Kamen Rider Hibiki Merchandise
A list of Kamen Rider Hibiki Merchandise.
Blu-ray & DVD
- Release dates
- Vol.1: August 5, 2005
- Vol.2: September 21, 2005
- Vol.3: October 21, 2005
- Vol.4: November 21, 2005
- Vol.5: December 9, 2005
- Vol.6: January 21, 2006
- Movie: January 21, 2006
- Vol.7: February 21, 2006
- Vol.8: March 21, 2006
- Vol.9: April 21, 2006
- Vol.10: May 21, 2006
- Movie Director's Cut: May 21, 2006
- Vol.11: June 21, 2006
- Vol.12: July 21, 2006
File:HibikiMovie Blu-ray.jpgFile:Hibiki Blu-ray Box 1.jpgFile:Hibiki Blu-ray Box 2.jpgFile:Hibiki Blu-ray Box 3.jpgFile:HibikiMovie Complete Blu-ray.jpg
- Release dates
- Movie: July 21, 2009
- Box 1: January 9, 2019
- Box 2: March 6, 2019
- Box 3: May 8, 2019
- The Movie Complete: July 10, 2019
- The series had a 60fps transfer with its Blu-ray release. However, because how the footage was originally recorded, at best it only has SD quality. Any HD resolution would just be an upscale.
Manga and Books
- Release dates
- Detail of Heroes: January 1, 2006
- Novel: May 23, 2013 written by Kida Tsuyoshi.
- MOOK Book: March 8, 2015