Guards for UtilitY Situation
The Guards for UtilitY Situation (GUYS) is the defense force in Ultraman Mebius.
- G.I.G. (GUYS In Green)
- It's basically what GUYS use in place of "Roger!".
- METEOR (Much Extreme Technology of Extraterrestrial ORigin)
- As its full name suggests, it is extremely advanced alien technology.
- WISE (Wing In Surface Effect)
- A technology Sea Wingers of GUYS Ocean use. It allows them to glide on the water surface.
- GUYS Memory Display (GUYSメモリーディスプレイ)
- GUYSmet (GUYSメット)
- The helmet.
- Triger Shot (トライガーショット)
- Maquette Attach (マケットアタッシュ)
- Meteor Shot (メテオールショット)
- GUYS Toughbook (GUYSタフブック)
- Synchrotron Cannon (シンクロトロン砲)
- Space Mine Raiton R30 Mine (宇宙機雷ライトンR30マイン)
- Silver Shark G (シルバーシャークG)
- High Polymer Plaster Bomb (高分子プラスター爆弾)
- AZ2006