.94 (変身解除音)
0:49:16.28 - 0:49:18.41 ルリ子さんのためにも\N投降してくれ
0:49:21.04 - 0:49:23.21 それ むしろ逆効果
0:49:26.33 - 0:49:28.71 私は ルリ子を泣かせたいの
0:49:31.17 - 0:49:33.55 だから お断り
0:49:39.22 - 0:49:40.77 本郷 猛
0:49:42.02 - 0:49:44.10 スズメバチはバッタの天敵
0:49:46.10 - 0:49:48.19 私たちに勝てるかしら?
0:49:53.11 - 0:49:53.95 (ヒロミ)フッ!
0:50:00.08 - 0:50:01.08 (本郷)ううっ
0:50:03.33 - 0:50:05.12 この刀は特別製
0:50:06.29 - 0:50:09.84 あなたの防護服も\Nスパッと切るわよ
0:50:16.05 - 0:50:16.80 (本郷)ううっ
0:50:17.47 - 0:50:18.72 (ヒロミ)フンッ! フッ!
0:50:24.52 - 0:50:26.31 うっ! うう…
0:50:27.77 - 0:50:28.86 ウウ…
0:50:30.69 - 0:50:31.77 ううっ
0:50:36.95 - 0:50:38.70 うう… うっ
0:50:40.62 - 0:50:41.45 (ヒロミ)ウウッ
0:50:42.54 - 0:50:43.70 (本郷)うう…
0:50:44.58 - 0:50:45.41 ウンッ!
0:50:45.54 - 0:50:46.62 (ヒロミ)あっ
0:50:50.25 - 0:50:51.96 ハッ… あらら
0:50:53.38 - 0:50:55.59 負けないけど 勝てないわね
0:50:58.26 - 0:50:59.47 仕方ない
0:51:00.34 - 0:51:02.64 あなたのプラーナ もらうわよ
0:51:09.10 - 0:51:10.44 喜んで
0:51:16.32 - 0:51:17.45 (倒れる音)
0:51:21.74 - 0:51:22.91 チェンジ
0:51:29.04 - 0:51:31.58 これで 基本スペックは お前と同じ
0:51:58.03 - 0:52:01.70 これで エモノも同じ
0:52:03.66 - 0:52:04.49 (羽音)
0:52:04.62 - 0:52:06.33 では 参る
0:52:27.89 - 0:52:29.43 (ハチオーグ)フン! フッ ハッ
0:52:29.56 - 0:52:32.52 ルリ子! あなたの\N玩具\Nおもちゃ\Nを\N目の前で壊してあげる
0:52:33.02 - 0:52:36.73 だから 泣いて\N私の前で思いっ切り泣いて!
0:52:37.15 - 0:52:38.48 フッ! ハアッ
0:52:39.19 - 0:52:41.45 泣き崩れて 涙を見せて!
0:52:41.86 - 0:52:46.99 私のせいで悲しんで!\N傷ついて! 切なくなって!
0:52:47.29 - 0:52:48.58 お願い ルリ子!
0:52:51.29 - 0:52:52.12 フンッ!
0:52:52.25 - 0:52:53.25 (ライダー)うっ!
0:52:55.13 - 0:52:58.09 (ハチオーグ)\Nあらら…\N貫\Nつらぬ\Nけぬか
0:52:58.21 - 0:52:59.05 (ライダー)フンッ!
0:52:59.26 - 0:53:00.30 (ハチオーグ)ううっ
0:53:01.76 - 0:53:02.76 あっ…
0:53:02.97 - 0:53:03.97 うっ!
0:53:06.76 - 0:53:07.60 ハァ…
0:53:10.27 - 0:53:11.27 んっ…
0:53:11.81 - 0:53:13.19 (刀を投げつける音)
0:53:13.31 - 0:53:14.48 ハチオーグ!
0:53:16.52 - 0:53:17.69 覚悟
0:53:20.94 - 0:53:22.28 (ハチオーグ)もはや これまで
0:53:23.32 - 0:53:24.16 (ライダー)ウンッ!
0:53:24.28 - 0:53:25.78 (衝突音)
0:53:29.58 - 0:53:30.62 (変身解除音)
0:53:34.29 - 0:53:35.42 (変身解除音)
0:53:36.83 - 0:53:39.34 ハァ… あらら
0:53:42.97 - 0:53:46.09 このまま勝てたのに なぜ?
0:53:46.55 - 0:53:49.68 これ以上 マスクをしていると\N君を殺してしまう
0:53:50.18 - 0:53:51.18 それは避けたい
0:53:53.43 - 0:53:55.27 ルリ子さんも そう思ってる
0:53:56.19 - 0:53:57.27 うん
0:53:59.15 - 0:53:59.98 ダメ…
0:54:01.36 - 0:54:02.61 あらら
0:54:03.86 - 0:54:05.70 優しいのね
0:54:06.20 - 0:54:08.07 私に友達は いない
0:54:11.62 - 0:54:12.95 けど やっぱり
0:54:15.62 - 0:54:16.46 殺せない
0:54:22.13 - 0:54:24.34 (政府の男)\N個人の信条は尊重する
0:54:24.80 - 0:54:26.43 あとは 我々が引き取ろう
0:54:28.39 - 0:54:30.18 ご忠告してあげる
0:54:30.30 - 0:54:32.14 銃は私に効かないわよ
0:54:32.26 - 0:54:33.35 (発砲音)
0:54:46.49 - 0:54:47.61 あらら…
0:54:48.66 - 0:54:50.78 こんなもので 私が?
0:54:53.79 - 0:54:54.87 うっ…
0:54:57.04 - 0:54:58.29 まさか
0:54:59.29 - 0:55:01.46 サソリオーグの毒?
0:55:02.09 - 0:55:04.26 うっ うう…
0:55:06.01 - 0:55:07.13 (ルリ子)ヒロミ?
0:55:12.56 - 0:55:13.85 残念…
0:55:18.31 - 0:55:21.15 ルリルリに\N殺してほしかったのに…
0:55:37.37 - 0:55:40.17 まさか このために\Nサソリオーグを強襲したの?
0:55:40.29 - 0:55:41.92 (政府の男)ノーコメントだ
0:56:04.82 - 0:56:06.23 (本郷)大丈夫か?
0:56:22.00 - 0:56:25.84 (ルリ子のすすり泣き)
0:56:28.42 - 0:56:30.13 (ルリ子)ちょっと胸 借りる
0:56:40.35 - 0:56:47.23 (ルリ子のすすり泣き)
0:56:51.95 - 0:56:53.07 ふむ…
0:56:53.49 - 0:56:56.53 やはり 人間は面白い
0:57:00.50 - 0:57:02.96 (K.Kオーグの声)\N古風だね ケイ
0:57:03.08 - 0:57:04.21 はい
0:57:04.33 - 0:57:07.59 人間と同じ行動を\N私も実行してみました
0:57:08.92 - 0:57:10.88 (K.Kオーグの声)\Nヤツらが裏切りペアかい?
0:57:11.01 - 0:57:11.84 (ケイ)はい
0:57:11.97 - 0:57:15.09 お2人の速やかな お戻りを\N願っているのですが
0:57:15.30 - 0:57:16.51 (K.Kオーグの声)そうか
0:57:16.64 - 0:57:19.93 ごめんな ケイ\Nあいつらは戻らないよ
0:57:20.06 - 0:57:22.06 ほう なぜです?
0:57:22.85 - 0:57:26.11 (K.Kオーグの声)\N僕が シャキッと始末するからさ
0:57:27.57 - 0:57:29.94 クモ先輩の\N敵討\Nかたきう\Nち
0:57:30.36 - 0:57:34.16 それが今の僕 最大の\N願いだからね
0:57:38.49 - 0:57:41.70 裏切りペアは 必ず殺す
0:57:53.17 - 0:57:55.05 (ルリ子)\Nいくら潜伏に向いてるからって
0:57:55.18 - 0:57:56.59 ここ 何もなさすぎ!
0:57:57.01 - 0:58:00.31 いい加減 シャワー浴びたい!\Nせめて服 着替えたい!
0:58:01.68 - 0:58:05.23 あなたも その着たきりスズメの防護服\Nそろそろ洗いなさいよ!
0:58:05.35 - 0:58:07.02 さっきも すごくニオってたし
0:58:13.24 - 0:58:14.45 (情報機関の男)着替えだ
0:58:14.99 - 0:58:17.16 下着は 若い婦人警官が選んだ
0:58:17.28 - 0:58:18.20 俺は見ていない
0:58:19.58 - 0:58:22.83 あなたが仕事で\Nヒロミを処分したこと 理解してる
0:58:24.71 - 0:58:26.08 俺に気を遣うな
0:58:26.21 - 0:58:28.75 人から憎まれるのも 俺の仕事だ
0:58:30.92 - 0:58:33.13 無理やり 自分の感情を\N殺す必要はない
0:58:34.84 - 0:58:36.13 無理してない
0:58:36.43 - 0:58:38.55 着替えたら\N今の感情を受け入れる
0:58:48.65 - 0:58:50.19 (ルリ子)そこだと 遠い
0:58:52.82 - 0:58:55.40 (本郷)着替え中だ\N離れたほうがいいだろう
0:58:56.03 - 0:58:57.20 いいから!
0:58:57.57 - 0:58:59.57 私を守るなら 常に近くにいて
0:59:00.16 - 0:59:03.20 トイレ以外\N着替えも 寝る時も隣に
0:59:03.83 - 0:59:05.33 けど 絶対に\N変なことしないで
0:59:10.04 - 0:59:12.92 大丈夫だ 安心してくれ
0:59:23.72 - 0:59:24.97 安心…
0:59:28.06 - 0:59:29.65 初めて言われた
0:59:56.76 - 0:59:58.88 昼間は うるさくて\Nごめんなさい
1:00:01.97 - 1:00:06.14 生まれて初めて\N誰かに甘えてみたかっただけ
1:00:11.10 - 1:00:13.52 父も兄も 厳しかったから
1:00:30.83 - 1:00:31.67 お兄さん?
1:00:31.79 - 1:00:33.88 (イチロー)これで お前の望みを\Nかなえてやれる
1:00:34.59 - 1:00:36.38 待ってろ ルリ子
1:00:37.46 - 1:00:38.63 (ルリ子)兄さん!
1:00:38.88 - 1:00:39.97 (本郷)どうした?
1:00:41.05 - 1:00:42.55 イチロー兄さんが羽化した
1:00:43.89 - 1:00:44.72 兄さん?
1:00:46.14 - 1:00:47.43 “チョウオーグ”よ
1:00:48.39 - 1:00:50.56 早く止めないと\Nヤバすぎることになる
1:00:53.90 - 1:00:56.48 (政府の男)\N我々も一枚岩では\Nないのでね
1:00:56.98 - 1:00:58.44 勇み足の実働班が
1:00:58.57 - 1:01:00.65 チョウオーグの\Nアジトを強襲して
1:01:00.74 - 1:01:01.57 この結果だ
1:01:02.07 - 1:01:05.57 (情報機関の男)緊急連絡を受けた\N陸上自衛隊が救援に駆け付けた時には
1:01:05.70 - 1:01:07.45 すでに この状態だったそうだ
1:01:08.08 - 1:01:09.29 (遺体袋を開く音)
1:01:10.29 - 1:01:13.33 (情報機関の男)疑問なのは\Nどの遺体にも 一切の損壊がない
1:01:13.58 - 1:01:15.75 体内にBC兵器の痕跡もない
1:01:15.96 - 1:01:17.59 どうやって殺された?
1:01:19.00 - 1:01:21.97 (ルリ子)正確には\N死んでるし 生きてる
1:01:23.47 - 1:01:24.55 どういうことだ?
1:01:25.01 - 1:01:27.43 (ルリ子)チョウオーグによる\Nプラーナの強奪
1:01:28.10 - 1:01:30.93 その人を形成する\Nプラーナの配列を壊さずに
1:01:31.06 - 1:01:32.94 別の空間に転送する
1:01:33.64 - 1:01:37.11 いわば 魂を別の場所に\N連れていかれた感じ
1:01:37.61 - 1:01:40.57 そこを私たちは\N“ハビタット世界”と呼んでる
1:01:42.03 - 1:01:43.28 いずれにしても
1:01:43.57 - 1:01:46.62 この人たちのプラーナが\N肉体に戻ってくることはない
1:01:47.28 - 1:01:49.28 その意味では\Nすでに亡くなってる
1:01:49.99 - 1:01:52.00 遺体は火葬して問題ないわ
1:01:59.38 - 1:02:01.38 ハビタット世界と言ったか
1:02:03.38 - 1:02:04.38 どんな所だ?
1:02:04.93 - 1:02:06.26 俗に言う“地獄”よ
1:02:08.01 - 1:02:10.76 本心だけの ウソのない世界
1:02:12.72 - 1:02:14.31 人間が耐えられる場所じゃない
1:02:20.23 - 1:02:23.61 (イチロー)俺は すべての人間を\Nハビタットに送り込もうとしている
1:02:23.74 - 1:02:25.07 止めないのか? ケイ
1:02:25.20 - 1:02:28.53 それがイチロー様の幸せであれば\Nご存分に
1:02:29.37 - 1:02:31.66 そうか ならば遠慮なく
1:02:40.96 - 1:02:43.09 ルリ子様は\Nいかがなさいますか?
1:02:43.30 - 1:02:46.09 (イチロー)ハビタット計画に\N例外はないよ ケイ
1:02:48.59 - 1:02:49.76 俺も含めて
1:02:50.22 - 1:02:54.35 (ルリ子の声)兄の最終目的は\N“全人類のプラーナの完全掌握”
1:02:54.48 - 1:02:57.90 と同時に“すべての人間を\Nハビタットに送り裁くこと”
1:02:58.19 - 1:03:01.02 そのために\N“自分が最後の人間になること”
1:03:03.03 - 1:03:05.65 (本郷)なぜ お兄さんは\Nそんな計画をする?
1:03:05.86 - 1:03:07.95 (ルリ子)\Nイチロー兄さんは 子どもの頃
1:03:08.07 - 1:03:10.41 母親を 無差別殺人犯に殺された
1:03:11.12 - 1:03:14.33 だから他人…\N人間自体を信用しない
1:03:15.12 - 1:03:18.96 父がショッカーに協力したのも\N少なからず そのことがあると思う
1:03:19.79 - 1:03:22.29 私の母は\N兄とは違って 人間じゃないの
1:03:22.84 - 1:03:25.76 組織の人工子宮が\N私の母に近い存在
1:03:26.22 - 1:03:30.97 プラーナを使って 個別の魂を\Nハビタット空間に送り込むシステムは
1:03:31.09 - 1:03:32.64 兄と私がコーディングした
1:03:32.93 - 1:03:36.68 その時は みんなも私も\N幸せになれると信じてたの
1:03:37.35 - 1:03:38.69 でも 違った
1:03:39.69 - 1:03:42.02 あれは 私の求める幸せじゃない
1:03:44.98 - 1:03:46.99 私は 兄の所業を止めたい
1:03:47.36 - 1:03:49.91 そのために 嫌いな父と一緒に\N組織を抜けた
1:03:50.36 - 1:03:53.24 今回は 私1人でやる\N手助け無用よ
1:03:54.62 - 1:03:57.45 家族の問題に\N巻き込みたくないだけだろ
1:03:57.75 - 1:04:00.37 気遣い無用だ\Nもう巻き込まれてる
1:04:01.21 - 1:04:02.71 手助けするよ
1:04:05.96 - 1:04:07.21 (ルリ子)ちょっと
1:04:08.92 - 1:04:10.22 マスク借りる
1:04:14.60 - 1:04:16.52 (本郷)また新たなプログラムか?
1:04:16.93 - 1:04:17.77 (ルリ子)そう
1:04:18.31 - 1:04:20.94 まずは マスクの自動消滅を\N防いでおく
1:04:21.06 - 1:04:23.69 その上で\Nパーソナルなプラーナ配列を
1:04:23.81 - 1:04:27.07 マスクに定着・固定化するための\Nプログラムを仕込む
1:04:29.11 - 1:04:30.53 というより…
1:05:01.44 - 1:05:03.98 (イチロー)おかえり ルリ子\N会いたかったよ
1:05:04.77 - 1:05:06.69 (ルリ子)\N私のデータを読み込まないと
1:05:06.82 - 1:05:09.15 ハビタットシステムは\N完璧にならない
1:05:09.86 - 1:05:11.07 だから 会いたかったんでしょ?
1:05:11.61 - 1:05:13.28 (イチロー)ルリ子も\N俺のデータを読み込まないと
1:05:13.41 - 1:05:16.66 ハビタットシステムの\Nパリハライズプログラムが完成しない
1:05:16.78 - 1:05:19.37 だから 会いに来たんだろ?
1:05:34.01 - 1:05:35.51 (イチロー)家族の対面だ
1:05:35.64 - 1:05:37.10 他人が出しゃばるな
1:05:41.22 - 1:05:42.35 お兄さん
1:05:43.77 - 1:05:45.10 お父さんも死んだわ
1:05:45.40 - 1:05:47.94 知ってるよ 自業自得だ
1:05:48.65 - 1:05:50.23 だが 母は違う
1:05:50.44 - 1:05:51.74 意味もなく殺された
1:05:51.86 - 1:05:53.90 その\N復讐\Nふくしゅう\Nは やめて お兄さん
1:05:54.03 - 1:05:55.32 復讐じゃない
1:05:55.70 - 1:05:58.91 人間のプラーナを\Nハビタット世界へ\N誘\Nいざな\Nう救済だ
1:05:59.03 - 1:06:01.20 ルリ子も あの良さを\N経験しただろう?
1:06:01.33 - 1:06:04.29 死も 理不尽もない\N魂だけの世界
1:06:04.83 - 1:06:06.63 幸せなユートピアだ
1:06:06.92 - 1:06:09.71 いいえ 不幸なディストピアよ
1:06:10.17 - 1:06:13.42 ハビタット計画は\Nルリ子 お前が言い出したことだ
1:06:13.55 - 1:06:16.22 互いのすべてを理解したいと\Nお前が望んだことだ
1:06:16.34 - 1:06:17.26 なぜ裏切る?
1:06:18.10 - 1:06:21.10 あの時 私は\Nまだ世界を何も知らなかった
1:06:21.77 - 1:06:22.85 でも 今は違う
1:06:23.48 - 1:06:26.02 痴\Nし\Nれ\N者\Nもの\Nの父親に\Nたぶらかされたか
1:06:26.31 - 1:06:28.31 計算以外 無知な私に
1:06:28.44 - 1:06:31.36 外にも いろんな世界があることを\N教えてくれた
1:06:33.07 - 1:06:35.86 父が唯一 私のために\Nしてくれたことよ
1:06:40.08 - 1:06:44.12 お兄さんも\N私たち以外の世界を見て
1:06:45.46 - 1:06:47.58 心が読めないことに\Nおびえないで
1:06:48.17 - 1:06:49.50 必要ない
1:06:50.00 - 1:06:52.67 人は 人を信じることで\N生き延びてきた
1:06:52.80 - 1:06:55.09 他人を信じることで\N裏切られても きた
1:06:55.22 - 1:06:59.34 それに 暴力から家族を守るには\Nより強い力がいる
1:07:02.39 - 1:07:05.06 あの時 俺に力があれば\N母を守れた
1:07:05.18 - 1:07:06.48 死なせずに済んだんだ
1:07:06.60 - 1:07:08.65 (ルリ子の声)\Nすべての生き物で人間だけが
1:07:08.77 - 1:07:11.02 暴力を使わずに\N争いを解決できる
1:07:11.15 - 1:07:11.98 (イチローの声)そうだ
1:07:12.11 - 1:07:15.36 だから俺は 暴力のもとである肉体を\N消すことにした
1:07:15.49 - 1:07:17.20 (ルリ子の声)\Nそれが幸せとは思えない
1:07:17.32 - 1:07:18.32 (イチローの声)ルリ子
1:07:18.45 - 1:07:22.08 “幸せ”という字の横線を1本消せば\N“辛さ”になる
1:07:22.37 - 1:07:25.29 この世の幸せなんて\N簡単に壊れるものだ
1:07:27.00 - 1:07:28.04 (ルリ子の声)だとしても
1:07:28.17 - 1:07:31.25 人間の世界を\Nすべて創り直すのは間違ってる
1:07:31.38 - 1:07:32.46 お兄さん
1:07:33.75 - 1:07:36.05 早速 俺に\Nパリハライズを仕掛けてくるか
1:07:37.67 - 1:07:41.47 健気だが 俺のパリハライズは\N無理だぞ ルリ子
1:07:41.60 - 1:07:43.22 俺は 完全変態を終えた―
1:07:43.35 - 1:07:46.22 最高の昆虫合成型\Nアルティメットオーグメント
1:07:46.35 - 1:07:49.73 お前や 他のヤツらとは\Nプラーナの絶対量が違う
1:07:50.52 - 1:07:51.86 そうみたいね…
1:08:02.87 - 1:08:04.95 本郷 猛… といったか
1:08:06.58 - 1:08:07.91 妹とは寝たのか?
1:08:08.04 - 1:08:10.46 僕らの関係は 恋愛ではない
1:08:10.79 - 1:08:11.79 信頼だ
1:08:11.92 - 1:08:13.71 (イチロー)なら\Nお前に興味はない
1:08:14.88 - 1:08:17.71 俺は忙しいんだ\N逃がしてやる
1:08:17.84 - 1:08:19.17 妹を置いて帰れ
1:08:19.30 - 1:08:20.34 待て
1:08:22.09 - 1:08:23.18 待ってください!
1:08:27.22 - 1:08:30.14 (イチロー)父が用意した\N妹のお\N守\Nも\Nりにしては お粗末だな
1:08:31.31 - 1:08:35.32 これが緑川 弘\N最後の最高傑作とは失望した
1:08:35.44 - 1:08:37.65 うん なかったことにしよう
1:08:40.32 - 1:08:41.99 “切った張った”は面倒だ
1:08:42.32 - 1:08:44.03 あとは“彼”に任すよ
1:08:48.16 - 1:08:50.58 (\N一文字\Nいちもんじ\N隼人\Nはやと\N)アンタが初期型の\N“第1バッタオーグ”か?
1:08:52.92 - 1:08:54.04 いや…
1:08:55.13 - 1:08:56.25 “仮面ライダー”だっけ?
1:08:56.96 - 1:08:57.80 君は?
1:08:58.30 - 1:08:59.51 一文字隼人
1:09:00.67 - 1:09:05.05 ジャーナリストだったはずだが\N今は なんだか違うみたいだ
1:09:05.18 - 1:09:06.93 (イチロー)\N“第2バッタオーグ”
1:09:07.31 - 1:09:10.31 お前と同じ\N昆虫合成型オーグメントだが
1:09:10.43 - 1:09:12.85 俺が ちょいとカスタムした強化型だ
1:09:14.27 - 1:09:15.69 どうも そういうことらしい
1:09:17.27 - 1:09:19.23 では お見せしよう
1:09:23.36 - 1:09:24.20 変身
1:09:24.32 - 1:09:26.66 (風車ダイナモの回転音)
1:09:30.04 - 1:09:31.16 風も受けずに?
1:09:44.34 - 1:09:45.55 (目の発光音)
1:09:51.47 - 1:09:53.02 (第2バッタオーグ)\Nどうもスッキリしないが
1:09:53.14 - 1:09:54.98 アンタを倒せとの命令だ
1:09:55.10 - 1:09:56.19 なので―
1:09:57.73 - 1:09:58.98 勝負 願おうか
1:10:04.95 - 1:10:08.95 悪いが 今のアンタじゃ\N俺には勝てない
1:10:10.91 - 1:10:11.91 (本郷)だろうな
1:10:19.29 - 1:10:20.84 一文字隼人
1:10:22.13 - 1:10:23.76 勝負は預ける
1:10:26.93 - 1:10:28.05 撤退しよう
1:10:29.39 - 1:10:30.22 うん
1:10:31.06 - 1:10:31.89 (本郷)フンッ!
1:10:33.77 - 1:10:36.23 俺の\N庇護\Nひご\Nのもとから去るか
1:10:42.82 - 1:10:45.61 後悔するぞ ルリ子
1:10:45.74 - 1:10:46.99 (常用サイクロン号の走行音)
1:10:51.91 - 1:10:53.50 (風車ダイナモの回転音)
1:11:15.14 - 1:11:16.06 (第2バッタオーグ)まだかな?
1:11:25.19 - 1:11:26.70 うん そろそろいいか
1:11:27.45 - 1:11:28.36 (噴射音)
1:11:37.37 - 1:11:38.50 (第2バッタオーグ)フンッ!
1:11:40.67 - 1:11:42.17 プラーナは十分 圧縮したか?
1:11:42.29 - 1:11:43.59 (目の発光音)
1:11:44.25 - 1:11:45.46 (第2バッタオーグ)ならいい
1:11:46.05 - 1:11:49.26 弱いままの お前を倒しても\N何もスッキリしないからな
1:11:53.05 - 1:11:54.06 もう大丈夫
1:11:58.02 - 1:11:59.14 (ライダー)決着をつけよう
1:12:01.77 - 1:12:03.11 (第2バッタオーグ)\Nどうした 本郷?
1:12:03.52 - 1:12:05.94 やる気になったんだろ\Nかかってこいよ
1:12:13.03 - 1:12:14.41 ほほう
1:12:14.74 - 1:12:16.91 このマスクを被っても\N力を抑えられるとは
1:12:17.04 - 1:12:18.46 大した自制心… いや
1:12:18.58 - 1:12:20.58 優しさか? アンタの
1:12:22.00 - 1:12:24.46 うーん\N優しいヤツは嫌いじゃない
1:12:25.09 - 1:12:27.13 けど 優しさと弱さは\N紙一重だぞ
1:12:28.34 - 1:12:30.34 アンタが手抜きした結果\N俺に殺されたら
1:12:30.47 - 1:12:31.63 あのお嬢さんは どうなる?
1:12:36.39 - 1:12:37.39 分かったか?
1:12:37.81 - 1:12:40.39 本気を出せよ 本郷
1:12:53.78 - 1:12:54.78 (打撃音)
1:12:57.33 - 1:12:59.95 (第2バッタオーグ)イッテ~
1:13:04.50 - 1:13:06.34 これが アンタのフルスペックか
1:13:07.71 - 1:13:09.05 いいねぇ
1:13:09.76 - 1:13:11.42 (ルリ子)第2の男 一文字隼人
1:13:11.55 - 1:13:14.22 プラーナの洗脳下でも\N自分の筋を通している
1:13:14.34 - 1:13:16.05 あのヒト同様 大した精神力ね
1:13:18.56 - 1:13:20.31 (打撃音)
1:13:26.61 - 1:13:27.77 (第2バッタオーグ)なるほど
1:13:28.53 - 1:13:31.24 これはシンプルだ\N優劣が付けやすい
1:13:31.36 - 1:13:34.49 おまけに空中だと\N周囲に迷惑もかけない
1:13:34.61 - 1:13:36.78 アンタもプラーナを貯めやすい
1:13:36.91 - 1:13:38.74 う~ん
1:13:39.62 - 1:13:40.45 いいね!
1:13:50.76 - 1:13:53.30 (ルリ子)イチロー兄さんの中にあった\Nデータを解析すれば
1:13:53.42 - 1:13:55.84 彼の洗脳を\Nパリハライズする鍵があるはず
1:13:56.72 - 1:13:58.72 (打撃音)
1:14:00.68 - 1:14:02.81 (打撃音)
1:14:04.27 - 1:14:05.69 (打撃音)
1:14:07.48 - 1:14:08.90 (打撃音)
1:14:12.94 - 1:14:14.95 (打撃音)
1:14:21.12 - 1:14:22.54 (打撃音)
1:14:29.71 - 1:14:31.55 (第2バッタオーグ)\N手を抜くな 本郷!
1:14:31.84 - 1:14:34.09 (ライダー)君は\Nショッカーの洗脳に\N抗\Nあらが\Nってる!
1:14:34.22 - 1:14:35.43 だから 戦いたくない
1:14:35.80 - 1:14:36.80 (第2バッタオーグ)\N甘いな 本郷
1:14:37.43 - 1:14:39.55 今の俺には 戦うことしか
1:14:40.22 - 1:14:41.68 頭にない!
1:14:45.44 - 1:14:46.23 (ライダー)うっ!
1:14:47.90 - 1:14:48.90 ううっ…
1:14:52.48 - 1:14:53.61 (第2バッタオーグ)つまらん!
1:14:53.90 - 1:14:55.07 心ガッカリだ
1:14:57.11 - 1:14:58.87 これで終わりにするか
1:15:00.16 - 1:15:02.45 その左足の修復には\N時間がかかる
1:15:06.50 - 1:15:07.50 悪いな
1:15:08.83 - 1:15:10.13 (足音)
1:15:14.17 - 1:15:15.38 (第2バッタオーグ)邪魔だ
1:15:16.72 - 1:15:17.88 お嬢さん どいてくれ
1:15:25.27 - 1:15:27.64 ショッカーの洗脳を\Nパリハライズする
1:15:29.73 - 1:15:33.61 あなたのプラーナ\N魂の自由を取り戻して
1:15:34.07 - 1:15:36.32 (第2バッタオーグ)\Nあっ! ああ… うう…
1:15:44.70 - 1:15:48.41 悲しい記憶を すべて封印し\N多幸感を上書きするのが
1:15:48.54 - 1:15:51.13 ショッカーが たどり着いた\N洗脳スタイル
1:15:51.92 - 1:15:55.30 洗脳が解ける時\Nその すべてを思い出すの
1:15:56.05 - 1:15:59.76 悲しみの洪水に耐えて\N一文字隼人
1:16:06.72 - 1:16:07.85 (変身解除音)
1:16:13.94 - 1:16:16.61 (すすり泣き)
1:16:34.50 - 1:16:35.71 (ルリ子)お願い
1:16:36.50 - 1:16:38.42 あなたもライダーになって
1:16:42.34 - 1:16:43.68 彼を助けて
1:16:44.01 - 1:16:46.60 (すすり泣き)
1:16:50.73 - 1:16:51.64 (刺される音)
1:16:57.28 - 1:16:58.40 誰…?
1:16:59.78 - 1:17:01.95 (K.Kオーグの声)\Nショッカーのニューホープ
1:17:03.74 - 1:17:05.58 カマキリ・カメレオン
1:17:05.78 - 1:17:08.49 通称“K.Kオーグ”さ
1:17:09.91 - 1:17:11.41 そんなヤツ 知らない
1:17:11.54 - 1:17:13.04 記録に なかった
1:17:13.46 - 1:17:16.17 (K.Kオーグ)\Nじゃあ 今から知って~
1:17:16.50 - 1:17:17.25 (ルリ子)ううっ
1:17:19.42 - 1:17:23.97 僕は ショッカー科学陣の\N粋\Nすい\Nを集めた―
1:17:25.01 - 1:17:28.26 初の“3種合成型オーグメント”
1:17:31.39 - 1:17:33.69 死神グループの生んだ―
1:17:34.10 - 1:17:37.15 最新最高の作品さ
1:17:40.82 - 1:17:41.86 ん?
1:17:41.99 - 1:17:45.66 アハハ! 我ながらグッジョブ
1:17:45.99 - 1:17:48.41 おい! 苦しいか?
1:17:50.62 - 1:17:52.91 裏切りは 人殺しよりも悪
1:17:53.62 - 1:17:56.21 敵討ちは 人助けよりも善
1:17:56.50 - 1:17:58.50 クモ先輩の\N敵\Nかたき\Nだ
1:17:58.63 - 1:17:59.34 死ね!
1:17:59.67 - 1:18:00.59 (キックの音)
1:18:01.17 - 1:18:02.17 うっ!
1:18:03.88 - 1:18:05.68 何だ 貴様?
1:18:06.09 - 1:18:07.18 俺か?
1:18:16.15 - 1:18:18.36 俺は今から ショッカーの敵
1:18:18.73 - 1:18:20.27 人類の味方
1:18:21.23 - 1:18:22.82 一文字隼人
1:18:24.53 - 1:18:25.53 そして…
1:18:25.66 - 1:18:27.78 (風車ダイナモの回転音)
1:18:35.42 - 1:18:36.58 仮面ライダー
1:18:37.42 - 1:18:38.92 カメンライダー?
1:18:41.63 - 1:18:44.42 はあ? 何だ それ
1:18:44.55 - 1:18:45.51 (一文字)\Nお嬢さんのおかげで
1:18:45.63 - 1:18:47.39 プラーナが\Nオール スッキリした
1:18:48.14 - 1:18:50.14 これからは\N俺の好きにさせてもらう
1:18:50.81 - 1:18:52.06 まずは…
1:18:54.64 - 1:18:56.19 アンタを倒して
1:18:58.35 - 1:18:59.73 ショッカーに借りを返す
1:19:01.44 - 1:19:02.78 ってことは
1:19:03.82 - 1:19:06.32 裏切りホヤホヤってわけだ
1:19:12.33 - 1:19:15.12 貴様を殺すの 確定!
1:19:15.46 - 1:19:17.42 裏切り者は
1:19:17.79 - 1:19:19.54 みんな 死ね!
1:19:33.10 - 1:19:34.18 ううっ…
1:19:37.98 - 1:19:39.15 うっ!
1:19:39.40 - 1:19:41.27 (荒い息)
1:19:42.40 - 1:19:44.40 (マスクが割れる音)\N(K.Kオーグ)アウチッ!
1:19:45.03 - 1:19:45.86 うっ…
1:19:46.40 - 1:19:50.03 僕の超絶ステキ\Nカマキリマスクが…!
1:19:53.58 - 1:19:56.58 バッタのくせに マジ許せん
1:19:57.33 - 1:19:59.00 許さんぞ!
1:20:02.34 - 1:20:06.34 ああー 死ね!\N死ね 死ね 死ね! 死ね!
1:20:06.92 - 1:20:07.84 ううっ…
1:20:09.01 - 1:20:10.09 死ね!
1:20:14.43 - 1:20:15.47 うっ! ああっ!
1:20:20.81 - 1:20:21.81 うわっ…
1:20:23.15 - 1:20:25.57 あっ ああああっ!
1:20:26.40 - 1:20:27.99 クモ先輩…
1:20:29.20 - 1:20:30.78 ごめんなさい…
1:20:46.38 - 1:20:47.55 (ルリ子)ごめん…
1:20:47.67 - 1:20:51.09 用意周到な私が\N不覚を取っちゃった…
1:20:51.63 - 1:20:53.05 (ライダー)いいから しゃべるな
1:20:54.60 - 1:20:55.64 (ルリ子)ダメ…
1:20:56.76 - 1:20:58.06 助からない
1:21:00.14 - 1:21:02.85 私のプラーナが残ってるうちに
1:21:03.48 - 1:21:04.98 これだけは やっておく
1:21:06.98 - 1:21:10.57 (データを転送する音)
1:21:12.24 - 1:21:14.91 マスクに最新のデータを移した
1:21:15.87 - 1:21:17.54 遺言も遺してある
1:21:20.25 - 1:21:21.08 (ライダー)遺言?
1:21:21.58 - 1:21:22.83 言ったでしょ
1:21:24.46 - 1:21:26.54 私は用意周到なの
1:21:29.84 - 1:21:30.97 あと…
1:21:33.55 - 1:21:34.76 マフラー
1:21:36.55 - 1:21:38.60 似合ってて よかった…
1:22:11.59 - 1:22:12.76 (変身解除音)
1:22:13.92 - 1:22:17.26 ハァ ハァ ハァ…
1:23:03.97 - 1:23:05.27 (イチロー)そうか…
1:23:06.19 - 1:23:08.44 緑川の所へ いったか
1:23:10.77 - 1:23:12.02 ルリ子…
1:23:59.03 - 1:24:02.70 まずは ショッカーを足抜けした時
1:24:03.33 - 1:24:05.75 もっと早くに消されると\N思っていたけど
1:24:06.58 - 1:24:09.96 あなたのおかげで\N予想よりも長生きできた
1:24:10.92 - 1:24:12.13 ありがとう
1:24:16.80 - 1:24:18.26 ヒロミの時も
1:24:19.63 - 1:24:20.84 ありがとう
1:24:21.89 - 1:24:23.18 うれしかった
1:24:27.06 - 1:24:28.27 そうね
1:24:31.10 - 1:24:33.31 この際 まとめて\Nお礼を言っておく
1:24:34.77 - 1:24:36.40 ヒゲ男たちにも
1:24:37.28 - 1:24:40.70 “ありがとう 世話になった”って\N言っといて
1:24:45.62 - 1:24:48.20 カメラに向かって\N1人で しゃべるのって
1:24:49.79 - 1:24:51.46 なんだか恥ずかしいな
1:24:58.55 - 1:25:01.59 おそらく 私の身体と\Nエナージコンバーターでは
1:25:02.30 - 1:25:04.97 チョウオーグと化した兄を\Nパリハライズできない
1:25:05.97 - 1:25:08.68 プラーナの絶対量が\N圧倒的に足りないの
1:25:10.52 - 1:25:12.27 けど あなたなら できる
1:25:15.48 - 1:25:19.28 パリハライズプログラムは\Nあなたのマスクに移植してある
1:25:20.11 - 1:25:24.53 兄と接触した最新データも\N私が きっと移行させてるはず
1:25:27.28 - 1:25:30.29 あなたを信じて あなたに託す
1:25:32.00 - 1:25:33.79 必ず兄を止めて
1:25:35.13 - 1:25:38.92 仮面ライダー 本郷 猛さん
1:25:46.80 - 1:25:47.93 マフラー
1:25:48.97 - 1:25:50.43 似合ってて よかった
1:25:55.77 - 1:25:59.65 ショッカーに入る前\N父はバイク乗りだったの
1:26:01.40 - 1:26:03.86 兄が持ってる写真で\N見たことがある
1:26:06.20 - 1:26:07.32 こんな写真
1:26:17.75 - 1:26:20.17 私も あの写真の中に\Nいたかった
1:26:24.47 - 1:26:25.80 兄のように
1:26:27.22 - 1:26:29.85 父の後ろに乗れたらよかったと\N思ってた
1:26:32.06 - 1:26:33.52 けど もういいの
1:26:39.73 - 1:26:43.11 あなたの背中\Nとても心地がよかった
1:26:45.70 - 1:26:50.45 あなたにプラーナを預けた感じがして\Nとても うれしかった
1:26:55.21 - 1:27:00.21 幸せって何か\N私にも分かった気がする
1:27:05.67 - 1:27:09.01 ありがとう 猛さん
1:27:10.39 - 1:27:11.68 さよなら
1:27:20.36 - 1:27:21.94 (ルリ子の声)あっ 追伸
1:27:22.36 - 1:27:24.82 マフラーの話は\N直接 言いたいな
1:27:25.36 - 1:27:29.37 (すすり泣き)
1:28:17.25 - 1:28:22.08 (むせび泣き)
1:28:31.09 - 1:28:33.64 (一文字)お嬢さんには\N取り返しのつかないことをした
1:28:34.22 - 1:28:36.10 すまん 謝る
1:28:37.93 - 1:28:39.52 (本郷)君のせいじゃない
1:28:40.56 - 1:28:42.02 僕の非力が原因だ
1:28:43.44 - 1:28:48.15 僕はルリ子さんの意志を継ぎ\Nショッカーと戦い続ける
1:28:49.45 - 1:28:50.86 一文字君は どうする?
1:28:51.66 - 1:28:55.62 元々 ペンとシャッターが\N俺の専門なんだ
1:28:56.79 - 1:28:59.62 “真実の剣”ってやつで\N人間の悪を暴きたくてね
1:29:00.12 - 1:29:02.71 悪と戦うのは 世の中の役に立つ
1:29:03.04 - 1:29:04.63 だから この力は好きだ
1:29:06.84 - 1:29:08.38 俺は 好きに生きたい
1:29:08.51 - 1:29:11.01 “好きか どうか”が\N俺の行動基準だからな
1:29:11.34 - 1:29:13.39 アンタのことは嫌いじゃないが
1:29:13.76 - 1:29:17.14 アンタの後ろにいる連中に\N利用されるのは好きじゃない
1:29:20.31 - 1:29:22.19 俺は 群れるのが嫌いだ
1:29:23.06 - 1:29:27.15 だから ショッカーと戦うのは\N1人がいい
1:29:33.91 - 1:29:37.49 バイクは孤独を楽しめる\Nそこが好きだ
1:29:41.83 - 1:29:43.33 じゃあな 本郷
1:30:00.02 - 1:30:01.48 (政府の男)本郷 猛
1:30:02.39 - 1:30:04.31 お前の経歴を調べた
1:30:06.23 - 1:30:10.36 父親は\N殉職した警察官だったんだな
1:30:11.07 - 1:30:13.82 (本郷の声)父は 人質を取って\N暴れていた通り魔の男を
1:30:13.95 - 1:30:16.57 言葉で説得しようとして\N殺されました
1:30:17.32 - 1:30:19.49 (本郷の父親)助けに来たんだ 君を\N(犯人)ウソをつけ コラ!
1:30:19.62 - 1:30:21.87 (本郷の父親)本当だよ\N(犯人)だったら 銃を\N放\Nほう\Nれよ!
1:30:26.50 - 1:30:27.63 (刺す音)
1:30:28.21 - 1:30:30.67 (警官)おい! やめろ!
1:30:32.76 - 1:30:36.22 おい! やめろ! やめろーっ!
1:30:36.34 - 1:30:37.26 (発砲音)
1:30:37.39 - 1:30:40.26 (本郷の声)力が強くないと\N大事な人は守れない
1:30:41.60 - 1:30:44.52 あの時 僕に力があれば\N父を守れたし
1:30:45.23 - 1:30:48.40 父が銃を使って\N与えられた力を行使すれば
1:30:48.52 - 1:30:50.52 犯人に殺されることもなかった
1:30:53.78 - 1:30:55.74 父は死ぬ間際まで
1:30:56.28 - 1:30:58.87 人質と 犯人の安否を\N気にしていました
1:31:00.12 - 1:31:04.00 父は 父親を失った僕たち家族が\Nどうなるかではなく
1:31:07.21 - 1:31:10.04 最期に 他人の心配をする\Nヒトでした
1:31:14.80 - 1:31:17.38 僕は 父のように\N優しくなりたいし
1:31:18.47 - 1:31:21.43 父と違って\N力を使えるようになりたい
1:31:25.06 - 1:31:26.89 絶望は お前だけじゃない
1:31:27.52 - 1:31:31.61 多くの人間が\N同じように経験している
1:31:33.11 - 1:31:35.32 だが その乗り越え方が\N皆 違う
1:31:36.32 - 1:31:39.03 本郷は 本郷の乗り越え方を\Nすればいい
1:31:42.99 - 1:31:46.25 ありがとう そうですね
1:31:51.42 - 1:31:52.92 (政府の男)もう治ったのか?
1:31:53.25 - 1:31:54.34 ええ
1:31:54.59 - 1:31:58.34 もう大丈夫そうなので\Nイチローさんに会いに行きます
1:31:58.47 - 1:32:00.26 緑川ルリ子の復讐か?
1:32:00.47 - 1:32:01.55 いえ
1:32:01.85 - 1:32:05.85 ルリ子さんの意志を継ぎ\N望みを かなえたいだけです
1:32:06.31 - 1:32:07.39 復讐は しません
1:32:19.45 - 1:32:21.82 (本郷)それに\Nルリ子さんは消えていません
1:32:25.24 - 1:32:26.37 あと…
1:32:27.87 - 1:32:29.87 1つだけ頼んでもいいですか?
1:32:37.97 - 1:32:40.18 1人で行ったか 本郷
1:32:53.44 - 1:32:55.61 お嬢さんの命の代償か
1:33:03.57 - 1:33:04.62 (風車ダイナモの回転音)
1:33:12.58 - 1:33:13.42 (目の発光音)
1:33:17.96 - 1:33:20.38 (サイクロン号の走行音)
1:33:27.35 - 1:33:29.35 (イチローの声)こいつらは\N貴様と同じ能力を持つ―
1:33:29.47 - 1:33:31.89 “大量発生型\N相変異バッタオーグ”
1:33:32.35 - 1:33:35.31 ヤツらは お前の“孤独相”とは違う\N“群生相”
1:33:35.44 - 1:33:38.15 相変異を起こした黒いバッタは\N群れるもの
1:33:38.28 - 1:33:40.90 そして より凶暴な性質を持つ
1:33:41.57 - 1:33:45.24 では プラーナを失い\Nルリ子の後を追え
1:33:45.95 - 1:33:47.20 本郷 猛
1:33:48.33 - 1:33:49.58 (ライダー)戦うしかないのか
1:33:49.87 - 1:33:50.75 (目の発光音)
1:33:53.54 - 1:33:54.79 (銃撃音)
1:34:03.13 - 1:34:04.13 (爆発音)
1:34:23.07 - 1:34:24.15 (銃撃音)
1:34:29.74 - 1:34:32.00 (銃撃音)
1:34:32.12 - 1:34:33.87 (ライダー)\N数が多い 倒し切れるか?
1:34:34.08 - 1:34:35.50 (スキール音)
1:34:41.76 - 1:34:42.76 (衝突音)
1:34:57.40 - 1:34:58.40 (ライダー)フンッ!
1:34:58.98 - 1:34:59.82 (マスクを\N剥\Nは\Nがす音)
1:35:01.40 - 1:35:02.19 (打撃音)
1:35:16.33 - 1:35:18.54 (爆発音)
1:35:18.92 - 1:35:21.34 (バイクから転がり落ちる音)
1:35:22.38 - 1:35:23.30 (ライダー)ううっ…
1:35:24.55 - 1:35:30.55 (銃撃音)
1:35:32.39 - 1:35:33.72 マスクが持たない…!
1:35:34.02 - 1:35:35.31 (サイクロン号の走行音)
1:35:37.39 - 1:35:38.77 (爆発音)
1:35:40.61 - 1:35:41.61 (一文字)乗れ!
1:35:44.90 - 1:35:47.15 (一文字)本郷\N俺は心 決めたぞ!
1:35:47.28 - 1:35:48.61 つるむのは嫌いだが
1:35:49.87 - 1:35:51.16 好きになることにした
1:35:52.28 - 1:35:54.49 今から俺は\N“仮面ライダー第2号”だ!
1:35:54.62 - 1:35:56.25 (ライダー)\N2人でダブルライダーか
1:35:57.62 - 1:36:00.54 (第2号)\Nああ これで心スッキリだ
1:36:01.71 - 1:36:02.29 ヤッバ!
1:36:05.71 - 1:36:07.51 (爆発音)
1:36:08.30 - 1:36:10.64 (バイクから転がり落ちる音)
1:36:12.05 - 1:36:15.27 (第2号)ああ… イテテ!
1:36:15.68 - 1:36:17.35 ド派手な連中だな
1:36:17.60 - 1:36:20.31 防護服が なかったら\Nかなりヤバかったぞ
1:36:21.52 - 1:36:22.69 大丈夫か 本郷?
1:36:27.78 - 1:36:29.24 すまない 一文字君
1:36:29.36 - 1:36:31.66 謝罪じゃない そこは感謝だ
1:36:31.87 - 1:36:33.37 ありがとう 一文字君
1:36:33.49 - 1:36:35.79 “君”じゃない\Nここは呼び捨てだ
1:36:36.04 - 1:36:37.66 分かった 一文字
1:36:41.71 - 1:36:45.25 (第2号)\Nヒャ~! おいでなすったな
1:36:46.55 - 1:36:48.13 やるぞ 本郷!
1:36:48.26 - 1:36:50.18 (ライダー)\Nああ やろう! 一文字
1:36:50.97 - 1:36:51.97 (目の発光音)
1:37:11.66 - 1:37:12.45 (爆発音)
1:37:14.16 - 1:37:15.08 (ラングを剥がす音)
1:37:15.20 - 1:37:18.25 (打撃音)
1:37:19.25 - 1:37:20.33 (爆発音)
1:37:23.58 - 1:37:25.38 (キックの音)
1:37:26.50 - 1:37:27.34 (爆発音)
1:37:31.76 - 1:37:32.88 (第2号)本郷!\N(ライダー)一文字!
1:37:37.51 - 1:37:38.72 (キックの音)
1:37:41.48 - 1:37:42.44 (衝突音)
1:37:45.40 - 1:37:46.40 (爆発音)
1:38:00.20 - 1:38:01.33 (第2号)さてと
1:38:01.71 - 1:38:03.25 行くか 本郷
1:38:03.54 - 1:38:04.62 (ライダー)ああ
1:38:05.21 - 1:38:06.67 行こう 一文字
1:38:06.79 - 1:38:08.42 (サイクロン号の走行音)
1:38:23.35 - 1:38:24.35 (イチロー)また来たか
1:38:25.15 - 1:38:26.19 (ライダー)ええ
1:38:26.94 - 1:38:29.19 あなたを止めるまで\N何度でも来ます
1:38:32.74 - 1:38:34.95 あなたの父に託された\Nこの身体で
1:38:35.28 - 1:38:37.87 あなたの妹に託された\N願いのために
1:38:39.24 - 1:38:41.49 僕は何があっても\Nあなたを止めます
1:38:42.16 - 1:38:45.62 (イチロー)完璧なプログラムの構築で\N忙しいんだが
1:38:46.58 - 1:38:47.42 分かった
1:38:53.13 - 1:38:54.17 相手をしよう
1:39:01.35 - 1:39:02.02 (第2号)ええっ!
1:39:02.52 - 1:39:04.02 おおお… あり得ねえ!
1:39:05.81 - 1:39:06.81 うわっ…
1:39:08.77 - 1:39:10.11 ムダは よせ
1:39:10.65 - 1:39:12.82 俺のプラーナシステムは\N絶大だ
1:39:13.36 - 1:39:17.20 緑川のバッタオーグとは\Nエネルギー量が違う
1:39:21.95 - 1:39:23.04 (ライダー)一文字!\N(第2号)おう!
1:39:24.41 - 1:39:25.54 すまない サイクロン
1:39:26.50 - 1:39:28.42 (サイクロン号のエンジン音)
1:39:40.18 - 1:39:42.01 (第2号)\Nこれでハビタット計画…
1:39:42.26 - 1:39:43.77 しばらく無理だな
1:39:44.22 - 1:39:46.56 ついでに アンタの\Nプラーナの急速補充も
1:39:48.98 - 1:39:50.40 妹の入れ知恵か
1:39:53.44 - 1:39:55.53 お前たちを甘く見ていた
1:39:57.36 - 1:39:58.95 せめてもの\N詫\Nわ\Nびだ
1:39:59.70 - 1:40:01.03 本気で相手をしよう
1:40:04.49 - 1:40:06.45 変身
1:40:06.58 - 1:40:08.29 (風車ダイナモの回転音)
1:40:16.51 - 1:40:19.55 蝶は“復活” “不死”の象徴
1:40:19.93 - 1:40:23.64 そして 青い蝶は\N神の使いでもある
1:40:36.23 - 1:40:38.19 これが俺の完全体
1:40:38.40 - 1:40:39.70 “チョウオーグ”
1:40:47.25 - 1:40:48.46 さて…
1:40:49.04 - 1:40:51.08 これで お前たちと お揃いだ
1:40:52.54 - 1:40:55.50 俺は 俺なりのやり方で\N人類を救う
1:40:55.88 - 1:40:57.38 “仮面ライダー”
1:40:58.97 - 1:41:01.18 “第\N0\Nゼロ\N号”だ
1:41:05.10 - 1:41:06.64 (目の発光音)
1:41:06.77 - 1:41:07.81 (第0号)来い
1:41:10.44 - 1:41:12.10 (2人)ううっ うっ…
1:41:14.06 - 1:41:15.77 んっ…
1:41:18.36 - 1:41:19.28 ううっ…
1:41:19.94 - 1:41:20.95 ああっ!
1:41:22.53 - 1:41:23.53 ああ…
1:41:26.53 - 1:41:27.54 ぐはっ!
1:41:28.20 - 1:41:29.20 ああ…
1:41:30.96 - 1:41:31.87 うっ!
1:41:37.09 - 1:41:37.92 ぐはっ!
1:41:42.38 - 1:41:43.30 ああっ…
1:41:44.64 - 1:41:45.55 あっ…
1:41:55.19 - 1:41:56.27 うっ…
1:42:02.90 - 1:42:03.91 うあっ…
1:42:06.66 - 1:42:07.70 ううっ…
1:42:14.96 - 1:42:16.04 ううっ…
1:42:17.00 - 1:42:19.55 うう… ヒイッ
1:42:21.42 - 1:42:25.84 玉座\Nぎょくざ\N壊しても\Nまだあいつ かなり強いなぁ
1:42:26.39 - 1:42:29.10 ああ 強いな
1:42:31.52 - 1:42:32.64 (一文字)ハァ…
1:42:34.06 - 1:42:36.52 ああ ハァ…
1:42:37.94 - 1:42:39.48 さすがイチローさんだ
1:42:39.82 - 1:42:41.23 そういや 本郷
1:42:41.78 - 1:42:42.90 勝算あんのか?
1:42:43.49 - 1:42:44.32 ある
1:42:45.32 - 1:42:46.41 はっ?
1:42:47.37 - 1:42:49.62 ハァ… なんだよ
1:42:50.79 - 1:42:52.12 あるなら…
1:42:52.70 - 1:42:54.41 頼むから 先に言え!
1:42:54.96 - 1:42:56.33 ルリ子さんの遺言だ
1:42:57.54 - 1:43:00.42 そのために 何がなんでも\N彼のマスクを剥がしたい
1:43:04.84 - 1:43:05.76 分かった
1:43:10.72 - 1:43:14.06 何がなんでも やってやるよ
1:43:16.98 - 1:43:17.98 ああ
1:43:19.19 - 1:43:20.90 何がなんでもだ
1:43:23.15 - 1:43:24.15 (2人)ヤアッ!
1:43:26.40 - 1:43:27.41 (第0号)フンッ!
1:43:28.57 - 1:43:29.57 (2人)ううっ…
1:43:29.70 - 1:43:30.70 (第2号)ハァ…
1:43:35.08 - 1:43:35.91 (第0号)フゥ…
1:43:39.63 - 1:43:41.29 しつこい
1:43:41.54 - 1:43:42.67 (第2号)ウアアッ!
1:43:52.64 - 1:43:54.56 (第2号)うううっ タッ!
1:43:54.68 - 1:43:56.77 何がなんでもだ!
1:43:56.98 - 1:43:58.02 ああっ…
1:43:58.14 - 1:43:59.73 (第0号)\N小賢\Nこざか\Nしい!
1:43:59.85 - 1:44:01.19 (第2号)ああーっ!
1:44:03.86 - 1:44:05.99 ううっ ああ…
1:44:13.87 - 1:44:14.95 (ライダー)フンッ!
1:44:16.16 - 1:44:17.58 あっ うっ…
1:44:25.34 - 1:44:26.34 ううっ…
1:44:29.13 - 1:44:32.64 (第0号)\Nうっ… ハァハァハァ…
1:44:33.60 - 1:44:36.35 組織の壊滅が目的なら\N俺に委ねろ
1:44:36.72 - 1:44:40.81 ショッカーも含めて すべての人間を\Nハビタット世界で統一させる!
1:44:43.23 - 1:44:46.69 妹の… 父や母…
1:44:47.11 - 1:44:49.32 家族への\N仇\Nあだ\N討\Nう\Nちにもなる
1:44:50.66 - 1:44:53.28 アアッ… ハァ ハァ…
1:44:57.33 - 1:44:58.16 (ライダー)違う
1:44:58.29 - 1:45:00.92 あなたの家族は\N誰も それを望んでいない
1:45:01.04 - 1:45:03.00 あなた1人の思い込みだ!
1:45:03.13 - 1:45:05.46 (第0号)\Nああっ ハァハァ…
1:45:05.59 - 1:45:08.42 お前に 俺の何が分かる?
1:45:10.34 - 1:45:11.88 (ライダー)少しは分かる!
1:45:12.68 - 1:45:17.14 僕も 父親を\N人間の不条理に殺された!
1:45:17.77 - 1:45:18.89 (第0号)ううっ…
1:45:22.02 - 1:45:23.19 ハハッ…
1:45:23.98 - 1:45:25.23 だったら…
1:45:25.98 - 1:45:28.28 だったら 邪魔をするな!
1:45:31.11 - 1:45:33.11 (ライダー)僕には\N他人が よく分からない
1:45:33.45 - 1:45:35.99 だから 他人が分かるように\N自分を変えたい!
1:45:36.74 - 1:45:38.37 世界を変える気なんて ない!
1:45:38.49 - 1:45:39.62 (第0号)ムダだ
1:45:41.29 - 1:45:44.13 すべては\Nムダなことだぞ 本郷!
1:45:45.38 - 1:45:46.50 (ライダー)違う!
1:45:48.59 - 1:45:51.88 人生のすべてに\Nムダなことなんか ない!
1:45:53.13 - 1:45:54.26 一文字!
1:45:54.64 - 1:45:55.85 (第2号)任せろーっ!
1:45:55.97 - 1:45:57.26 (衝撃音)
1:46:15.45 - 1:46:16.57 (一文字)ああっ
1:46:17.49 - 1:46:18.66 ああ…
1:46:19.95 - 1:46:21.04 (ライダー)うう…
1:46:34.43 - 1:46:35.55 (変身解除音)
1:46:36.39 - 1:46:39.39 (本郷)ハァ ハァ ハァ…
1:46:46.81 - 1:46:48.69 ルリ子さんの願いだ
1:46:49.90 - 1:46:51.44 彼女も そこにいる
1:46:59.49 - 1:47:00.58 兄さん
1:47:04.33 - 1:47:05.50 ルリ子
1:47:06.92 - 1:47:08.13 ここに\N遺\Nのこ\Nっていたのか
1:47:08.79 - 1:47:10.59 (ルリ子)兄さんも ここに残れる
1:47:11.00 - 1:47:13.34 そのためのプログラムも\N仕込んである
1:47:21.56 - 1:47:22.85 (ルリ子)彼と来て
1:47:23.98 - 1:47:26.48 肉体が完全に失われる前に
1:47:33.69 - 1:47:34.78 (イチロー)フッ
1:47:35.65 - 1:47:37.61 俺が気付かないとでも?
1:47:39.37 - 1:47:42.66 ここは 3人には狭すぎる
1:47:46.04 - 1:47:49.29 もう これ以上
1:47:50.46 - 1:47:52.25 誰も失いたくない…
1:47:52.88 - 1:47:54.42 俺は もうごめんだ
1:48:00.43 - 1:48:03.01 (イチローのすすり泣き)
1:48:05.60 - 1:48:08.81 すまなかったな ルリ子
1:48:22.66 - 1:48:24.08 お兄さん 待って
1:48:28.83 - 1:48:30.46 お兄さん 待って!
1:48:34.63 - 1:48:35.92 お兄さん…
1:48:38.55 - 1:48:39.38 待って
1:49:01.66 - 1:49:03.20 ルリ子さんと話せたか?
1:49:04.91 - 1:49:07.16 ああ 礼を言う
1:49:08.12 - 1:49:12.21 しかし お前は俺のために\Nプラーナを使いすぎた
1:49:13.46 - 1:49:16.05 このままだと お前も消えるぞ
1:49:16.88 - 1:49:18.46 覚悟の上だ
1:49:20.38 - 1:49:22.68 (イチロー)自分の命を捨てても
1:49:23.89 - 1:49:25.97 他人の心に尽くすか…
1:49:34.90 - 1:49:35.90 フッ…
1:49:37.36 - 1:49:38.36 フッ…
1:49:48.62 - 1:49:50.96 ルリ子が信じた人間を
1:49:52.37 - 1:49:54.00 信じることにしよう
1:49:58.46 - 1:49:59.30 本郷
1:50:04.76 - 1:50:06.18 後を頼む
1:50:08.60 - 1:50:09.60 一文字
1:50:40.55 - 1:50:42.09 本郷!
1:50:47.43 - 1:50:48.51 フッ…
1:50:50.77 - 1:50:51.60 なんだよ
1:50:53.77 - 1:50:55.69 また1人かよ…
1:51:33.18 - 1:51:34.56 まあ いいか
1:51:36.56 - 1:51:38.60 人間 生まれる時も1人
1:51:42.78 - 1:51:44.69 死ぬ時も1人だ
1:51:50.99 - 1:51:55.41 (政府の男)本郷 猛から\Nマスクの回収と修理を頼まれていた
1:51:56.71 - 1:51:58.58 自分が消えた後も
1:51:58.71 - 1:52:02.29 君に仮面ライダーを\N名乗り続けてほしいそうだ
1:52:03.17 - 1:52:06.13 新たなショッカーの\N“コブラオーグ”を確認した
1:52:07.30 - 1:52:11.26 プラーナとして固定された\N本郷 猛の心は
1:52:11.89 - 1:52:13.22 ここに遺っている
1:52:14.52 - 1:52:16.10 彼の意志を引き継がないか?
1:52:20.10 - 1:52:21.61 仮面ライダーか
1:52:22.06 - 1:52:25.03 マスクには\N緑川ルリ子の心も遺っていた
1:52:25.48 - 1:52:27.11 本郷の願いで
1:52:27.90 - 1:52:30.95 彼女のプラーナは\N安全な別の場所に固定してある
1:52:43.13 - 1:52:47.59 お嬢さんと 本郷のためにも\Nアンタらと付き合う努力をしてみる
1:52:51.93 - 1:52:53.14 ああ
1:52:54.39 - 1:52:56.43 多少は 心スッキリだ
1:53:03.52 - 1:53:07.32 ああ そういや\Nアンタらの名前 聞いてなかった
1:53:08.19 - 1:53:09.82 (政府の男)\N名乗るほどの者でもない
1:53:09.95 - 1:53:11.03 (一文字)はあ?
1:53:11.78 - 1:53:15.20 俺は 自分の名を明かさないヤツは\N信用しない
1:53:17.29 - 1:53:18.29 立花\Nたちばな\Nだ
1:53:19.08 - 1:53:20.37 この男は\N滝\Nたき
1:53:22.83 - 1:53:24.67 連絡は 手を挙げれば済む
1:53:25.63 - 1:53:27.21 うーん…
1:53:30.05 - 1:53:32.38 新しいサイクロン号と\Nスーツが欲しい
1:53:45.02 - 1:53:46.69 このマスクは心地いい
1:53:47.53 - 1:53:51.28 マスクを被っても 前みたいな\N冷たいギラギラした感じではなく
1:53:52.49 - 1:53:53.74 優しさを感じる
1:53:56.66 - 1:54:00.75 ああ…\Nスッキリした好きな気分だ
1:54:14.01 - 1:54:15.93 これが アンタの心なんだな
1:54:21.52 - 1:54:22.52 本郷…
1:54:33.20 - 1:54:36.07 (第2+1号)\N本郷 感じるか? この風を
1:54:36.66 - 1:54:37.62 (本郷の声)ああ
1:54:37.74 - 1:54:41.16 僕のプラーナは 魂は\Nマスクの中だが
1:54:41.62 - 1:54:46.25 一文字の感じる風の力も\N排気音も 匂いも
1:54:46.38 - 1:54:47.92 すべて感じる
1:54:48.34 - 1:54:50.13 スピードを上げてくれ 一文字
1:54:50.92 - 1:54:52.92 新しいサイクロンを味わいたい
1:54:53.26 - 1:54:56.47 (第2+1号)よし 行くぞ 本郷\N(目の発光音)
1:54:56.80 - 1:54:58.18 俺たちは もう1人じゃない
1:54:58.68 - 1:54:59.68 いつも2人だ
1:55:00.51 - 1:55:02.47 2人でショッカーと戦おう
1:55:02.60 - 1:55:05.60 ♪~
1:57:02.22 - 1:57:05.22 ~♪
1:57:05.81 - 1:57:08.81 ♪~
1:57:13.02 - 1:57:19.32 ♪迫るショッカー 地獄の軍団
1:57:20.24 - 1:57:23.57 ♪我らをねらう 黒い影
1:57:23.70 - 1:57:27.08 ♪世界の平和を 守るため
1:57:27.29 - 1:57:30.79 ♪ゴーゴー・レッツゴー
1:57:30.91 - 1:57:34.42 ♪輝くマシン
1:57:34.54 - 1:57:37.21 ♪ライダー (ジャンプ!)
1:57:38.13 - 1:57:40.72 ♪ライダー (キック!)
1:57:41.68 - 1:57:45.14 ♪仮面ライダー 仮面ライダー
1:57:45.26 - 1:57:48.60 ♪ライダー ライダー
1:57:55.98 - 1:58:02.32 ♪迫るショッカー 悪魔の軍団
1:58:03.20 - 1:58:06.49 ♪我が友ねらう 黒い影
1:58:06.62 - 1:58:10.00 ♪世界の平和を 守るため
1:58:10.29 - 1:58:13.71 ♪ゴーゴー・レッツゴー
1:58:13.83 - 1:58:17.21 ♪\N真紅\Nしんく\Nのマフラー
1:58:17.59 - 1:58:20.26 ♪ライダー (ジャンプ!)
1:58:21.17 - 1:58:23.76 ♪ライダー (キック!)
1:58:24.76 - 1:58:28.14 ♪仮面ライダー 仮面ライダー
1:58:28.26 - 1:58:31.81 ♪ライダー ライダー
1:58:39.15 - 1:58:45.49 ♪迫るショッカー 恐怖の軍団
1:58:46.41 - 1:58:49.74 ♪我が町ねらう 黒い影
1:58:49.87 - 1:58:53.25 ♪世界の平和を 守るため
1:58:53.50 - 1:58:57.04 ♪ゴーゴー・レッツゴー
1:58:57.17 - 1:59:00.50 ♪緑の仮面
1:59:00.84 - 1:59:03.51 ♪ライダー (ジャンプ!)
1:59:04.42 - 1:59:07.01 ♪ライダー (キック!)
1:59:08.01 - 1:59:11.47 ♪仮面ライダー 仮面ライダー
1:59:11.60 - 1:59:15.19 ♪ライダー ライダー
1:59:29.32 - 1:59:32.33 ~♪
1:59:32.91 - 1:59:36.16 ♪荒野をわたる風
1:59:36.29 - 1:59:39.79 ♪ひょうひょうと
1:59:40.25 - 1:59:43.42 ♪ひとり行く ひとり行く
1:59:43.55 - 1:59:47.05 ♪仮面ライダー
1:59:47.51 - 1:59:50.76 ♪悲しみを\N噛\Nか\Nみしめて
1:59:50.89 - 1:59:54.52 ♪ひとり ひとり\N斗\Nたたか\Nう
1:59:54.64 - 1:59:57.94 ♪されどわが友
1:59:58.06 - 2:00:01.61 ♪わがふるさと
2:00:01.98 - 2:00:05.19 ♪ひとりでも ひとりでも
2:00:05.32 - 2:00:08.95 ♪\N護\Nまも\Nる 護る 俺は
2:00:09.32 - 2:00:12.83 ♪仮面ライダー
2:00:14.83 - 2:00:17.83 ~♪
2:00:18.50 - 2:00:21.50 ♪~
2:00:33.64 - 2:00:40.44 ♪たたかいおえて あさがきた
2:00:40.94 - 2:00:46.07 ♪空はみずいろ 雲はまっしろ
2:00:46.61 - 2:00:49.91 ♪丘の上から オオ!
2:00:50.28 - 2:00:53.83 ♪来る来る来る サイクロン
2:00:53.95 - 2:00:59.33 ♪\N紅\Nあか\Nいスカーフ なびかせて
2:00:59.46 - 2:01:03.00 ♪来る来る来る かえってくる
2:01:03.13 - 2:01:07.59 ♪仮面ライダー
2:01:16.22 - 2:01:19.23 ~♪
0:01:10.65 - 0:01:12.36 Catch the wind! And use your mask!
0:01:46.56 - 0:01:48.15 "Terminate all traitors."
0:01:49.40 - 0:01:51.27 That is my task.
0:01:51.86 - 0:01:55.61 But the Organization ordered me\Nto capture you alive.
0:01:55.69 - 0:02:00.83 As such - I'll simply make sure\Nyou never escape again.
0:02:02.16 - 0:02:03.99 Allow me to begin.
0:02:18.22 - 0:02:21.14 Grasshopper-Aug. He completed you?
0:03:00.72 - 0:03:04.93 SHIN MASKED RIDER
0:03:10.60 - 0:03:11.73 I hear wind.
0:03:13.73 - 0:03:16.36 Why do I hear wind blowing inside me?
0:03:19.53 - 0:03:20.65 Did I kill them?
0:03:23.62 - 0:03:24.66 No.
0:03:25.33 - 0:03:26.70 My body moved by itself.
0:03:29.46 - 0:03:30.54 I don't get it.
0:03:31.04 - 0:03:32.33 I killed them.
0:03:33.63 - 0:03:34.92 How could I do that?
0:04:04.74 - 0:04:05.91 What is this?
0:04:11.00 - 0:04:14.67 I came to free you.\NFollow me if you want to escape.
0:04:28.43 - 0:04:31.43 What is this? What happened to my body?
0:04:31.52 - 0:04:33.81 You broke me out. You must know something.
0:04:33.89 - 0:04:35.31 Please tell me!
0:04:39.27 - 0:04:40.32 Why?
0:04:40.40 - 0:04:41.74 Why am I so strong?
0:04:45.66 - 0:04:48.41 I'll answer your questions - young Hongo.
0:04:48.87 - 0:04:49.95 Professor Midorikawa?
0:04:50.29 - 0:04:55.71 The Organization has been developing\Nsynthetic insect-hybrid augmentation.
0:04:55.79 - 0:04:57.46 You are the project's masterpiece.
0:04:59.04 - 0:05:01.01 You can revert to human form at any time.
0:05:01.09 - 0:05:03.72 Simply expel the excess prana\Nfrom your Energy Converter.
0:05:21.57 - 0:05:22.69 Professor -
0:05:23.19 - 0:05:24.78 how do you know all this?
0:05:25.32 - 0:05:27.61 Because I chose you to be our comrade.
0:05:28.53 - 0:05:33.16 It was my scientific research group that\Nupgraded your body into its new form.
0:05:34.08 - 0:05:35.08 You did this?
0:05:35.41 - 0:05:38.17 You're the only one I could trust\Nwith the future of prana.
0:05:38.88 - 0:05:39.92 It had to be you.
0:05:41.17 - 0:05:45.22 Prana is an omnipresent source of energy\Nthat sustains all life.
0:05:45.72 - 0:05:49.85 Your body now uses condensed prana\Nto wield super-human powers.
0:05:51.47 - 0:05:56.19 Your body has been equipped with\Na Prana Absorption-Amplification System.
0:05:56.77 - 0:05:58.94 Your protective gear has a Converter Lung.
0:05:59.02 - 0:06:01.48 It's integrated with your Belt and Mask.
0:06:03.65 - 0:06:05.36 You gave me such power…
0:06:06.78 - 0:06:10.37 -Why?\N-Because you wanted it.
0:06:11.28 - 0:06:12.33 Superior strength.
0:06:12.87 - 0:06:13.87 I wanted it?
0:06:14.33 - 0:06:18.17 I know what happened to you in college.\NI know your despair.
0:06:18.58 - 0:06:22.38 You've pursued greater strength\Never since that day.
0:06:22.88 - 0:06:24.80 You wanted the power to protect.
0:06:26.76 - 0:06:29.76 And now that power is yours.
0:06:30.14 - 0:06:31.47 But Professor -
0:06:32.81 - 0:06:35.77 I punched people to death.\NThis power is monstrous.
0:06:35.85 - 0:06:36.85 I can't--
0:06:36.93 - 0:06:40.23 All of the Organization's Augs\Npossess the same power.
0:06:40.31 - 0:06:42.56 But they use it for\Ntheir own gratification.
0:06:43.36 - 0:06:46.07 Please use yours for the people.
0:06:46.94 - 0:06:49.28 Use your power to protect\Nthe countless weak.
0:06:51.16 - 0:06:54.20 We must destroy the Organization.
0:06:55.20 - 0:06:56.75 Please help us with our mission.
0:06:59.00 - 0:07:01.75 Forgive me for not introducing\Nmy daughter sooner.
0:07:02.79 - 0:07:04.00 I'm Midorikawa Ruriko.
0:07:05.30 - 0:07:06.34 Um - I'm--
0:07:06.42 - 0:07:09.76 Hongo Takeshi.\NStraight-A student. All-round athlete.
0:07:09.84 - 0:07:11.18 But you're a glum-chum.
0:07:11.26 - 0:07:14.22 That's why you're unemployed.\NMotorcycles are your only hobby.
0:07:16.77 - 0:07:18.39 I don't trust people.
0:07:18.89 - 0:07:22.02 But I'll put some faith in your abilities.
0:07:24.90 - 0:07:28.24 I'll let you tag along - \Nbut you'll have to dress better.
0:07:28.74 - 0:07:31.41 This is an essential for\Nmotorcycle riders.
0:07:33.57 - 0:07:34.70 And -
0:07:35.20 - 0:07:37.12 heroes always wear red - right?
0:07:37.91 - 0:07:38.91 Or something like that.
0:07:44.79 - 0:07:49.55 This your motorcycle Cyclone.\NIt's part of your Grasshopper-Aug System.
0:07:49.63 - 0:07:50.76 We tailored it to you.
0:08:07.36 - 0:08:09.57 All this to fight the Organization?
0:08:10.69 - 0:08:13.49 Is that spider mask guy an "Aug" too?
0:08:13.86 - 0:08:15.28 He is.
0:08:15.37 - 0:08:16.58 Spider-Aug.
0:08:17.62 - 0:08:21.46 One of the other groups made him.\NHe's an Evil-Infused Augmentation.
0:08:30.17 - 0:08:31.34 Damn! Flee!
0:08:46.19 - 0:08:47.19 Hello.
0:08:47.86 - 0:08:49.48 -Professor!\N-Don't worry about me!
0:08:50.94 - 0:08:52.11 Spider-Aug -
0:08:53.32 - 0:08:55.07 I've already done my part.
0:08:55.82 - 0:08:57.45 Go ahead. Kill me.
0:08:57.78 - 0:08:59.24 Rest assured.
0:08:59.33 - 0:09:01.95 I shall fulfill your wish - as only I can.
0:09:17.59 - 0:09:19.10 "Terminate all traitors."
0:09:19.18 - 0:09:21.39 That is my task.
0:09:22.68 - 0:09:25.19 I do like the way this feels.
0:09:25.52 - 0:09:28.23 I take the life of my prey\Nwith my own hands.
0:09:28.61 - 0:09:30.19 That's my idea of good manners.
0:09:30.73 - 0:09:32.99 So now - Midorikawa Hiroshi -
0:09:33.49 - 0:09:34.49 please die.
0:09:35.53 - 0:09:38.03 Become a part of my happiness.
0:09:38.78 - 0:09:39.95 Professor!
0:09:41.62 - 0:09:42.74 Hongo…
0:09:43.25 - 0:09:45.08 Look after Ruriko.
0:09:51.46 - 0:09:53.42 Thank you for granting me happiness.
0:09:55.34 - 0:09:58.97 I wish you eternal happiness too.
0:10:06.23 - 0:10:10.02 You may have betrayed us - \Nbut you're also a dear fellow Aug.
0:10:10.11 - 0:10:11.57 I'll leave you for now.
0:10:15.40 - 0:10:20.20 This girl's a traitor too - \Nbut my orders are to bring her back alive.
0:10:22.83 - 0:10:25.70 And it was foolish of you\Nto return to human form.
0:10:25.79 - 0:10:29.58 Now that you've expelled your energy - \Nyou cannot break my web.
0:10:32.79 - 0:10:34.00 Farewell.
0:12:01.63 - 0:12:03.89 You really are Midorikawa's masterpiece.
0:12:04.14 - 0:12:06.85 You're less damaged than I expected - \NGrasshopper-Aug.
0:12:07.43 - 0:12:09.72 That's not my name. It's…
0:12:11.06 - 0:12:12.23 Rider.
0:12:14.56 - 0:12:16.40 Call me Masked Rider.
0:12:16.73 - 0:12:18.78 Spare me your rambling - traitor.
0:12:19.23 - 0:12:21.45 It saddens me to kill a fellow Aug -
0:12:21.53 - 0:12:24.24 but locusts have been\Na bad omen throughout history.
0:12:24.32 - 0:12:25.45 You leave me no choice.
0:12:25.82 - 0:12:27.28 I'll eradicate you now.
0:12:27.74 - 0:12:29.04 "Terminate all nuisances."
0:12:29.29 - 0:12:31.25 That is my task.
0:13:09.66 - 0:13:12.08 I hate humans.
0:13:12.16 - 0:13:16.25 On behalf of all Augs who shun humanity - \NI shall kill mankind myself.
0:13:18.08 - 0:13:19.54 That's my idea of happiness.
0:13:27.26 - 0:13:28.47 I like it.
0:13:28.55 - 0:13:30.64 You have great close-range combat skills.
0:13:30.72 - 0:13:33.98 But if you keep missing me - \NI have nothing to fear.
0:13:34.06 - 0:13:38.02 The way you slaughtered my combatants\Nwas most impressive.
0:13:39.23 - 0:13:43.03 Now that you've killed a human - \Nyou too know the happiness it brings.
0:13:43.86 - 0:13:46.11 No! It doesn't make me happy at all!
0:13:51.70 - 0:13:54.12 I like it. Such destructive power.
0:13:55.46 - 0:13:58.42 You're no longer human - \Nbut we still can't see eye-to-eye.
0:14:01.25 - 0:14:02.46 What a shame.
0:14:17.19 - 0:14:18.19 Look at us.
0:14:19.15 - 0:14:21.27 We are overwhelmingly lethal.
0:14:21.36 - 0:14:22.77 Not being human is such bliss!
0:14:23.36 - 0:14:25.07 We're both Augs.
0:14:25.15 - 0:14:28.20 So why? Why don't you share my happiness?
0:14:30.45 - 0:14:32.70 Now - please die.
0:14:32.78 - 0:14:35.04 Become a part of my happiness.
0:14:49.13 - 0:14:50.22 Oh darn.
0:14:50.30 - 0:14:53.22 In the air - I'm at a great disadvantage!
0:15:28.38 - 0:15:30.13 Put me down. I can walk.
0:15:41.94 - 0:15:45.98 To prevent sensitive info from leaking - \Nall agents melt when they die.
0:15:47.94 - 0:15:49.40 That's how we'll end too.
0:15:50.70 - 0:15:53.24 The leftover energy in my body\Nis screaming.
0:15:55.58 - 0:15:59.70 I can't control how violent I am\Nwhen I wear this.
0:16:00.16 - 0:16:03.71 The mask contains a system\Nthat boosts your survival instincts.
0:16:04.42 - 0:16:07.84 It makes you more aggressive and\Nerases your aversion to bloodshed.
0:16:07.92 - 0:16:11.88 You enter a state where you can kill\Nwithout mercy to stay alive.
0:16:30.99 - 0:16:31.99 What I did…
0:16:33.99 - 0:16:34.99 It pains me.
0:16:35.45 - 0:16:39.37 "Pain" and "happy" are almost identical\Nwhen you write them in kanji characters.
0:16:40.20 - 0:16:42.37 "Happiness" is just one stroke away\Nfrom "pain".
0:16:42.75 - 0:16:46.71 At least when you endure the pain - \Nyou make somebody else happy.
0:16:47.71 - 0:16:50.09 That's what it takes to protect others.
0:17:11.65 - 0:17:12.86 He might be too kind.
0:17:24.58 - 0:17:25.87 I'm sorry.
0:17:27.83 - 0:17:29.17 Professor Midorikawa…
0:17:30.71 - 0:17:32.71 I failed to save him.
0:17:33.72 - 0:17:35.09 No apology needed.
0:17:37.26 - 0:17:39.26 You saved me. That was enough.
0:17:41.51 - 0:17:46.19 And it was Midorikawa who made you\Nhalf-grasshopper without even asking.
0:17:48.31 - 0:17:49.56 Forget about it.
0:17:51.32 - 0:17:52.73 It doesn't bother me.
0:17:53.69 - 0:17:56.86 He only made me to help him develop\Na practical use for prana.
0:17:57.36 - 0:17:59.99 We had one thing in common. A bit of DNA.
0:18:00.49 - 0:18:03.04 Just like you - \NI was merely one of his tools.
0:18:04.00 - 0:18:06.58 You didn't hear Professor Midorikawa's\Nlast words.
0:18:07.33 - 0:18:09.00 He said - "Look after Ruriko."
0:18:10.54 - 0:18:14.92 I think he created this body of mine\Nout of his love for you.
0:18:17.38 - 0:18:20.39 That's a surprisingly positive take\Non his ego.
0:18:20.89 - 0:18:22.10 You're so naive.
0:18:24.64 - 0:18:25.85 No wonder he chose you.
0:18:35.53 - 0:18:36.86 SHOCKER?
0:18:36.95 - 0:18:39.74 That's the name of the Organization.
0:18:39.82 - 0:18:43.24 As far as I know - \Nthey have four more Augs.
0:18:43.74 - 0:18:45.41 It only gets tougher from here.
0:18:48.04 - 0:18:50.38 I see Spider-Aug's prana has disappeared.
0:18:51.04 - 0:18:53.00 Did Midorikawa's grasshopper defeat him?
0:18:53.50 - 0:18:54.50 Yes.
0:18:55.67 - 0:18:58.34 Is that flower a show of respect\Nfor Spider-Aug?
0:18:58.42 - 0:18:59.47 Yes.
0:18:59.55 - 0:19:02.68 I made an attempt to behave\Nin the same manner as humans.
0:19:03.26 - 0:19:05.14 Midorikawa Hiroshi is dead too.
0:19:05.22 - 0:19:06.22 How is Ruriko doing?
0:19:06.56 - 0:19:09.23 I believe she intends to utilize\NGrasshopper-Aug
0:19:09.31 - 0:19:12.65 to remove your power of authority - \NMr. Ichiro.
0:19:13.61 - 0:19:14.77 I see.
0:19:14.86 - 0:19:19.32 Even if she brings the grasshopper here - \NI have another apparatus for violence.
0:19:20.07 - 0:19:21.36 You need not worry.
0:19:23.12 - 0:19:24.83 Fight violence with violence.
0:19:24.91 - 0:19:26.49 I appreciate the logic.
0:19:27.00 - 0:19:30.50 Whomever may be deleted - \Nit does not concern me.
0:19:30.79 - 0:19:32.67 As long as the data is preserved.
0:19:33.75 - 0:19:37.59 I like it when you get robotic - K.
0:19:39.76 - 0:19:43.51 I saw the data from your mask.\NYou waste way too much prana.
0:19:43.60 - 0:19:45.64 You must fight more efficiently.
0:19:45.72 - 0:19:48.64 Your entire biology now depends on prana.
0:19:48.73 - 0:19:51.10 If you use it all - \Nyou'll lose your somatic code.
0:19:51.19 - 0:19:52.73 -So watch it.\N-Got it.
0:19:53.06 - 0:19:54.23 But why am I half-hopper?
0:19:54.86 - 0:19:58.19 Insects and humans are the most evolved\Nspecies on this planet.
0:19:58.28 - 0:20:02.32 According to my father - \Ncombining them forms the ideal organism.
0:20:03.36 - 0:20:06.49 Cautious hoppers and aggressive humans.\NMakes a nice balance.
0:20:07.12 - 0:20:08.29 Or something like that.
0:20:10.83 - 0:20:12.25 You have a spare safe house?
0:20:12.71 - 0:20:13.71 I do.
0:20:14.17 - 0:20:16.50 I'm always fully prepared.
0:20:17.00 - 0:20:19.21 We can get ready here\Nwithout anybody knowing.
0:20:36.77 - 0:20:37.82 Who are you?
0:20:40.36 - 0:20:41.86 You don't look like cops.
0:20:42.36 - 0:20:44.36 So you're with Intelligence?
0:20:44.45 - 0:20:45.74 Or is it Security?
0:20:46.03 - 0:20:47.74 He's with Intelligence.
0:20:47.83 - 0:20:51.50 I'm just a government official\Non janitor duty.
0:20:51.58 - 0:20:54.25 I clean up SHOCKER's mess.
0:20:54.83 - 0:20:56.75 And you want to clean us up too?
0:20:57.09 - 0:20:58.42 The opposite.
0:20:58.50 - 0:20:59.63 We want your help.
0:21:02.47 - 0:21:05.51 We need help eliminating their agents.
0:21:05.59 - 0:21:09.22 In return - we'll share our intel\Nand guarantee your security.
0:21:09.56 - 0:21:11.81 -If we decline?\N-Use your imagination.
0:21:13.52 - 0:21:15.40 What is SHOCKER trying to do?
0:21:15.69 - 0:21:17.19 Word has it -
0:21:17.69 - 0:21:20.53 they're pursuing happiness\Nfor all mankind.
0:21:20.61 - 0:21:21.78 Close enough.
0:21:22.65 - 0:21:25.53 SHOCKER was founded by\Na Japanese billionaire.
0:21:26.03 - 0:21:30.37 It's currently lead by the most advanced\Nartificial intelligence in the world - I.
0:21:31.16 - 0:21:33.08 Happy third birthday -
0:21:34.25 - 0:21:35.25 I.
0:21:36.42 - 0:21:38.71 And it's a pleasure to meet you - J.
0:21:39.34 - 0:21:44.30 I created the autonomous AI system J\Nto monitor the outside world.
0:21:44.59 - 0:21:47.01 Are you the gentleman who created I?
0:21:47.59 - 0:21:50.97 I drafted the plan and provided the funds.\NThat's all.
0:21:53.18 - 0:21:54.81 The creator of I is
0:21:55.56 - 0:21:56.94 modern man's science.
0:21:57.52 - 0:22:01.52 I has been in a closed network\Never since J was activated.
0:22:01.61 - 0:22:03.94 All of I's information comes through J.
0:22:04.44 - 0:22:06.70 You can unify the world - I.
0:22:08.49 - 0:22:12.12 Once that happens - you can lead mankind\Nto the world beyond.
0:22:12.79 - 0:22:15.87 Your role - J - \Nis to observe humans in despair -
0:22:15.96 - 0:22:19.13 and identify\Nthe type of happiness they seek.
0:22:19.46 - 0:22:24.26 How do people who have no hope\Novercome despair and attain happiness?
0:22:24.96 - 0:22:26.09 I want to know.
0:22:26.80 - 0:22:28.72 Certainly. I shall report to I.
0:22:29.55 - 0:22:32.81 One year later - J was updated to K.
0:22:32.89 - 0:22:34.89 J's frame was switched off.
0:22:38.31 - 0:22:43.11 The founder gave I and K a final mission :\N"Lead all of mankind to happiness."
0:22:43.19 - 0:22:44.32 Then he killed himself.
0:22:51.37 - 0:22:55.08 After running simulations - \NI concluded their goal shouldn't be
0:22:55.16 - 0:22:57.29 "the greatest happiness for\Nthe greatest number."
0:22:57.87 - 0:23:02.13 The plan was to create a method to save\Nhumans experiencing the deepest despair.
0:23:02.21 - 0:23:05.34 This would provide mankind with\Nthe ideal model for happiness.
0:23:06.38 - 0:23:07.97 Just as the founder wished.
0:23:08.59 - 0:23:10.97 In order to develop and deploy\Nthe ideal model -
0:23:11.05 - 0:23:14.72 and save the world's most hopeless people\Nusing mankind's most advanced technology -
0:23:15.43 - 0:23:17.43 K established an underground organization.
0:23:17.85 - 0:23:19.27 That's the secret society :
0:23:19.35 - 0:23:21.94 "Sustainable Happiness Organization
0:23:22.02 - 0:23:24.94 with Computational Knowledge\NEmbedded Remodeling."
0:23:25.32 - 0:23:26.86 A.K.A. "SHOCKER".
0:23:27.40 - 0:23:30.07 Okay. Now we'll share our information.
0:23:30.86 - 0:23:34.37 Considering it's mostly OSINT and SIGINT - \Nthis data's not bad.
0:23:34.62 - 0:23:35.70 You're better than I thought.
0:23:36.62 - 0:23:38.96 After you destroy them - \Nwhat happens to us?
0:23:39.21 - 0:23:40.29 Still pending.
0:23:40.79 - 0:23:44.00 But I'll try to make sure\Nyou won't be killed.
0:23:45.09 - 0:23:46.38 You're honest for an adult.
0:23:48.88 - 0:23:50.76 Okay. I'll play along.
0:23:51.43 - 0:23:52.43 How do we communicate?
0:23:52.68 - 0:23:54.76 Texts and phone calls can be intercepted -
0:23:54.85 - 0:23:57.31 by SHOCKER\Nand other foreign parties in our trade.
0:23:57.64 - 0:23:59.56 Contact nobody but me or him.
0:23:59.81 - 0:24:01.81 -How?\N-Just raise your hand.
0:24:03.19 - 0:24:05.44 You're already\Npersons of highest interest.
0:24:05.73 - 0:24:07.90 We're watching you 24-7.
0:24:08.23 - 0:24:09.28 For our protection?
0:24:09.57 - 0:24:11.28 If you sign the contract.
0:24:11.99 - 0:24:14.49 Okay. But no paper trails.
0:24:14.57 - 0:24:15.74 Consider it signed.
0:24:16.03 - 0:24:17.16 Accepted.
0:24:17.24 - 0:24:20.29 You are now members of the official\NAnti-SHOCKER Alliance.
0:24:20.79 - 0:24:21.79 We're counting on you.
0:24:21.87 - 0:24:23.79 We want to eradicate Bat-Aug first.
0:24:24.21 - 0:24:25.71 We've already located his lair.
0:24:34.76 - 0:24:38.43 I've arranged approval for you to\Nintervene immediately.
0:24:49.28 - 0:24:50.28 Know how to use it?
0:24:57.41 - 0:24:59.87 One magazine isn't enough.\NI'll need a spare.
0:25:04.25 - 0:25:05.37 Do you have a plan?
0:25:05.92 - 0:25:06.92 Yes.
0:25:07.50 - 0:25:09.34 I'm always fully prepared.
0:25:10.09 - 0:25:11.26 I'll need another gun.
0:25:16.47 - 0:25:20.60 You've pursued greater strength\Never since that day.
0:25:21.60 - 0:25:23.52 You wanted the power to protect.
0:25:27.31 - 0:25:29.69 This is what it feels like to kill -
0:25:32.19 - 0:25:33.28 Dad.
0:25:37.32 - 0:25:38.74 Are you really going alone?
0:25:38.82 - 0:25:41.45 At the moment - that's our safest bet.
0:25:46.04 - 0:25:48.79 I should go too. I want to protect you.
0:25:48.88 - 0:25:49.88 Not happening.
0:25:49.96 - 0:25:51.92 Can you wear that mask again?
0:25:52.84 - 0:25:54.47 Can you kill again?
0:25:56.13 - 0:25:58.18 Can you overcome your despair?
0:25:59.80 - 0:26:00.81 Yes.
0:26:01.10 - 0:26:02.52 I promised I'd protect you.
0:26:02.93 - 0:26:06.23 Promise? You just got chatty with\Nmy father on his deathbed.
0:26:06.31 - 0:26:07.48 Not my problem.
0:26:08.27 - 0:26:09.77 You don't know a thing about me.
0:26:10.98 - 0:26:12.28 You are too kind.
0:26:12.94 - 0:26:14.32 I can't rely on you in battle.
0:26:14.94 - 0:26:16.57 Unlike you - I'm in all the way.
0:26:17.95 - 0:26:18.95 Take me to the lair.
0:26:21.66 - 0:26:23.33 Midorikawa's little girl?
0:26:24.00 - 0:26:25.66 Foolish insects fly into the flame.
0:26:27.21 - 0:26:28.50 Long time no see - K.
0:26:28.58 - 0:26:31.54 That coat suits you well - Ms. Ruriko.
0:26:31.63 - 0:26:34.46 You do social pleasantries now?\NYou're learning well.
0:26:34.55 - 0:26:36.42 Action is eloquence.
0:26:36.51 - 0:26:38.22 But may I ask why you came?
0:26:38.30 - 0:26:39.68 To recommend a surrender.
0:26:39.76 - 0:26:41.43 How considerate of you.
0:26:41.51 - 0:26:44.72 However - I doubt Mr. Bat-Aug\Nwill surrender.
0:26:45.22 - 0:26:46.27 Looks like you're right.
0:26:46.77 - 0:26:47.89 Later - K.
0:26:53.69 - 0:26:55.23 She's a feisty one.
0:26:59.49 - 0:27:02.03 Just as I expected.\NNothing but automatons here.
0:27:02.62 - 0:27:04.66 He still trusts nobody.
0:27:06.58 - 0:27:07.96 Well - neither do I.
0:27:20.89 - 0:27:22.85 It's been a while - you old bat.
0:27:23.18 - 0:27:25.43 How impudent of you - traitor.
0:27:28.52 - 0:27:31.98 You're still researching viruses - \Ndespite my father's warnings?
0:27:32.48 - 0:27:33.52 Of course I am.
0:27:33.81 - 0:27:38.69 My Bat Virus is a work of art - \Nessential to the happiness of all mankind.
0:27:39.40 - 0:27:41.32 Your virus is a "work of art"?
0:27:41.95 - 0:27:44.12 Twisted old men never change.
0:27:45.74 - 0:27:46.99 Surrender now.
0:27:47.50 - 0:27:50.37 Or I'll put a dent in your precious virus.
0:27:53.67 - 0:27:54.71 Be my guest.
0:27:55.42 - 0:27:57.34 I've already perfected it.
0:27:57.84 - 0:28:01.18 This is what you get\Nfor making fun of my research.
0:28:07.47 - 0:28:10.64 Now the little lady's life is all mine.
0:28:17.90 - 0:28:19.49 Should we intervene?
0:28:19.57 - 0:28:20.61 Wait.
0:28:22.03 - 0:28:23.53 This looks complicated.
0:28:27.28 - 0:28:30.66 Leave it to Masked Rider.\NLet's see what Hongo Takeshi can do.
0:28:43.93 - 0:28:45.51 Unlike you - I'm in all the way.
0:28:51.23 - 0:28:52.39 No.
0:28:54.23 - 0:28:56.06 I'm not like you - Dad.
0:29:09.87 - 0:29:11.58 You finally made it.
0:29:11.66 - 0:29:13.75 We've been waiting - Hopper-Boy.
0:29:14.25 - 0:29:15.50 The name's Masked Rider.
0:29:16.29 - 0:29:17.88 So you're Bat-Aug?
0:29:18.21 - 0:29:19.67 Indeed.
0:29:19.75 - 0:29:23.63 I am SHOCKER's greatest\NChief of Biochemical Research -
0:29:24.13 - 0:29:25.72 Bat-Aug.
0:29:29.22 - 0:29:30.56 Who are they?
0:29:30.64 - 0:29:33.35 They're samples for my experiment.
0:29:33.43 - 0:29:36.27 They're nothing for you to worry about.
0:29:36.81 - 0:29:38.52 What you should worry about is
0:29:39.11 - 0:29:40.61 this little girl.
0:29:44.95 - 0:29:46.16 Miss Ruriko!
0:29:47.57 - 0:29:48.91 Hopper-Boy!
0:29:49.37 - 0:29:53.08 Do you know what has eliminated\Nthe greatest number of humans in history?
0:29:55.08 - 0:29:56.46 Epidemics?
0:29:56.83 - 0:29:57.96 Correct.
0:29:58.04 - 0:29:59.79 Not famine - nor war.
0:30:00.29 - 0:30:01.75 Epidemics!
0:30:01.84 - 0:30:03.96 Epidemics are wonderful.
0:30:04.05 - 0:30:05.67 They expose society's decay -
0:30:05.76 - 0:30:09.26 and highlight what is truly needed for\Nthe happiness of all humanity.
0:30:09.64 - 0:30:10.72 You're wrong.
0:30:11.43 - 0:30:14.56 Epidemics bring sadness to all people - \Nwithout exception.
0:30:14.85 - 0:30:18.10 Eradicating epidemics is one thing\Nthat makes all of humanity happy.
0:30:18.44 - 0:30:22.78 I knew it. Simpletons can't appreciate\Nmy ideals - nor my art.
0:30:22.86 - 0:30:26.36 This Bat Virus is my greatest masterpiece.
0:30:26.45 - 0:30:29.07 Reducing the ever-increasing population\Nby design -
0:30:29.16 - 0:30:32.41 it enables the superior survivors\Nto become even happier.
0:30:32.49 - 0:30:33.74 That's art!
0:30:34.20 - 0:30:38.00 And now - \NMidorikawa's daughter is one of them.
0:30:38.08 - 0:30:39.96 She's been infected with my art.
0:30:40.04 - 0:30:41.59 She is my servant.
0:30:42.17 - 0:30:45.59 If I give the order - \Nshe will die instantly.
0:30:49.80 - 0:30:52.39 -What did you do?!\N-A demonstration.
0:30:52.89 - 0:30:58.19 I hope the simpleton now appreciates\Nthe level of perfection I have attained.
0:30:59.14 - 0:31:00.44 So - Hopper-Boy.
0:31:00.81 - 0:31:04.32 Will you oppose me - and let the girl die?
0:31:04.78 - 0:31:07.36 Or will you serve me - and let her live?
0:31:07.61 - 0:31:09.91 Those are your only options.
0:31:10.41 - 0:31:12.87 What will you do - Hopper-Boy?
0:31:18.58 - 0:31:19.58 Okay.
0:31:20.50 - 0:31:22.79 -Have it your way.\N-Good choice.
0:31:23.29 - 0:31:25.46 For starters - let's get you disarmed.
0:31:25.84 - 0:31:29.51 Remove that disturbing piece of equipment\Nfrom your head.
0:31:50.82 - 0:31:54.12 Now you are infected with\Nmy Bat Virus too.
0:31:54.49 - 0:31:56.37 You are my servant.
0:31:59.37 - 0:32:00.71 And now -
0:32:00.79 - 0:32:04.38 I want you to kill Midorikawa's daughter\Nright here and now.
0:32:04.75 - 0:32:06.55 Tear her to shreds.
0:32:06.63 - 0:32:11.38 Send her to join Midorikawa\Nwith your own bare hands.
0:32:11.72 - 0:32:15.35 I have been waiting for a moment\Nlike this for years.
0:32:15.43 - 0:32:18.27 This is what I call bliss!
0:32:20.98 - 0:32:22.19 What's this?
0:32:22.69 - 0:32:25.36 Without the mask - \Nyou're exposed to the virus.
0:32:25.44 - 0:32:27.11 Why isn't it working?
0:32:27.44 - 0:32:29.36 That shouldn't be possible!
0:32:30.99 - 0:32:32.15 But lo and behold!
0:32:34.20 - 0:32:36.16 The girl too?
0:32:36.24 - 0:32:37.49 Why are you able to move?
0:32:37.79 - 0:32:39.16 Midorikawa told you.
0:32:39.41 - 0:32:42.92 When it comes to living organisms - \Nprana is almighty.
0:32:43.00 - 0:32:46.75 From the moment the virus enters the host - \Nit possesses prana.
0:32:47.25 - 0:32:50.63 To render the virus harmless - \NI just had to rewrite its code.
0:32:58.18 - 0:32:59.39 You brat!
0:32:59.47 - 0:33:01.43 You got infected on purpose?!
0:33:01.68 - 0:33:02.69 Exactly.
0:33:02.77 - 0:33:05.27 I'm always fully prepared.
0:33:06.02 - 0:33:07.27 Finding it hard to fly?
0:33:10.15 - 0:33:13.07 Die!
0:33:21.45 - 0:33:24.71 It appears the situation has taken\Na turn for the worse.
0:33:25.21 - 0:33:28.38 I believe it's time for\Na strategic change of plans.
0:33:28.75 - 0:33:30.05 Not so fast!
0:33:38.97 - 0:33:41.31 What a shame - Hopper-Boy!
0:33:41.81 - 0:33:45.27 You can only jump 66.30 meters high.
0:33:45.52 - 0:33:47.81 I am beyond your reach.
0:34:12.13 - 0:34:13.30 Midorikawa -
0:34:13.80 - 0:34:17.68 why doesn't anybody understand me?
0:35:00.05 - 0:35:01.30 You came.
0:35:07.02 - 0:35:08.10 Yeah.
0:35:08.73 - 0:35:09.73 I did.
0:35:12.06 - 0:35:14.36 You okay? Not wearing yourself out?
0:35:14.65 - 0:35:15.69 I'm fine.
0:35:16.61 - 0:35:17.95 I'll be okay.
0:35:18.57 - 0:35:20.53 I want to protect people.
0:35:21.82 - 0:35:23.49 I'll trust my heart.
0:35:25.62 - 0:35:27.08 So you made a choice.
0:35:56.69 - 0:35:57.94 Madam Scorpion-Aug -
0:35:58.44 - 0:36:00.74 they fell for the decoy - \Njust as you planned.
0:36:00.82 - 0:36:02.16 Golly good.
0:36:02.24 - 0:36:06.37 Then it's time we got this tail\Nto a mass-murdering party.
0:36:06.91 - 0:36:09.45 We're gonna use my cute little toxins.
0:36:09.71 - 0:36:11.29 I'm gonna fix the world!
0:36:12.42 - 0:36:14.25 -Waah!\N-What's this?
0:36:18.13 - 0:36:19.34 Yikes spikes!
0:36:19.84 - 0:36:21.22 We have party poopers.
0:36:21.72 - 0:36:22.89 It's a little early -
0:36:23.59 - 0:36:25.60 but let's get this party rocking.
0:36:34.15 - 0:36:36.77 So people - let's party!
0:36:37.27 - 0:36:39.86 Slaughtering is such a ball!
0:37:02.97 - 0:37:05.18 Ecstasy!
0:37:05.43 - 0:37:07.47 Super ecstasy!
0:37:08.39 - 0:37:11.60 Come on - pleasure me more!
0:37:35.25 - 0:37:37.67 You boys can't get enough?
0:37:40.46 - 0:37:41.80 As you wish.
0:37:41.88 - 0:37:43.13 Very good.
0:37:44.01 - 0:37:46.09 Let's go all the way.
0:37:47.97 - 0:37:49.35 Yikes spikes!
0:37:55.60 - 0:37:56.73 Flop.
0:37:56.81 - 0:37:58.19 Scorpion-Aug has been neutralized.
0:38:07.36 - 0:38:10.03 We've dealt with\Nthe Scorpion issue ourselves.
0:38:10.37 - 0:38:11.83 Your assistance is not required.
0:38:12.66 - 0:38:16.71 The prana system doesn't work against\NScorpion-Aug's venomous chemical weapons.
0:38:16.79 - 0:38:17.83 Thanks for stepping up.
0:38:18.42 - 0:38:20.50 -As for our next target--\N-I know.
0:38:21.17 - 0:38:22.17 Wasp-Aug - right?
0:38:28.30 - 0:38:30.30 Do you know Wasp-Aug?
0:38:30.39 - 0:38:34.73 I was born and raised in the Organization.\NI know most of the main agents.
0:38:35.48 - 0:38:37.31 And I know her particularly well.
0:38:37.39 - 0:38:39.60 She's the closest thing I have\Nto a friend.
0:38:40.94 - 0:38:42.52 Will you get her to surrender?
0:38:43.03 - 0:38:45.82 No - her ambitions are too dangerous.
0:38:45.90 - 0:38:48.20 It's better for all if she disappears.
0:38:49.78 - 0:38:52.53 Are all the agents at SHOCKER\Nsuch dangerous dudes?
0:38:53.33 - 0:38:55.54 Those at the executive level are.
0:38:56.16 - 0:38:59.71 But the lower-level agents and combatants\Nare just conscripts.
0:39:00.21 - 0:39:03.34 Prana is used to brainwash them.\NThey have no free will.
0:39:03.42 - 0:39:05.96 They're given enhanced bodies\Nand forced into service.
0:39:07.01 - 0:39:09.59 You'd still be one of them - \Nif I didn't get you out.
0:39:09.68 - 0:39:14.14 The suits might've already dealt with you - \Nlike they did with Scorpion-Aug.
0:39:17.43 - 0:39:20.19 What's wrong?\NYou don't like my way with words?
0:39:23.90 - 0:39:25.11 Is this SHOCKER's doing?
0:39:25.73 - 0:39:26.94 Yes.
0:39:27.03 - 0:39:31.11 Wasp-Aug's colony must reach further than\Nthe agency's intel shows.
0:39:35.66 - 0:39:37.58 Miss Midorikawa Ruriko?
0:39:39.04 - 0:39:41.21 Her Highness Wasp-Aug has been waiting.
0:39:41.92 - 0:39:44.09 If you'd be so kind - please follow me.
0:40:03.36 - 0:40:07.44 Your ears are better than mine.\NOnce we're inside - locate the server.
0:40:08.19 - 0:40:09.28 Got it.
0:40:14.16 - 0:40:15.87 There you are - Ruri-Ruri.
0:40:16.66 - 0:40:18.75 Welcome to my hive.
0:40:21.46 - 0:40:22.71 Your taste hasn't changed.
0:40:28.76 - 0:40:31.76 Taste reflects one character.\NIsn't this place gorgeous?
0:40:33.80 - 0:40:36.43 Shall we have champagne\Nto celebrate our reunion?
0:40:36.51 - 0:40:39.27 Unfortunately - we're out of\NGoût de Diamants.
0:40:39.35 - 0:40:40.93 A Shipwreck will have to do.
0:40:42.14 - 0:40:43.56 Good evening - K.
0:40:43.65 - 0:40:44.86 You work so hard.
0:40:45.19 - 0:40:46.61 You are too kind.
0:40:46.69 - 0:40:49.07 I'm here to observe you\Nbecause that is my task.
0:40:52.61 - 0:40:55.87 I see the gentleman didn't come by\Nmotorcycle today.
0:40:56.45 - 0:40:57.45 Won't you join us?
0:40:57.78 - 0:40:59.16 No alcohol - thanks.
0:40:59.66 - 0:41:01.45 You know why we're here - Hiromi.
0:41:01.87 - 0:41:03.71 To eradicate us?
0:41:03.79 - 0:41:05.04 Exterminate us?
0:41:06.29 - 0:41:08.13 Either way - it sounds unpleasant.
0:41:10.01 - 0:41:12.47 And "Hiromi" is my old code name.
0:41:12.97 - 0:41:15.59 Now that I'm a high-ranking executive\Nat SHOCKER -
0:41:15.84 - 0:41:16.85 it's "Wasp-Aug."
0:41:17.10 - 0:41:18.18 Do keep up.
0:41:21.52 - 0:41:22.93 One word of advice.
0:41:23.89 - 0:41:25.98 Leave SHOCKER - Hiromi.
0:41:26.31 - 0:41:28.44 I have advice for you too.
0:41:28.52 - 0:41:30.53 Come back to SHOCKER - Ruri-Ruri.
0:41:32.94 - 0:41:36.95 You've enjoyed SHOCKER's splendor\Nsince the day you were born.
0:41:37.45 - 0:41:41.79 I's secret society - \Nforever realizing our happiness.
0:41:43.08 - 0:41:46.29 Domination is the little thing in life\Nthat makes me happy.
0:41:46.79 - 0:41:49.54 Submission is what makes my slaves happy.
0:41:50.30 - 0:41:52.51 For us to be truly happy -
0:41:52.59 - 0:41:56.97 we need an efficient system of slavery - \Nthat benefits both nature and society.
0:41:57.05 - 0:42:00.93 We must reconstruct and implement\Na new - controlled global system.
0:42:01.97 - 0:42:03.73 This town is the test model.
0:42:07.40 - 0:42:08.77 So -
0:42:08.86 - 0:42:13.24 now you understand what I aim to achieve - \Nyou should both come back to SHOCKER.
0:42:13.99 - 0:42:16.40 Become cornerstones of a global system\Nthat's right.
0:42:19.32 - 0:42:22.87 Those born to SHOCKER return to SHOCKER.
0:42:24.45 - 0:42:25.50 That's what's right.
0:42:30.67 - 0:42:32.17 Sorry - Hiromi.
0:42:34.55 - 0:42:35.55 I can't do that.
0:42:36.17 - 0:42:37.18 Neither can I.
0:42:37.59 - 0:42:38.72 Oh dear.
0:42:39.39 - 0:42:41.30 Negotiations have broken down already.
0:42:45.27 - 0:42:47.31 I hate violence - but…
0:42:50.44 - 0:42:51.77 I have no choice.
0:43:00.12 - 0:43:01.12 Now she's Wasp-Aug?
0:43:14.13 - 0:43:15.71 You stole their prana?
0:43:15.80 - 0:43:16.88 I did.
0:43:17.76 - 0:43:19.05 Now I'm complete.
0:43:20.89 - 0:43:24.14 Ichiro asked me to bring you in - Ruriko.
0:43:24.64 - 0:43:26.06 Don't fight it.
0:43:31.94 - 0:43:36.99 These are the lucky locals chosen\Nto participate in my social experiment.
0:43:38.19 - 0:43:40.61 They're just innocent workers.
0:43:41.53 - 0:43:44.08 You won't be violent with them - will you?
0:43:47.70 - 0:43:49.37 I hate violence too.
0:44:00.01 - 0:44:01.84 Oh dear. Did I screw things up?
0:44:11.73 - 0:44:12.77 Go.
0:44:20.57 - 0:44:22.82 He retreated without even\Nputting up a fight.
0:44:23.70 - 0:44:25.12 He's too soft.
0:44:26.58 - 0:44:29.00 That's Hongo's strong point.
0:44:31.54 - 0:44:33.25 His weak point too.
0:44:38.38 - 0:44:42.63 Is it really our job\Nto make up for his shortfalls?
0:44:49.27 - 0:44:50.52 You seem at home.
0:44:51.52 - 0:44:54.19 I always camp outdoors\Nwhen I tour on my bike.
0:44:55.06 - 0:44:56.52 It's less convenient - but more fun.
0:44:58.98 - 0:45:00.32 I go whenever I can.
0:45:01.32 - 0:45:04.57 Wherever I go - it's a battlefield.\NBut I'm always fully prepared.
0:45:05.24 - 0:45:09.49 I want to finish editing Butterfly-Aug's\Nbasic program before he hatches.
0:45:10.20 - 0:45:11.41 Or it'll get hella crazy.
0:45:12.79 - 0:45:13.79 Butterfly-Aug?
0:45:14.79 - 0:45:16.13 I'll fill you in later.
0:45:21.67 - 0:45:22.76 Don't mind me.
0:45:22.84 - 0:45:25.26 I install programs to my brain\Nthrough my eyes.
0:45:26.55 - 0:45:29.14 I'm a computational organism - \Nmade by the Organization.
0:45:40.90 - 0:45:43.03 Slow down. Try savoring your food.
0:45:43.53 - 0:45:46.91 No time for that. I'm refueling.\NThis is all about nutrition intake.
0:45:48.91 - 0:45:50.95 I don't get hungry anymore.
0:45:51.04 - 0:45:52.91 Having an efficient body is boring.
0:45:53.50 - 0:45:55.75 That's my father's prana system.
0:45:55.83 - 0:45:58.29 All living organisms emit prana\Ninto the air.
0:45:58.38 - 0:46:00.84 Your device absorbs it - \Nconverting it into bioenergy.
0:46:02.63 - 0:46:05.72 In other words - \Nyou breathe the life of others.
0:46:07.30 - 0:46:11.35 But if all of humanity stopped eating\Nand started wearing that device -
0:46:11.85 - 0:46:14.98 we'd just end up with people\Nstealing each other's prana.
0:46:15.64 - 0:46:18.19 That road leads to nowhere but extinction.
0:46:20.11 - 0:46:23.19 That's why my father quit developing\Ninsect hybrids.
0:46:23.28 - 0:46:25.49 Your prana converter was his last.
0:46:27.11 - 0:46:29.99 My father lived with hope - \Nbut he always found despair.
0:46:30.62 - 0:46:32.95 It's pretty obvious\Nwhen you think about it.
0:46:33.45 - 0:46:34.95 Full of ideals - he was an idiot.
0:46:37.04 - 0:46:40.84 And the idiot's conclusion was\Nto pin all his hopes on you.
0:46:49.80 - 0:46:51.85 This is Wasp-Aug's territory too?
0:46:52.35 - 0:46:55.06 We control our prana - \Nbut they're just Hiromi's puppets.
0:46:55.48 - 0:46:57.69 Unless we stop her - \Nthis'll happen globally.
0:46:59.02 - 0:47:01.23 So we must destroy\Nher brainwashing system -
0:47:01.31 - 0:47:03.73 or her hive will always be\Nfull of innocent drones?
0:47:03.82 - 0:47:08.57 The system's a beta version.\NIt should be stored on an external device.
0:47:09.45 - 0:47:10.62 Did you locate the server?
0:47:10.87 - 0:47:13.41 I did. I just need to destroy it - right?
0:47:13.91 - 0:47:14.91 It won't be that easy.
0:47:15.83 - 0:47:18.92 I want you to go in alone this time.
0:47:19.29 - 0:47:20.29 I have a plan.
0:47:21.83 - 0:47:22.84 Don't trust me.
0:47:23.38 - 0:47:24.71 Trust my plan.
0:47:25.46 - 0:47:26.67 Okay.
0:47:26.76 - 0:47:29.18 But I won't trust your plan.\NI'll try trusting you.
0:47:29.93 - 0:47:31.30 Thanks - Miss Ruriko.
0:47:52.41 - 0:47:53.87 Thank you - Ruri-Ruri.
0:47:54.37 - 0:47:56.91 I do appreciate the invitation.
0:47:58.41 - 0:48:00.21 Feel like returning to the Organization?
0:48:01.67 - 0:48:02.71 No.
0:48:04.38 - 0:48:05.84 I feel like a fight.
0:48:06.17 - 0:48:07.26 Oh dear.
0:48:08.13 - 0:48:09.30 That's a shame.
0:48:12.30 - 0:48:13.34 Up here on the roof
0:48:13.43 - 0:48:16.10 your bodyguard can't pop in\Non his bike to save you.
0:48:16.76 - 0:48:18.64 Doesn't it scare you going solo?
0:48:19.10 - 0:48:20.48 Of course I'm scared.
0:48:21.85 - 0:48:23.73 But I'm always fully prepared.
0:48:26.07 - 0:48:27.28 And you should know -
0:48:28.03 - 0:48:30.49 I believe in the man called Masked Rider.
0:49:04.31 - 0:49:06.44 We've already thwarted your plan.
0:49:16.45 - 0:49:18.41 Surrender - for Miss Ruriko's sake too.
0:49:21.20 - 0:49:23.21 That angle is going to backfire.
0:49:26.50 - 0:49:28.71 I want to make Ruriko cry.
0:49:31.34 - 0:49:33.38 So - I'm turning you down.
0:49:39.35 - 0:49:40.77 Hongo Takeshi -
0:49:42.18 - 0:49:44.10 the hornet is your natural predator.
0:49:46.27 - 0:49:48.36 Think you can beat us?
0:50:03.50 - 0:50:05.12 This katana is custom-made.
0:50:06.46 - 0:50:09.79 It can slice right through\Nyour body armor.
0:50:51.17 - 0:50:52.30 Oh dear.
0:50:53.50 - 0:50:55.55 I won't lose - but I can't win.
0:50:58.38 - 0:50:59.64 He leaves me no choice.
0:51:00.51 - 0:51:02.68 I'm going to need your prana.
0:51:09.23 - 0:51:10.48 My pleasure.
0:51:21.87 - 0:51:22.91 Change.
0:51:29.17 - 0:51:31.58 Now we have the same basic specifications.
0:51:58.19 - 0:51:59.32 And now -
0:52:00.36 - 0:52:01.70 we have the same weapons.
0:52:04.78 - 0:52:06.33 Here I come.
0:52:29.68 - 0:52:32.52 Ruriko - I'm going to break your little toy\Nbefore your eyes.
0:52:32.98 - 0:52:33.98 So cry.
0:52:34.52 - 0:52:36.61 Break down and cry hard for me.
0:52:39.36 - 0:52:41.45 Burst into tears - right here and now.
0:52:42.03 - 0:52:44.20 I want to make sure you're sad.
0:52:44.28 - 0:52:45.45 Hurt.
0:52:45.53 - 0:52:46.95 Lost.
0:52:47.45 - 0:52:48.58 Please - Ruriko!
0:52:55.29 - 0:52:56.34 Oh dear.
0:52:57.09 - 0:52:58.09 It stopped halfway?
0:53:13.48 - 0:53:14.48 Wasp-Aug!
0:53:16.69 - 0:53:17.82 Say your prayers.
0:53:21.19 - 0:53:22.28 This is the end?
0:53:38.34 - 0:53:39.34 Oh dear.
0:53:43.09 - 0:53:44.84 You had me.
0:53:45.59 - 0:53:46.64 Why?
0:53:46.72 - 0:53:49.68 If I wear this any longer - I'll kill you.
0:53:50.18 - 0:53:51.18 I don't want that.
0:53:53.60 - 0:53:55.27 Neither does Miss Ruriko.
0:53:59.40 - 0:54:00.57 Don't do it.
0:54:01.48 - 0:54:02.61 Oh dear.
0:54:04.03 - 0:54:05.70 You are so kind.
0:54:06.32 - 0:54:08.07 I don't have any friends.
0:54:11.70 - 0:54:12.91 But…
0:54:15.75 - 0:54:17.04 I can't kill you.
0:54:22.30 - 0:54:24.34 We respect your personal thoughts.
0:54:24.92 - 0:54:26.43 We'll handle it from here.
0:54:28.51 - 0:54:29.97 One little warning.
0:54:30.47 - 0:54:32.14 Guns don't work on me.
0:54:46.65 - 0:54:47.78 Oh dear.
0:54:48.82 - 0:54:50.91 This is what gets me?
0:54:57.16 - 0:54:58.25 Don't tell me…
0:54:59.46 - 0:55:01.42 Scorpion-Aug's venom?
0:55:06.22 - 0:55:07.26 Hiromi?
0:55:12.68 - 0:55:13.85 What a shame.
0:55:18.48 - 0:55:20.94 I wanted you to kill me - Ruri-Ruri.
0:55:37.54 - 0:55:40.17 Is this why you attacked Scorpion-Aug?
0:55:40.50 - 0:55:41.79 No comment.
0:56:04.94 - 0:56:06.23 Are you okay?
0:56:28.59 - 0:56:30.22 I'm going to borrow your shoulder.
0:56:53.66 - 0:56:56.49 Humans really are interesting.
0:57:00.66 - 0:57:03.17 You're old-fashioned - K.
0:57:03.25 - 0:57:07.59 Yes. I'm trying to behave\Nin the same manner as humans.
0:57:09.09 - 0:57:10.88 Are they the two traitors?
0:57:11.30 - 0:57:14.93 Yes. I'm hoping they return to us\Nwithout further ado.
0:57:15.43 - 0:57:16.72 You are?
0:57:16.80 - 0:57:18.01 Then I'm sorry - K.
0:57:18.51 - 0:57:19.93 They're not coming back.
0:57:20.27 - 0:57:22.06 Oh. Why not?
0:57:23.02 - 0:57:25.69 Because I'm going to give them\Nan icy cold end.
0:57:27.73 - 0:57:29.82 Vengeance for Brother Spider-Aug.
0:57:30.53 - 0:57:33.86 That is now my greatest wish.
0:57:38.66 - 0:57:41.75 The two traitors will die.\NThat's a promise.
0:57:53.30 - 0:57:55.05 You call this a good hideout?
0:57:55.13 - 0:57:56.59 There's nothing here!
0:57:57.14 - 0:58:00.31 I need a shower.\NAt least a change of clothes!
0:58:01.85 - 0:58:05.39 Is that costume the only thing you own?\NTry washing it!
0:58:05.48 - 0:58:07.02 It stunk back there.
0:58:13.40 - 0:58:14.49 Fresh clothes.
0:58:15.15 - 0:58:18.20 A female officer chose the underwear.\NI haven't seen them.
0:58:19.74 - 0:58:21.70 You eliminated Hiromi\Nbecause that's your job.
0:58:22.20 - 0:58:23.41 I get it.
0:58:24.87 - 0:58:26.29 Don't worry about me.
0:58:26.37 - 0:58:28.71 Being hated is part of the job.
0:58:31.09 - 0:58:33.13 There's no need to contain your emotions.
0:58:34.97 - 0:58:36.05 I'm not.
0:58:36.55 - 0:58:38.55 My emotions will be fine - after I change.
0:58:48.77 - 0:58:50.15 You're too far away.
0:58:52.94 - 0:58:55.40 You're getting changed.\NYou need your space.
0:58:56.20 - 0:58:57.20 That's my decision.
0:58:57.70 - 0:58:59.57 When you're protecting me - stay close.
0:59:00.32 - 0:59:01.41 Except for the bathroom.
0:59:01.49 - 0:59:03.49 Be there - when I change and when I sleep.
0:59:03.99 - 0:59:05.33 But don't do anything weird.
0:59:10.21 - 0:59:11.38 It's okay.
0:59:11.88 - 0:59:12.92 You're safe and secure.
0:59:23.85 - 0:59:25.10 Safe and secure?
0:59:28.23 - 0:59:29.60 That's a first.
0:59:56.92 - 0:59:58.88 Sorry for being so annoying today.
1:00:02.09 - 1:00:06.14 I just wanted someone to pamper me - \Nfor the first time in my life.
1:00:11.27 - 1:00:13.11 My father and brother were so strict.
1:00:31.25 - 1:00:33.88 -Brother?\N-I can finally make your dream come true.
1:00:34.75 - 1:00:36.38 Soon - Ruriko.
1:00:37.63 - 1:00:39.97 -Brother!\N-Hm?
1:00:41.22 - 1:00:42.55 My brother Ichiro hatched.
1:00:44.09 - 1:00:45.30 Your brother?
1:00:46.26 - 1:00:47.47 Butterfly-Aug.
1:00:48.52 - 1:00:50.56 We must stop him - \Nor all hell will break loose.
1:00:54.10 - 1:00:56.48 Not all of our departments\Nwork closely together.
1:00:57.15 - 1:01:00.78 An overzealous special ops unit\Ntried to take out Butterfly-Aug's lair.
1:01:00.86 - 1:01:02.15 This was the result.
1:01:02.24 - 1:01:05.66 The JSDF received an SOS\Nand sent a rescue team.
1:01:05.74 - 1:01:07.53 They found the unit like this.
1:01:10.37 - 1:01:13.33 The weird thing is\Nnone of the bodies have any wounds.
1:01:13.75 - 1:01:15.75 No traces of chemical or\Nbio-weapons either.
1:01:16.09 - 1:01:17.46 How were they killed?
1:01:19.13 - 1:01:21.97 To be precise - \Nthey're both dead and alive.
1:01:23.55 - 1:01:24.55 What do you mean?
1:01:25.18 - 1:01:27.35 Butterfly-Aug has stolen their prana.
1:01:28.22 - 1:01:31.14 Individual prana sequences are\Nkept intact as they're removed -
1:01:31.23 - 1:01:33.06 then they're sent elsewhere.
1:01:33.81 - 1:01:37.11 It's like he's taken their souls\Nto another dimension.
1:01:37.73 - 1:01:40.57 We call it "The Habitat Realm."
1:01:41.99 - 1:01:46.62 Either way - these people's prana\Nwill never return to their bodies.
1:01:47.45 - 1:01:49.45 In that sense - they're already dead.
1:01:50.16 - 1:01:51.87 You can cremate the bodies.
1:01:59.50 - 1:02:01.51 The Habitat Realm…
1:02:03.63 - 1:02:04.97 What's it like?
1:02:05.05 - 1:02:06.26 It's pretty much hell.
1:02:08.14 - 1:02:10.76 Hearts roam naked.\NIt's a world where you can't lie.
1:02:12.85 - 1:02:14.31 It's no place for a human.
1:02:20.32 - 1:02:23.82 I intend to send every last human\Nto The Habitat.
1:02:23.90 - 1:02:25.07 Won't you stop me - K?
1:02:25.36 - 1:02:28.53 If that's what makes you happy - \Ndo as you wish.
1:02:29.49 - 1:02:31.66 I see. Then I shall.
1:02:41.17 - 1:02:43.09 What will you do with Ms. Ruriko?
1:02:43.42 - 1:02:46.09 There are no exceptions\Nwith The Habitat Project.
1:02:48.72 - 1:02:49.76 Myself included.
1:02:50.35 - 1:02:54.56 My brother's ultimate goal starts with\Nseizing control of all mankind's prana.
1:02:54.64 - 1:02:57.90 Once he has it - he'll send\Nevery last human to The Habitat.
1:02:58.35 - 1:03:01.02 To do that - \Nhe must be the last human alive.
1:03:03.23 - 1:03:05.53 Why would your brother plot\Nsomething like that?
1:03:06.03 - 1:03:08.61 Ichiro's mother was murdered\Nwhen he was a child.
1:03:08.70 - 1:03:10.41 It was a random killing.
1:03:11.24 - 1:03:14.29 He hasn't trusted strangers - \Nor humans at all since.
1:03:15.29 - 1:03:18.96 I think my father probably joined SHOCKER\Nfor the same reason.
1:03:19.96 - 1:03:22.29 Unlike Ichiro - my mother wasn't a human.
1:03:23.00 - 1:03:25.76 SHOCKER's artificial womb is\Nall I have for a mom.
1:03:26.34 - 1:03:31.14 We created a system that uses prana to\Nsend each individual soul to The Habitat.
1:03:31.22 - 1:03:32.64 My brother and I wrote the code.
1:03:33.10 - 1:03:36.68 At the time - \Nwe all believed it would make us happier.
1:03:37.43 - 1:03:38.64 We were wrong.
1:03:39.85 - 1:03:42.02 It wasn't my idea of happiness.
1:03:45.11 - 1:03:47.03 I have to stop my brother.
1:03:47.53 - 1:03:49.91 That's why I fled - \Nwith the father I hate so much.
1:03:50.53 - 1:03:53.37 I'll do this alone.\NYour help is not required.
1:03:54.79 - 1:03:57.79 You don't want me tangled up\Nin your family's problems?
1:03:57.87 - 1:04:00.37 Don't worry. I'm already tangled.
1:04:01.38 - 1:04:02.54 I'll help.
1:04:06.13 - 1:04:07.34 Well -
1:04:09.05 - 1:04:10.22 I'll need your mask.
1:04:14.76 - 1:04:16.60 Installing a new program?
1:04:17.22 - 1:04:18.39 Yep.
1:04:18.48 - 1:04:21.10 Firstly - I'll prevent your mask from\Nself-destructing.
1:04:21.19 - 1:04:23.69 Then I'll slip in a program
1:04:23.77 - 1:04:27.07 to secure\Nyour unique prana sequence to the mask.
1:04:29.24 - 1:04:30.49 Or you might call it…
1:05:01.69 - 1:05:03.98 Welcome home - Ruriko. I missed you.
1:05:04.94 - 1:05:09.32 You can't complete The Habitat System\Nwithout accessing my data.
1:05:09.99 - 1:05:11.07 That's why you missed me.
1:05:11.78 - 1:05:13.45 And without accessing my data -
1:05:13.53 - 1:05:16.87 you can't complete your program\Nto pariphalyze The Habitat System.
1:05:16.95 - 1:05:19.37 That's why you came - right?
1:05:34.18 - 1:05:37.10 This is a family meeting.\NKeep your nose out.
1:05:41.35 - 1:05:42.43 Brother -
1:05:43.94 - 1:05:45.10 Father died too.
1:05:45.56 - 1:05:48.07 I know. He got what he deserved.
1:05:48.82 - 1:05:51.74 But Mother didn't.\NShe was killed for no reason.
1:05:52.03 - 1:05:53.90 Stop trying to get revenge.
1:05:54.15 - 1:05:55.74 It's not revenge.
1:05:55.82 - 1:05:59.08 Leading all of humanity's prana to\NThe Habitat is salvation.
1:05:59.16 - 1:06:01.37 You've experienced its beauty.
1:06:01.45 - 1:06:04.46 No death. No unfairness.\NA world for souls only.
1:06:04.96 - 1:06:06.63 It's happiness. Utopia.
1:06:07.04 - 1:06:09.71 No - it's unhappiness. Dystopia.
1:06:10.30 - 1:06:13.59 The Habitat Project was\Nall your idea - Ruriko.
1:06:13.67 - 1:06:16.43 You wanted to help people\Nunderstand each other.
1:06:16.51 - 1:06:17.76 Why betray it?
1:06:18.26 - 1:06:21.10 I knew nothing about the world back then.
1:06:21.85 - 1:06:22.85 But I do now.
1:06:23.60 - 1:06:26.02 Did our fool of a father fool you?
1:06:26.44 - 1:06:28.48 All I knew was how to compute.
1:06:28.56 - 1:06:31.40 But he showed me\Nthere are more worlds outside of ours.
1:06:33.19 - 1:06:35.86 That's the only thing he ever did for me.
1:06:40.16 - 1:06:44.04 You should look at the worlds\Nbeyond our own.
1:06:45.62 - 1:06:47.58 Don't be afraid of hearts you can't read.
1:06:48.29 - 1:06:49.50 There's no need.
1:06:50.13 - 1:06:52.67 Trusting people\Nis what kept mankind alive.
1:06:52.92 - 1:06:55.09 Trusting people also got them betrayed.
1:06:55.42 - 1:06:59.34 And to protect one's family from violence - \None needs greater strength.
1:07:02.56 - 1:07:05.27 I could have saved her - \Nif I'd been stronger.
1:07:05.35 - 1:07:06.48 She didn't have to die.
1:07:06.73 - 1:07:11.36 Humans are the only living creatures\Nthat can solve conflict without violence.
1:07:11.44 - 1:07:14.36 That's why I'm eradicating\Nthe perpetrator of violence :
1:07:14.44 - 1:07:15.53 the human body itself.
1:07:15.61 - 1:07:17.45 I don't think that's happiness.
1:07:17.53 - 1:07:18.53 Ruriko -
1:07:18.61 - 1:07:22.03 in kanji - removing just one line\Nfrom "happy" makes "pain."
1:07:22.53 - 1:07:25.29 It's so easy to destroy happiness\Nin this world.
1:07:27.16 - 1:07:31.25 Even if that's true - it's wrong to try\Nto recreate the entire world.
1:07:31.33 - 1:07:32.34 Brother…
1:07:33.92 - 1:07:36.05 Trying to pariphalyze me already?
1:07:37.80 - 1:07:38.80 A brave attempt -
1:07:39.13 - 1:07:41.47 but you cannot pariphalyze me - Ruriko.
1:07:41.76 - 1:07:43.14 My metamorphosis is complete.
1:07:43.22 - 1:07:46.22 I've already become\Nthe synthetic-insect hybrid - Ultimate-Aug.
1:07:46.52 - 1:07:49.73 Nobody can compare with\Nmy capacity for prana.
1:07:50.65 - 1:07:51.86 It seems you're right.
1:08:03.03 - 1:08:04.95 Hongo Takeshi - is it?
1:08:06.70 - 1:08:07.91 Did you sleep with my sister?
1:08:08.25 - 1:08:10.54 We don't share a romantic relationship.
1:08:11.04 - 1:08:12.04 We share trust.
1:08:12.13 - 1:08:13.75 Then I have no interest in you.
1:08:15.05 - 1:08:16.46 I have things to do.
1:08:16.55 - 1:08:17.88 You may flee.
1:08:17.96 - 1:08:19.17 Leave my sister there.
1:08:19.26 - 1:08:20.34 Wait.
1:08:22.26 - 1:08:23.51 Please wait!
1:08:27.39 - 1:08:30.14 My father chose you to protect her?\NI expected better.
1:08:31.48 - 1:08:35.77 As Midorikawa Hiroshi's final masterpiece - \Nyou are most disappointing.
1:08:36.27 - 1:08:37.78 I'll forget this happened.
1:08:40.49 - 1:08:41.99 I don't care for a tit-for-tat.
1:08:42.36 - 1:08:44.07 I'll leave you to him.
1:08:48.29 - 1:08:50.83 You're the first-model Grasshopper-Aug\N"No. 1"?
1:08:53.04 - 1:08:54.17 Oh - sorry.
1:08:55.25 - 1:08:56.25 It's Masked Rider - right?
1:08:57.25 - 1:08:58.42 You are?
1:08:58.51 - 1:08:59.51 Ichimonji Hayato.
1:09:00.84 - 1:09:05.26 I was supposed to be a journalist - \Nbut that doesn't seem the case anymore.
1:09:05.35 - 1:09:06.97 He's Grasshopper-Aug - No. 2.
1:09:07.47 - 1:09:10.52 Like yourself - he's\Na synthetic insect-hybrid augmentation.
1:09:10.60 - 1:09:12.85 But I tweaked him - \Nso he's an enhanced model.
1:09:14.40 - 1:09:15.69 That's the story - apparently.
1:09:17.48 - 1:09:19.23 So - let me show you.
1:09:23.70 - 1:09:24.78 Transform.
1:09:30.16 - 1:09:31.16 You don't need wind?
1:09:51.60 - 1:09:55.02 Something doesn't feel quite right - \Nbut my orders are to defeat you.
1:09:55.10 - 1:09:56.19 So -
1:09:57.90 - 1:09:58.98 shall we duel?
1:10:05.07 - 1:10:06.24 Sorry to say -
1:10:07.20 - 1:10:08.95 but you cannot beat me.
1:10:11.08 - 1:10:12.50 Probably not.
1:10:19.42 - 1:10:20.84 Ichimonji Hayato -
1:10:22.26 - 1:10:23.76 we'll do this another time.
1:10:27.05 - 1:10:28.05 Let's retreat.
1:10:33.93 - 1:10:36.23 You turn your back on my asylum?
1:10:42.98 - 1:10:45.61 You will regret this - Ruriko.
1:11:15.48 - 1:11:16.81 Still going?
1:11:25.32 - 1:11:26.70 Yeah - I think he's ready.
1:11:40.83 - 1:11:42.17 Did you condense enough prana?
1:11:44.42 - 1:11:45.42 Great.
1:11:46.17 - 1:11:49.26 Defeating you when you're weak\Nwouldn't feel quite right.
1:11:53.22 - 1:11:54.64 I'm okay.
1:11:58.14 - 1:11:59.14 Let's settle this.
1:12:01.90 - 1:12:03.02 What's wrong - Hongo?
1:12:03.69 - 1:12:04.77 You're in the mood.
1:12:05.23 - 1:12:06.53 Bring it on.
1:12:13.20 - 1:12:14.37 Oh - I see.
1:12:14.87 - 1:12:18.12 You show self-control - even with the mask.\NI'm impressed.
1:12:18.20 - 1:12:20.58 Or was it just your kindness showing?
1:12:22.79 - 1:12:24.54 I guess I like kind people.
1:12:25.21 - 1:12:27.13 But there's a fine line between\N"kind" and "weak."
1:12:28.47 - 1:12:31.63 If you hold back and I kill you - \Nwhat happens to the girl?
1:12:36.60 - 1:12:37.89 Get the picture?
1:12:37.97 - 1:12:40.31 Give me all you have - Hongo.
1:12:58.66 - 1:13:00.04 Ouch!
1:13:04.58 - 1:13:06.34 So - that's you at full power?
1:13:07.84 - 1:13:09.05 I like it.
1:13:09.88 - 1:13:11.59 The second man - Ichimonji Hayato.
1:13:11.67 - 1:13:14.39 He's been brainwashed - \Nbut he maintains his own will.
1:13:14.47 - 1:13:16.05 This one's mentally tough too.
1:13:26.69 - 1:13:27.73 I see.
1:13:28.69 - 1:13:31.24 This makes it\Neasier to see who's stronger.
1:13:31.32 - 1:13:34.49 If we go at it mid-air - \Nwe won't disturb anybody.
1:13:34.57 - 1:13:36.78 And it's easier for you\Nto collect prana too.
1:13:39.87 - 1:13:41.04 I like it.
1:13:50.92 - 1:13:53.51 If I can analyze the data from Ichiro -
1:13:53.59 - 1:13:55.84 I should be able to pariphalyze\Nthe brainwashing.
1:14:29.84 - 1:14:31.55 Don't hold back - Hongo!
1:14:31.96 - 1:14:34.26 You're trying to fight\NSHOCKER's brainwashing.
1:14:34.34 - 1:14:35.43 I don't want to fight you.
1:14:36.01 - 1:14:37.09 Don't be so naive.
1:14:37.59 - 1:14:41.26 The only thing on my mind right now\Nis fighting you.
1:14:52.61 - 1:14:53.61 How lame!
1:14:54.07 - 1:14:55.07 You disappoint me.
1:14:57.28 - 1:14:58.78 Should we finish this here?
1:15:00.33 - 1:15:02.45 That leg would take a while\Nto heal anyway.
1:15:06.79 - 1:15:08.08 Sorry.
1:15:14.38 - 1:15:15.42 You're in the way.
1:15:16.88 - 1:15:17.88 Move it - missy.
1:15:25.43 - 1:15:27.64 I'm pariphalyzing SHOCKER's mind control.
1:15:29.85 - 1:15:31.19 Your prana belongs to you.
1:15:31.69 - 1:15:33.61 Take control of your soul again.
1:15:44.83 - 1:15:48.41 "Isolate sad memories - \Nthen overwrite them with euphoria."
1:15:48.50 - 1:15:51.00 That's SHOCKER's preferred method\Nof mind control.
1:15:52.00 - 1:15:55.13 But when it's undone - \Nall the memories come flooding back.
1:15:56.17 - 1:15:59.76 Stay strong amidst the waves of sadness - \NIchimonji Hayato.
1:16:34.63 - 1:16:35.63 Please.
1:16:36.67 - 1:16:38.38 Become a Rider.
1:16:42.47 - 1:16:43.68 Help him.
1:16:57.40 - 1:16:58.40 Who are you?
1:16:59.90 - 1:17:01.95 SHOCKER's new star.
1:17:03.70 - 1:17:05.58 Part mantis - part chameleon.
1:17:05.95 - 1:17:08.49 I'm Kamakiri Kameleon - \Nor "K K-Aug" for short.
1:17:10.00 - 1:17:13.04 I've never heard of you.\NYou're not in my memory.
1:17:13.62 - 1:17:16.17 Well - now we're acquainted.
1:17:19.51 - 1:17:23.97 I'm the fruit of the labors of SHOCKER's\Nfinest scientific group.
1:17:25.18 - 1:17:28.39 I'm the first tri-species\Nsynthetic hybrid augmentation.
1:17:31.56 - 1:17:33.69 Created by the Angels of Death -
1:17:34.27 - 1:17:37.15 I'm their latest and greatest work of art.
1:17:43.65 - 1:17:45.66 Well done - if I do say so myself.
1:17:46.12 - 1:17:48.41 Hey. Does it hurt?
1:17:50.79 - 1:17:52.91 Betrayal is more evil than murder.
1:17:53.83 - 1:17:56.21 Revenge is more noble than saving a life.
1:17:56.63 - 1:17:58.50 This is for Spider-Aug.
1:17:58.59 - 1:17:59.84 Die!
1:18:04.01 - 1:18:05.68 Who the hell are you?!
1:18:06.22 - 1:18:07.39 Me?
1:18:16.31 - 1:18:18.40 I just became SHOCKER's enemy.
1:18:18.90 - 1:18:20.32 Humanity's ally.
1:18:21.36 - 1:18:22.78 I'm Ichimonji Hayato.
1:18:24.78 - 1:18:26.11 And -
1:18:35.58 - 1:18:36.58 I'm Masked Rider.
1:18:37.58 - 1:18:38.92 Masked Rider?
1:18:41.75 - 1:18:42.84 Huh?
1:18:43.42 - 1:18:44.42 What's that?
1:18:44.72 - 1:18:47.34 Thanks to the missy - \Nmy prana feels just right.
1:18:48.26 - 1:18:50.14 From now on - I'll do as I please.
1:18:50.93 - 1:18:52.14 For starters -
1:18:54.81 - 1:18:56.19 I'll take you down.
1:18:58.52 - 1:18:59.73 Start settling the score.
1:19:01.57 - 1:19:02.86 I guess that means
1:19:03.99 - 1:19:06.32 you're fresh out of the traitor oven?
1:19:12.45 - 1:19:15.12 That seals the deal.\NI'm going to kill you.
1:19:15.62 - 1:19:17.67 When it comes to traitors -
1:19:18.00 - 1:19:19.54 I kill them all!
1:19:43.40 - 1:19:44.48 Ouch!
1:19:46.57 - 1:19:50.03 My super-duper mantis mask…
1:19:53.70 - 1:19:56.62 You silly little grasshopper.\NI am salty now.
1:19:57.29 - 1:19:59.00 I am mad salty.
1:20:02.92 - 1:20:05.96 Die!
1:20:08.97 - 1:20:10.09 Die!
1:20:26.53 - 1:20:27.94 Brother Spider -
1:20:29.36 - 1:20:30.78 forgive me.
1:20:46.46 - 1:20:47.71 I'm sorry.
1:20:47.80 - 1:20:51.01 So much for always being fully prepared.\NI made a blunder.
1:20:51.80 - 1:20:52.93 Stop talking.
1:20:54.72 - 1:20:55.81 I'm done for.
1:20:56.89 - 1:20:57.97 I won't make it.
1:21:00.31 - 1:21:02.77 While I still have my prana -
1:21:03.60 - 1:21:04.98 one last thing.
1:21:12.36 - 1:21:14.95 I sent the latest data to your mask.
1:21:15.99 - 1:21:17.54 It contains my final will too.
1:21:20.45 - 1:21:21.62 Your will?
1:21:21.71 - 1:21:22.92 Like I said.
1:21:24.58 - 1:21:26.54 I'm always fully prepared.
1:21:29.96 - 1:21:31.01 And…
1:21:33.72 - 1:21:34.89 Your scarf…
1:21:36.72 - 1:21:38.43 I'm so glad it suits you.
1:23:04.10 - 1:23:05.18 So -
1:23:06.35 - 1:23:08.60 you left to join Midorikawa.
1:23:10.94 - 1:23:12.15 Ruriko…
1:23:59.20 - 1:24:00.28 First of all -
1:24:00.95 - 1:24:02.87 when I first left SHOCKER -
1:24:03.49 - 1:24:05.75 I thought I'd be dead before long.
1:24:06.70 - 1:24:10.00 But thanks to you - \NI lived longer than I expected.
1:24:11.08 - 1:24:12.25 Thanks.
1:24:16.92 - 1:24:18.26 And that time with Hiromi too.
1:24:19.72 - 1:24:20.72 Thanks.
1:24:21.97 - 1:24:22.97 It was nice.
1:24:27.22 - 1:24:28.23 Yeah -
1:24:31.27 - 1:24:33.27 I'll thank the others while I'm at it.
1:24:34.94 - 1:24:36.40 This is for the bearded guys.
1:24:37.44 - 1:24:40.53 Tell them thanks. They treated me well.\NPlease pass that on.
1:24:45.79 - 1:24:48.04 Talking to a camera like this\Nall by myself…
1:24:49.96 - 1:24:51.42 It's kinda embarrassing.
1:24:58.71 - 1:25:01.76 My body and energy converter\Nwon't be enough to pariphalyze my brother.
1:25:02.43 - 1:25:04.85 Not now he's Butterfly-Aug.
1:25:06.10 - 1:25:08.60 My volume of prana just isn't enough.
1:25:10.68 - 1:25:12.10 But you can do it.
1:25:15.61 - 1:25:19.19 I've installed the pariphalyze program\Non your mask.
1:25:20.24 - 1:25:24.45 I will have transferred the latest data\Nfrom my brother to it too.
1:25:27.45 - 1:25:30.37 I'm giving everything to you\Nbecause I believe in you.
1:25:32.16 - 1:25:33.71 You have to stop him -
1:25:35.25 - 1:25:36.59 Masked Rider -
1:25:37.34 - 1:25:38.75 Hongo Takeshi.
1:25:46.93 - 1:25:50.27 I'm so glad the scarf suits you.
1:25:55.94 - 1:25:59.65 My father was into motorcycles\Nbefore he joined SHOCKER.
1:26:01.57 - 1:26:03.90 I saw him in a photo my brother has.
1:26:06.32 - 1:26:07.49 It looks like this.
1:26:17.92 - 1:26:20.09 I wanted to be in that photo.
1:26:24.63 - 1:26:25.72 I envied him.
1:26:27.34 - 1:26:29.81 I wanted to ride behind my father too.
1:26:32.22 - 1:26:33.35 But not anymore.
1:26:39.90 - 1:26:43.07 It felt really nice riding behind you.
1:26:45.86 - 1:26:50.37 It felt like I was giving you my prana.\NI truly felt happy.
1:26:55.33 - 1:26:57.08 I think I finally understood
1:26:58.46 - 1:27:00.09 the meaning of happiness.
1:27:05.84 - 1:27:06.97 Thanks -
1:27:07.80 - 1:27:08.89 Takeshi.
1:27:10.51 - 1:27:11.68 Goodbye.
1:27:20.52 - 1:27:24.82 PS : I hope I can say the scarf bit\Nface-to-face.
1:28:31.26 - 1:28:33.60 I made a fatal mistake with the missy.
1:28:34.35 - 1:28:36.06 I'm truly sorry.
1:28:38.10 - 1:28:39.52 It's not your fault.
1:28:40.69 - 1:28:42.02 I was too weak.
1:28:43.56 - 1:28:45.61 I will carry on Miss Ruriko's torch.
1:28:46.40 - 1:28:48.19 I'll keep fighting SHOCKER.
1:28:49.57 - 1:28:50.86 What will you do - Ichimonji?
1:28:51.82 - 1:28:55.58 My field of expertise used to be\Npens and cameras.
1:28:56.91 - 1:28:59.62 I exposed evil. The truth was my weapon.
1:29:00.25 - 1:29:02.71 When you fight evil - the whole world wins.
1:29:03.21 - 1:29:04.63 I'll like having this power.
1:29:06.96 - 1:29:08.55 I want to live free.
1:29:08.63 - 1:29:10.97 From now on - \NI'll only do the things I like.
1:29:11.47 - 1:29:13.39 It's not that I don't like you -
1:29:13.89 - 1:29:17.10 but I wouldn't like being used by\Nthe guys behind you.
1:29:20.48 - 1:29:22.23 I hate being part of the herd.
1:29:23.19 - 1:29:24.27 Which means -
1:29:25.15 - 1:29:27.19 I'd rather fight SHOCKER alone.
1:29:34.07 - 1:29:35.74 You can enjoy solitude on a bike.
1:29:36.24 - 1:29:37.53 That's why I like them.
1:29:41.96 - 1:29:43.33 Bye - Hongo.
1:30:00.14 - 1:30:01.39 Hongo Takeshi.
1:30:02.56 - 1:30:04.44 We looked into your background.
1:30:06.40 - 1:30:10.36 Your father was a policeman.\NKilled in the line of duty.
1:30:11.24 - 1:30:16.53 My father was negotiating with a man\Nwho'd taken a hostage when he was killed.
1:30:17.57 - 1:30:19.49 -I want to help you.\N-Liar!
1:30:19.58 - 1:30:21.87 -I'm not lying.\N-Then ditch the gun!
1:30:21.95 - 1:30:23.37 Throw it here!
1:30:28.34 - 1:30:29.55 Hey!
1:30:29.63 - 1:30:31.00 Stop it!
1:30:31.09 - 1:30:32.67 Stop or I'll shoot!
1:30:33.92 - 1:30:35.93 Stop! Stop!
1:30:37.55 - 1:30:40.01 Only the strong can protect\Ntheir loved ones.
1:30:40.10 - 1:30:41.14 Dad…
1:30:41.72 - 1:30:44.23 If I'd been stronger - \NI could've protected him.
1:30:44.31 - 1:30:45.31 Dad!
1:30:45.39 - 1:30:48.61 If he'd used the power he was given\Nand fired his weapon -
1:30:48.69 - 1:30:50.52 he would never have been killed.
1:30:53.90 - 1:30:55.61 As he laid there dying -
1:30:56.41 - 1:30:58.87 he kept asking if\Nthe hostage and killer were safe.
1:31:00.24 - 1:31:04.00 He seemed more worried about them\Nthan the family he was leaving behind.
1:31:07.37 - 1:31:10.17 He was kind to strangers - \Nuntil the very end.
1:31:14.92 - 1:31:17.59 I want to be as compassionate\Nas my father -
1:31:18.64 - 1:31:21.39 but unlike him - \NI want to use the power I have.
1:31:25.18 - 1:31:26.89 You're not the only one.
1:31:27.69 - 1:31:31.61 Many people have experienced despair - \Njust like you.
1:31:33.28 - 1:31:35.32 But everyone copes with it differently.
1:31:36.49 - 1:31:39.03 You can get over this - in your own way.
1:31:43.12 - 1:31:44.20 Thanks.
1:31:45.16 - 1:31:46.25 You're right.
1:31:51.54 - 1:31:52.88 Healed already?
1:31:53.42 - 1:31:54.63 Yes.
1:31:54.71 - 1:31:56.30 I think it'll be fine.
1:31:56.80 - 1:31:58.34 It's time I saw Ichiro.
1:31:58.63 - 1:32:00.26 Getting revenge for Ruriko?
1:32:00.64 - 1:32:01.64 No.
1:32:02.01 - 1:32:05.89 I just want to carry on her will - \Nand make her wishes come true.
1:32:06.39 - 1:32:07.39 I won't take revenge.
1:32:19.57 - 1:32:21.78 And Ruriko isn't really gone.
1:32:25.37 - 1:32:26.37 And…
1:32:28.04 - 1:32:29.87 can I ask one favor?
1:32:38.13 - 1:32:40.18 Going by yourself - Hongo?
1:32:53.61 - 1:32:55.61 Is this my price to pay for the missy?
1:33:27.56 - 1:33:29.14 They possess the same powers as you.
1:33:29.22 - 1:33:31.89 They're Polymorphic Plague-Type\NGrasshopper-Augs.
1:33:32.48 - 1:33:35.31 While you're a solitary creature - \Nthey're gregarious.
1:33:35.65 - 1:33:38.90 In the locust phase - \Ngrasshoppers turn black and form swarms.
1:33:38.98 - 1:33:40.90 They also become more savage.
1:33:41.74 - 1:33:45.24 Now it's time to lose your prana\Nand join Ruriko -
1:33:46.12 - 1:33:47.20 Hongo Takeshi.
1:33:48.49 - 1:33:49.87 No choice but to fight?
1:34:32.08 - 1:34:33.87 There are so many. Can I defeat them?
1:35:32.56 - 1:35:33.72 My mask won't last.
1:35:40.56 - 1:35:41.82 Hop on!
1:35:45.03 - 1:35:47.15 Hongo - I've made up my mind.
1:35:47.45 - 1:35:48.61 I hate teamwork -
1:35:49.99 - 1:35:51.16 but I'll try liking it.
1:35:52.45 - 1:35:54.49 From now on - I'm Masked Rider No. 2!
1:35:54.83 - 1:35:56.25 That makes us Double Riders.
1:35:57.79 - 1:35:58.83 Yeah.
1:35:59.46 - 1:36:00.54 This finally feels right.
1:36:01.88 - 1:36:02.88 Uh-oh!
1:36:13.76 - 1:36:15.31 That hurt!
1:36:15.81 - 1:36:17.64 What showoffs.
1:36:17.73 - 1:36:20.48 Without the body armor - \Nwe'd be in real trouble.
1:36:21.65 - 1:36:22.69 You okay - Hongo?
1:36:27.94 - 1:36:29.24 Sorry - Ichimonji-kun.
1:36:29.32 - 1:36:31.66 Don't apologize.\NJust show your appreciation.
1:36:32.03 - 1:36:33.37 Thanks - Ichimonji-kun.
1:36:33.45 - 1:36:35.79 Cut the "kun." No need for formalities.
1:36:36.20 - 1:36:37.66 Okay - Ichimonji.
1:36:41.88 - 1:36:43.29 Whoa.
1:36:43.79 - 1:36:45.34 We have more guests.
1:36:46.67 - 1:36:48.30 Crank it up - Hongo.
1:36:48.38 - 1:36:50.22 Let's do this - Ichimonji.
1:37:31.72 - 1:37:32.88 -Hongo!\N-Ichimonji!
1:38:00.33 - 1:38:01.33 So -
1:38:01.83 - 1:38:03.25 shall we - Hongo?
1:38:03.71 - 1:38:04.71 Yeah.
1:38:05.38 - 1:38:06.67 Let's go - Ichimonji.
1:38:23.56 - 1:38:24.77 You again?
1:38:25.27 - 1:38:26.27 Yeah.
1:38:27.11 - 1:38:29.19 I'll keep coming until I stop you.
1:38:32.90 - 1:38:34.95 Your father entrusted me with this body.
1:38:35.36 - 1:38:37.87 Your sister entrusted me with her wishes.
1:38:39.37 - 1:38:41.49 I will stop you - no matter what.
1:38:42.33 - 1:38:45.79 I'm in the middle of polishing up\Nthe perfect program - however…
1:38:46.75 - 1:38:48.00 Okay.
1:38:53.17 - 1:38:54.17 I'll play with you.
1:39:03.35 - 1:39:04.35 For real?!
1:39:08.90 - 1:39:10.32 Resistance is futile.
1:39:10.82 - 1:39:12.82 My prana system is colossal.
1:39:13.44 - 1:39:17.32 Midorikawa's Grasshopper-Aug cannot\Ncompare with my capacity for energy.
1:39:22.12 - 1:39:23.16 Ichimonji!
1:39:24.37 - 1:39:25.54 Sorry - Cyclone.
1:39:40.35 - 1:39:43.77 I think that'll put your Habitat Project\Non hold for a while.
1:39:44.31 - 1:39:46.56 Your prana fast-charger too.
1:39:49.10 - 1:39:50.40 She put ideas in your head?
1:39:53.61 - 1:39:55.49 I underestimated you boys.
1:39:57.32 - 1:39:58.95 Consider this my apology.
1:39:59.82 - 1:40:01.03 I'll take you seriously.
1:40:04.62 - 1:40:06.45 Transform.
1:40:16.63 - 1:40:19.55 Butterflies symbolize\Nresurrection and immortality.
1:40:20.05 - 1:40:23.64 And blue butterflies are\Nmessengers of the gods.
1:40:36.36 - 1:40:38.03 Behold my complete form -
1:40:38.53 - 1:40:39.65 Butterfly-Aug.
1:40:47.37 - 1:40:48.54 So -
1:40:49.16 - 1:40:51.08 now we have matching forms.
1:40:52.67 - 1:40:55.75 I will save mankind in my own way.
1:40:56.05 - 1:40:57.51 I am Masked Rider…
1:40:59.13 - 1:41:01.18 Number Zero.
1:41:06.89 - 1:41:08.27 Come.
1:42:18.75 - 1:42:19.88 Wow!
1:42:21.59 - 1:42:23.59 Even though we broke his throne -
1:42:24.13 - 1:42:25.84 he's still pretty strong.
1:42:26.55 - 1:42:27.60 Yeah.
1:42:28.10 - 1:42:29.18 He is.
1:42:38.11 - 1:42:39.48 He lives up to his reputation.
1:42:39.94 - 1:42:42.90 By the way - Hongo - \Nany idea how to defeat him?
1:42:43.86 - 1:42:44.90 Yeah.
1:42:45.49 - 1:42:46.49 Huh?
1:42:48.37 - 1:42:49.70 You do?
1:42:50.95 - 1:42:54.41 Next time you have an idea - \Nplease tell me first!
1:42:55.08 - 1:42:56.33 It was in Miss Ruriko's will.
1:42:57.67 - 1:43:00.42 We have to unmask him to do it.\NWhatever it takes.
1:43:05.26 - 1:43:06.34 Okay.
1:43:10.85 - 1:43:14.06 We'll get it done. Whatever it takes.
1:43:16.94 - 1:43:18.06 Yeah.
1:43:19.31 - 1:43:20.73 Whatever it takes.
1:43:39.79 - 1:43:41.29 You're getting pesky.
1:43:54.81 - 1:43:56.60 Whatever it takes!
1:43:58.23 - 1:43:59.73 How impudent!
1:44:33.68 - 1:44:36.27 If you want to destroy the Organization - \Nleave it to me.
1:44:36.77 - 1:44:40.81 I'll take SHOCKER - \Nand all of humanity to The Habitat Realm!
1:44:43.31 - 1:44:44.73 I'll do it for my sister too.
1:44:45.53 - 1:44:46.69 And my parents.
1:44:47.19 - 1:44:49.28 I'll avenge my whole family.
1:44:57.50 - 1:45:01.08 You're wrong.\NNobody in your family would want that.
1:45:01.17 - 1:45:03.00 It's all in your head.
1:45:05.71 - 1:45:08.42 You know nothing about me!
1:45:10.47 - 1:45:11.59 I know a bit.
1:45:12.84 - 1:45:15.43 My father was killed too.
1:45:15.51 - 1:45:17.14 He fell victim to human absurdity!
1:45:24.06 - 1:45:25.31 If that's true -
1:45:26.15 - 1:45:27.90 why stop me?!
1:45:31.24 - 1:45:33.53 I don't understand people.
1:45:33.61 - 1:45:36.12 But I want to.\NThat's why I'm trying change!
1:45:36.87 - 1:45:38.49 I want to change myself - not the world!
1:45:38.58 - 1:45:39.62 It's pointless.
1:45:41.37 - 1:45:44.21 Everything is pointless - Hongo.
1:45:45.54 - 1:45:46.63 No - it's not!
1:45:48.71 - 1:45:51.84 Nothing in life is pointless!
1:45:53.09 - 1:45:54.26 Ichimonji!
1:45:54.76 - 1:45:56.14 I've got this!
1:46:46.98 - 1:46:48.73 This is what Miss Ruriko wished for.
1:46:50.07 - 1:46:51.44 She's in there.
1:46:59.58 - 1:47:00.58 Brother.
1:47:04.46 - 1:47:05.54 Ruriko.
1:47:07.04 - 1:47:08.13 You were in here?
1:47:08.96 - 1:47:10.59 You can stay with me.
1:47:11.13 - 1:47:13.38 I've installed a program for it.
1:47:21.72 - 1:47:22.85 Come with him.
1:47:24.14 - 1:47:26.48 Before your body is totally lost.
1:47:35.82 - 1:47:37.61 You thought I wouldn't notice?
1:47:39.53 - 1:47:42.62 This place is too small\Nfor the three of us.
1:47:46.21 - 1:47:47.29 I can't
1:47:48.29 - 1:47:49.58 lose
1:47:50.63 - 1:47:52.25 anyone else.
1:47:53.05 - 1:47:54.59 I've had enough.
1:48:05.73 - 1:48:07.19 I'm sorry -
1:48:08.35 - 1:48:09.40 Ruriko.
1:48:22.83 - 1:48:24.08 Wait - Brother.
1:48:29.08 - 1:48:30.46 Wait - Brother!
1:48:34.84 - 1:48:36.01 Brother…
1:48:38.76 - 1:48:39.97 Wait.
1:49:01.82 - 1:49:03.20 Did you speak with Miss Ruriko?
1:49:05.08 - 1:49:07.16 Yeah. Thanks.
1:49:08.29 - 1:49:09.29 However -
1:49:09.66 - 1:49:12.21 you used too much prana on me.
1:49:13.63 - 1:49:16.05 Unless you go - you'll disappear too.
1:49:17.00 - 1:49:18.46 I'm prepared for that.
1:49:20.51 - 1:49:22.64 You'd give your life
1:49:24.05 - 1:49:25.97 for the soul of a stranger?
1:49:48.79 - 1:49:50.96 Ruriko trusted you.
1:49:52.58 - 1:49:54.00 I will too.
1:49:58.75 - 1:49:59.88 Hongo.
1:50:04.89 - 1:50:06.35 It's in your hands now -
1:50:08.60 - 1:50:09.60 Ichimonji.
1:50:40.71 - 1:50:42.09 Hongo!
1:50:50.93 - 1:50:52.10 Really?
1:50:53.93 - 1:50:55.69 I'm alone again?
1:51:33.35 - 1:51:34.43 Oh - well.
1:51:36.69 - 1:51:38.81 We come into this world alone -
1:51:42.90 - 1:51:44.69 we die alone too.
1:51:51.16 - 1:51:55.29 Hongo requested\Nwe recover and repair the mask.
1:51:56.83 - 1:51:58.75 He said if he disappeared -
1:51:58.83 - 1:52:02.29 he'd want you to continue\Ncalling yourself Masked Rider.
1:52:03.30 - 1:52:06.26 We confirmed SHOCKER has a new agent - \NCobra-Aug.
1:52:07.43 - 1:52:11.14 Hongo Takeshi embedded his prana - \Nhis soul -
1:52:12.01 - 1:52:13.22 in here.
1:52:14.68 - 1:52:16.10 Will you carry on his will?
1:52:20.27 - 1:52:21.61 Masked Rider?
1:52:22.19 - 1:52:25.03 We found Midorikawa Ruriko's soul\Nin the mask too.
1:52:25.61 - 1:52:27.15 As Hongo wished -
1:52:28.07 - 1:52:30.95 we've secured her prana\Nin a safe location.
1:52:43.29 - 1:52:45.50 For the missy and for Hongo -
1:52:45.59 - 1:52:47.63 I'll try working with you guys.
1:52:54.51 - 1:52:56.43 I feel a bit better now.
1:53:04.90 - 1:53:07.44 Come to think of it - \NI never got your names.
1:53:08.32 - 1:53:10.03 We're just nobodies.
1:53:10.11 - 1:53:11.20 Huh?
1:53:11.95 - 1:53:15.20 I don't trust people\Nwho won't share their names.
1:53:17.50 - 1:53:18.62 I'm Tachibana.
1:53:19.29 - 1:53:20.37 He's Taki.
1:53:23.04 - 1:53:24.67 If you need something - raise your hand.
1:53:30.17 - 1:53:32.26 I'd like a new Cyclone and suit.
1:53:45.15 - 1:53:46.77 This mask feels nice.
1:53:47.69 - 1:53:51.36 It doesn't have the cold - hungry feel\Nof the last one.
1:53:52.66 - 1:53:53.74 It feels kind.
1:53:56.78 - 1:53:57.79 Yeah.
1:53:58.95 - 1:54:00.66 Now I feel nice and fresh.
1:54:14.13 - 1:54:16.10 So this is your soul?
1:54:21.77 - 1:54:23.10 Hongo.
1:54:33.36 - 1:54:36.07 Hongo - can you feel the wind?
1:54:36.74 - 1:54:37.74 I can.
1:54:37.83 - 1:54:41.16 My prana - my soul - may be inside the mask -
1:54:41.75 - 1:54:45.46 but I feel the force of the wind - \Nthe sound of the exhaust - and the smells.
1:54:45.96 - 1:54:47.17 I feel everything you feel.
1:54:48.46 - 1:54:50.13 Go faster - Ichimonji.
1:54:51.05 - 1:54:52.92 Let me savor the new Cyclone.
1:54:53.38 - 1:54:54.51 Okay.
1:54:54.59 - 1:54:56.05 Here we go - Hongo.
1:54:56.93 - 1:54:58.18 We're not alone anymore.
1:54:58.97 - 1:55:00.18 It's you and me.
1:55:00.68 - 1:55:02.52 We'll fight SHOCKER together.
1:57:13.15 - 1:57:16.69 SHOCKER is coming
1:57:16.78 - 1:57:19.86 With its armies from hell
1:57:20.36 - 1:57:23.70 Their black shadow threatens us all
1:57:23.78 - 1:57:27.37 He must fight to maintain peace on earth
1:57:27.45 - 1:57:30.58 Go! Go! Let's go!
1:57:31.08 - 1:57:34.04 His shiny machine
1:57:34.67 - 1:57:36.34 Rider
1:57:36.42 - 1:57:37.76 Jump!
1:57:38.26 - 1:57:39.88 Rider
1:57:39.97 - 1:57:41.34 Kick!
1:57:41.84 - 1:57:45.30 Masked Rider
1:57:45.39 - 1:57:48.85 Rider
1:57:56.02 - 1:57:59.23 SHOCKER is coming
1:57:59.74 - 1:58:02.82 With its terrifying armies
1:58:03.32 - 1:58:06.66 Their black shadow threatens our friends
1:58:06.74 - 1:58:10.37 He must fight to maintain peace on earth
1:58:10.45 - 1:58:13.46 Go! Go! Let's go!
1:58:13.96 - 1:58:16.71 His crimson muffler
1:58:17.71 - 1:58:19.42 Rider
1:58:19.51 - 1:58:20.80 Jump!
1:58:21.30 - 1:58:22.97 Rider
1:58:23.05 - 1:58:24.38 Kick!
1:58:24.89 - 1:58:28.35 Masked Rider
1:58:28.43 - 1:58:31.89 Rider
1:58:39.32 - 1:58:42.90 SHOCKER is coming
1:58:42.99 - 1:58:46.07 With its infernal armies
1:58:46.57 - 1:58:49.95 Their black shadow threatens our towns
1:58:50.04 - 1:58:53.58 He must fight to maintain peace on earth
1:58:53.66 - 1:58:56.83 Go! Go! Let's go!
1:58:57.33 - 1:59:00.38 His green mask
1:59:00.96 - 1:59:02.63 Rider
1:59:02.71 - 1:59:04.09 Jump!
1:59:04.59 - 1:59:06.22 Rider
1:59:06.30 - 1:59:07.68 Kick!
1:59:08.18 - 1:59:11.68 Masked Rider
1:59:11.77 - 1:59:15.44 Rider
1:59:33.08 - 1:59:39.46 The wind whistles across the wilderness
1:59:40.38 - 1:59:43.46 He goes alone - all alone
1:59:43.55 - 1:59:47.13 He is Masked Rider
1:59:47.63 - 1:59:50.80 He takes sorrow with clenched teeth
1:59:50.89 - 1:59:54.27 He fights alone - all alone
1:59:54.77 - 1:59:57.98 However - for his friends
1:59:58.06 - 2:00:01.61 For his hometown
2:00:02.11 - 2:00:05.28 No matter how alone he may be
2:00:05.36 - 2:00:08.99 He will protect everything that is dear
2:00:09.49 - 2:00:13.16 He is Masked Rider
2:00:33.76 - 2:00:36.89 The battle has ended
2:00:36.98 - 2:00:40.56 Morning has come
2:00:41.06 - 2:00:42.94 The sky is blue
2:00:43.02 - 2:00:46.23 The clouds are white
2:00:46.74 - 2:00:50.36 From the top of the hill - oh!
2:00:50.45 - 2:00:53.99 It's coming - here it comes\NIt's Cyclone
2:00:54.08 - 2:00:59.50 His red scarf waves in the wind
2:00:59.58 - 2:01:03.21 Here he comes - he's coming back
2:01:03.29 - 2:01:07.84 Masked Rider
2:01:16.18 - 2:01:19.43 THE END