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Kamen Rider Faiz

From TV-Nihon
Revision as of 06:22, 28 May 2012 by Taconoko (talk | contribs)


Kamen Rider Faiz Is the main protagonist and Rider of the series Kamen Rider 555. His motif is the Greek letter Phi. His head resembles a shark with the triangular shaped teeth and two fins on the top forehead of the mask according to the Decade Net Movies.

Faiz gear Description

The Faiz gear will only operate on humans with genetically implanted Orphenoch DNA or Orphenochs. If a human were to wear the belt without qualifying, the phone will bring up the message "ERROR" and reject the user. The Faiz gear resembles everyday pieces of electronic equipment. They are activated by using the Faiz Mission Memory.


The Faiz belt was originally created by the series' antagonist corporation, Smart Brain, to protect the Orphenoch King.


Inui Takumi Principal User

Akai / Cactus Orphnoch

Kaidou Naoya / Snake Orphnoch

Takuma Itsurou / Centipede Orphnoch

Kusaka Masato

Alternative Forms


The official material spell this form as Axel. This is according to the TV-Asahi webpage and various other places. However, this is obviously a mistake since it makes no sense. The spelling is corrected in the Paradise Lost end song "Justafaiz Accel Mix".

Accel form is Faiz's first alternative form. To echieve this form, Faiz must be wearing the Accel Watch and exchang the Accel mission memory with the Faiz mission memory on the front of the Phone. Faiz will then transform into his Accel Form. When in this mode, Faiz Axel has teh ability to move at the speed of light,



Faiz Accel Watch

Faiz Driver

Faiz Mission Memory

Faiz Phone

Faiz Pointer

Faiz Shot

Faiz Blaster
