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Shougeki Gouraigan 09

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Episode 09
Cycle: Birth, Death, Rebirth
Shougeki Gouraigan episode
Writer Inoue Toshiki
Director Kaneda Ryuu
Original air date November 30, 2013 (2013-11-30)
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Shougeki Gouraigan
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Shougeki Gouraigan 10 >

Important things that happened

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Guest Stars

  • The sommelier? - Miwa Hitomi Uncredited - 三輪ひとみ
  • The Hashimoto corporation lady in the white dress? - Matsuoka Rinako Uncredited - 松岡璃奈子
  • The dart throwing woman? - Hiraguri Satomi Uncredited - 平栗里美
  • The dress maker? - Nomoto Karia Uncredited - 野本かりあ
  • Asakura Seira (On the TV) - Hijii Mika 朝倉セーラ - 肘井美佳
  • The tree lady? (Non-Navi role) - Hoshino Akari Uncredited - 星野あかり


  • Wakabayashi Shinji - Wakamatsu Toshihide 若林シンジ - 若松俊秀
  • Rin - Miyaji Mao リン - 宮地真緒
  • Granny - Asaoka Megumi おばあちゃん - 麻丘めぐみ
  • Morita Ryouko - Andou Haruka 森田リョーコ - 安藤 遥
  • Homeless Yamashita - Suwa Tarou ホームレス山下 - 諏訪太朗
  • Tachibana Akiko - Rio 橘アキコ - Rio
  • Asaoka Mirei Mama - Asaoka Mirei アサオカミレイママ - 朝岡実
  • Surfer Jane - Kawamura Rika サーファージェーン - 川村りか
  • Kanzaki Rurika - Dan Mitsu 神崎ルリカ - 壇蜜
  • The Garigari popsicle Magii - Takahashi Takuro Uncredited - 高橋卓郎
  • Yumi-san (Hanging out with Surfer Jane) - Yoshino Yumi ゆみさん - 芳野友美平
  • Bun girl (Asaoka Mirei's friend) - Ishiwatari Asami Uncredited - 石渡麻美
  • Dancing Girl - Amanda Caroline Uncredited - アマンダ



  • Miwa Hitomi was a guest star on Hurricaneger and Kabuto.
  • Matsuoka Rinako was the Virus Dopant on Kamen Rider W 11-12.
  • Nomoto Karia was a guest on Garo Yami episode 14.
  • The episode title is the four kanji idiom Rinne Tenshou. The first part of the word is Rin, which means "cycle, circle".
    • 輪廻転生 (n,vs) all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth, the circle of transmigration
  • Continuity: On the TV they play the beauty commercial ande Seira-chan from episode 4.
  • Continuity: Hikari and Granny eat the blue Garigari popsicles. When they move, they show the Magii who loves them in the background, looking forlorn.
  • Continuity: When Gan asks why the noodles are cycled in water, Gou answers "Because this is elegance!" "Elegance" was one of those silly answers that Yamashita gave Gou during the sushi making episode.
  • Continuity: The noodle in the water thing is something commonly eaten during summer, for cooling down purposes. There are a lot of other strong summer themes in the other episodes, like going to a hot spring, eating popsicles, watching fireworks, etc.
  • At the end, they show all of the regulars for the show. This includes a woman with Asaoka Mirei (from ep 2?) and Rai's dancing girl from ep 2.
  • Granny assumes that Wakabayashi is left-handed, but doesn't explain why. Saying that someone is left-handed is also an euphemism for "sake drinker" which might be what she actually means.

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