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From TV-Nihon


Portrayed by: Taniguchi Masashi

Bahato is the main antagonist in the Kamen Rider Saber Short Movie.

Known as the Immortal Swordsman, Bahato was once sealed away for his destructive power. He reappears to wreak havoc in the real and Wonder Worlds, to end human conflict. He was defeated by Kamen Rider Saber Emotional Dragon.

Bahato returns in episode 34 to carry out his revenge on the human world. He and Yuuri were once comrades thousands of years prior to Bahato's imprisonment.

Kamen Rider Falchion


Stunt actor: Eitoku (Saber Short Movie) / Komori Takuma & Takada Masashi

Transforms with Wonder Ride Books set into the Supreme Sword Bladriver before releasing Kyomu from the Bladriver..
Also known as the Immortal Swordsman, Falchion is the primary wielder of the Unsigned Blade Kyomu.
Falchion is based on a phoenix. Falchion's element is Kyomu (キョム) or nothingness.

Eternal Phoenix


The jet-black blade returns to nothing.
First appearance: Kamen Rider Saber Short Movie / Ep 34 (TV)

Height 218.2cm Weight 108.7kg
Punch power 60.2t Kick power 94.2t
Jump power 97.4m 100m Dash 1.6s

Eternal Phoenix Wonder Ride Book is set into the Bladriver to transform.

  • Falchion's default form.
  • Finisher(s) via Blaydriver:
  • Phoenix Peerless Slash (不死鳥無双斬り) - Performs a slash that forms a corrupted wave and phoenix projection at the enemy.

TV Asahi site
