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From TV-Nihon


Portrayed by: Suzuki Fuku
Appears in: Kamen Rider Geats

Ziin is a young man who hails from a distant future. He is part of a mysterious audience that watches the Desire Grand Prix.

Ziin uses the Laser Raise Riser to transform into Kamen Rider Ziin.

He is an avid supporter of Ukiyo Ace. While in Rider form, Ziin assists Geats in battle.

Kamen Rider Ziin


Stunt actor:

Uses the Laser Raise Riser to transform into Kamen Rider Ziin.
Ziin is based on a silver fox. His name is a play on the word gin (Japanese word for "silver").

Ziin. Loading.
First appearance: Ep 23

Height 199.2cm Weight 68.8kg
Punch power 23.0t Kick power 53.3t
Jump power 63.6m (one jump) 100m Dash 2.8 seconds (100m)

Accessed with the Ziin Raise Riser Card set in the Laser Raise Riser.
Similar to Geats, Ziin is skilled at shooting with the Laser Raise Riser.
Effortlessly manipulates gravity. Uses this ability to walk on vertical surfaces and disrupt the movement of his enemies.

TV Asahi site
