Likes video games, linguistics, and special effect shows.
Likes video games, linguistics, and special effect shows.
==Currently Watching==
==Things I do==
;My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
'''My Tumblr Blog'''
==Regularly Watches==
:Features pictures I post, as well as reblogs of stuff that I find interesting
*How I Met Your Mother
*South Park
==Games Played Recently==
*Binding of Isaac
*Metal Gear Solid 4 (For the new trophies)
*Monster Hunter P3 HD
*[ Kingdom of Loathing]
==Favorite Podcasts==
;Idle Thumbs Video Game Podcast
:Staffed by members from the video game industry. These guys are witty, smart, zany, and funny. Two of the members work at [ Telltale Games] and are the staff behind the [ Walking Dead Game].
;Video Games Hotdog
:Staffed by the Kingdom of Loathing guys. A good mix between entertaining and informative. They have a corner where they play a game weekly which they discuss on the show.
:Updates weekly. A more dry and intellectual take on the gaming industry. More informational than entertaining.
==Random Websites that I like==
:Video game and movie reviewer. Hosted by the Spoony One.
:Video game humor.
:Movie reviews created by the guys who did the two hour Star Wars Episode 1 review.
;Freeman's Mind
:Some guy plays obscure game Have Life while narrating over it. It can be pretty funny.
;My Fair Hunter
:A "podcast" about learning to play the game Monster Hunter Tri.