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Kamen Rider Fourze 15

From TV-Nihon
Kamen Rider Fourze

Previous episode: Furious Poison Sting Attack

Next episode: Conflict Between Right/Wrong

Holy Night Chorus Song

Air date: December 18, 2011

Important things that happened

  • The mission of the Horoscopes is revealed which is to create the remaining eight Horoscopes. Currently Scorpion, Libra, Virgo, and Leo are active.
  • The first step to become a Horoscope is to surpass Last One. Once surpassing it, the center star will shine brightly.
  • Hayami was the one who guided Sonoda to become the Scorpion Zodiarts from Canis Minor.

Guest Stars

Motoyama Soshi 元山 惣帥 - Akimoto Ryutarou 秋元 龍太朗


  • Due to the back to back Limit Breaks from the previous episode, both Rocket and Drill Switches are unusable and need to recover their Cosmic Energy before they can be used again. Magic Hand and Spike replaced those Switches when Gentarou transforms into Fourze initially.
  • Hayami calls Sonoda "Koinu-chan" because she was previously the Canis Minor Zodiarts before becoming the Scorpion Zodiarts.


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