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Ban バン is the main character on Tokusou Sentai DekaRanger.

Real name Akaza Banban 赤座伴番

Actor: Sainei Ryuji (載寧 龍二 )


A hotheaded member who is transferred to the Earth branch of the Space Police in the first episode. He's haunted by the tragic death of a child.

He acts very emotionally most of the time and strongly believes in justice. He has a habit of quoting four kanji proverbs known as Yojijukugo (四字熟語).

At first, he clashes with the others, especially Houji. He often calls Houji "partner", much to Houji's annoyance. However, by the end of the series, Houji finally acknowledges Ban as his partner. However, in the crossover with the Mahou Sentai MagiRanger, Ban calls Kai his partner, much to Houji's annoyance especially when Ban calls Houji his ex-partner later.

At the end of the series, Ban joins the Fire Squad (ファイヤースクワッド), leaving the Earth branch. He returns in MagiRanger versus DekaRanger as well as Gokaiger Episode 05 with a much more reserved personality, in contrast to his fiery behaviors in the actual series.


He uses a martial art style that involves gunplay called Juu Kun Do (ジュウクンドー). Juu is the Japanese word for "gun". Overall, Juu Kun Do is probably a parody of Bruce Lee's martial art style, Jeet Kun Do ((截拳道).

Undergoes SWAT Mode training, eventually gaining use to the special armor and equipment that accompany it.


デカレッド Suit actor: Fukuzawa Hirofumi 福沢博文

Ban's main weapons are his "D-Magnums". When he combines them, they become a Hybrid Magnum which allows him to fire his finisher.

In the manga for the DekaRanger movie, Ban's suit limiter is damaged and he gains a special suit for fighting the enemy at the end.

At the end of the series, Ban is a part of Fire Squad. In the MagiRanger vs. DekaRanger movie, he's seen combining with Murphy to gain his Battlizer Form.


  • Ban's name is based on two themes. His family name, Akaza, comes from Agaza, the Japanese pronunciation of Agatha Christie アガサ・クリスティ.
  • His given name, like all the DekaRanger's name, is a reference to a type of tea, Ban Tea (番茶).
  • The kanji for Akaza mean "Red Constellation".
  • The first "ban" in Banban means "partner". Banban is also the Japanese onomatopoeia for "bang bang", to go with Ban's gun theme.
  • Ban is the first Sentai warrior to use a Battlizer, which was previously only exclusive to Power Rangers.

4-Kanji Phrases

  • Ep 09 言語道断 Outrageous (Used when he was commenting on Zamzar Seijin Shaikeel blowing up the moon prison)
  • Ep 09 真実一路 Path of sincerity (Used when Ban responds to Maira when she wanted to bond their trusts with each other)
  • Ep 09 猪突猛進 Reckless (Shouted by Ban when he dashes in to save Maira from Shaikeel)
  • Ep 10 初志貫徹 Original intention (Shouted by Ban when he beats Shaikeel out of rage)
  • Ep 10 剣禅一如 "Kenzenichi" is the technique of catching the sword (Used during the fight against Shaikeel's Kaijuuki)
  • Ep 10 起死回生 Revival from death (Used during the fight against Shaikeel's Kaijuuki)
  • Ep 10 乾坤一擲 All or nothing (Used during the fight against Shaikeel's Kaijuuki)
  • Ep 14 未来永劫 Forever. Used when referring to Boss helping them out when they're in trouble.
  • Ep 14 天下無敵 Invincible. Used when referring to Boss helping them out when they're in trouble.
  • Ep 15 言語道断 Outrageous. Used when referring to the underground Metropolis network being destroyed.
  • Ep 15 断固叫弾 "Dango kyuudan". Normally, the "kyuudan" should be 糾弾 (denunciation). The "kyuu" 糾 meaning "ask/verify" is changed to "kyuu" 叫 meaning "shout/yell". So the meaning of his phrase will be something like "I firmly condemn this!!!" Used when referring to the underground Metropolis network being destroyed.
  • Ep 15 一致協力 "Combined efforts". Used when referring to working with Sen on communicating with the android.
  • Ep 16 一刀両断 "Slice into two with a single stroke!". Used during the battle with Gigas.
  • Ep 16 一発逆転 "Turning the tables with one single successful attack". Ban reacted this way when Boss said they could quickly defeat Gigas.