Important things that happened
TV Asahi site
Toei site
Merugu Ariita
- Voiced by: Ugaki Hidenari (宇垣秀成)
- Height: 188cm (巨大金庫身長/47.0m)
- Weight: 207kg (巨大金庫体重/517.5t)
- Crime History: 連続レストラン丸呑み
- Crime Skill: アリティメット胃ート
- Lupin Collection: All your love (Tout ton amour)
TV Asahi site
LupinRanger VS PatRanger
- Avengers Infinity War
- Data Cardass
- Good Striker
- Regional Railway Switch
- Laughing Under the Clouds
- Senobic
- Merugu is the Japanese word for Gourmet backwards (gu-ru-me). Ariita is "ari" (ant) plus "eater" (iita)
- Umika's friend Shiho protected her from bullies and is a budding artist. She won a contest and had a story in a manga called "Scream High School".
- When the bike vehicle attaches to PatKaiser, it becomes a yo-yo weapon. Tsukasa claims that police and yo-yos are a good match, referring to the classic Japanese show Sukeban Deka, about a schoolgirl detective who fights with a yo-yo.
- When Kairi is telling stories in Jurer, he keeps bringing up his friend Takashi.
Actor Trivia
Lupin VS Pat 07 Transcript