Portrayed by: Hoshino Yuna
Birthday: April 1, 2004 , 18 at start of series, turns 19 in 2023.
First appearance: Kamen Rider Geats Episode 1
A character in Kamen Rider Geats .
Kurama Neon is a young celebrity influencer who participates in the Desire Grand Prix as Kamen Rider Nago .
Her parents are Kurama Kousei , the head of the Kurama Zaibatsu , and Kurama Irumi .
Kamen Rider Nago
Suit actress: Miyazawa Yuki
Uses the Desire Driver with Raise Buckles to transform.
Nago is based on a black cat .
Using the Beat Buckle as her preferred Raise Buckle, Nago fights best in Beat Form .
Acquires the Fantasy Buckle from her father to access her power-up, Fantasy Form .
Entry Form
First appearance: Ep 02
Height 192.1cm
Weight 62.5kg
Punch power 1.0t
Kick power 2.8t
Jump power 5.1m
100m Dash 8.1s
Initial form of Nago.
Nago ID Core is attached to the Desire Driver.
TV Asahi site
Armed Hammer
Armed Hammer. Ready. Fight.
First appearance: Ep 03
Height 192.1cm
Weight 63.6kg
Punch power 1.0t
Kick power 2.8t
Jump power 5.1m
100m Dash 8.1s
Hammer Buckle is set in the Desire Driver's right slot.
Raise Hammer increases damage power for each hit.
Finisher(s) via Desire Driver:
Hammer Strike (ハンマーストライク)
TV Asahi site
Armed Hammer Boost
Hammer Buckle is set in the Desire Driver's right slot.
Boost Buckle is set in the Desire Driver's left slot.
Raise Hammer increases damage power for each hit.
Boost Kicker amplifies kick power and running speed.
Finisher(s) via Desire Driver:
Hammer Boost Victory (ハンマーブーストビクトリー)
Hammer Boost Grand Victory (ハンマーブーストグランドビクトリー)
Boost Armed Hammer (ブーストアームドハンマー)
TV Asahi site
Boost Armed Hammer
Boost Buckle is set in the Desire Driver's right slot.
Hammer Buckle is set in the Desire Driver's left slot.
Boost Puncher amplifies punch power and combat speed.
Raise Hammer increases damage power for each hit.
Finisher(s) via Desire Driver:
Boost Hammer Victory (ブーストハンマービクトリー)
Boost Hammer Grand Victory (ブーストハンマーグランドビクトリー) - Sweeps off hordes of Jamato at high speed.
Armed Hammer Boost (アームドハンマーブースト)
TV Asahi site
Armed Claw
Armed Claw. Ready. Fight.
First appearance: Ep 05
Height 192.1cm
Weight 63.6kg
Punch power 1.0t
Kick power 2.8t
Jump power 5.1m (one jump)
100m Dash 8.1 seconds
Claw Buckle is set in the Desire Driver's right slot.
Slashes targets using the dual Raise Claw .
Finisher(s) via Desire Driver:
TV Asahi site
Armed Claw Hammer
Claw Buckle is set in the Desire Driver's right slot.
Hammer Buckle is set in the Desire Driver's left slot.
Slashes targets using the dual Raise Claw .
Raise Hammer increases damage power for each hit.
Finisher(s) via Desire Driver:
Claw Hammer Victory (クローハンマービクトリー)
TV Asahi site
Armed Propeller
Armed Propeller. Ready. Fight.
First appearance: Ep 09
Height 192.1cm
Weight 63.6kg
Punch power 1.0t
Kick power 2.8t
Jump power 5.1m (one jump)
100m Dash 8.1 seconds
Propeller Buckle is set in the Desire Driver's right slot.
Fires a gust of wind using the twin-blade Raise Propeller .
Finisher(s) via Desire Driver:
Propeller Strike (プロペラストライク)
TV Asahi site
Beat Form
Beat. Ready. Fight.
First appearance: Ep 10
Height 192.1cm
Weight 67.8kg
Punch power 1.4t
Kick power 3.6t
Jump power 10.1m
100m Dash 7.6s
Beat Buckle is set in the Desire Driver's right slot.
Performs special attacks with the Beat Axe electric guitar.
Armor plays melodies for special effects (i.e., getting Jamato to dance, uplifting Riders, etc.).
Finisher(s) via Desire Driver:
TV Asahi site
Armed Propeller Beat
Beat Buckle is set in the Desire Driver's right slot.
Propeller Buckle is set in the Desire Driver's left slot.
Finisher(s) via Desire Driver:
Propeller Beat Victory (プロペラビートビクトリー)
TV Asahi site
Fever Beat Form
Fever Slot
Fever Slot Buckle is set in the Desire Driver's right slot.
Beat Buckle is set in the Desire Driver's left slot.
Wears the Fever Cross Bangle .
Performs special attacks with the Beat Axe electric guitar.
The upper and lower armors of Beat Form are combined.
Both armors of Beat Form let out uproars for special attacks.
Finisher(s) via Desire Driver:
Golden Fever Victory (ゴールデンフィーバービクトリー) - Crushes Jamato with block-like projections formed by the Beat Axe.
TV Asahi site
Zombie Beat Form
Zombie Buckle is set in the Desire Driver's right slot.
Beat Buckle is set in the Desire Driver's left slot.
Slashes targets using the chainsaw blade Zombie Breaker .
Armor plays melodies for special effects (i.e., getting Jamato to dance, uplifting Riders, etc.).
Uses the Berserk Claw on her left hand to slash and poison targets.
Finisher(s) via Desire Driver:
Zombie Beat Victory (ゾンビビートビクトリー)
TV Asahi site
Beat Boost Form
Beat Buckle is set in the Desire Driver's right slot.
Boost Buckle is set in the Desire Driver's left slot.
Performs special attacks with the Beat Axe electric guitar.
Boost Kicker amplifies kick power and running speed.
Armor plays melodies for special effects (i.e., getting Jamato to dance, uplifting Riders, etc.).
Finisher(s) via Desire Driver:
Beat Boost Victory (ビートブーストビクトリー)
Beat Boost Grand Victory (ビートブーストグランドビクトリー)
TV Asahi site
Fantasy Form
FANTASY. Ready. Fight.
First appearance: Ep 44
Height 192.1cm
Weight 71.3kg
Punch power 44.8t
Kick power 93.6t
Jump power 138.6m
100m Dash 1.7s
Fantasy Buckle is set in the Desire Driver's right slot.
Summons composite weapons that function either as shields or blades.
Evades enemies and their attacks by vanishing through them.
Places a Circle Field on to a targeted spot for her illusion abilities to take effect.
Finisher(s) via Desire Driver:
Fantasy Strike (ファンタジーストライク) - Attacks the enemy with a mix of punches, kicks, and a composite claw.
TV Asahi site
Nago Bangle ナーゴバングル Increases the striking power of punches and kicks
Desire Driver (デザイアドライバー) Rider Belt. Used with Raise Buckles to transform or change forms. Requires an ID Core set in the center before transforming.
Spider Phone (スパイダーフォン) Notifies all Riders to participate in DGP games.
Beat Axe (ビートアックス) Electric guitar via Beat Buckle . Executes special attacks when played.
Zombie Breaker (ゾンビブレイカー) Chainsaw sword via Zombie Buckle . Slashes targets and inflicts poison.
Even though it looks like a western word, Neon is a Japanese name with kanji (祢音). Neon in Greek means "new".
Main Characters Kamen Riders Semi-regular Characters
Showa Riders Heisei One Offs Heisei Heisei (Post-Decade) Reiwa Net Series