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Samurai Sentai Shinkenger

From TV-Nihon
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Super Sentai Series 33

<Previous Sentai: Engine Sentai Go-Onger

>Next Sentai: Tensou Sentai Goseiger

Shinken is the Japanese word for "serious, earnest" as well as "real sword".

Aired from: February 15, 2009 to February 7, 2010. (49 episodes)



Samurai Sentai Shinkenger 侍戦隊シンケンジャー

Shiba Takeru 志葉丈瑠 / ShinkenRed シンケンレッド

Ikenami Ryuunosuke 池波流ノ介 / ShinkenBlue シンケンブルー

Shiraishi Mako 白石茉子 / ShinkenPink シケンピンク

Tani Chiaki 谷千明 / ShinkenGreen シケングリーン

Hanaori Kotoha 花織ことは / ShinkenYellow シケンイエロー

Umemori Genta 梅盛源太 / ShinkenGold シケンゴールド

Villain Group


Episode Title Air date Writer
Act 01 Great Appearance of Five Samurai
Act 02 The Guaranteed Stylish Gattai
Act 03 Skill-Confronting Contest
Act 04 Compassionate Night Talk - River of Tears
Act 05
Act 06
Act 07
Act 08
Act 09
Act 10
Act 11
Act 12
Act 13
Act 14
Act 15
Act 16
Act 17
Act 18
Act 19
Act 20
Act 21
Act 22
Act 23
Act 24
Act 25
Act 26
Act 27
Act 28
Act 29
Act 30
Act 31
Act 32
Act 33
Act 34
Act 35
Act 36
Act 37
Act 38
Act 39
Act 40
Act 41
Act 42
Act 43
Act 44
Act 45
Act 46
Act 47
Act 48
Last Act
