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Kamen Rider W 01: Difference between revisions

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|'''<span style="color:#1BB02B">W Lookup</span> / <span style="color:#9940C6">These Two Detectives are One</span>'''<br>Wの検索 / 探偵は二人で一人
|'''<span style="color:#1BB02B">W Lookup</span> / <span style="color:#9940C6">These Two Detectives are One</span>'''<br>Wの検索 / 探偵は二人で一人
|[[Kamen Rider W 02|Episode 02]] >
|[[Kamen Rider W 02|Ep 02]] >
|colspan="3"|Aired with [[Shinkenger Act 28]]
Air date: {{Start date|2009|09|06}}
Air date: {{Start date|2009|09|06}}
Line 31: Line 33:
*Philip locates Togawa's next target through the Planetary Bookshelves with evidence from the crime scene and Shoutarou's suggested keywords.
*Philip locates Togawa's next target through the Planetary Bookshelves with evidence from the crime scene and Shoutarou's suggested keywords.

[https://web.archive.org/web/20160628084927/http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/double/story/01.html TV Asahi site]

[http://www.toei.co.jp/tv/w/story/1189601_1613.html Toei site]

;{{name|Magma Dopant|マグマ・ドーパント}}<br>[[File:Magma Dopant.jpg|200px]]
===Magma Dopant===
:Memory Owner: '''Togawa Yousuke'''
''Maguma Dopanto'' マグマ・ドーパント<br>
[[File:Magma Dopant.jpg|200px]]
:Memory Owner: '''Togawa Yousuke''' (戸川陽介)
:Played by: [[YOH]]
:Height: 235cm
:Weight: 270kg
*A Dopant with pyrokinetic abilities.
*A Dopant with pyrokinetic abilities.

[https://web.archive.org/web/20160628084927/http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/double/dopant/01.html TV Asahi site]

==[[Kamen Rider W Guests|Guest Stars]]==
==[[Kamen Rider W Guests|Guest Stars]]==
Line 54: Line 61:
*CycloneJoker = '''Joker Extreme'''
*CycloneJoker = '''Joker Extreme'''

==Song Used==
==[[:Category: Kamen Rider W Lyrics|Song Used]]==
*[[W-B-X ~W-Boiled Extreme~]]
*[[W-B-X ~W-Boiled Extreme~]]

[[File:Novels in Narumi Detective Agency.jpg|200px|thumb|Novels in Narumi Detective Agency]]
*Shoutarou's name is an homage to [[Ishinomori Shoutarou]] the creator of Kamen Rider. It's a tie-in to the 10 year anniversary of Heisei Kamen Rider.
*Shoutarou's name is an homage to [[Ishinomori Shoutarou]] the creator of Kamen Rider. It's a tie-in to the 10 year anniversary of Heisei Kamen Rider.
*Because Decade was only 31 episodes, W was the start of the Heisei Rider TV series starting and ending around September instead of January. This allowed toys to be staggered with Sentai which retained it's quarter one to quarter one yearly status.
*Because Decade was only 31 episodes, W was the start of the Heisei Rider TV series starting and ending around September instead of January. This allowed toys to be staggered with Sentai which retained it's quarter one to quarter one yearly status.
*In the Narumi Detective Agency office, a book collection with a couple copies of "The Long Goodbye" can be seen. It might have been passed down to Shoutarou from the Boss.
*In the Narumi Detective Agency office, a book collection with a couple copies of "The Long Goodbye" can be seen. It might have been passed down to Shoutarou from the Boss.
**Philip's name is based on the protagonist of that story.
**Philip's name is based on the protagonist of that story, Philip Marlowe.
**Raymond Chandler is the author of the The Long Goodbye. So, the novels in the bookshelf are all translated from English to Japanese language.
**The book next to the The Long Goodbye is the translated version of The Big Sleep novel; Raymond Chandler is also the author.
<gallery mode="packed">
File:The Long Goodbye novel on Wep01.jpg
File:The Long Goodbye novel on Wep01 (another version).jpg|Alternate version of the book
File:The Long Goodbye novel on MovieTaisen2010.jpg|Another version in the bookshelf
*Marina was Shoutarou's friend when they were younger. They both grew up as orphans.
*Marina was Shoutarou's friend when they were younger. They both grew up as orphans.
*Jinno asks Shoutarou and Makura if they're a dog and a monkey. This comes from the Japanese belief that dogs and monkeys don't get along.
*Jinno asks Shoutarou and Makura if they're a dog and a monkey. This comes from the Japanese belief that dogs and monkeys don't get along.
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|{{name|TV Asahi|テレビ朝日}}
|{{name|TV Asahi|テレビ朝日}}
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{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable"
''[[Kamen Rider W 01 Transcript]]''
!Click to expand
<br>(左 翔太郎)おやっさん!替わります…。
<br>(鳴海 亜樹子)おはよう!
<br>うちに… 用か?
<br>ねえ ハードボイルドって何?
<br>ハード… ボイルドだ。
<br>立ち退いてもらいます。はい これ 権利書。
<br>あたし ここの大家なの。
<br>変な探偵もどき君は即刻 退去してもらいます。
<br>ハードな裏社会の大人をからかっちゃあ…。 ん?
<br>あたしは この街に来たばかり。
<br>「鳴海… 亜樹子」。
<br>当分 戻らねえ…。
<br>私 聞いてない そんなこと。
<br>おやっさんは 俺を…。ん?
<br>(津村真里奈)翔ちゃん! 久しぶり…。
<br>お願い…! 捜して。
<br>この街は 俺の庭だ。
<br>〈俺は 左翔太郎〉
<br>小さな幸せも 大きな不幸も→
<br>常に 風が運んでくる〉
<br>何 一人でナレーションしてんねん!
<br>あっ 痛…!
<br>なんで ついてきてんのかな?
<br>あなたのこと 間近で審査してあげようと思ってね。
<br>で どうして その人が消えちゃったか つかめたの?
<br>ああ…。 どうやら→
<br>あ~! ちょっ…→
<br>なんで お前が上から目線なわけ!?
<br>押さないで! 下がってください!
<br>ああ… 何よ これ。
<br>(真倉 俊)コラァ! 探偵! また首 突っ込んできやがったのか。
<br>あら 真倉さん。
<br>でもねえ 俺も三下刑事には用ねえんすよ。
<br>…んだと!?調子に のりやがって!
<br>キーキー言いやがって!何ぃ!? 警察なめんじゃねえぞ!
<br>(刃野幹男)うるせえよ! おい。
<br>犬と猿か お前ら…。 あぁ!?
<br>翔太郎 お前ちょっと こっち来いや。
<br>ジンさん すみません。
<br>相変わらず 鼻がいいな。見ろ あそこが4階だ。
<br>下で 土台の鉄骨でも溶けねえ限りこんなことにはなんねえんだと。
<br>ドーパント… か。
<br>やれやれ… 人捜しのはずが→
<br>こいつは また俺たちの出番っていう…→
<br>早く説明してよ!ドーパントって いったい何?
<br>俺だよ フィリップ…。
<br>フィリップ?送った画像 見たか?
<br>あっ やっぱいいわ。
<br>なぜ やめる?
<br>ご本人が いらっしゃるからだよ目の前に…。
<br>どうなってんのよ? この街…。
<br>あたし 聞いてない…。
<br>おい 女子中学生! あぁ…。
<br>あ… あれ? ん? あれ?
<br>(園咲 琉兵衛)アッハッハッハ…!
<br>(冴子)遅刻者は クビよ 若菜。私の会社なら。
<br>ビルが溶け 人が死ぬ…→
<br>この街では よくあることだ。
<br>まっ 我々の仕事のせいだがね。
<br>あれは マグマのメモリでしょう?いったい 誰が売ったのかしら…。
<br>実は 私…。(電子音声)「タブー」
<br>フフ… フハハハ…。
<br>うお… うおりゃっ!
<br>あぁ…! あぁ もう~あいつ アッタマきた!
<br>よっ! あぁ…!
<br>続いて 685年の浅間山。
<br>「噴火」とは マグマが対流するマグマだまりからマグマが…。
<br>二酸化ケイ素 玄武岩で15万872件 該当する。
<br>うち 14万2650件が閲覧済み…。
<br>君! もしかしてフィリップ君って人?
<br>あの 探偵もどきの相棒の。
<br>早く 「大阪」とかいう街に帰るんだね。
<br>知らないの? 大阪。
<br>おい! なんでお前が ここにいんだ!?
<br>やあ 翔太郎!彼女は素晴らしいよ!
<br>「たこ焼き」 「神戸」 「ダシ」で→
<br>354万3280件 該当する。
<br>やってくれたなあ!? おい!
<br>なんなの? この子~。
<br>また…! ドーパント。
<br>この街に 今→
<br>これが 手にした人間をものすごい超人に変えちまう。
<br>そんなバカなこと あ…。さっき 本物に襲われたろう?
<br>明石焼き? 神戸たこ焼き?たまご焼き?
<br>しっかし まいったなあ~。
<br>こいつ 一度こうなるとてんで動かねえんだよ。
<br>じゃあ どうすんの~?
<br>メモリは マグマ。
<br>奴が 次に襲う場所が知りたい。
<br>まっ 人名だからな。
<br>3つ目に 次の数字を入れてみろ。
<br>これは 特定店舗で限定販売されている商品だ。
<br>行くぜ フィリップ。
<br>戸川陽介… だな?
<br>うあぁ… ああー!
<br>止めてやるよ… 俺が。
<br>うわぁ! 何? 何!?あたし聞いてないよ…。
<br>おい フィリップお前 勝手にメモリ変えんなよ。
<br>翔太郎 どうするつもり?
<br>もちろん メモリブレイクだ。
<br>ああ… うぅ…。
<br>はあ… 真里奈になんて言やあいいんだ。
<br>なんだ? ありゃあ…。
<br>う… うわぁ…!
<br>おい! やめろ!
<br>逃げなきゃ…!ねえ ちょっと…。
<br>起きて! あぁ…!
<br>あぁ… 怖いよー!
<br>俺は この街で誰一人泣いててほしかねえんだ。
<br>お前が 戸川陽介殺しの犯人だ。
<br>〈『仮面ライダーW』 今回の依頼は…〉
<br>もう 1週間も経つの。
<br>(戸川陽介)お前も ここの社員か。
<br>ならば 燃えろ!

==[[:Category: Kamen Rider W Episodes|Gallery]]==
<gallery mode="packed-hover">
<gallery mode="packed-hover">

Revision as of 01:41, 19 January 2019

Episode 01
W Lookup / These Two Detectives are One
Wの検索 / 探偵は二人で一人
Kamen Rider W episode
Writer Sanjou Riku
Director Tasaki Ryuuta
Original air date September 6, 2009 (2009-09-06)
Viewership 10.2%
Forum Thread Thread
Episode chronology
← Previous
Next →
Episode 02
W Lookup / The One Who Makes the City Cry
Episode List
Kamen Rider W
W Lookup / These Two Detectives are One
Wの検索 / 探偵は二人で一人
Ep 02 >
Aired with Shinkenger Act 28

Air date: September 6, 2009 (2009-09-06)

Important things that happened

  • Hidari Shoutarou assists his Boss to rescue a young man from a certain organization. Unfortunately, the Boss is shot to death during the attempt.
  • Shoutarou and the young man survived the escape when they transform into a superman.
Present Day
  • In the city of Futo, Shoutarou has an unpleasant visit from his new boss, Narumi Akiko. Shoutarou hides the truth from Akiko about her father's death.
  • Tsumura Marina files a request to find her boyfriend, Togawa Yousuke.
  • Akiko ends up meeting Philip after stumbling into a secret room. She learns from Shoutarou about Futo's citizens are being brainwashed by devices known as GaiaMemories.
  • Philip locates Togawa's next target through the Planetary Bookshelves with evidence from the crime scene and Shoutarou's suggested keywords.

TV Asahi site

Toei site


Magma Dopant

Maguma Dopanto マグマ・ドーパント

Memory Owner: Togawa Yousuke (戸川陽介)
Played by: YOH
Height: 235cm
Weight: 270kg
  • A Dopant with pyrokinetic abilities.

TV Asahi site

Guest Stars

  • Togawa Yousuke - YOH 戸川陽介 - YOH
  • Tsumura Marina - Yamauchi Meibi 津村真里奈 - 山内明日

GaiaMemories Used

  • Cyclone
  • Joker
  • Luna

Attack Used

  • CycloneJoker = Joker Extreme

Song Used


Novels in Narumi Detective Agency
  • Shoutarou's name is an homage to Ishinomori Shoutarou the creator of Kamen Rider. It's a tie-in to the 10 year anniversary of Heisei Kamen Rider.
  • Because Decade was only 31 episodes, W was the start of the Heisei Rider TV series starting and ending around September instead of January. This allowed toys to be staggered with Sentai which retained it's quarter one to quarter one yearly status.
  • In the Narumi Detective Agency office, a book collection with a couple copies of "The Long Goodbye" can be seen. It might have been passed down to Shoutarou from the Boss.
    • Philip's name is based on the protagonist of that story, Philip Marlowe.
    • Raymond Chandler is the author of the The Long Goodbye. So, the novels in the bookshelf are all translated from English to Japanese language.
    • The book next to the The Long Goodbye is the translated version of The Big Sleep novel; Raymond Chandler is also the author.
  • Marina was Shoutarou's friend when they were younger. They both grew up as orphans.
  • Jinno asks Shoutarou and Makura if they're a dog and a monkey. This comes from the Japanese belief that dogs and monkeys don't get along.
  • When Akiko runs into Philip for the first time, he's entrenched in his study of magma. This probably happened because he learned that the Dopant is the Magma Dopant.
  • There are seagull wind devices on the top of the Kamome Billiards. That's because Kamome is Japanese for "seagull".
  • Kazetani Branch might be a reference to the Ghibli movie, Nausicaa. It means "Wind valley".
  • According to Shoutarou's phone, it's Friday September 11, 2009 when he confronts Magma Dopant at Kazetani.

Recurring Elements

  • Wakana tongue clicks at least twice in the episode.
  • Akiko's "I didn't hear anything about this." is said at least three times.
  • Akiko hits Shoutarou once or twice with a slipper.
  • Philip says "How thrilling." twice.


Original Creator: Ishinomori Shoutarou (石ノ森章太郎)
Supervisor: Onodera Akira (小野寺 章)
Writer: Sanjou Riku (三条 陸)
Director: Tasaki Ryuuta (田崎竜太)
Cinematographer: Matsumura Fumio (松村文雄)
Editor: Osada Naoki (長田直樹)
Action Director: Miyazaki Takeshi (宮崎 剛)
(Japan Action Enterprise)
Tokusatsu Director: Butsuda Hiroshi (佛田 洋)
  • TV Asahi (テレビ朝日)
  • Toei (東映)
  • ADK (エーディーケー)


Kamen Rider W 01 Transcript


External Links