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From TV-Nihon
m Taconoko moved page Virgo Zodiarts to Emoto Kuniteru: Character should take priority over alternate identity
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Supernova: Unknown
Supernova: Unknown
A seemingly bumbling professor character from [[Kamen Rider Fourze]].


Revision as of 19:03, 29 June 2012


Alternate form: #Virgo Zodiarts

Played by: Tanaka Rie (Virgo's voice) 田中 理恵 / Yamagisa Hajime (human) 山崎一

Previous Zodiarts: Unknown

Supernova: Unknown

A seemingly bumbling professor character from Kamen Rider Fourze.


Emoto Kuniteru is one of Gamou and Utahoshi Rokurou's friends. He considered himself to be the moon while Gamou is the sun and Rokurou is the Earth. He might be the one who killed Utahoshi Rokurou on the moon 17 years ago since he wanted to be the Earth instead.

Usually he uses his Zodiarts Switch to become Virgo to meet with Gamou due to him being in Kyoto. It's probably why he was seen in his Zodiarts form almost all the time. Virgo's first appearance was in Movie Taisen Mega Max where she tried to get the SOLU which it was in a form of a high school girl from Gentarou. Her first appearance in the TV series was shortly after Sonoda was defeated by Meteor. She sent Sonoda to the Dark Nebula. Then she stay around monitoring Hayami's progress of finding new Horoscopes which greatly annoyed Hayami. Virgo appeared to the Kamen Rider Club when the Pegasus Zodiarts was running amok. She sent out Dustards to help out and sent Meteor a calling card for a meeting the following day before leaving the area. She and Meteor fought each other which she proved that she was too much for Meteor but ends up giving a hint to the Pegasus Zodiarts' true identity. She reappeared to the Kamen Rider Club just after the Pegasus Zodiarts was defeated and threw Kijima's body to initialize the evolution of Pegasus into Cancer.

Virgo laid low after Cancer's evolution and eventually sent Kijima to the Dark Nebula because of Libra's deception. Her current function seems to be ferrying various Horoscopes to Gamou or retrieving Switches from defeated Horoscopes. She made a comment that Fourze's Cosmic States has similar power to her own.

Emoto meets with Kengo in Kyoto twice. He tells Kengo about his father and the current status of the Hole. Later he comes to Ama High to teach the special course to Kengo, Yuuki, Sugiura, and Tomoko. Tomoko develops a bond with him but sees that Emoto was really Virgo. Before he sent Tomoko to the Dark Nebula due to the moon rock she dropped when she discovered his true identity, he sent Sugiura to the Dark Nebula for being unfit as a commander.


As Emoto, he displays a modest face and a bit clumsy. He secretly harbored a hatred towards Kengo's father which he was willing to kill him on the moon 17 years ago. As Virgo, he is rather cold towards everyone except for Gamou. He respects individuality as he was willing to protect Tomoko from Sugiura's slaves and questions him about it during a Horoscopes meeting.

Virgo Zodiarts

Virgo's main ability is teleport or warp drive as it's called in the Fourze universe. She has the ability to send people to faraway places in an instant and send failed Horoscopes to the Dark Nebula. In combat, Virgo uses her staff and can summon energy balls. She can avoid Meteor's flying fists Limit Break easily by using her teleport ability. When she removes her mantle, a set of angel wings are revealed. These wings allow her to fly and even block attacks. She is capable to produce barriers that can block attacks from Fourze's Cosmic States and Meteor Storm. She is one of the strongest Horoscopes and might be even on par with the Leo Zodiarts.


  • The clue that Emoto is Virgo is from his name, it's an anagram of Otome which is Japanese for "maiden". Plus Virgo in Japanese is Otomeza.
  • Virgo and Emoto both have the same response to situations when people think they're good. When Meteor thought Virgo was good, and when Tomoko thought Emoto were good, he responds with, "Looks like you underestimate me."
  • Virgo is the second Horoscopes where their human gender is different from their Zodiarts gender. Scorpion was the first with being female as a human but male as a Zodiarts.