Important things that happened
TV Asahi site
Toei site
Phantom Bogey
Fantomu Bogi ファントムボギー
- Human form: Kasahara (笠原)
- Played by: Yabe Kenji
- Height: 217cm
- Weight: 135kg
- Characteristics/Powers:
- Even in human form, Bogey is still ghostlike. He talks in a creepy voice, and appears to float from place to place.
- Normally TV Asahi is good about spelling the Wizard monster names, but this time they spelled it Bogy. Short for Bogeyman.
TV Asahi site
Tsuchiya Masataka (土屋真隆)
- Played by: Matsuzawa Suguru
- Underworld: N/A
- Kousuke refers to him as Tsucchii ツッチー.
- Tokyo Tree tests strike again. A message appears at the beginning and a glitch in the video occurs about a minute in because of this. Same deal as a few episodes when they last did the test during Wizard.
Kamen Rider Wizard 32 Transcript
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