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Goshikida Kaito (DonBrothers)

From TV-Nihon
Revision as of 16:16, 24 August 2022 by RobertPalvon (talk | contribs)


Portrayed by: Komagine Kiita

An alternate universe counterpart of Kaito appears in Avatarou Sentai DonBrothers.


This version of Kaito is the owner of Café Donbura and is usually seen reading a book.

Kaito is shown to be reserved and soft-spoken, unlike his original counterpart in Zenkaiger.
He has no recollection of having Zenryoku Zenkai! as his motto.

Zenkaizer Black

Suit actor:

Zenkaizer Black
Sentai Gear
First appearance: Avatarou Sentai DonBrothers 01

Zenkaizer Black is an alternate version of Zenkaizer, but with shades of black and grey instead of rainbow sub-colors
that Zenkaizer normally sports.

Like his original counterpart, Zenkaizer Black can also utilize Sentai Gears via the Geartlinger.


Zenkai Buckle Description

First appearance: Ep 01
Zenkaizer's belt buckle.

Used to keep storage of Sentai Gears
The "V" symbol on the buckle is based on the "V" in the Super Sentai logo.


First appearance: Ep 01
A blaster used by the Zenkaigers as their default weapon.