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AkibaRanger 2 Episode 05: Difference between revisions

From TV-Nihon
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*"Eternal warriors", "warriors of passion", and "always by the kids' side" are reference to their theme song. It's also a reference to all the kids that show up in ZyuRanger episodes.
*"Eternal warriors", "warriors of passion", and "always by the kids' side" are reference to their theme song. It's also a reference to all the kids that show up in ZyuRanger episodes.
*The ZyuSouKen toy accurately playing the same sound as the show. Nowadays, it's only natural to expect a toy to replicate the same sound as in the show, but in the past, that was not necessarily the case. So the toy ZyuSouKen was regarded as a high class item for reproducing the sound accruately.
*The ZyuSouKen toy accurately playing the same sound as the show. Nowadays, it's only natural to expect a toy to replicate the same sound as in the show, but in the past, that was not necessarily the case. So the toy ZyuSouKen was regarded as a high class item for reproducing the sound accruately.
**However, this copy has the DragonRanger emblem off by 90 degrees from the one in the show.
**Normally the ZyuSouKen is used to control Dragon Caeser, but this time it's used to gain control over the ZyuRangers.
====ZyuRan Buckler====
"You'll be surprised when you hear! ZyuRan Buckler!"

*The buckler is a direct reference to the ZyuRanger's transformation device.
Funky Y.Kが歌う挿入歌『ドラゴンシーザーのうた』。ちなみに作詞を手がけた八手三郎の中の人は白倉伸一郎。
*The first part of the line is lifted directly from this year's Sentai, Kyouryuuger, another dinosaur sentai.

===AkibaRed's weekly recommendation===
"Of the ZyuRanger insert songs, I recommend "Dragon Caeser"! Dora Dora Doora... AkibaRed!

===AkibaBlue's rollcall===
===Movie AkibaYellow watched this week===


==External Links==
==External Links==
[[Category: Hikounin Sentai AkibaRanger 2|05]]
[[Category: Hikounin Sentai AkibaRanger 2|05]]

Revision as of 18:49, 7 May 2013


OP Changes

  • Scenes of Tazuko attack Nobuo are replaced with Malshiina (Battle Mode) and Super AkibaRed.
  • Munyumunyu Zukyuun added to the sponsor section.
  • George Spielburton (ジョージ・スピルバートン). An amalgamation of famous American directors: George Lucas, Steven Spielburg, and Tim Burton.
    • ET Reference
  • The AkibaRangers' embarrassing photos.
    • 衣装自体は第1シーズン4話で使われたものだが、今回は着用した人物が異なる。
    • 「激走戦隊カーレンジャー」第34話「恋の世話焼き割り込み娘」に類似シーンあり。

Sentai References

  • Queen's dance of avarice. Queen Hedron from Sun Vulcan did this dance. Her actress also played Witch Bandora in ZyuRangers.
  • Spielburton is seen playing with S.H.Figuarts' TyrranoRanger and DragonRanger. The commercials for these also play during AkibaRangers.
  • Powerful Rangers is an obvious spoof of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
    • The reality change made it so that Japan based Sentai on Powerful Rangers, starting with GaoRangers. Perhaps this is because Gokaiger's ending song, Super Sentai Hero Getter's, third part begins with GaoRanger.
  • Trinoid #23 Kunimasumahoganii クニマスマホガニー is based on the villains for Abarangers.
    • Made of an animal, a plant, an inanimate object.「国鱒(サケ目サケ科の淡水魚)」「スマホ(スマートフォン)」「マホガニー(センダン科マホガニー属の木)」
    • The original Trinoid #23 was Arohaispikasukanku アロハイビスカスカンク.
    • Sakana-kun discovered that Kunimasu wasn't extinct. He's a big tokusatsu fan and even appeared on Goseiger.
    • Tsuu creates a Trinoid because Malshiina just says that she's fighting a dinosaur Sentai, so Tsuu assumes it's Abarangers, which was also based on dinosaurs.
    • ベースは前話のスマホモンガーと同じだが右腕がクニマスの頭部、頭部左側にヒレが付いており、胸部から腹部にかけてマホガニーが使われている
    • また、前述のとおり、「○○モンガー」はサンバルカンの怪人の名前であるが、サンバルカンにはジュウレンジャーと同じく曽我町子がレギュラー出演している
  • The Trinoids were designed by AkibaRanger's character designer, Satou Keiichi さとうけいいち. So in a sense, this is self-promotion.
  • Lines used to persuade TyrannoRanger and DragonRanger.
  • "Eternal warriors", "warriors of passion", and "always by the kids' side" are reference to their theme song. It's also a reference to all the kids that show up in ZyuRanger episodes.
  • The ZyuSouKen toy accurately playing the same sound as the show. Nowadays, it's only natural to expect a toy to replicate the same sound as in the show, but in the past, that was not necessarily the case. So the toy ZyuSouKen was regarded as a high class item for reproducing the sound accruately.
    • However, this copy has the DragonRanger emblem off by 90 degrees from the one in the show.
    • Normally the ZyuSouKen is used to control Dragon Caeser, but this time it's used to gain control over the ZyuRangers.

ZyuRan Buckler


"You'll be surprised when you hear! ZyuRan Buckler!"

  • The buckler is a direct reference to the ZyuRanger's transformation device.
  • The first part of the line is lifted directly from this year's Sentai, Kyouryuuger, another dinosaur sentai.

AkibaRed's weekly recommendation

"Of the ZyuRanger insert songs, I recommend "Dragon Caeser"! Dora Dora Doora... AkibaRed!


AkibaBlue's rollcall


  • 「仁和寺」は京都府京都市右京区御室にある真言宗御室派総本山の寺院
  • 「先達あらまほしき」は「その道の先生や指導者はいてほしいものだ」という意味


Movie AkibaYellow watched this week


  • 「遊星王子」は1958年に公開された映画。テレビ版が好評だった為、製作された。
    • 主演には当時は新人であった梅宮辰夫が起用された。
      • 恐らく「若い頃の梅宮辰夫を見て梅宮アンナが父親似だということがわかった」というようなことが言いたかったのだと思われる。
  • いつも通りの前振りの長さのせいで爆発が起こったので今週も名乗ることが出来なかった。

External Links
