Category:Uchuu Sentai KyuuRanger Jark Matter
Space Shogunate Jark Matter 宇宙幕府ジャークマター
Main antagonists of Uchuu Sentai KyuuRanger.
Don Armage
Voiced by Tani Atsuki (谷昌樹)
Vice Shogun
Voiced by Uchida Naoya
Is possibly named after Kukulkan, a Mayan snake deity.
Voiced by Komiya Arisa
Her design and name are probably derived from the Acámbaro figures, supposedly ancient figures that might have been depictions of dinosaurs. Akyanbaa herself has a triceratops looking design in her torso.
All Vice-shoguns have a gold statue shoulder piece.
Voiced by Tsuchida Hiroshi
Chief Retainers (Karo)
There are 88 of these, each one controlling one of the Constellation Systems. Also known as Karo. Based on the Japanese word Karou (家老) (n) chief retainer, daimyo's minister.
Chief Retainer of the Sagittarius System
Voiced by Kuroda Takaya (黒田崇矢)
Chief Retainer of the Scorpius System
Voiced by Kubota Yuki
Chief Retainer of the Aries System
Voiced by Koneri Show
First appearance KyuuRanger Space.33
Chief Retainer of the Leo System
Voiced by Tsuji Shinpachi
First appearance KyuuRanger Space.37
Governors (Daikan)
They run different planets in Jark Matter's name. Also known as Daikaan, based on the Japanese word Daikan (代官) (n) Edo-period prefectural governor (magistrate, bailiff).
- Gamettsui (Planet Jigama)
- Mouretsuyoindabee (Planet Needle)
- Yumepakkun (Planet Earth)
Cannon fodder. Design seems to be based on the famous grey aliens from 50s American culture. Their name itself is an anagram of Invader in Japanese (the b represents the v sound, since v doesn't occur naturally in Japanese).
ツヨインダべー Larged Indabee
Giant Indabee. Design based on the Flatwood Monster. Gets their name from adding tsuyoi/strong to Indabee's name.
Jark Matter Language
The Jark Matter's language is apparently a cipher version of the English language. Just like Jyuohger before where the language of JyuLand can be deciphered, the Jark Matter's text can also be translated into English fairly easily once the key is figured out.
- Their name is a pun on Dark Matter. The Dark part written as Jaaku, which means "evil" in Japanese.
- The three vice-shogun are voiced by former Sentai alum. Tecchuu is voiced by Tsuchida Hiroshi who was NinjaBlue. Akyanbaa is voiced by Komiya Arisa who was Yellow Buster. And Kukuruuga is voiced by Uchida Naoya who was DenjiGreen.
External Links
Media in category "Uchuu Sentai KyuuRanger Jark Matter"
The following 45 files are in this category, out of 45 total.
JarkGamettsui.jpg 280 × 430; 118 KB
JarkMouretsuyoindabee.jpg 280 × 430; 118 KB
JarkYumepakkun.jpg 280 × 430; 131 KB
JarkElidron.jpg 280 × 430; 170 KB
JarkToMe.jpg 280 × 430; 142 KB
MamoriTsuyoindabee.jpg 280 × 430; 47 KB
MegaTsuyoindabee.jpg 280 × 430; 122 KB
Meshiubaindabee.jpg 280 × 430; 130 KB
Anton Zero.jpg 280 × 430; 70 KB
Don Armage (Final Form).jpg 280 × 430; 83 KB
Indabee.png 557 × 353; 248 KB
JarkAkyanbaa.jpg 280 × 430; 116 KB
JarkAkyanchuuga.jpg 280 × 430; 70 KB
JarkBossWorm.jpg 280 × 430; 116 KB
JarkBulltypeAllPurposeDestructiveWeaponUnit0.jpg 280 × 430; 76 KB
JarkDeathGong.jpg 280 × 430; 134 KB
JarkDeathWorm.jpg 280 × 430; 124 KB
JarkDenbiru.jpg 280 × 430; 48 KB
JarkDougyuun.jpg 280 × 430; 120 KB
JarkGaburaa.jpg 280 × 430; 75 KB
JarkGloven.jpg 280 × 430; 102 KB
JarkGoneesh.jpg 280 × 430; 50 KB
JarkIkaagen.jpg 280 × 430; 137 KB
JarkInda.jpg 280 × 430; 165 KB
JarkJuumottsu.jpg 280 × 430; 140 KB
JarkKukuruuga.jpg 280 × 430; 124 KB
JarkMageraa.jpg 280 × 430; 171 KB
JarkManabiru.jpg 280 × 430; 113 KB
JarkMecchaTsuyoindabee.jpg 280 × 430; 145 KB
JarkMechaMaadakko.jpg 280 × 430; 144 KB
JarkMediaTsuyoindabee.jpg 280 × 430; 119 KB
JarkMetalDeathWorm.jpg 280 × 430; 138 KB
JarkMicroTsuyoindabee.jpg 280 × 430; 88 KB
JarkMondomuyoIndabee.jpg 280 × 430; 144 KB
JarkMothma.jpg 280 × 430; 113 KB
JarkMucchaTsuyoindabee.jpg 280 × 430; 141 KB
JarkOmeega.jpg 280 × 430; 168 KB
JarkScorpio.jpg 280 × 430; 135 KB
JarkShaidos.jpg 280 × 430; 53 KB
JarkSouthernKing.jpg 280 × 430; 66 KB
JarkTecchuu.jpg 280 × 430; 123 KB
JarkUnjet.jpg 280 × 430; 153 KB
JarkYuuteruJan.jpg 280 × 430; 162 KB
KyuuRanger Jark Matter logo.png 557 × 353; 233 KB
Moraimaazu.png 557 × 353; 241 KB